Exponential Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, the exponential function is the function





{\displaystyle f(x)=e^{x},}
where e = 2.71828... is Euler's constant.
More generally, an exponential function is a function of the form





{\displaystyle f(x)=ab^{x},}
where b is a positive real number, and the argument x occurs as an exponent. For real numbers c and d, a function of the form




{\displaystyle f(x)=ab^{cx+d}}
is also an exponential function, since it can be rewritten as
















{\displaystyle ab^{cx+d}=\left(ab^{d}\right)\left(b^{c}\right)^{x}.}
The exponential function




{\displaystyle f(x)=e^{x}}
is sometimes called the natural exponential function for distinguishing it from the other exponential functions. The study of any exponential function can easily be reduced to that of the natural exponential function, since








{\displaystyle ab^{x}=ae^{x\ln b}}
As functions of a real variable, exponential functions are uniquely characterized by the fact that the growth rate of such a function (that is, its derivative) is directly proportional to the value of the function. The constant of proportionality of this relationship is the natural logarithm of the base b:











{\displaystyle {\frac {d}{dx}}b^{x}=b^{x}\log _{e}b.}
For b > 1, the function



{\displaystyle b^{x}}
is increasing (as depicted for b = e and b = 2), because




{\displaystyle \log _{e}b>0}
makes the derivative always positive; while for b < 1, the function is decreasing (as depicted for b = 1/2); and for b = 1 the function is constant.
The constant e = 2.71828... is the unique base for which the constant of proportionality is 1, so that the function is its own derivative:

This function, also denoted as exp x, is called the "natural exponential function", or simply "the exponential function". Since any exponential function can be written in terms of the natural exponential as









{\displaystyle b^{x}=e^{x\log _{e}b}}
, it is computationally and conceptually convenient to reduce the study of exponential functions to this particular one. The natural exponential is hence denoted by

The former notation is commonly used for simpler exponents, while the latter is preferred when the exponent is a complicated expression. The graph of




{\displaystyle y=e^{x}}
is upward-sloping, and increases faster as x increases. The graph always lies above the x-axis, but becomes arbitrarily close to it for large negative x; thus, the x-axis is a horizontal asymptote. The equation








{\displaystyle {\tfrac {d}{dx}}e^{x}=e^{x}}
means that the slope of the tangent to the graph at each point is equal to its y-coordinate at that point. Its inverse function is the natural logarithm, denoted


{\displaystyle \log ,}


{\displaystyle \ln ,}




{\displaystyle \log _{e};}
because of this, some old texts refer to the exponential function as the antilogarithm.
The exponential function satisfies the fundamental multiplicative identity (which can be extended to complex-valued exponents as well):

It can be shown that every continuous, nonzero solution of the functional equation


{\displaystyle f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)}
is an exponential function,









{\displaystyle f:\mathbb {R} \to \mathbb {R} ,\ x\mapsto b^{x},}



{\displaystyle b\neq 0.}
The multiplicative identity, along with the definition




{\displaystyle e=e^{1}}
, shows that








{\displaystyle e^{n}=\underbrace {e\times \cdots \times e} _{n{\text{ factors}}}}
for positive integers n, relating the exponential function to the elementary notion of exponentiation.
The argument of the exponential function can be any real or complex number, or even an entirely different kind of mathematical object (e.g., matrix).
The ubiquitous occurrence of the exponential function in pure and applied mathematics has led mathematician W. Rudin to opine that the exponential function is "the most important function in mathematics". In applied settings, exponential functions model a relationship in which a constant change in the independent variable gives the same proportional change (i.e., percentage increase or decrease) in the dependent variable. This occurs widely in the natural and social sciences, as in a self-reproducing population, a fund accruing compound interest, or a growing body of manufacturing expertise. Thus, the exponential function also appears in a variety of contexts within physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematical biology, and economics.

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  1. M

    Conditional exponential distribution and exponential evidence

    Homework Statement This is a subset of a larger problem I'm working on, but once I get over this hang up I should be good to go. I have a set of measurements x_n that are exponentially distributed p(x_n|t)=e^{-(x_n-t)} I_{[x_n \ge t]} and I know that t is exponentially distributed as...
  2. D

    Behaviour of an Exponential Commutation

    Homework Statement Forgive the awkward title, it was hard to think how to describe the problem in such a short space. I'm following the proof of Proposition 1.2 of Nakahara's "Geometry, Topology and Physics", and the following commutation relation has been established: \partial_x^n e^{ikx} =...
  3. J

    Dead bodies - exponential decay

    Homework Statement A body is found at 2:00pm at a temperature of 26°C, with a surrounding temperature of 18°C. Two hours later the temperature of the body is 21°C, when did the body die? T=Ae^(kt)+Ts where T is the temperature of the body A is the initial temperature k is a constant t...
  4. W

    How to Integrate the Matrix Exponential for Gambler's Ruin?

    Homework Statement \vec{N} = \frac{1}{\tau}(\int_0^\infty exp(t' \textbf{T}) dt') \vec{n}_0 Show that \vec{N} = -\frac{\textbf{T}^{-1}}{\tau}\vec{n}_0 where \textbf{T}^{-1} is the inverse matrix of \textbf{T}. It is part of a small project called Gambler's Ruin in which we investigate...
  5. J

    Exponential problem: caffeine dosage

    If the concentration of caffeine in a system at any given time is given by the equation y(t)=De^-kt where dy/dt=-kt is the clearence rate (re-arranged and integrated to form the above equation) and the concentration of caffeine in the system at t=0 is D, then calculate k if: After one hour...
  6. F

    Square wave exponential fourier series

    This is A and B my friend is telling me that Co is actually 0 and I am getting 1/2 and i don't see exactly what I am doing wrong if i indeed am doing something wrong hopefully someone here can check this out and let me know exactly where i went wrong.. Thanks
  7. S

    Integrating the product of a real and a complex exponential

    Homework Statement \Psi(x,t) = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} C(p)\Psi_{p}(x,t) dp is a solution to the Schroedinger equation for a free particle, where \Psi_{p}(x,t) = Ae^{i(px-Ept)/\hbar}. For the case C(p) = e^{-(p-p_{0})^{2}/\sigma} where \sigma is a real constant, compute the wavefunction...
  8. G

    Probability Question - Exponential Distribution

    Homework Statement Suppose that X has an exponential distribution with mean μ. Find the probability that x lies within one standard deviation of its mean, that is find P(μ-σ≤X≤μ+σ) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If I'm not mistaken the standard deviation is equal...
  9. Sudharaka

    MHB Jordan's Question from Facebook (About Exponential Functions)

    Jordan from Facebook writes: Got the first one right, don't know exactly what it's asking for in the 2nd part(I missed the class that we went over these types of problems) thanks!
  10. B

    MHB Quick modulus question - complex exponential function

    What is |exp (z^n)| less than if |z| < 1? I'm thinking it's e but I'm having a brain freeze at the moment! Thanks for any help guys.
  11. Petrus

    MHB Differentiating exponential functions

    How do i derivate e^e^x (I don't know how to type it on latex but here you can se what i mean e^e^x - Wolfram|Alpha Results basicly don't know how I shall think
  12. R

    MHB Is the Exponential of a Linear Operator Defined?

    In class we recently learned that for a linear operator T: V \rightarrow V and function g(t) = a_0 + a_1t + \dots + a_nt^n one can define the operator g(T) = a_0I + a_1T + \dots + a_nT^n (where I is the identity transformation). We also recently learned about the exponential of a matrix. My...
  13. E

    Simplifying Additive Exponential Terms

    Homework Statement I have developed an equations for calculating some pollutant concentration as a function of x and y. I'm trying to simplify the problem so that I can write the equation for wp as a function of x. All variables except x and wp are known. Homework Equations...
  14. T

    Use exponential notation to form a+ib

    Homework Statement Use exponential notation to write (√3-i)(1+i√3) in the form a+ib. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Let (√3-i) = z1 r1=|z1|=√((√3)2-i2) =√(3-1) =√2 Therefore, √3=√2cosθ and -1=√2sinθ cosθ = √3/√2 and sinθ = -1/√2 θ= arcsin(-1/√2) θ= -∏/4...
  15. J

    Exponential Variable and Logarithms

    Homework Statement I'm trying to find the value of a variable which happens to be an exponent. Homework Equations 230,000=1500\frac{(1+.00077)^n-1}{.00077} I believe I need to use logarithms to get to my answer, but I've reviewed logarithm rules and I'm stuck. The Attempt at a...
  16. J

    Solving an Exponential Equation with Logarithm Rules

    Having an issue with applying logarithm rules. I'm trying to find the value of an exponent in an equation of the form: A=B\frac{(1+x)^n-1}{x} I have reviewed logarithm rules and cannot get to the answer, n, which is the only unkown variable in the equation. I've divided A by B, but am stuck at...
  17. P

    Why Can Every Element of SO⁺(1,3) Be Expressed as an Exponential?

    Hi! I was wondering why it is possible to write any proper orthochronous Lorentz transformation as an exponential of an element of its Lie-Algebra, i.e., \Lambda = \exp(X), where \Lambda \in SO^{+}(1,3) and X is an element of the Lie Algebra. I know that in case for compact...
  18. B

    Summation with exponential functions

    Dear members, see attached pdf file.Can you help me to prove this formulas. Thank you Belgium 12 This is not homework.I'm 68 and retired.
  19. N

    (Differential equation) Finding an exponential equation

    Homework Statement A 44 gallon barrel of oil develops a leak at the bottom. Let A(t) be the amount of oil in the barrel at a given time t. Suppose that the amount of oil is decreasing at a rate proportional to the product of the time elapsed and the amount of oil present in the barrel. a...
  20. G

    Exponential integral transformation

    Hello all, I am searching for an analytic solution to an integral of the following form: I[q',k\rho\,]=\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}e^{jq'(\phi-\phi_0)}e^{-jk\rho\sin(\phi-\phi_0)}d\phi In this equation, q' is real and k\rho is real and positive. Also, the following integral is closely...
  21. M

    Exponential growth word problem, pie.

    This whole chapter has been tripping me. My professor made-up another way of doing this, which I'm having a hard time understanding. He's a really intelligent guy(even other professors say it) so he can do this, but I'm having a hard time understanding his way. I went to tutoring today, they...
  22. L

    MHB Solving Exponential Equations: Need Help Understanding 2 Questions

    I need help with understanding two questions: 1. (2x+2)2 The answer I got was: 22x+2x++4, but according to the answers that is wrong. Can any explain why? 2. 84x/32x I simplified this to become (84/32)x, but I don't know how to go from there... The answer is apparently 27x, but I don't...
  23. T

    Modular arithmatic exponential

    determine if the following congruence has an integer solution: 5x + 4 congruent to 5 (mod 100) The only way I could envision this working is by trying all of the remainder values of 100, but I don't think that is the way to go considering there is so many. I tried to figure out an...
  24. J

    Understanding Polar Coordinates and the exponential function

    I'm reviewing math material for the EIT exam, I'm going over math concepts that should be pretty basic but I feel like there are gaps in my understanding. I understand how we can use rectangular coordinates and complex numbers to find a point on the complex plane. It would follow logically...
  25. P

    Scatter plot, equation of exponential function

    Homework Statement The copy of the question is in the image attached. I don't have a graphing calculator, and so am not sure how to determine the equation of the exponential function. Homework Equations y = a^x The Attempt at a Solution I made a scatter plot off of an online...
  26. A

    Simple formula for an exponential function. Please help i'm stuck

    Q A cold yam is plaveedd in a hot oven. Newton's Law of Heating tells us that the difference between the oven's temperature and the yam's temperature decays exponentially with time. The yam's temperature is initially 0 deg F, the oven's temp is 300 deg F, and the temp difference decreases by 3%...
  27. L

    MHB Help with exponential function word problem

    The number of bacteria in a culture is given by B(t) = 40e0.6t, where t is the time in days. How many bacteria are there after 2 days? I substituted t = 2, and got this: 2B = 40e1.2 which I simplified to become this B = 66.4 days Apparently this answer is wrong though, can someone explain why?
  28. R

    MHB Binomial Distribution in the Exponential Family of Distributions

    A pdf is of the exponential family if it can be written $ f(x|\theta)=h(x)c(\theta)exp(\sum_{i=1}^{k}{w_{i}(\theta)t_{i}(x))}$ with $\theta$ a finite parameter vector, $c(\theta)>0$, all functions are over the reals, and only $h(x)$ is possibly constant. I would like to show the binomial...
  29. G

    Finding the Density of X with Exponential and Random Variables

    Homework Statement Let T be an exponential random variable with parameter λ; let W be a random variable independent of T , which is ±1 with probability 1/2 each; and let X = WT. Show that the density of X is: f_{x}(x)=(\lambda/2)e^{-(\lambda)\left|x\right|} Homework Equations Density...
  30. L

    Exponential Growth- Am I doing this right?

    1. Let's say that at the end of 2010, the population of Athens was 100,000. Let's also say that the relative growth rate of the population was 2% per year. What's the population at t = 0.5 years after the end of 2010? 2. To solve this sort of problem, I thought I'd have to use: y= A(1+b)t A is...
  31. I

    Why Does Wolfram Alpha Show a Different Exponential Integration Result?

    Homework Statement exponential integration formula ∫a^{u} du = \frac {a^{u}}{ln(a)} +c ∫ \left(\frac{2}{3}\right)^{x} dx Homework Equations \frac{}{} The Attempt at a Solution ∫ \left(\frac{2}{3}\right)^{x} dx = \frac{\left(2/3 \right)^{x}}{ln(2)/ln(3)} <<< this is my answer ?= -...
  32. L

    MHB Solve Exponential Function: x1/2 + x-1/2 | Help & Explanation

    Hello! Could someone please help me answer this question, and explain how you answered it? 1. (x1/2 + x-1/2)2​Thank you!
  33. H

    Probability question involving exponential distribution.

    Homework Statement The total claim for a health insurance policy follows a distribution with density function f(x) = (1/1000)e^{-x/1000}, x>0 The premium for the policy is set at 100 over the expected total claim amount. If 100 policies are sold, what is the approximate probability that...
  34. T

    Linear Vs. Exponential Doubling Time in a Breeder

    Hey Guys, From my understanding, the linear doubling time of a reactor is the time which the fissile nuclides in the reactor core double under a constant flux. The exponential doubling time of a reactor is the time it takes for the fissile material in a core to double if you take each atom...
  35. MarkFL

    MHB Abby's question at Yahoo Answers involving exponential decay

    Here is Abby's question: Here is a link to the original question: Differential Equations time constant problem? - Yahoo! Answers I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
  36. Q

    Why do we use the natural log in the derivative of an exponential function?

    I recently struck a question that I have not been able to find an answer to. I feel like I'm missing something obvious, so I've come here for help. The derivative of a^{x} is a^{x}lna. The explanation that Stewart 5e gives is: \frac{d}{dx}a^{x} = \frac{d}{dx}e^{(lna)x} =...
  37. D

    Derivative of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

    Homework Statement Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of y = lnx2 at the point (2, ln4) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution y' = (lnx2)' y' = 2lnx y' = (2)(lnx)' + (lnx)(2)' y' = 2/x Mtan/(2,ln4) = 2/2 = 1 Equation of tan line: y - ln4 = 1(x-2) y = x - 2 + ln4
  38. D

    Derivative of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

    Homework Statement PROBLEM 1 Find slope of tangent line at (1,0) g(x) = x2lnx Solution: g'(x) = (x2lnx)' g'(x) = x2[1/x . (x)'] g'(x) = x2 . 1/x g'(x) = x M tan/(1,0) = 0 PROBLEM 2 Use implicit differentiation: yex+ y2 = 7lny - x3 Solution: (ex)(y') + 2y(y') - 7(y'/y) = -ye - 3x2...
  39. S

    How Do You Solve an Exponential Inequality with Different Bases?

    Homework Statement 2^x + 2^(4-x) > 17 2.The attempt at a solution I factorized for 2^(-x) so I have 2^(-x) * (16 + 2^(2x)) > 17 but I don't know what to do after... could you help me ? thanks
  40. H

    Calculating Radioactive Decay of 18F Isotope in PET Scanners

    Homework Statement Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanners frequently operate us- ing the radioactive isotope 18F, which has a half life of about two hours. The isotope is incorporated into a drug, half of which is excreted by the body every two hours. How long will it take before the...
  41. S

    Solve Exponential Equation: 5^(sqrt(x)) + (1/5)^(sqrt(x)) = 25

    Homework Statement 5^( \sqrt(x) ) + 5 * 5^(- \sqrt(x) ) = 25 + 1/5 2. The attempt at a solution I have thought to transform 5^ (-\sqrt(x) ) in (1/5)^(\sqrt(x) ) but I don't know how to solve then... could you help me ? thank you
  42. S

    Exponential distribution word problem

    The Information Systems Audit and Control Association surveyed office workers to learn about the anticipated usage of office computers for holiday shopping. Assume that the number of hours a worker spends doing holiday shopping on an office computer follows an exponential distribution. a) The...
  43. G

    Change of variable in integral of product of exponential and gaussian functions

    I have the integral \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dx \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dy e^{-\xi \vert x-y\vert}e^{-x^2}e^{-y^2} where \xi is a constant. I would like to transform by some change of variables in the form \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dx F(x) \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dy G(y) the problem is...
  44. M

    Exponential Function Homework: Showing 0 ≤ e^x−1−x

    Homework Statement k is a real number and f_{k}(t)=e^{t}-1-t-k\frac{x^{2}}{2} 1- Show that : (\forall x\epsilon\mathbb{R}):0\leq e^{x}-1-x 2- Show that : (\forall x>0)(\exists k\epsilon\mathbb{R}^{+})(\exists d\epsilon[0,x]):f(x)=f''(d)=0 3-Conclude that (\forall...
  45. D

    Derivative of exponential function

    Homework Statement Find extrema and points of inflection (then graph it). f(x) = x2e-x Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So, for f'(x) = xe-x(2-x) Critical point(s): f'(x) = 0 2-x = 0 x= 2 I have a question before continuing. Will my critical point include 0 besides 2? I...
  46. H

    What is the best approach for solving the given exponential integral?

    Homework Statement ∫(0 to 2) ∫(2x to 4) [e^(-y^2)] dydx This was a question given for a multivariable class exam a couple years ago, and we don't ever learn about the exponential integral in that class. Homework Equations We know how to go about solving this, BUT... The Attempt at...
  47. karush

    MHB Integrating exponential functions

    $\int x (5^{-x^2})dx= -\frac{1}{2} \int 5^{-x^{2}}(-2x)dx$ how is $\frac{1}{2}$ in front of the $\int$ derived
  48. W

    What am I doing wrong in this exponential equation?

    Homework Statement 52x - 3(5x) = 10 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution log 52x - log 3(5x) = log 10 2x log 5 - log 3 - x log 5 = log 10 x log 5 = log 10 + log 3 x = (log 10 + log 3)/log 5 putting this in my calculator I get 2.11 by inspection I can tell that the...
  49. J

    Lagrangian of three bodies, using an exponential potential

    What I know: L = T - V V = e^(x1-x2) + e^(x2-x3) for n = 3 and a mass = 1 What I believe: T = .5Ʃ (x'_i)^2 from 1 to n So let's say you have three bodys that can just be considered pints masses of 1 and on the same line: x1 x2 x3 They have an...
  50. G

    MHB Integral Notation of an exponential Brownian motion

    Good day! I am reading the paper of Marc Yor (www.jstor.org/stable/1427477). equation (1.a) seems unfamiliar to me since the $ds$ comes first before the exponential part; $$ \int_0^t ds \exp(aB_s + bs). $$ Can you please help me clarify if there is a difference with the above notation as...