Homework Statement
In an ABC toy theory, the only allowed vertex is one that couples A, B and C. Thus there are no AAA, ABB, ACC...ect vertices allowed. My question is suppose a diagram has na external A lines, nb external B lines, and nc external C lines. Develop a simple criterion for...
I wonder if the Feynman rules in momentum space can also be applied to disconnected diagrams. So aussume I have a disconnected Feynman diagram 1 , i.e. the product of two connected Feynman diagrams 2 and 3.
I can translate my diagrams with the position space Feynman rules to explicit...
in peskin-schroeder and http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/batley/particles/handout_04.pdf" the amplitude for e^-e^+\rightarrow \mu^- \mu^+ is written using feynman rules as follows
-iM=[\bar{v}(p_2)(-ie\gamma^\mu )u(p_1)] \frac{-ig_{\mu\nu}}{q^2}[\bar{u}(k_1)(-ie\gamma^\nu )v(k_2)]
but what...
[SOLVED] feynman rules
Hi , It is a simple question from the book of david j .griffiths :"introduction to elementary particles" (6.11)
Homework Statement
(a) Is A--->B+B a possible process in the ABC theory (feynman rules for a toy theory)
(b)Suppose a diagram has nA external A lines , nB...
I've been given a small project to ease me into life as a PhD student and part of it involves working out Feynman rules for scalar bosons coupling to gauge bosons.
I've been reading through Peskin and Schroder Chapter 9 and want to clarify if I've got my understanding right of how to do it...
What are the Feynman rules for phi to the sixth theory? Can anyone please help? Peskin and Schroeder does phi ^ 4th... I can't help thinking the derivation is the same for phi to the sixth, and that the rules are the same. Could that be correct?
Thanks so much for your time,