Experimental Definition and 527 Threads

  1. J

    What Causes Lower Cp/Cv Ratio in Experiments?

    Homework Statement Hello, Everyone! So I recently did an experiment in which I pressurised a vessel and then allowed some of the air to move into a smaller vessel and wait for the pressures to stabilise. I then calculated the Cp/Cv ratio and it was slightly lower than the expected 1.40. I am...
  2. Mark Edawrds

    Experimental Physics: My Life, Career, Education?

    Hello Everyone. I'm pretty much a newb on the forum so please go easy :). My name is Mark, I'm from England, I'm in the late stages of my 15th age and I'm Home Educated. Now.. Where to start? I guess Primary School would be sufficient. Well, I started it as every other child does, however over...
  3. kmm

    Experimental Quantum Mechanics Texts?

    In studying QM, it's been very abstract. I'll read things such as, we get an eigenvalue when we measure an observable. Or we prepare an ensemble of particles in the state \Psi . I understand this in an abstract way, but I don't understand what it actually means to get an eigenvalue when a...
  4. H

    Experimental Support of Shrodinger Equation

    Hi, The reason I'm posting this is because I'm trying to understand how to interpret the wave function of a particle. I'm trying to decide which interpretations of quantum mechanics are just speculation, and which ones are consistent with experimentation. I know that quantum objects such as...
  5. B

    Interested in Experimental Physics, but no background what to do?

    Hey Everyone, I know that I enjoy physics and I enjoy research. My past research experiences have been in high energy theory and I worked on two different projects, and loved them! These experiences motivated me to pursue graduate studies in physics. I graduated from undergrad and I am...
  6. L

    Calculating Experimental Error of Braggs Equation

    Homework Statement I am writing a lab report for an X-ray diffraction. I have been attempting to come up with an equation for the error using formulas some people from college gave me and also some I found on wikipedia but I am quite sure I am doing it wrong. The only variable is the angle...
  7. L

    How Do I Calculate Experimental Error in X-ray Diffraction?

    Homework Statement I am writing a lab report for an X-ray diffraction. I have been attempting to come up with an equation for the error using formulas some people from college gave me and also some I found on wikipedia but I am quite sure I am doing it wrong. The only variable is the angle...
  8. M

    Physics Exploring the World of an Experimental Physicist: Key Facts and Insights

    Hello, I'm writing a paper for school about becoming an Experimental Physicist and have a few questions: 1. What degree or other credential is required to have this job? 2. What is the job outlook? (Upcoming retirements in the field, number of anticipated openings, any other...
  9. M

    Job aspects, medical physics or experimental condensed matter physics

    Hi all It may sound rather silly, but I am a second year graduate student doing experimental condensed matter physics. Recently I've been thinking about the future like job aspects and salaries etc. One of my friend recently transferred to medical physics PhD and said its better in job...
  10. K

    Experimental Derivation of the Drag Force

    I am trying to experimentally derive the drag equation. I have dropped coffee filters with varying masses and determined their resulting terminal velocity. I plotted the data and found that the mass of the coffee filter is proportional to the terminal velocity squared. I was now wondering how I...
  11. Immersion

    Opinions about of experimental physics and its branches

    Good morning, I request the guide of Physicists with experience in the experimental physics. I'm in my fifth year of bachelor in physics, because in my country (Colombia), most Bachelor degrees have a duration of five years. My plans are to perform a master's degree next year, and then continue...
  12. jlefevre76

    Ray tracing vs. experimental data

    So, here's the deal: I'm trying to complete the publishing of a paper dealing with my thesis from almost two years ago, and I finally wrote a program that I believe will tell me how different geometries will influence the outcome. Here's the setup, I am modeling the radiation that goes through...
  13. C

    Fitting experimental data with exponential curve

    Hello! :-) I' have a problem... I fitted experimental data with a second order exponential theoretical curve: y = A1*exp(-x/t1)+ A2*exp(-x/t2) + y0 and I have these data for 4 repetitions of the same experiment: first time: Reduced Chi-Sqr = 6,81066E-4 Adj. R-Square = 0,41005...
  14. O

    On the question of experimental evdidence for 'real' SR time dilation?

    Do experiments like 1971's Hafele & Keating show that SR relativistic effects of time dilation are not mere products of measuring symmetry? Does such an experiment show that for the jets it is their clock that has kinematic time dilation in relation to the other clock that 'remains'...
  15. A

    Experimental physics: A long time hate has become the love of life

    Hello everyone, i return to complete the final year of my degree in the next 12 months and go on to do further studies ie masters and phd depending on how long they will put up with me and all of my questions. I have had quite a long break, and have been continuing to study pure mathematics...
  16. P

    Engineering Professional Engineer Exam for Experimental Physicist

    Long story short: I have a B. Sc. in EE, and currently doing PhD in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. I plan to go for industry. I found that it would not be difficult for me to pass the Electrical and Computer PE exam (both the "Computer Engineering" and the "Electrical and...
  17. V

    Please, help with the experimental setup

    Hello Can someone, please, briefly describe or give a manual on how to use the spectrometer on the photo to measure an atomic spectrum. I tried to google that already, but failed. http://www.daviessports.co.uk/netalogue/600/A46395.jpg Deep thanks!
  18. S

    Automation and experimental work

    With automata replacing everything in this world, including a lot of laboratory functions, would experimental researchers be obsolete as well, with computational researchers as the only ones remaining? Or am I looking at it too simplistically? I prefer experimental work to computational, but...
  19. T

    Strange result from taking logs of logs in experimental data

    I have some experimental data (not hypothetically, this is real data), which has a downward sloping shape. A sharp decrease initially, before settling to what looks almost like a downward linear slope. To investigate further, I decided to take the base 10 log of the y-axis data. The...
  20. Z

    Looking for Experimental Nuclear Physicists and Nuclear Engineers

    Hi All, I want to run some small nuclear transmutation experiments for a nuclear battery project. However, my knowledge of nuclear physics is very theoretical and I was looking to get mentored by a physicist or nuclear engineer who has experience with working with radiation sources. Here is...
  21. L

    How should I deal with experimental physics?

    I'm studying Physics and I'm currently on my 3rd year. My aim is to work with theories, so I find mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mehcanics and so on pretty interesting. Also I have a good math background, so I know advanced linear algebra, analysis, topology and differential geometry. The...
  22. U

    Comparison for Experimental vs Literature values for alumnium

    Homework Statement I did a 'three point bend test' and a 'tensile test' on the material as-rolled Aluminium. I then messured and calculated the proepties of the metal and compared it with the literature values found on a CES software. Unfortunately, I can find significant differences for...
  23. J

    Experimental Uncertainty and Error

    Hello all, I used the micrometer in my lab that has a resolution of 100 nm. so, my measurement looks something like, 0.2345 mm, with an uncertainty of 0.00005 mm. But I don't want to write, (0.2345 +/- 0.00005)mm in my data table because it just looks a little awkward to have so many...
  24. zthompson47

    Double slit experimental method

    Hello, I've been trying to learn physics recently with the long term goal of understanding GR and cosmology. As a result, I have many questions, so I'll just get started.. In the famous double slit experiment, there is a coherent light source aimed at a double slit which produces an...
  25. C

    Is there a better way to approach experimental physics labs?

    So I am almost done with my physics degree and I am taking a physics lab class this semester. I hate it. I don't learn anything on it. 90% of the time we're just working to get the equipment to function correctly and the other 10% deciphering the lab instructions. I resorted to just making...
  26. C

    How to construct CD2 target for experimental nuclear physics

    Hi guys, I am currently trying to figure out the best way to create a target of deuterated polyethylene for neutron detection. I have ~30g of this very expensive powder and need to determine the best way to create a thick target (thick as in ~5cm, not a thin film like is used for proton...
  27. W

    Why do two people see the same experimental results?

    Before quantum mechanics hit the scene, I would expect most physicists (and people) would have answered the above question with the basic assumption: Two observers see the same result in an experiment because we live in the same universe. Today, most people (and some physicists)...
  28. I

    U Chicago, Cornell or UIUC for experimental condensed matter physics?

    Hello, Grad school admissions are about over, and it looks like I will be choosing between UIUC, Cornell, or U Chicago for CME. I have research fellowships from Cornell and U Chicago, still waiting for financial details from UIUC. I'll visit UC and Cornell over spring break, but location...
  29. O

    Experimental Measurements in Wind Tunnel

    Hello everyone, the forum looks great and I have been reading it for a long time, but I have only registered. I am writing this post because I have to analyse two flow fields in a wind tunnel. 1) The first flow is generated from a helicopter blade, with Re=2000000, Mach=0.92 and...
  30. W

    Thermal properties - Experimental Design

    Apologies for the break from format, but I'm not sure how to make this fit! I'm designing an experiment to compare the insulation properties of several materials. I would like to find the Thermal Conductivity (K) or the U (or R) values of these materials. However essentially all I am after...
  31. bcrowell

    Experimental searches for tachyons

    I'm working on an open-source textbook on special relativity. The text below is what I currently have on experimental searches for tachyons. There seems to have been quite a bit of work on this kind of thing in the 60's, but very little in more recent times. Does anyone know of any better...
  32. S

    Maximum theoretical and experimental stress in T-beam.

    Homework Statement 1. Take dimensions of the beam (B, D, web and flange thickness, L) – T- cross section 2. Take the beam span geometry and material properties from the instrument 3. Ensure the beam and load cell are properly aligned and apply a positive (downward) preload to the beam of...
  33. R

    Can I use experimental data to solve equations with integrals?

    Hi, I don't know if this is the proper part of the forum to ask this, but I'm trying to figure out how I can obtain a certain value from an equation that contains an integral if I want to use experimental data. To keep it simple, the equation looks like this: B= (∫G(f)df)2 / (∫G(f)2df) where...
  34. M

    Experimental status of stellar structure

    A naive question from someone who knows nothing about the subject: I was wondering how much we can tell experimentally about what's going on inside a star. Can we determine, say, how the temperature or pressure vary as a function of the radius? Thanks in advance.
  35. A

    Are There More Efficient Ways to Store Hydrogen for Fuel Cells?

    I've been toying around with an experimental idea for an efficient way to store hydrogen for use in hydrogen fuel cells, but recently I haven't been able to think of much more to add to it. I've thought of using cooling and pressure together to put the hydrogen to a liquid form for more...
  36. T

    Experimental Physics Report - Unexpected Results

    Hi everyone I have a quick question in regards to an experimental report I'm writing for my year 11 Physics class. Basically we have to test different variables that could effect a bungee cord fiber in relation to stress and strain by increasing the weight force on the fiber until it snaps. For...
  37. D

    Mousetrap Experimental Investigation

    For an investigation, I have built a mousetrap car. The two variables in this investigation is the mass of the mousetrap car and the distance it travels. When there is no added mass on the cart, it does not travel far due to massive wheel slippage. As I increased the mass it carried, it traveled...
  38. P

    Job stability and money in experimental physics and for postdocs

    I'm in my last year of college as an undergraduate physics B.S. and have so far tried astronomy and materials science research internships and haven't liked either of them that much. I enjoy the theory behind astrophysics but don't enjoy programming all day. On the other hand, I like the...
  39. B

    Experimental measurements of relative magnetic permeability

    I am trying to measure the relative permeability of a few materials, but the numbers I'm getting don't quite make sense. Maybe someone here can figure out what might be going wrong. My setup is as follows. I'm making solenoids using 30 AWG magnet wire wrapped around ferrite, steel and wood...
  40. teroenza

    Engineering Questions to ask Engineers and Experimental Physicists

    Hello, I am a senior undergraduate (USA) who wants to go to graduate school for either engineering or experimental physics. I am an A/B student and have taken all the recommended classes as if I was preparing to apply to physics graduate schools. I am not sure I am satisfied with an...
  41. M

    Should I do work in an experimental physics lab or summer internship?

    Hey PF, quick question for you guys. I got offers (on the same day!) to work with a professor at my college (1.5 hours away from home), paid, to do some experimental work. I also was offered an internship at the Naval Undersea warfare center in Newport, RI (~40 minutes from home). I will be...
  42. N

    Experimental verification of indistinguishability for free particles?

    Hey, Does anyone know a link to a paper talking about the experimental verification of indistinguishability of some free particles? For example showing it for free neutrons or something. Thanks!
  43. C

    Calculating the strain in three different ways - experimental error?

    I've recently done an experiment where I've obtained the strain of a channel section beam in bending. I used a strain gauge to get the strain from the midspan and also used dial gauges to get the deflections of the beam under different loading conditions. Along with the readings I've...
  44. P

    Rolling motion- experimental data differs from expectation

    Homework Statement An experiment was done to test the validity of the equation a = 2/3 g sin∅ for a rolling cylinder. A hockey puck was rolled down a wooden ramp at 5 different inclination angles, and the time it took to roll down the length of the board was recorded. ∅ was found using...
  45. johann1301

    Industrial knowledge as a experimental physicist

    Hi Im in the army, and the army is willing to give me 20 000kr (bout 4000$) to educate myself. F. ex i can take å truck license if i wanted to. I want to become a physisist, either theoretical or expereimental. I was wondering if anybody in this forum would know of any courses which could...
  46. C

    Physics - Inclined Plane - Experimental Investigation

    Homework Statement A wooden box is at rest on a ramp inclined at an angle Ө to the horizontal. W is the weight of the box and its contents. A frictional force prevents the box sliding down the ramp. A reaction force acts on the box perpendicular to the inclined plane. The inclined plane is...
  47. A

    Conflict between experimental and theoretical probability results

    Hello! Recently, I read abt some experiments related to probability which involved tossing of coins.It listed the experiments performed by following- Comte buffon:- 2048 heads from 4040 tosses. J E Kerrich:-5067 heads from 10000 tosses. Karl Pearson:-12012 heads from 24000 tosses. My...
  48. H

    Experimental demonstration of existence of atoms

    Greetings, My questions below could be categorized into a mixture of “history of chemistry” and “experimental basis for chemistry”. I’m having difficulty phrasing the questions that I have, so I’m going to start by stating them as directly as I can, and then spend the rest of this post...
  49. J

    Theoretical and experimental physics.

    Enrico Fermi was a successful theoretical and experimental physicist. Is this still something that someone can do, or is it practically impossible today? If it is pissible how can someone achieve this?
  50. G

    How Can I Prepare for Experimental Problems in the Physics Olympiad?

    I am a student from India i just finished my class 10 exams . I want to appear in IPHO 2014 and IPHO 2015 . So let me tell you what preparations i have done uptill now . I read all the theory and solved almost all problems from resnick/halliday's FOP I am solving problems from IE IRODOV ( i...