I am reading "Algebra: An Approach via Module Theory" by William A. Adkins and Steven H. Weintraub ...
I am currently focused on Chapter 2: Rings ...
I need help with an aspect of the proof of Proposition 1.5 ... ...
Proposition 1.5 and its proof read as...
I am reading "Algebra: An Approach via Module Theory" by William A. Adkins and Steven H. Weintraub ...
I am currently focused on Chapter 2: Rings ...
I need help with an aspect of the proof of Proposition 1.5 ... ...
Proposition 1.5 and its proof read as follows: At the end of the above proof...
I am looking at this proof and I am stuck on the logic that $a^{p}$ = 1. For example, consider the group under multiplication without zero, ${Z}_{5}$, wouldn't 2^4 = 1 imply that the order is 4 not 5? We know that if G is a finite abelian group, G is isomorphic to a direct product...
The universe seems to be expanding since the farther away an object is, the faster it is moving. However, because of the finite speed of light, the farther away we look in distance, the further back in time we look. Does that mean that galaxies were moving faster in the past and are now slowing...
Homework Statement
Determine the Finite Difference Method stencil for approximating a second derivative u''(x) at a discrete set of nodes with maximum accuracy for stencil of sizes (0,4) (off-centered).
My questions:
I think I am able to answer the question I am just not sure about what is...
Hello Physics Forum Users! I have an annoying situation with the Finite Heat Release Equation used to simulate combustion and expansion processes in an internal combustion engine. The equation is as follows:
P = Cylinder Pressure (kPa)
θ = Crank Angle (Deg)
k = Specific Heat...
Homework Statement
I'm trying to solve Laplace's equation numerically in 3d for a charged sphere in a big box. I'm using Comsol, which solves using the finite elements method. I used neumann BC on the surface of the sphere, and flux=0 BC on the box in which I have the sphere. The result does...
I have in the back of my head the statement that for every finite sequence of positive integers there exists a pattern (i.e., a generating formula). While this sounds reasonable, I am not sure whether it is true, and if it is true, what the source for this statement is, and how the correct...
Hi, I would like to ask why center of element displacement is always estimated with polynomial equation involving nodes displacement (like in attachment/picture)? Also I know that if nodes' number increase for an element then displacement of center of element is estimated with higher order...
For example, when we solve simple 1D Poisson equation by finite difference method, why three point central difference scheme on uniform grid (attached image) is second order method for solution convergence?
I understand why approximation of first derivative is second order (and that second...
Homework Statement
Linear and quadratic elements differ because of the extra mid-nodes on quadratic elements. Quadratic elements can "bend", linear can't. How do you define the DOF of a element? (see at solution attempt)Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
For example: a linear...
Hi PF!
I'm trying to finite difference a FTCS PDE $$h_t+\partial_x\left[h^3(h_{xxx}+(Kf'(h)-G)h_x\right] = 0$$ where ##K## and ##G## are constants. ##f'(h) = -(n(h^*/h)^n-m(h^*/h)^m)/h##. Boundary conditions are ##h_x=h_{xxx}=0## at both ends of the ##x## domain (however long you want to make...
Given a function ##\psi## having ##N## components, how would you (as fast as possible) construct ##\psi'## also having ##N## components? I thought about taking a forward finite difference approach on the first ##N-1## components of ##\psi## to generate ##\psi'## and then a backward finite...
Homework Statement
A finite ring with more than one element and no zero divisors is a division ring (Special case: a finite integral domain is a field)
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
Let ##r \in R \setminus \{0\}##, and define ##f : R \setminus \{0\} \to R \setminus \{0\}## by...
Homework Statement
A beam of particles of mass m and energy E is incident from the right unto a square well potential given by ##V(x)=-V_0## for ##-a<x<0##, and ##V(x)=0## otherwise.
Solve the Schrodinger equation to determine the wave function which describes this situation. Determine the...
Homework Statement
An electron is trapped in a finite potential well that is deep enough to allow the electron to exist in a state with n=4. How many points of (a) zero probability and (b) maximum probability does its matter wave have within the well?
Homework Equations
For infinite potential...
Homework Statement
There is a finite line charge with length L = 1 meter and linear charge density λ = 1*10^-16 C/m. Point P is h = 70cm above the line charge and distance x from the right end of the line charge. The magnitude and direction of the electric field at point P must be found. The...
Homework Statement
Let ##E## be a nonmeasurable set of finite outer measure. Show that there is a ##G_\delta## set ##G## that contains ##E## for which ##m^*(E)=m^*(G)##, while ##m^*(G-E) > 0##.
Homework Equations
##E## is a measurable set if and only if there is a ##G_\delta## set ##G##...
HI, initially I would like to put into words that there are sufficient resources, books or lecture videos on YouTube related to finite element analysis especially for structural dynamics (for instance JURGEN BATHE in MIT). But I would like to make you sure that there NO lecture videos or other...
Hello all,
I am having hard time to know if the finite angular displacement really a scalar quantity?
In some books they say angular displacement when finite is Scalar and when infinitesimal small is Vector, with direction perpendicular to plane of circle government by right hand rule.
Hi all,
Yet another question: if the universe is finite, then linear momentum should be quantized (I assume in a similar manner to an infinite potential well since there are boundary conditions). My question is, then, if one computes a value for ##\Delta p## (momentum variance), is the variance...
Given a rational number, $\frac{p}{q}$, show that there are only a finite number of positive integer solutions to the equation:
I have read some of the other posts about this topic but am still left unsatisfied. Could just be me. :cool:
Did the universe, one minute after the big bang, consist of a finite volume of spacetime?
If so, then is it not logically inconsistent that the universe can possibly be infinite now...
What is a finite difference discretization for the fourth-order partial differential terms
\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}k\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}k(x,y)\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}
\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}k(x,y) \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}...
Homework Statement
Referencing image attached.
I'm not sure how the example arrived at ψ ⇒ 0 at x<0 and >L as K ⇒ ∞ in the limiting case of an infinite potential well.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I tried simply applying limits to the wavefuction but in the case x<0, the...
Homework Statement
Identify the following as a valid or an invalid argument.
p → q
q ∧ r
∴ ~r → ~p
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Truth table values:
(a) p → q TTFFTTTT
(b) q ∧ r TFFFTFFF
(c) a ∧ b TFFFTFFF
(d) ~r → ~p TFTFTTTT
(e) c → d...
I'm not sure about where I should post this question, so sorry in advance if I posted it in the wrong place.
My question is basically this screenshot. So I really have some difficulty in understanding the two equations. I mean how can it not be equal? I understand that rotations are...
The link above takes you to a site I have found to be very helpful in my studies of the Otto cycle, but on this particular page, it depicts an equation for the rate of change of cylinder Pressure vs. crank angle, and in this...
Homework Statement
The problem involves a population in a country:
year 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970
Pop 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.8 5.4
Part A involved finding the population in 1920 using Newton Divided Differences Interpolation (SOLVED)
Part B requires finding...
Hi. Can someone point me to a good (and really basic) PDF file or text regarding Finite Element analysis? I would prefer it having an example where it would solve the 1D heat equation or the Laplace equation so I can extend what I know from finite difference methods to it.
Sorry if this seems...
I am reading Anderson and Feil - A First Course in Abstract Algebra.
I am currently focused on Ch. 44: Finite Extensions and Constructibility Revisited ... ...
I need some help in fully understanding Example 44.2 ... ...Example 44.2 reads as follows...
I am reading Anderson and Feil - A First Course in Abstract Algebra.
I am currently focused on Ch. 44: Finite Extensions and Constructibility Revisited ... ...
I need some help in fully understanding Example 44.2 ... ...Example 44.2 reads as follows:
I am trying to fully understand EXACTLY...
I am computing magnetic field around a thick conductor to do railgun force modeling. I am currently re-examining my magnetic field computation, and I have found some confusing results stemming from a fairly simple use of the Biot-Savart Law. The main issue is that the more nuanced application of...
Homework Statement
Let ##({a, b, c}, *,+)## be a finite field. Complete the field table for the operations ##*## and ##+##
\hline * & a & b & c \\
\hline a & ? & ? & ? \\
\hline b & ? & ? & ? \\
\hline c & ? & ? & b \\
Homework Statement
A charged wire of negligible thickness has length 2L units and has a linear charge density λ. Consider the electric field E⃗ at the point P, a distance d above the midpoint of the wire.
What is the magnitude E of the electric field at point P? Throughout this part, express...
I am reading David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote : Abstract Algebra ...
I am trying to understand the example on Finite Fields in Section 13.5 Separable and Inseparable Extensions ...The example reads as follows:
My questions are as follows:
Question 1In the above text from D&F we read the...
I am reading David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote : Abstract Algebra ...
I am trying to understand the example on Finite Fields in Section 13.5 Separable and Inseparable Extensions ...The example reads as follows:
My questions are as follows:
Question 1In the above text from D&F we read the...
Hello all,
I have another question about partial order relations, again, a few statements which are either true or false.
R is a partial order relation on a set A which is not necessarily finite.
1) With this order, A has at least one maximal and one minimal elements.
2) If with this order...
Homework Statement
Prove in any finite group G, the number of elements not equal to their own inverse is an even number.
Homework Equations
if ab = ba = e, then a = b-1 and b = a-1
The Attempt at a Solution
Let S, A, B, be subsets of G where S = A + B.
Let a ∈ A s.t. there exists a unique b...
Homework Statement
In the third picture , I don't understand the circled part , add up the values in the diagonal .. How to do that ?
I don't understand how to get k13 , k14 , k21 , k22 , k33, k41 and k42 .
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
As we see in the second picture , the k21...
I am unsure of my approach to Exercise 2 Dummit and Foote, Section 13.2 : Algebraic Extensions ..
I am therefore posting my solution to the part of the exercise dealing with the polynomial g(x) = x^2 + x + 1 and the field F = \mathbb{F}_2 ... ...
Can someone please confirm my solution is...
Homework Statement
I need help with Exercise 1 of Dummit and Foote, Section 13.2 : Algebraic Extensions ..
I have been unable to make a meaningful start on the problem ... ...
Exercise 1 of Dummit and Foote, Section 13.2 reads as follows: Homework Equations
A relevant definition is the...
I need help with Exercise 1 of Dummit and Foote, Section 13.2 : Algebraic Extensions ..
I have been unable to make a meaningful start on the problem ... ... Exercise 1 of Dummit and Foote, Section 13.2 reads as follows:
I have been unable to make a meaningful start on this problem ...BUT ...
Homework Statement
I'm trying to understand the intuition behind path-connectedness and simple-connectedness in finite topological spaces. Is there a general methodology or algorithm for finding out whether a given finite topological space is path-connected?
Homework Equations
how can I...
Hi. I am trying to simulate this paper since apparently I have a lot of time.
Scrolling down to the last page, he simulated a transient 2D heat conduction plate with composite slabs on it. Darkest one is copper, lighter one is steel, lightest one is glass.
If you look closely, the authors said...
So I have this PDE:
d2T/dr2 + 1/r dT/dr + d2T/dθ2 = 0.
How do I implement dT/dr || [r = 0] = 0? Also, what should I do about 1/r?
This is actually the first time I am going to attack FDF in polar/cylindrical coordinates. I can finite-difference the base equation fairly decently; I am just...
I'm preparing for an exam, and I'm going over past papers. I've solved parts a & b of this question without any problems, however I'm finding it hard to understand part c.
I thought of shifting the boundary conditions so I'd have 0 and L in the place of ± L/2, but that would not work...
In reviewing some calculations, I've arrived at the series:
##S(d)=-\frac 1 {d-1}+\frac 1 2 \frac{d-2}{d-3}-\frac 1 8 \frac{(d-2)(d-4)}{d-5}+\frac 1 {48} \frac{(d-2)(d-4)(d-6)}{d-7}+\dots ##
Its an infinite series but because I'm interested in its values for even ##d##s, its actually a finite...
I have completed a 2D finite difference code in MATLAB that has a domain of (0,1)x(0,1) and has Dirichlet Boundary Conditions of value zero along the boundary. I get convergence rates of 2 for second order and 4 for fourth order. My issue now is that I'm now wanting to change the domain to a...