Fall Definition and 922 Threads

Autumn, also known as fall in North American English, is one of the four temperate seasons. Outside the tropics, autumn marks the transition from summer to winter, in September (Northern Hemisphere) or March (Southern Hemisphere), when the duration of daylight becomes noticeably shorter and the temperature cools considerably. Day length decreases and night length increases as the season progresses until the Winter Solstice in December (Northern Hemisphere) and June (Southern Hemisphere). One of its main features in temperate climates is the shedding of leaves from deciduous trees.
Some cultures regard the autumnal equinox as "mid-autumn", while others with a longer temperature lag treat the equinox as the start of autumn. In the English-speaking world, autumn traditionally began with Lammas Day and ended around Hallowe'en, the approximate mid-points between midsummer, the autumnal equinox, and midwinter. Meteorologists (and Australia and most of the temperate countries in the southern hemisphere) use a definition based on Gregorian calendar months, with autumn being September, October, and November in the northern hemisphere, and March, April, and May in the southern hemisphere.
In North America, autumn traditionally starts with the September equinox (21 to 24 September) and ends with the winter solstice (21 or 22 December). Popular culture in the United States associates Labor Day, the first Monday in September, as the end of summer and the start of autumn; certain summer traditions, such as wearing white, are discouraged after that date. As daytime and nighttime temperatures decrease, trees change colour and then shed their leaves. In traditional East Asian solar term, autumn starts on or around 8 August and ends on or about 7 November. In Ireland, the autumn months according to the national meteorological service, Met Éireann, are September, October and November. However, according to the Irish Calendar, which is based on ancient Gaelic traditions, autumn lasts throughout the months of August, September and October, or possibly a few days later, depending on tradition. In the Irish language, September is known as Meán Fómhair ("middle of autumn") and October as Deireadh Fómhair ("end of autumn"). Persians celebrate the beginning of the autumn as Mehregan to honor Mithra (Mehr).

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  1. M

    Me, Thinking About A Jump and A Fall

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  2. Q

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  3. T

    Free Fall Acceleration fractures Problem

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  4. A

    Free Fall: Find Time & Height for Passing Balls

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  5. H

    Calculating Free Fall: Water Balloon Question | Math Homework Help

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  6. V

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  7. P

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  9. G

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  15. N

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  17. K

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  18. S

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  19. A

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  21. B

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  23. T

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  30. M

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  31. S

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  32. E

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  33. T

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  34. G

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  35. T

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  36. H

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  38. S

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  39. S

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  40. C

    Solving for Depth, Velocity, and Initial Velocity in a Free Fall Challenge

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  41. C

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  42. clope023

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  43. M

    Free fall height question - true/false

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  44. R

    Stunt people can fall from great heights

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  45. P

    Free fall coordinates in Schwarzschild?

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  46. J

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  47. S

    Body Fall Kinematics: Find Time & Velocity at Impact

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  48. W

    How Long Until You Hit the Black Hole?

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  49. P

    Soluble Groups in Algebra: What Are They and What Branch Do They Fall Under?

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  50. O

    Free Fall and max altitude Question

    A ball is thrown vertically upward from the ground with an intial speed of 15m/s. How long does it take the ball to reach its maximum altitude? What is its maximum altitude? Determine the velocity and accelartion of the ball at t=2s. If anyone can help me with the relatively simple problem...