Fall Definition and 922 Threads

Autumn, also known as fall in North American English, is one of the four temperate seasons. Outside the tropics, autumn marks the transition from summer to winter, in September (Northern Hemisphere) or March (Southern Hemisphere), when the duration of daylight becomes noticeably shorter and the temperature cools considerably. Day length decreases and night length increases as the season progresses until the Winter Solstice in December (Northern Hemisphere) and June (Southern Hemisphere). One of its main features in temperate climates is the shedding of leaves from deciduous trees.
Some cultures regard the autumnal equinox as "mid-autumn", while others with a longer temperature lag treat the equinox as the start of autumn. In the English-speaking world, autumn traditionally began with Lammas Day and ended around Hallowe'en, the approximate mid-points between midsummer, the autumnal equinox, and midwinter. Meteorologists (and Australia and most of the temperate countries in the southern hemisphere) use a definition based on Gregorian calendar months, with autumn being September, October, and November in the northern hemisphere, and March, April, and May in the southern hemisphere.
In North America, autumn traditionally starts with the September equinox (21 to 24 September) and ends with the winter solstice (21 or 22 December). Popular culture in the United States associates Labor Day, the first Monday in September, as the end of summer and the start of autumn; certain summer traditions, such as wearing white, are discouraged after that date. As daytime and nighttime temperatures decrease, trees change colour and then shed their leaves. In traditional East Asian solar term, autumn starts on or around 8 August and ends on or about 7 November. In Ireland, the autumn months according to the national meteorological service, Met Éireann, are September, October and November. However, according to the Irish Calendar, which is based on ancient Gaelic traditions, autumn lasts throughout the months of August, September and October, or possibly a few days later, depending on tradition. In the Irish language, September is known as Meán Fómhair ("middle of autumn") and October as Deireadh Fómhair ("end of autumn"). Persians celebrate the beginning of the autumn as Mehregan to honor Mithra (Mehr).

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  1. D

    Free Fall vs Jetpack: Will He/She Stay Afloat?

    There is a random person falling from the sky. He remembers that he has a jetpack. Unfortunately, his jetpack is weak and is only able to provide upward force equivalent to Fg. WILL HE?SHE STAY AFLOAT OR WILL HE?SHE CRASH INTO THE GROUND? What acceleration will he/she hit the ground?
  2. C

    Maximum height from which a cuboid can fall and not be damaged

    1. Cuboid of height h is made out of material with density ρ=1000kg/m3 and it can endure highest pressure of σ=90kPa.Cuboid is falling from the height H. When the cuboid hits the ground its centre of mass is at the height h/2.Then starts deformation of the body. During the deformation centre of...
  3. O

    Projection at an angle - throwing stones

    Hello everyone. I have this problem: 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known d I throw stone from height h at an angle α, then at an angle β (so I know h, α, β). I throw it with same velocity v. The stones fall in same distance d. The question is: find the d (distance) and v...
  4. A

    Free Fall quadratic equation problem

    The answer based on the answer key is 3 seconds. I used the quadratic equation to solve for t. My question is how do we know what sign to use when solving for the final value? For this problem, I had to use the negative sign, but I knew that I needed to use the negative sign because I already...
  5. S

    Ball Release and Thrown to reach ground at the same time

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  6. T

    If a steel ball were to fall, how far away would it land

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  7. B

    Elevator Free Fall: Understanding the Physics and Sensation of a Cut Cable

    Hi guys, I know this is a really simple question, but I'm just making sure I have this concept down: Scenario 1. An elevator accelerates down at 9.8m/s^2. Scenario 2. The elevator cable is cut. If someone is inside an elevator, scenarios 1 and 2 would feel exactly the same to them, correct...
  8. M

    What kind of mental illnesses does this fall under?

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  9. D

    A Data needed for fall off of weak interaction vrs distance

    I'm trying to find measurements for the weak interaction at various distances. Any suggests for search terms or relevant paper would be appreciated. Thanks, Dan
  10. S

    How can I calculate the depth of a well using free fall and distance equations?

    Homework Statement A stone falls from top of a well, 10 seconds later sound of water splash reaches the top of the well. How deep is the well? g=9.82m/s2, vsound=340m/s , t=10s 2. Homework Equations s=vt , v=a0+at , s=v0t+1/2at2 3. The attempt at a solution I'm stuck. I know the...
  11. Pushoam

    Calculating a bolt's free fall time in an accelerating elevator

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  12. D

    Free fall distance with non-constant g

    <Moderator's note: Moved from elsewhere and therefore no template.> I'm trying to calculate the distance of free fall for an object with zero tangential velocity but a given radial velocity at a given height over a given period of time. This calculation cannot assume that g is constant as it...
  13. Charly

    B Why Do Bodies in Free Fall Change Position?

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  14. Superman123

    How high will UT bounce on a bungee jump from the Golden Gate Bridge?

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  15. David Thomson

    Free Fall Arrest: Create Mathematical Model for Safe Thrill-Seeker Experience

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  16. binbagsss

    Schwarzschild spacetime proper time to fall radially inward

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  17. B

    Calculating thickness of insulation, rate of T rise and fall

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  18. T

    I Radial Proper Dist. Objects Free Fall: Calculating Δs

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  19. NoahCygnus

    Kinematic: Problem based on free fall

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  20. NoahCygnus

    How Long Does It Take for a Ball Thrown Upwards to Hit the Ground?

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  21. J

    If you fall down an escalator going up, do you ever stop falling?

    If you fall down an escalator going up, do you ever stop falling?
  22. N

    B How Do Proper Acceleration and Gravity Affect Time Dilation in Free Fall Orbits?

    I had been informed that for objects in free fall orbit no proper acceleration would be measured. https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/stationary-frames-of-reference.899195/page-2#post-5658771 But I also understood it that for objects in free fall orbit gravity time dilation would be observed...
  23. O

    B Mass and free fall speed under gravity

    If mass increases with speed then what is the mass and speed of a particle falling from a large distance into a black hole or onto a neutron star?
  24. E

    Free Fall Experiment: Predicting Ball's Maximum Height and Time

    Homework Statement When throwing a ball, a student has a friend time how long it takes the ball to reach the maximum height. Before they start the experiment, the friend predicts: “If you throw the ball faster, the ball will reach the highest point in less time.” Do you agree or disagree with...
  25. Singlau

    Why do things fall into a black hole?

    Earth will not fall into sun because it has inertia, keeping it in orbit. Even if it suddenly loses some inertia, it falls to a lower orbit and won't fall into the sun, as its inertia increase again due to conservation of angular momentum. So, if a thing fall near a black hole, shouldn't it make...
  26. R

    Free Fall and a Projectile motion question

    Homework Statement 1. A diver jumps from a height of 10m leaving with a velocity of 8m/s find the time for which the diver is in the air and the speed at which the diver enters the water? 2. A ball is launched from point A on a horizontal plane with an angle of 55*. It passes two walls both 2m...
  27. B

    Lightning discharge's effect on rain fall velocity?

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  28. G

    How Does Earth's Longitude Affect Free Fall Equations?

    Homework Statement Solve free fall from height h to the Earth´s surface in the place longitude φ. During solving, Consider gravitation acceleration as a constant for the whole trajectory, so g=constant. (consider a homogeneous gravity field) and variables which are including angular speed ω...
  29. G

    How Is the Coriolis Force Applied in Calculating Free Fall?

    Hi, I would need some help with my homework. I am lost. Solve free fall from height h to the Earth´s surface in the place with geographical width φ. During solving, omit addiction gravitational acceleration to the distance. (consider a homogeneous gravity field) and variables which are...
  30. G

    How Does Coriolis Force Affect Free Fall at the Equator?

    Hi, I would need some help with my homework. I am lost. Solve free fall from height h to the Earth´s surface in the place with geographical width φ. During solving, omit addiction gravitational acceleration to the distance. (consider a homogeneous gravity field) and variables which are...
  31. A

    How far from the starting point do the pieces fall on ground

    Homework Statement An object is thrown with speed 20 m/Sunder the angle pi/3 rad with the horisontal direction. In the highest point, the object is divised into two pieces with same weights. One of them, after the division has the speed 0. How far from the starting point do the pieces fall on...
  32. ibkev

    Algebra Math texts that make you fall in love all over again

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  33. T

    I Free Fall vs Acceleration: Einstein's Theory Explained

    How does this work exactly? I can understand depending on frame of reference but I read that Einstein stated there is a right way to think about that based on inertial and non-inertial frame of references.
  34. parshyaa

    Time of free fall does depend on mass

    Months ago I have seen walter lewins first lecture on dimensions, there he made a comment that scientist are trying to prove that time taken to reach ground when a object is dropped does depends on mass (in small amount) but it depends on mass, how they have thaught that it depends on mass ...
  35. G

    Free Fall and the Accelaration of Gravity

    If I were to throw an object in the air from the ground and it would reach 50% of its maximum height in 2 seconds, how does one find the object's total maximum height and total travel time? This is the last question in my 1D kinematics chapter. I've been successful in resolving my other...
  36. brymcfly21

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  37. G

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  38. S

    Who Hits the Water First? Investigating Free Fall Bungee Jump Physics

    Two girls are standing on a bridge over a river. One girl falls freely and the other ties a rope to her legs. Both jump at the same time from the bridge. The length of the rope is more than the vertical distance between the bridge and the river so that the rope never becomes taut till she...
  39. F

    B Test of the Universality of Free Fall with Atoms

    I have found an article about an experiment that states that gravity on a small scale doesn't experience quantum effects. Of course the headline has been catchy, so I want to ask about the real importance or relevance of the experiment. Or for short: Do the results imply any consequences on...
  40. centenond

    Free fall does'nt consider weight

    Okay so first of all forgive me if I sound dumb, and forgive my english, is not my primary language. So I know two objects will fall at the same rate if air is excluded, so what I am asumming its that free fall formula is only correct if there's no air, right? So I am a programmer and I want to...
  41. Samia qureshi

    Why Is It That An Apple Will Fall To The Earth?

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  42. B

    Do animals experience love or just a chemical reaction?

    Do animals also fall in love? But first.. what is the difference between "in love" and "love?
  43. K

    Why Is a 200 lb Object Falling 200 ft Only Reaching ~23 m/s?

    Homework Statement I'm trying to write a program to calculate Newtons of impact force from a fall given the weight, general size, shape, and density of an object. I want to take air resistance into account. I also want to take the density of the thing the object falls on into account. I am...
  44. Kloud

    Minimum horizontal force needed so book does not fall?

    Homework Statement Part C of problem Please see attachment : What is the minimum horizontal force needed to keep the book from slipping. Note that P=515N, and P=normal force, Fs=131.32N, Us=.255, M=9.85kg Homework Equations Fn=(m*g)/Us The Attempt at a Solution My answer is 378.549N, which...
  45. J

    An application of free fall (DE) model to industry

    Could someone tell me an application of the model of free fall to industry or more generally by using Newton's second law and the law of gravitation, construct a model similar to the free fall one, that has an application in industry
  46. Jenab2

    The Time to Fall in a Plunge Orbit

    Homework Statement Two masses, M and m, are initially (at time t=0) at rest with respect to each other and separated by a distance d. They are affected only by their mutual gravitational attraction. Find the amount of time elapsed beginning at the instant the separation is equal to d/2 and...
  47. jonisba5

    Equations that define a human fall forward

    Ok so what I want to create is a simulation of how the acceleration of a person falling would change according to the person's mass and height. This would then be explored in Matlab. Therefore, first, I am trying to find out the equations that would relate acceleration motion with mass and...
  48. RoboNerd

    Understanding Free Fall: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    Homework Statement An object is in freefall on Earth. Which of the following statements is true? A) The object is gaining an equal amount of momentum for each second it is in free fall.B) The object is gaining an equal amount of momentum for each meter it falls.C) The object is gaining...
  49. A

    Fall Rate of Objects: Explaining Why Weight Matters

    Hello - I have a question from a CSET practice exam that I'm having trouble understanding the provided answer. Q Two items are dropped simultaneously from a ten-story building. The items are shaped similarly and are relatively the same weight. Which of the following statements is correct...
  50. alaa amed

    Why would his weight be zero at the moment of the fall?

    Homework Statement A person of weight w is in an upward-moving elevator when the cable suddenly breaks. What is the person's apparent weight immediately after the elevator starts to fall?