Experimental Definition and 527 Threads

  1. Clausius2

    Experimental Fluid Mechanics Videos Series

    Hi everyone, Maybe this resource is new for someone. It's a collection of videos made in the 60's by the very best experimentalist scientists of the best universities of the United States. There you may watch how Taylor gives you a lesson in Low Reynolds Flow, how Lighthill gives a lesson in...
  2. B

    Calculating % Error on Atwood's Machine Lab

    hi all im doing a lab on the atwoods machine basically i ahve calulated gravity as eqaul to 7.09 m/s^2 so i am way off because tis really 9.81. its because of human error when i was using the stop watch. i can't rember the formula for figuring out the perecentage of error even tho its really...
  3. N

    First experimental verification of GR

    The perihilion of Mercury and the eclipse of 1919 (Eddington expedition) are given as the first experimental verifications of General relativity. However, feeling pedantic, I was curious just which one these is accepted as the vital first prediction of GR in agreement with the real world? If...
  4. Y

    Experimental methods for measuring the size of nuclei

    Hello all. I am trying to work through my problem sheets and I need some help from you guys.. I am trying to find out experimental methods to measure the size of the nuclei.. Thx so much K
  5. samalkhaiat

    Does this reduces experimental physics to theoretical physics?

    An experimantal study is possible provided that; 1) nature is invariant under space-time translations. (so that it is possible to reproduce the results) 2) nature is invariant under Lorentz's group. (and this establishes a possible causal connection between parts of experimental...
  6. bayan

    Analysis of Experimental Errors on Wavelength and Angle Measurements

    This is my report on an experiment that I have done and I really needed the latex codes to generate the equations. I have done the other parts of the report on other PC. Do they seem to be ok? (the errors, like the max possible value and min possible value) no help is really needed, rather...
  7. S

    How Does Fertilizer Affect Plant Growth in Controlled Experiments?

    Due NO LATER THAN October 1 Write an experimental design based on any graph from the textbook. You may make slight alterations to the graph. Include all pertinent parts to a good design. On a separate sheet of paper, identify the following from your design: observations, hypothesis...
  8. P

    Experimental Set-up for EMISSION & REFLECTION Spectroscopy: Is it Easy?

    Hi, I went to my proff to ask for my master thesis, he told me that you yourself have to do the experimental set-up for EMISSION AND REFLECTION SPECTROSCOPY ,,,but I am not that experienxed, anybody knows is it an easy task or...?
  9. N

    Experimental Tests of Projection Postulate

    Have there been any experiments designed to explicitly test the projection postulate? I mean that part of it that says the measured particle is left in an eigenstate of the measured operator. The usual devices for measuring particles (photomultipliers, phosphor screens, etc.) don't really...
  10. J

    Calculating heat transfer coefficient from experimental data

    I have a graph which shows the rate of cooling of a tent from about 35 deg C to 15 deg C, it looks like this: http://students.bath.ac.uk/en0jma/graph.gif How do I work out the convective heat transfer coefficient of the tent from this data? Thanks for any help
  11. C

    Ive been accused to fake experimental data and thats false

    I might not have carried out my experiment very rigorously using a toy gyroscope that lasts 7 minutes. But in 20 measures the two top lasting winds were the ones that had precession and the rest were showing equal lasting with variations of 30 seconds usually
  12. Pengwuino

    Theoretical vs. Experimental: Which is More Valuable in Science?

    So what exactly are the big differences between the two? Who 'contributes' more to science? All but 1 of the active professors at my university are theorists and they keep kinda tryen to nudge me into being a theorist without really knowing what either group does. Help me, i need career guidance :D
  13. C

    Ideas for an experimental project

    Hi, I'm taking a course (lab) in which I'm required to think of an experiment, design and build it, forecast its outcome, conduct it, and analyze the results. Sadly I'm having a hard time thinking of any worthy ideas for such a project... The experiment should be on the subject of...
  14. M

    Question about Experimental Results

    Testing Solubility the following results were obtained: Tested in Water: Methanol: Soluble Ethanol: Soluble Diethyl Ether: non-soluble Cyclohexanol: soluble Acetone: soluble 2-butanone: soluble Cyclohexanone: soluble Tested in Cyclohexane: Methanol: non-soluble Ethanol...
  15. D

    Exploring Experimental Evidence for General Relativity: A Comprehensive Overview

    I know there have been some frame dragging effect experiments, with the GPB being performed at the moment. Which other experiments are planned/ or have been performed that may show strong evidence for the theory of GR? any experiments at all will be appreciated...whether they show evidence...
  16. S

    Create Your Own EM Lab Experiments| Alternatives | Rigging Up Tanks

    Can I make conducting paper/carbonized paper on my own for use in in an undergrad EM lab? Are there alternatives for experiments that help learn field mapping? How can I rig up and electrolytic tank that may serve my purpose?
  17. R

    Why does observation coincide with experimental empirical data?

    Is there a reason why our observed reality is actualized and isormorphically the same within a set context? After all humans behave like humans and dogs like dogs and things like there like.
  18. M

    Experimental proof of hyperspace?

    Will there ever be any form of experimental proof of multiple dimensions, even any thought experiment which would be able to proof or disprove the existence of one?
  19. S

    Exploring the Relationship Between Time Dilation and Length Contraction

    are there any experiments to prove length contraction and time dilation? are time dilation and length dilation inter dependent? how can we say thaT THE LENGTH ALONG THE Y-AXIS DOES NOT CONTRACT and from which side of the length contraction actually happens?
  20. R

    Experimental Determination of Fundamental EM Constants

    Can anyone provide a good reference (preferably on-line), or a decent description, of how the fundamental constants of electromagnetism are experimentally determined? I'm talking about constants like the permitivity and permeability of free space. I'm also curious how the unit of charge...
  21. Chi Meson

    Experimental support for SR & GR

    I would like to create (with everyone's help) a list of experiments etc that support SR and GR. These should be reproducable experiments, or profound predictions that have been upheld, as well as objects/systems that use SR/GR calculations on an everyday basis. I would predict that such a...
  22. G

    Experimental Quantum Transition Physics: A Necessary Heretical Postulate

    Experimental Quantum Transition Physics:A Necessary Heretical Postulate. :cool: There are some simple, if not heretical, postulates of physics either unknown to, avoided or ignored by the vast host of those using Quantum Theory in their theorizing. The following is simple in concept, far...
  23. C

    Is the Calculated Density of the Steel Ball Correct?

    I was given a small steel ball and asked to find its density. To do this we weighed the ball and measured its diameter. Its weight was found to be 16.1 grams (.0161Kg) with the scales having an accuracy of +- .1g (.0001Kg) To measure the diameter we had to use a ruler. It was decided that...
  24. S

    Enhancing Ball Mass in Air Jet Experiments: Tips and Techniques

    Monitoring the height a ball gains in an air jet. Using Ping-Pong Balls and I'd like to keep the air jet velocity (20ms) while varying the mass of the ball. The ball is currently 2g, I'm looking to add another gram to this figure. I thought about paint, does anybody have any other...
  25. TeV

    Experimental proof of Mach's principle?

    Hi All, Probably some of you have seen papers relating Woodward research of the origin of Gravity and Mach's principle. Anybody knows what became of all that?The proposed experiment isn't extra difficult for conducting today ,but as far as I know he (Wooodward) had problems with sensitive...
  26. E

    Experimental or theoretical pyhsicist

    which physicist is better in knowledge, earning and prestige.
  27. FZ+

    Experimental Testing of Uncertainty Principle: Implications

    Can someone inform me a bit on the background of this problem, it's experimental testing and it's implications? If I have it right, it involves two particles which are involved in a singular event. If you measure the momentum of the first particle, you not only create uncertainty in it's...