Hi! I am trying to make a one-dimentional simulator for two-phase flow. I am going to use the finite volume method, because it is conservative and thus it's easier to keep track of the oil/water ratio in the area.
Say you have a conservation equation on the form \nabla \cdot (k(x) \nabla P(x))...
Hello all,
I hope this is the write sub-forum for this question. I have been looking at the Laplacian of a 2-D vector field. It is explained nicely by this Wikipedia article here. My question is more regarding how these operators work together.
So, in the case of the Laplacian, it tells me...
I think that it is relatively easy to simply count the number of physics that are aware for us as of February 2014. Probably there is statistics that deals with it and can tell us how many laws of physics exist now; maybe this number is equal to 1000, maybe more, I am not aware of it.
This isn't a homework problem - I'm just confused by something in a textbook that I'm reading (not for a class, either). I'd appreciate an intuitive clarification, or a link to a good explanation (can't seem to find anything useful on Google or in my textbook).
My book states that one of the...
Hey! :o
I have a implicit finite difference method for the wave equation.
At step 0, we set: $W_j^0=v(x_j), j=0,...,J$
At the step 1, we set: $W_j^1=v(x_j)+Dtu(x_j)+\frac{Dt^2}{2}(\frac{v(x_{j-1})-2v(x_j)+v(x_{j+1})}{h^2}+f(x_j,0)), j=0,...,J$
Can that be that at the step 1 $j$ begins from...
Hey! :o
Given the following two-point problem:
$$-y''(x)+(by)'(x)=f(x), \forall x \in [0,1]$$
$$y(0)=0, y'(1)=my(1)$$
where $ b \in C^1([0,1];R), f \in C([0,1];R)$ and $ m \in R$ a constant.
Give a finite element method for the construction of the approximation of the solution $y$ of the...
I have to use a wide 5 point stencil to solve a problem to fourth order accuracy. In particular, the one I'm using is:
u'' = -f(x + 2h) + 16f(x + h) - 30f(x) + 16f(x - h) - f(x - 2h) / 12h2
or when discretized
u'' = -Uj-2 + 16Uj-1 -30Uj + 16Uj+1 -Uj+2 / 12h2
In addition to...
The problem is as follows:
A Carnot engine operates between two finite size reservoirs, one a body of water of mass MH at 100°C and the other a body of water of mass ML at 0°C. Find the maximum work obtainable from the two reservoirs.
The Attempt at a Solution
I haven't done...
Hey! :o
I am implementing in a program the finite difference method for the heat equation.
The problem is the following:
$$u_t(x,t)=(g(x,t)u_x(x,t))_x+f(x,t), \forall (x,t) \in [0,1]x[0,1]$$
$$u(0,t)=u(1,t)=0, \forall t \in [0,1]$$
$$u(x,0)=0, \forall x \in [0,1]$$
where $f(x,t)=\pi x...
Hey guys. It's been awhile I don't posting in this thread.
How could space which is nothing, is finite yet unbounded? Aren't beyond the so-called finite yet unbounded universe is just nothing that we called as space?
I've encountered the series below:
\sum_{l=0}^{k-1} (r+l)^j (r+l-k)^i
where r, k, i, j are positive integers and i \leq j .
I am interested in expressing this series as a polynomial in k - or rather - finding the coefficients of that polynomial as i,j changes. I have reasons to...
If a Hamiltonian is unbounded from below, say the hydrogen atom where the Hamiltonian is -∞ at r=0, is there a way to tell if the ground state is bounded (e.g. hydrogen is -13.6 eV and not -∞ eV)?
It seems if the potential is 1/r^2 or less, then the energy will be finite as:
\int d^3 r (1/r^2)...
I am considering the gravitational time dilation at the centre of a spherical, non-rotating body (such as the Earth). The usual formula for gravitational time dilation is √(1-r_s/r) where r_s is the Schwarzschild Radius and r is the radius of the clock compared to one at infinity, however, this...
Homework Statement
I'm not even attempting the graph yet, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this problem for a finite cylinder. All I've found in my notes is finite spheres and infinite cylinders.
Homework Equations
E=∫[ρdv]/4∏εR2] \hat{R}
The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
Let G be a finite complex matrix group: G \subset M_{n\times n}. Show that, for g \in G, |\text{tr}(g)| \le n and |\text{tr}(g)| = n only for g = e^{i\theta}I.
2. The attempt at a solution
Since G is finite, then every element g \in G has a finite order: g^r = I for some...
Consider \frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}+\frac{k}{x^{2}}y = 0. Show that every nontrivial solution has an infinite number of positive zeroes if k > 1/4 and a finite number if k ≤ 1/4.
Solving gives:
y = Asin(\sqrt{k}ln(x)) + Bcos(\sqrt{k}ln(x))
And setting y = 0 gives:
tan(\sqrt{k}ln(x)) =...
I have a question about the character of the universe today and its early state.
As I understand it there is no consensus as to whether the universe today (the whole universe, not the observable) is infinite, finite, or finite but looped in on itself. It seems to me to follow that if...
Hey everyone, I have three problems that I'm working on that are review questions for my Math Final.
Homework Statement
First Question: Determine if R is an equivalence relation: R = {(x,y) \in Z x Z | x - y =5}
and find the equivalence classes.
Is Z | R a partition?
I have been stuck on a problem for a while now (3.24 part c).
My attempt is as follows:
Internal virtual work = external virtual work
T/2 ∫0->L (∂u/dx)(∂v/dx)dx + ∫0->L (∂^2u/∂t^2)vdx = ∫0->L (Pv)dx
Stationarity is already invoked on this functional as it's the principle of...
I developed finite element program (MFEM) in java for BVP &IVP to compute partial differential equation.
I am facing one problem and description is as follows
my problem is on generalized eigenvalue problem generated in wave propagation through rectangular wave guide in TE mode. (Differential...
Just for fun, eh...? (Heidy)For z \in \mathbb{R}, and m \in 2\mathbb{N}+1, show that:\frac{\tan mz}{\tan z}=\prod_{j=1}^{ \lfloor m/2 \rfloor } \tan\left(\frac{j\pi}{m}+z\right) \tan\left(\frac{j\pi}{m}-z\right)
Homework Statement
This isn't homework or coursework as such, but i thought it may be the best place to ask this question. The last time i posted in the other section it was deleted!
Im considering the case of an electrode of finite width L in the x direction. The y direction is...
Hello! :)
I am implementing the finite difference method in a program in C and I got stuck at the rate of convergence.. The formula is \frac{log(\frac{e_{1}}{e_{2}})}{log(\frac{J_{2}}{J_{1}})} , right? where e_{i}=max|y_{j}^{J_{i}}-y(x_{j}^{J_{i}})| , 0<=j<=J_{i} . How can I find the J_{1}...
Homework Statement
Given that we the following elliptic problem on a rectangular region:
\nabla^2 T=0, \ (x,y)\in \Omega
T(0,y)=300, \ T(4,y)=600, \ 0 \leq y \leq 2
\frac{\partial T}{\partial y}(x,0)=0, \frac{\partial T}{\partial y}(x,2) = 0, \ 0\leq x \leq 4
We want to solve this problem...
Reading from http://quantummechanics.ucsd.edu/ph130a/130_notes/node150.html
Again we have assumed a beam of definite momentum incident from the left and no wave incident from the right.
Why is the above statement made?
What does the reflected wave mean? There is now all why reflected...
I'm going through the text "Linear Algebra Done Right" 2nd edition by Axler. Made it to chapter 4 with one problem I'm unable to understand fully. The theory that two vector spaces are isomorphic if and only if they have the same dimension. I can see this easily in one direction, that is...
Homework Statement
How to prove the following:
Let p be a prime p=3,5 (mod8). Show that the
sequence n!+n^p-n+2 contains at most finitely many squares.
Should I build a contardiction or prove it directly? I really need some help
2. The attempt at a solution
Use Fermats...
I am thinking about taking a finite element method course. I know what FEM is and how it solves boundary value problems and stuff but I'm wondering how widespread it is used...
Is it a useful numerical technique? What industries/research use it? I am interested in research in continuum...
-In the first few fractions of a second after the big bang, was the universe finite and closed during early inflation, before it smoothed out and became flat and infinite? I am wondering because I would like to know if the theory implies that the universe initially inflated with a finite...
Air typically has a very high but non zero resistance. Given that air is just a medium, and that space is also just a medium, does the vacuum of space have a fundamental constant of electrical resistance, or is the electrical resistance of space truly infinite? How is this proven one way or the...
For possion equation $$u_{xx}+u_{yy}=f$$
I know the general five point scheme is in the form
But , is there have the form...
Hello everyone and thanks for reading my post.
I have a problem with an electron, which actually is confined into a region 0 ≤ x≤ L with infinite potential around it, and its energy in the ground state is 0.38eV. Then on the x > L region the potential is 5eV and the energy of the lowest...
Homework Statement
Find the determinant of:
|1 1|
|2 1|
The field is Z3.
Homework Equations
The field is Z3, that is, to multiply two numbers, you first multiply then take the remainder of the division by 3.
The Attempt at a Solution
I tried:
( 1 x 1 ) - ( 1 x 2 )
1 x 1 will...
Consider the following solution to the steady state heat diffusion problem on an infinite y domain.
T(x, y) = \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}c_n\exp\left(-\frac{\pi n}{\ell} y\right)
I am hoping someone here could help me understand the finite slope of the counting plateau in Geiger Muller Tubes.
Master Knoll says this,
"In real cases, the counting plateau always shows some finite slope, as shown in Fig. 7.5b.
Any effect that adds a low-amplitude tail to the...
Finite Fourier Transform on a 2d wave
How does the finite Fourier transform work exactly?
The transform of f(x) is
\widetilde{f}(\lambda_{n}) =\int^{L}_{0} f(x) X_{n} dx
If I had a 3d wave equation pde and I applied Finite Fourier transform on the pde for
I have the differential equation
\frac{dM}{dt}=4\pi \rho(r,t)r(t)^2\frac{dr}{dt}
which is the first term from
This describes the change in mass (M) of a sphere from a change in radius (r) given a density (rho) that depends on radius and time (t).
Someone published a simple computation of the relativistic shift in Mercury's perihelion (over and above classical, ie. the small correction over the classical-mechanical shift) by more or less using
the principle of relativity. I believe it was a she and she computed how far mercury travels...
In Dummit and Foote Chapter 15 on page 657 we find the following definition of a k-algebra:
Let k be a field. A ring R is a k-algebra if k is contained in the centre of R and the identity of k is the identity of R.
This defintion is followed by the definition of a finitely generated k-algebra...
Say I have a finite data set (frequency, absorption) and I would like to find the corresponding dispersion. For this I could use the Kramers-Kronig (KK) relation on the absorption data. What I would do is to make a qubic spline and then perform the KK-transformation.
However, the absorption...
so calculating FC on an infinite bus is easy but how do you calculate it by hand for a finite bus?
here is the concept i am having an issue understanding:
let say i have a transformer that is 225KVA with 5%z and 3 phase 480 to 208.
with infinite bus i have 12491A available on the...
Homework Statement
Determine the finite dimensionality of the following system:
y[n] = nx[n]
Homework Equations
y[n]= f(y[n−1], y[n−2],..., y[n−N],x[n],x[n−1],..., x[n−M],n)
Where N is how many dimensions the system has.
The Attempt at a Solution
I understand that the following system...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
I know that energy mentioned in the statement is kinetic energy so keep in mind when reading that ##E\equiv E_k##.
In our case the kinetic energy is larger than the potential energy ##\boxed{E>E_p}## and this is why stationary states for the regions 1...
The axiom of choice on a finite family of sets.
I just been doing some casual reading on the Axiom of CHoice and my understanding of the is that it assert the existence of a choice function when one is not constructable. So if we have a finite family of nonempty sets is it fair to say we can...
Homework Statement
A finite uniform linear charge ρ_L = 4 nC/m lies on the xy plane; start point and end point are (7,0,0) and (0,7,0) .While
point charges of 8 nC each are located at (0, 1, 1) and (0, -1, 1). Find E at (0, 0 ,0)
Homework Equations
dE=ρ_L *dz'/4∏ε *...
This is a sample problem from logan finite element method. I have attached the problem and solution given in the book. As per the problem i first derived the stiffness matrix and den putting the boundary conditions started solving for the forces. I am stuck as three forces are unknown but...
Is any given finite semigroup isomorphic to some finite semigroup S that consists of some subsets of some finite group G under the operation of set multiplication defined in the usual way? (i.e. the product of two subsets A,B of G is the set consisting of all (and only) those elements of G that...
Dear all,
Please tell me the steps are used to find Modal loss factor of composite constrained layer damped beam by using Finite Element software such as ANSYS etc.