Factors Definition and 428 Threads

In economics, factors of production, resources, or inputs are what is used in the production process to produce output—that is, finished goods and services. The utilized amounts of the various inputs determine the quantity of output according to the relationship called the production function. There are four basic resources or factors of production: land, labour, capital and entrepreneur (or enterprise). The factors are also frequently labeled "producer goods or services" to distinguish them from the goods or services purchased by consumers, which are frequently labeled "consumer goods".
There are two types of factors: primary and secondary. The previously mentioned primary factors are land, labour and capital. Materials and energy are considered secondary factors in classical economics because they are obtained from land, labour, and capital. The primary factors facilitate production but neither becomes part of the product (as with raw materials) nor becomes significantly transformed by the production process (as with fuel used to power machinery). Land includes not only the site of production but also natural resources above or below the soil. Recent usage has distinguished human capital (the stock of knowledge in the labor force) from labor. Entrepreneurship is also sometimes considered a factor of production. Sometimes the overall state of technology is described as a factor of production. The number and definition of factors vary, depending on theoretical purpose, empirical emphasis, or school of economics.

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  1. K

    Volume Flow Rate, Velocity, Factors

    Homework Statement By what factor does the flow rate decrease when a water pipe of diameter 20 cm with a 10 cms^-1 flow rate, splits into two smaller pipes of diameters 11.54 cm and 16.33 cm? Homework Equations Q(volume flow rate)=(average velocity)(cross sectional area of flow) The...
  2. A

    Factors that affect peel strength of tape adhesives

    I am working with flexible electrostatic adhesive pads. These are similar in many ways to a normal adhesive tape in but the adhesion can be turned on and off electrically. Like many adhesives they are notoriously weak in peel. This bring me to my problem. I am trying to get a qualitative idea...
  3. J

    Convert 4,597.7 lb/in^2 to N/m^2: 805,502.76N/m^2

    Homework Statement 1lb = 4.45 N 1in = 2.54cm Allegedly, a woman standing on a heel creates more pressure than an elephant standing on one foot. By my calculations, this may be as large as 4,597.7 lb/in^2, for a reasonably-sized woman. Convert this to Newtons per square-meter (N/m^2)...
  4. I

    Which integers have exactly 3 distinct positive factors?

    [b]1. Which integers have exactly 3 distinct positive factors? Homework Equations [b]3. I would attempt this if I had any idea of what it meant. Can someone show me how to find one answer then I will find the other 2.
  5. R

    Calculating the h factors Arfken 2.1.3

    Homework Statement The u v z coordinate system used frequently in electrostatics and hydrodynamics is defined by the u v z coordinate system which is xy=u x^2-y^2=v and z=z. Sketch the system in the xy plane showing the surfaces of constant u and v. Indicate the directions of the unit...
  6. B

    Electric Field Near Flat Metal Plate: Factors & Components

    Homework Statement Explain the factors that determine the parallel and normal components of the elctric field near to the surface of a flat metal plate Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution No idea what this question wants..? Is it something to do with the smoothness of...
  7. C

    Integrating Factors: Solving a DE Problem

    I am working on the following problem but I am apparently not applying the integrating factor correctly: The DE is: dy/dt = e^(-t/20) - (1/40)y I moved the last term to the left, giving dy/dt + (1/40)y = e^(-t/20). I had e^(t/40) as my integrating factor. Going in my (wrong) direction, I was...
  8. D

    How Do You Convert Units Using Given Conversion Factors?

    Homework Statement use the following conversion factors to complete the calculations that follow 4.00 flam=1.00kern 5.00 folt= 1.00kern 1.00 burb=3.00 flam 1.00 sapper= 6.00 folt a)15.2 kern equals how many flam? b)47.65 sapper equals how many kern? c)0.845 flam...
  9. G

    What Factors Affect the Height, Energy Loss, and Frequency of a Ball's Bounces?

    Hey :D, I'm doing an experiment to determine the energy lost of a ball after each bounce. I am doing this experiment to 3 types, tennis ball, squash ball and ping pong ball. I have already determined what I need to do to work out the energy lost of a ball as a percentage after each bounce...
  10. E

    Plotting Carbon Dioxide Concentration & Photosynthesis Rate on a Grid

    Homework Statement Plot the result on the grid. Percentage concentration of carbon dioxide: 0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20 Rate of photosynthesis in arbitrary units low light intensity: 0, 20, 29, 35, 39, 42, 45, 46, 46,46,... high light intensity...
  11. maverick_starstrider

    Understanding Convergence Factors in Physics Textbooks

    "Convergence Factors" In all my textbooks I always see these random convergence factors thrown in (+0's or +i*nu or some such) but I have never seen a book that would dirty itself by steeping so low as to explain what they are (I'm looking at you Wen, Bruus and Flensberg, Fetter and Walecka...
  12. J

    Possible conjecture relating to factors and powers of 12

    I have read in the past that having a base 12 number system is superior to a decimal system because of the number of factors that 12 has. For instance we essentially use base 12 for time, it's better to have a 60 minute hour than a 100 minute hour as there are more 'convenient chunks' or factors...
  13. V

    Understanding Tire Dynamics - Factors & Dissipation

    can anybody please help me to understand some of the things regarding tire dynamics? first of all , while tire is rotating on a road, what are the factors to be considered to find the contact area, and slip area? second, dissipation, what is the main factor that lead to dissipation , is it...
  14. E

    Why does a map from simply connected space to U(1) factors through R?

    I'm having trouble seeing why the following is true: let M be a simply connected manifold and s a smooth map from M to U(1). Then why does it follow that s = e^(iu) for some smooth function u from M to R? Thanks!
  15. S

    2 independent factors 1 outcome

    hello :) i have a silly question and i keep confusing myself, hope someone can help me. my friend has two diseases and I want to calculate a number to represent the chance of success (i.e. him surviving both diseases for more than 5 years) disease A: chance of survival for more than 5...
  16. D

    Dissociation of HCl in Ethanol: Factors Affecting Ability

    In a textbook, HCl is said to remain as molecules in liquid ethanol. However, I still wonder whether HCl dissociates in ethanol to give H+ and Cl- ions. I think that as ethanol contains an OH group which is polar, ethanol molecules are capable of breaking the bond H-Cl in a manner similar to...
  17. K

    Symmetry factors (Srednicki, figure 9.11)

    In Srednicki's QFT book on page 63, figure 9.11, the diagram in the middle of the second row is a Feynman diagram with four external lines, two vertices, one internal line and one loop placed on one external line. It has symmetry factor 4. Does the symmetry facor stand for the 4 possibilities...
  18. B

    What Is the View Factor Between Two Nested Cubes?

    1. A cube 1m on a side is located within a cube of 2m on a side. If the cubes do not touch, what is the view factor between the outer surface of the smaller cube and the inner surface of the larger cube? 2. View Factor = the proportion of all the radiation which leaves a surface "A" and...
  19. nukeman

    What factors make landing on Mars easier than on the Earth? Harder?

    Iv been watching the NASA guys work on the Mars lander on Ustream, and starting to really get into it. But I have a question: What factors make landing on Mars easier than on the Earth? Harder? And I am having a debate with a friend, maybe one of you can help. Which variables are important...
  20. E

    A question about factoring and factors

    say we have a number N=pq (known) and we only know the last digits of the two factors p and q ( the righter most digit of each factor ). Is-it possible to determine the other digits of the factors? If not, what is the minimum number of digits that should be known before the answer can be a yes?
  21. P

    Factors affecting the design of an efficient paddle wheel

    I'm a student undertaking a challenging physics project. My project is based on the Factors affecting design of an efficient paddle wheel. Until now the factors i could think about are: -Number of paddles -Size and shape of paddles -Rotation speed of paddles Since my object of study is...
  22. C

    Form Factors of Elementry Particles

    Hi, Can anyone provide a list or source where I can easily get the Form factor figures for as many particles as I can? In Femtometers if poss. Thanks Chris
  23. G

    Need help on conversion factors (physics)

    Hello, new to this place. Started physics the other day in high school and already have homework. Not really good with conversion factors, so would like some help with a few of the problems i had 4 homework. 1.) Suppose your hair grows at the rate of 1/30 inch per day. Find the rate at which...
  24. M

    Factors of 4ab: List and Examples | Homework Help

    Homework Statement Name the various factors of: 4ab Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution 4, ab, a, 4b, b, 4a, 2, 2ab, 2b, 2a Did I miss any?
  25. G

    Factors Effecting Boil-Off of Liquid

    Hi all, I came across your forum looking for some help to settle a debate. A few fellow home brewers and I are debating what factors influence the rate of loss during a boil. The original question came from a brewer who switched to a wider pot and discovered that he lost more liquid over the...
  26. 8

    How Can Weight, Surface Area, and Speed Affect Friction?

    Thanks in advance for your help! I'm currently doing this independent study and have nothing to help me with these questions except some lesson books that came with the course, but explains hardly anything and this site. 1) so, I have to design and complete an investigation to determine...
  27. G

    How Do You Calculate Gas Volume Using the Ideal Gas Law?

    Homework Statement Calcualte the volumes in cubic feet of the gases in the attached chart, assuming the gases are ideal Homework Equations Ideal gas equation PV=nRT The Attempt at a Solution Please see the attached sheet also, this has my attempt, if i use my method and then use a...
  28. C

    Multiple Linear Regression (2 factors, 1 output)

    Hello all; I'm doing work for my job, and I've forgotten my statistics =(. I first want to know if what I'm trying to do is possible. I want to create a linear regression of the form Y = a * x1 + b * x2 + c. http://imgur.com/Q4vGP" As you can see, there is space that is grayed...
  29. N

    Solving a determinant to give it's factors

    Homework Statement I have a determinant to solve. Fistrow is -2a, a + b, a+c Second row is b + a, -2b, b + c Third row is c+a, c+b, -2c Prove that the determinant is equal to 4 (b +c) (c +a) (a + b) Homework Equations Not applicable. The Attempt at a Solution I have...
  30. D

    Solve for q: Polynomial Factors Homework

    Homework Statement If we divide f(x)= x^3+qx^2-x-2 by x+1, we get the same remainder as if we divide it by x-2. Determine the value of q Homework Equations f(x)= x^3+qx^2-x-2 The Attempt at a Solution I tried to plug in f(-1) into the equation, and then f(2) into the equation...
  31. E

    What Factors Contribute to Aging and Death in the Human Body?

    Does anybody know what mechanisms in the human body contribute to the wear and tear that comes with aging, and eventually lead to death? I know that DNA telomers shortening is one. What are some others? Maybe the accumulation of DNA mutations throughout a lifetime? Thanks!
  32. T

    Determining Magnet Strength: Formula & Factors Explained

    hey guys, i was wondering if there was a formula to measure the strength of a magnet in relation to its size, and what else is needed to be known before such a value can be computed. e.g. its shape, let's say a bar magnet(you have my apology if i have posted in the wrong forum, but I'm...
  33. T

    Factors influencing signal intensity in MRI

    hi there i was wondering if you could help me: • explain the factors influencing signal intensity in MRI this is one of the questions in my assignment i was wondering if you could please help me ASAP as I am completely confused!
  34. A

    C/C++ C++ : Program that gives u the prime factors

    i need help making a program that only displays the prime factors ex: 100 = 2*2*5*5 i got the program to display all the factors but after that I am lost. here is the code so far oh its in C++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Enter a number: "...
  35. G

    What is the height of the smaller cylinder in this scale factor?

    Can someone please tell me if I have done this correctly? "2 cylinders are similar. The area of the ends of the smaller and larger cylinders are 16cm2 and 100cm2 respectively. The height of the larger cylinder is 12.5cm. Calculate the height of the smaller cylinder." Firstly, if the scale...
  36. N

    Partial fractions nth degree factors in the denominator

    Hello! Quick question reagrding partial fractions. When there is a factor such as (x+2)3 in the denominator, then the fraction is separated into the components (x+2)1+...+(x+2)3. I am not convinced I understand quite why this is so. Partial fractions guides all offer something on the theme...
  37. D

    Coefficient of restitution factors

    Homework Statement On what all factors does coefficient of restitution depend?i mean do we have 1 for a pair of surfaces in contact or a surface has one irrespective of the surface of the other colliding body?Also,practically,does coefficient of restitution change/vary?If yes,could anyone...
  38. G

    How to factor when no common factors?

    How can I foctorise / factor this given that 25 and 49 share no common factors? 25x2 - 49y2
  39. C

    Solving Structure Factors for Cesium Chloride & X-Ray Diffraction

    Homework Statement I have the ionic compound cesium chloride and have been asked to use the equation p(k) = (sum over j) exp(-iK.r)f(k) to find the structure factor for x-ray diffraction from cesium and explain why it can take two values. It also asks how you would expect the intensities...
  40. J

    Theory behind investigating factors affecting inductance

    Homework Statement Hello, I am currently doing an investigation to study the factors affecting inductance. The three variables i am using are the number of turns on the coil, the material of the core of the coil and putting 2 cores in series/parallel to see how this affects the inductance...
  41. J

    Find # Odd Factors of a Number: 1 to N

    1. Homework Statement N has total 105 factors including 1 and N. then find : a) the total no of odd factors between 1 and N. b) if the total number of divisors of N which are multiple of 36 are 45.then the total no of odd factors between 1 and N. c)the number of ways in which N can be resolved...
  42. H

    Point-like particles, form factors

    I'm wondering how it has been determined that the electron is really a point-like particle. Searching for this topic, I came across a post by humanino, saying that one way we know this is that observations of the electron's "form factor" are consistent with what you'd see for a pointlike...
  43. H

    What are the factors that cause lift?

    Homework Statement Using sketches and equations briefly describe how Bernoulli's equation and other factors cause lift force to be generated by a wing. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm struggling to find anything else that causes lift except bernoullis! please help!
  44. W

    LAB: What factors affect a battery's performance?

    Homework Statement Okay, so in my Physics 2(high school) class the instructor gave us a lab without any instructions whatsoever even though we have only been covering electricity for 2 days. The question he posed to us was "What factors affect a battery's performance?" and we have to write up...
  45. V

    Symmetry factors in Feyman Diagrams

    Sorry I am spamming the forum, but I have yet another question on Feynman diagrams - Please see attached picture. Apparently the symmetry factor for this FD is 1 - I am trying to understand why. My notes explain that "the symmetry factor is 1 because: φ(x1) contracts to φ(y1) in 4 different...
  46. L

    Symmetry factors (Srednicki ch9)

    Hi, I'm not sure if I understand symmetry factors correctly or not. Looking at the second diagram in Srednicki's fig 9.1. The way I understand things is this corresponds to a number of terms in the expansion, that are algebraically different somehow, e.g perhaps one has a propagator like...
  47. J

    Factors affecting inductance experiments

    I am about to do an investigation on the 'factors affecting inductance.' It would be brilliant if anyone had any ideas on experiments I could perform to investigate the factors affecting inductance. Thanks for your time.
  48. C

    How to Factor 1 Trillion into Two Numbers Without Zeroes?

    Can anyone tell me how to factor 1 trillion in 2 numbers, and none of them have zeroes in them? Thanks.
  49. R

    Can someone help me understand the factors in the Breit-Wigner formula?

    (urgent) Can someone help me understand the factors in the Breit-Wigner formula? Hi, I have the BW formula as: \sigma = \frac{\lambda^2 (2J+1)}{\pi (2S_a+1)(2S_b+1)} \frac{\Gamma^2 / 4}{(E-E_R)^2 + \Gamma^2/4} So E_R: this is described as the 'resonance energy'. I'm pretty sure this is the...
  50. D

    Integrating Factors for Higher Order Differential Equations: Is There a Method?

    Is there a method of integrating factors for differential equations of power 2 or higher?