Factors Definition and 428 Threads

In economics, factors of production, resources, or inputs are what is used in the production process to produce output—that is, finished goods and services. The utilized amounts of the various inputs determine the quantity of output according to the relationship called the production function. There are four basic resources or factors of production: land, labour, capital and entrepreneur (or enterprise). The factors are also frequently labeled "producer goods or services" to distinguish them from the goods or services purchased by consumers, which are frequently labeled "consumer goods".
There are two types of factors: primary and secondary. The previously mentioned primary factors are land, labour and capital. Materials and energy are considered secondary factors in classical economics because they are obtained from land, labour, and capital. The primary factors facilitate production but neither becomes part of the product (as with raw materials) nor becomes significantly transformed by the production process (as with fuel used to power machinery). Land includes not only the site of production but also natural resources above or below the soil. Recent usage has distinguished human capital (the stock of knowledge in the labor force) from labor. Entrepreneurship is also sometimes considered a factor of production. Sometimes the overall state of technology is described as a factor of production. The number and definition of factors vary, depending on theoretical purpose, empirical emphasis, or school of economics.

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  1. K

    Factors influencing the varaiation of depletion capacitance of MOS capacitor

    Hi , i am interested to know physics behind MOS capacitors, on which iam currently working in . i started to fabriacate a MOS capacitor without using oxide (silicon dioxide) layer, i have read in articles that a MOS capacitor can be fabricated by using the native oxide layer ( naturally formed...
  2. A

    Static Friction: Factors & Magnitude Limits

    I'm curious as to what does the limit of the magnitude of static friction depends on between any two objects.
  3. rocomath

    Partial Fractions, Irreducible quadratic factors

    Arc Length, Irreducible quadratic factors i'm having a hard time seeing this method, and i have to use this method on one of the problems I'm doing to find it's Arc Length. L=\int_{\sqrt{2}}^{\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}\frac{v^{2}dv}{v^{2}-1}} the book suggests to first divide then use a...
  4. A

    Variation and Changing factors help

    Homework Statement "If the circumference of a circle changes by a factor of 3, then its area changes by a factor of ____." Homework Equations C=2*Pi*r A=Pi*r^2 The Attempt at a Solution I really don't know where to start.Recently I have been learning about the changing of factors and I'm...
  5. E

    Polynomial Factors: Find a & b | Math Problem

    This problem came up on a math contest the other day and I drew a blank - now it's bugging me. "If the polynomial P(x)=x^2+ax+1 is a factor of T(x)=2x^3-16x+b, find the values of a and b." Anyone have any ideas?
  6. N

    Partial fractions- repeated linear factors

    Homework Statement I don't understand something I have read about partial fractions so I wonder if anyone can help! To each repeated linear factor in the denominator of the form (x-a)^2, there correspond partial fractions of the form : A/(x-a) + B/(x-a)^2 Is this true if we have...
  7. R

    Certain product sequences and their factors

    define the sequence P_n as follows: P_{0} = 1 ; P_{1} = a and P_{n} = 6P_{(n-1)}-P_{(n-2)} + 2a^2-8a+4 Then each term is a product of two numbers as follows P_{n}= {1*1,1*a,a*b,b*c,c*d,d*e,\dots} where b = 2a-1 c = 4b-a d = 2c-b e = 4d-c f = 2e-d ... ... Has anyone come across...
  8. S

    Does Gas Density Influence Expansion When Heated?

    Hi, Apart from heat and number of moles, what dictates how much a gas will expand when exposed to heat. Is it density? The density of Xenon is 5.894 g/L and the density of Helium is 0.1786 g/L does this mean that if they were both in the same conditions of volume of container, number of...
  9. C

    Factors affecting signal strength.

    I have investigation on measuring the factors the signal strength from the transmitting antenna. I have some idea about measuring the signal strength. Is it true to use field intensity meter to measure signal strength with the unit of volts per metre? Thank you for helping out.
  10. U

    What are the factors which affect the travel of sound through

    What are the factors which affect the travel of sound through different mediums? You does sound travel faster through a solid than a gas, is it because of the greater density of the solid, or because of the stiffness of the solid? Does sound travel faster in humid air, or dry air? many thanks...
  11. maverick280857

    Solution of First Order DE using Integrating Factors

    Hello everyone I'm stuck with a problem from Simmons (not HW). The problem asks to solve the following equation by finding an integrating factor (xy-1)dx + (x^2 - xy)dy = 0 I found by hit and trial that there can be no integrating factor that is a function of x alone or y alone. So how...
  12. B

    Exploring the Factors Affecting Sound Speed

    What determines the speed of sound in a medium? I guess I'm asking what is the resistance to it.
  13. A

    How do you know the factors of the acceleration and the distance?

    1 Joule = 1N x 1m which means 1 Joule = 1kg x 1m/s^2 x 1m but can it also mean that the object accelerates at 0.5m/s^2 and travels 2m? The mass is constant, so if it is given 1J of energy how do you know the factors of the acceleration and the distance?
  14. V

    Form Factors, PDFs, Compton & GPDs: Explained

    Hi, I'm doing some work on DVCS and was wondering if anyone could better explain the link between FF's, PDFs, Compton Form Factors, and GPDs. Thanks
  15. S

    Final round: Integrating factors

    Homework Statement Final round I promise! Is there some sort of trick that can be applied to the following equation so that it is easier to process? \frac{dy}{dt}=\frac{1}{t+y},\:y(-1)=0 The Attempt at a Solution Somebody told me that the equation can be made easier by...
  16. S

    How Do I Integrate Factors in Round 2 to Achieve the Proper Form for Processing?

    Homework Statement y' (1+e^t) + e^ty = 0 How do I get it in the form y' +f(t)y = f(p) That is how do apply algebra to this so it is in the proper form to process it? The Attempt at a Solution Kind of hard to post my attempt. I can move the y' (1+e^2) to the right side then divide both...
  17. S

    Integrating Factors for Solving Differential Equations

    Homework Statement y' + 2ty = t^3 Homework Equations Integrating factors and variation of parameters The Attempt at a Solution Ive solved for m M = e^{\int 2t\,dx} M = e^t^2 (this is e^t^2, but doesn't look like it in latex) I multiplied both sides by M (e^t^2)(y') + (e^t^2)(2ty) =...
  18. B

    Integrating Factor: Solving without Trial & Error

    Is there a way other than trial and error to tell whether an integrating factor h is a function of x only, y only, or of x and y?
  19. A

    Intensity of Light- What factors contribute?

    Intensity of Light-- What factors contribute? What factors affect the intensity of light? What is intensity? Are the relationships or equations that link the intensity of light to other variables? I'm asking this because I'm not quite understanding intensity vs. frequency. I'm studying the...
  20. hagopbul

    Calculate the safety factors for crane

    I can't solve this problem, can u ? We have this crane hook which has a force F=3000dN pulling it down and we have to calculate a few designing elements look to the section and calculate the safety factors for: 1. the crane hook (part No. 5 )at the section A-A and B-B . 2. the hook trunion...
  21. C

    Factors affecting the spring constant

    Could anyone please tell me any factors affectin the spring constant k of a spring ?
  22. A

    Where Can I Find Stress-Concentration Factors for Parallel Plates Under Bending?

    urgent: stress-concentration factors Hey people, I urgently need a chart of theoretical stress-concentration factors for the following general case: a part made from two thin plates of equal weidth connected parallel to each other with one shorter than the other. I need the theoretical...
  23. J

    Investigation: Factors Affecting Friction

    Homework Statement Design and complete an investigation to determine how the following factors affect the force of friction: weight surface are speed Homework Equations The magnitude of the force that is provided by an elastic band is directly related to the distance the elastic...
  24. D

    How can I solve a polynomial problem without using a calculator?

    Given that x^5 - 2x^4 + 2x^3 - 4x^2 - 3x + 6 is exactly divisible by x^2 + 3, find the remaining real factors of the polynomial. __________________ I could easily do that question using a calculator, just by graphing it and finding the roots. Another thing i can do is multiply the...
  25. N

    Factors Affecting Galvanic Cell Voltage

    Hi Guys, a quick answer will be great! Just wanting to know, what are some of the factors that affect the voltage of a galvanic cell?
  26. P

    Help with interpreting lab assignment: factors affecting Friction

    Homework Statement I am responsible for coming up with an experiment to determine how the following 3 factors affect the force of friction: weight, surface area and speed. The directions given inlcude: "You will need to measure the magnitude of the force of friction. Since the...
  27. A

    Solve ODE using method of integrating factors.

    Homework Statement solve the following equation using method of intergrating factors: Homework Equations dy/dx = y + cosx - sinx The Attempt at a Solution i think i have to get it in the form dy/dx + r(x)y = f(x) but i can't see how, if i multiply or divide by a factor i...
  28. F

    Integrating Exponential Functions with Sinusoidal Factors

    Find the two integrals: \int_0^{\infty}\frac{e^{-\alpha x^2}}{x^2+1}\sin(\alpha x) \, dx \int_0^{\infty}e^{-\beta^2t}\cos(\beta x) \, d\beta Any hint?
  29. B

    What Factors Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis?

    It's the question for my science fair report.
  30. S

    Understanding the Role of Singularities in Finding Integrating Factors

    Suppose you have an equation: M(x,y) dx + N(x,y) dy = 0 I have heard that there always exists an integrating factor u(x,y) such that the partial derivative of uM with respect to y equals the partial derivative of uN with respect to x. But somewhere in the back of my mind I remember that...
  31. R

    Factors of triangular numbers forming arithmetic series

    For every pair (a,b) of factors that equal the trangular number m(m+1)/2 there are two distinct sets of pairs (c,d) that form a determinant equal to 2m+1 such that the products (a+cn)*(b+dn) = a triangular number for all n. Is this a previously known fact and how can it be prooved?
  32. J

    Factors that affect the trajectory of a projected mass.

    This is my physics coursework task and although I have had only minor difficulties in actually doing the work, I thought I would post some of the things that I found to verify. Basically, I began with saying that the initial speed (u), initial height (h), gravitational constant (g) and the...
  33. M

    Special Factors of 3-Digit Numbers

    Find all positive integers n (n will be called special) such that if n divides a three digit number say ABC where A = hundreds, B = tens, C = ones. Then n also divides BCA and CAB. So far I have worked out that 1 is special of course, so is 3 (factor test sum of digits will always be the...
  34. D

    Wireless communications and k factors

    Hi i want to learn about the K factor that is used in the wireless communications and i used to denote the curvature of earth... Do u know where i can find information about it? Any good links about wireless communications aspects...such as antennas, radiation ...et.c.
  35. R

    How Do Factors Relate in the Quadratic Form N^2 - 3N + 1?

    I noted the following relation for the form F_{n} = n^{2}-3n+1 let p_n be any whole factor of F_n and p_{n}^{'} be the quotient. The following relation then holds [tex]\frac{F_{n}}{p} * \frac{F_{(n+p)}}{p} = F_{(n+p_{n}^{'})} A trivial example would be to let p = 1. Then [tex] F_{n} *...
  36. K

    Conversion Factors: Easily Find Unit Conversions

    I need a table that i can easily find the ways to convert any unit to any other unit i want for example i have 589348cm and i want to change it to Tm i need a table that will easily show me the conversion factor
  37. A

    Congruences of (x^n-2) and its factors

    It is easy to show that for all odd x that: (x^n-2) = 7 (mod 8) but why are the factors of above either congruent 1 or 7 modula 8, i.e factor(x^n-2) = {1,7} (mod 8) can anyone give me a hint. regards Anton
  38. E

    Properties of Composites Composed of Two Odd Prime Factors

    I have been working on constructing a method to factor composite numbers composed of two odd prime numbers a and b. As a result, I have been experimenting numerically with various patterns to see if I could find some patterns that would reveal information about composites of two prime numbers...
  39. Astronuc

    How Can You Master Units and Conversion Factors?

    A nice tutorial by E.J. ROSCHKE PROPULSION DIVISION JET PROPULSION LABORATORY, Caltech. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~culick/Roschke.pdf
  40. S

    How to calculate the number of prime factors of 360?

    how to calculate the number of prime factors of 360? please give the method
  41. H

    Factors of polynomial with fractional powers

    Hi, I've got this particular polynomial a^{3/2}+x^{3/2} and I need to factorize it as far as possible. I've come to the conclusion that there are no factors. Am I wrong?
  42. Z

    What is the Theory of Ideal Prime Factors?

    Hi, I"m working on my math history class project. I choose a topic to discuss about Theory of Ideal Prime Factors by Ernst Eduard Kummer. (1847). I read the material few times, but I don't get an understand of the basic idea how he can come up this theory. Can someone explain it in a...
  43. Lisa!

    Factors have the most important role on one's personality

    Which factors have the most important role on one's personality and how? Genes or environment? Is it true that many of criminals and indecent people had a difficult childhood and have grown up in an indecent family? And what's your defenition of a decent and indecent family?
  44. S

    Different Dilution factors for the normalizator

    I am looking for some ideas about this one. I use B actin as the normalizator in my western blot. i use different dilution factors of the B actin antibody. For some samples i use 500X and for others i use 1000X. I wonder when i normalize my samples and calculate the relative expression levels...
  45. A

    Integrating Factors: Spotting D.E. Need for Factor

    how do you spot that a D.E. needs an integrating factor, besides experience?
  46. R

    Factors affecting the resonating frequency of wire

    I have been tasked with a physics project at school, to investigate what factors affect the resonating frequency of a piece of wire. We arent told anything about the experiment, its a kind of research on your own thing. I know that the resonating part means the frequency at which the piece of...
  47. D

    Obtaining the number of factors from prime factorization

    Hi! How do I determine the number of distinct factors of a number, say, 2520? 2520 = 2*2*2*3*3*5*7 So we've 8 different primes. The number of combinations of those is, according to me: C(8,1)+C(8,2)+...+C(8,8)=155 (I think, calculated it by hand; but it isn't important) Obviously those...
  48. N

    Create a method to find the factors of any real number?

    create a method to find the factors of any real number ? and then use it to find the factors of 45000 ?
  49. T

    Understanding Integrating Factors and Differential Operators

    I am going to be gone all day tomorrow at a conference track meet and am unable to ask my teacher how to do integrating factors and differential operators. I leave tomorrow at 9:15 am and was hoping to have some examples to take with me to study. If someone could help me walk through a these...