Flow Definition and 1000 Threads

Flow (stylized as flOw) is an independent video game created by Jenova Chen and Nicholas Clark. Originally released as a free Flash game in 2006 to accompany Chen's master's thesis, it was reworked into a 2007 PlayStation 3 game by his development studio, Thatgamecompany. SuperVillain Studios developed a PlayStation Portable version of the game in 2008, and PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita versions in 2013. In Flow, the player navigates a series of two-dimensional (2D) planes with an aquatic microorganism that evolves by consuming other microorganisms. The game's design is based on Chen's research into dynamic difficulty adjustment at the University of Southern California's Interactive Media Division, and on psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's theoretical concept of mental immersion or flow.
The Flash version of Flow received 100,000 downloads within its first two weeks of release, and had been played over 3.5 million times by 2008. Its PlayStation 3 re-release was the most downloaded game on the PlayStation Network in 2007 and won the Best Downloadable Game award at the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards. It was nominated for awards by the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). Reviewers praised Flow's visual and audio appeal, but noted the simplicity of its gameplay; several considered it to be more of an art piece than a game.

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  1. G

    B Why do we assume the existence of time (flow)?

    As I understand it, there is no solid definition of time other than the entropy is an arrow of time flow. I believe that physics equation would work regardless of the direction of time flow. What would be the implications if we assume that past, present, and future events are part of the...
  2. S

    A Flow of charge on fermion propagator

    The momentum-space fermion propagator in the free Dirac theory is given by The arrow on the fermion propagator is said to represent the flow of charge. How can we derive this statement quantitatively from the Dirac Lagrangian? What is the quantitative form of the charge being referred to here?
  3. H

    Energy flow in grid connected PV system

    Hello! Let's say your house is connected to the local distribution grid, and you also have a PV-system on your house that is connected to the grid (no storage): How does the equipment in your house "use" the power from the PV module, and not "from" the grid? Everything is connected, right? If...
  4. Mechanic7

    Water flow system - Design an Optimization

    Hello all, I'm a Mechanical engineer with no prior experience in designing flow systems. I'm struggling with a hydraulic system that I have to design. the number of unknowns is large. but maybe by dividing the system to small sections, a solution can be found. I attached a schematic drawing...
  5. R

    Question about liquid flow into a vessel, is it going in?

    Liquid is being pumped into a vessel then it leaves and recirculates through the pump. I have calibrated the pump by measuring the amount of fluid being pumped through the tube (not into the vessel). However I have noticed at low flow rates the liquid level at the inlet is only half full! That...
  6. V

    Drawing the quark flow diagram for proton-pion interaction

    Homework Statement I am given the following interaction, $$\pi^-+p\rightarrow \pi^++\pi^-+n,$$ and asked to draw the Feynman (quark flow diagram). Homework Equations None; just baryon number conservation, quark flavor conservation, etc. The Attempt at a Solution First, as baryon number and...
  7. N

    Effect of resistance on voltage flow in a wire

    Hey guys! Any answers will be much appreciated! The following is a deep conceptual issue I have. The diagram is a bit crude but will suffice I think. Note: Had drawn the circular 'electric field' at the time, to just help myself over my confusion. Feel free to ignore it. As per Ohm's law V...
  8. M

    Behaviour of an axial flow compressor with a butterfly valve

    Homework Statement I just did a lab experiment that involved recording the heights of manometer tubes placed in different locations along the compressor in order to calculate pressure drops, air mass flow rate, isentropic efficiency. An electric motor provided the power to drive the compressor...
  9. M

    What would be the Flow Rate of 7.5 Hp Pump

    Hi Friends, I am Milind Nachane, New member of PF. We have to buy a Water Treatment Device which eliminates the scaling and rusting Hazard. To decide model of device we need to know Flow rate of Pump. I know that Pump is Mono-block (Non-submersible) of 7.5 Hp and has 2 Inches Diameter...
  10. F

    Differential equation of gradually varied flow

    Homework Statement I have no idea how the third formula of dy/dx is derived ... Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I know that the Q = (1/n)(A)(R^2/3) [(s)(^0.5)] , Q = K [(s)(^0.5)] , so , K= (1/n)(A)(R^2/3) i know that for very wide channel , y = R A = by K= (1/n)(A)(R^2/3)...
  11. F

    Need a book with good intro to Taylor Couette flow

    Hi I just finished a good intro to aerodynamics but I want to understand taylor couette flow. My book stopped at 2d couette flow between 2 plates. I need a good book that someone with only an intro to Aero can understand! Any recommendations?
  12. F

    Understanding Critical Flow and Minimum M in Fluid Mechanics

    Homework Statement I am not sure how to get the Mmin . Why δA will become B (refer to the pink circled part) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Is there anything wrong with the author's steps ? I know the author's intention is to show that the Mmin occur when the Fr = (Q^2)B/ g(A^3)...
  13. H

    Would greater flow take precedence over velocity in pressure

    The equation for mean arterial pressure = flow * resistance, however, if we increase flow we would increase velocity by the equation Velocity = flow/ cross sectional area, and velocity would decrease pressure according to bernoullies law? Which would take precedence in generating more pressure...
  14. sa1988

    Is a 2D Fluid Flow Simulator Useful for Learning Basic Fluid Dynamics?

    I've made a fluid flow simulator, for anyone interested in fluid dynamics. The simulator models some basic flows which I learned on a 2nd year fluid dynamics course. It doesn't include viscosity, density or whatever else (hence for example the flow past a sphere in the simulator is a perfect...
  15. F

    Understanding Supercritical Flow: Q^2/g^1/3

    Homework Statement How to show that the dE/dy = 0 , yc will become (Q^2 / g)^1/3 ? http://www.brighthubengineering.com/hydraulics-civil-engineering/53261-open-channel-flow-basics-2-supercritical-flow/#imgn_0 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution E = y + (V^2) /2g , dE / dy = 1 ... why yc...
  16. F

    Uniform flow vs non-uniform flow in fluid

    Homework Statement In the notes , it's stated in the first part for non-uniform flow that the gradient of $$S_0$$ , $$S_w$$ and $$i$$ are not the same , But , in the lower part , it's stated in the first part for non-uniform flow that the gradient of $$S_0$$ , $$S_w$$ and $$i$$ are the...
  17. jerry wickey

    How can Bernoulli's principle help explain pressure changes in fluid dynamics?

    Can someone smarter than I, please express p1 and p2 in terms of f, or v and r? The pump pushes out water at f rate which creates velocity v in the bigger pipe. When the water comes to the restriction velocity increases while flow rate is conserved. Bernouli tells us that the change in...
  18. J

    Surface Charge - Poynting Vector - DC circuit power flow

    I found it very interesting to see that surface charge and the Poynting vector are being used to describe how a simple DC circuit actually works. Chabay and Sherwood have made an outstanding contribution to physics and engineering in their texts and papers. Of course others jump on the...
  19. T

    Finding the flow rate through an open-end pipe

    I have a basic question for my own understanding of things, Consider a straight horizontal piece of Ø15 mm pipe (inside), 20 meters in length, with 5 bars static pressure connected to a water main. Trying to find out what the flow rate through the open end of the pipe will be, doesn't seem to...
  20. ScottAllenRauch

    Fluid Flow Loss Analysis Using Real Gas Properties

    I am trying to model fluid flow and losses through a component (e.g., pipe) using REAL GAS properties since 1) I have access to RefProp from NIST, and 2) I am dealing with refrigerants, which are far from ideal. I have seen nowhere an analysis of fluid flow losses (e.g., drag, friction...
  21. C

    Selecting a Valve for Natural Gas Flow

    Homework Statement A valve is required to regulate the flow of natural gas. Details of the gas are given in table below. It can be assumed that the pipe size and the valve size are the same [i.e. piping geometry does not have to be allowed for]. The chosen valve type is the V250 rotary ball...
  22. C

    How Do You Calculate Choked Flow of Propane Based on Natural Gas Parameters?

    Homework Statement Calculate the equivalent choked flow of propane through a particular valve if the choked flow of natural gas through it is 10 litres s–1.The relative density* of propane is 1.45 and that natural gas is 0.65.Homework Equations Kvf = qv (SQRT d/DeltaP) ...1 d is fluids...
  23. kubaanglin

    Solved: Flow over Spillway: Calculating Q with Bernoulli & Torricelli

    Homework Statement [/B] When the level of water in a reservoir is too high, the water spills out over a spillway, as illustrated in the figure below Neglecting viscosity, show that the water flow ##Q## over the spillway is given by $$Q=\frac{2}{3}w\sqrt{2gy^3}$$ Homework Equations [/B]...
  24. R

    Anyone work with liquid flow, tubing size flow dependence

    I want to use a pump to have solution moving through a reaction vessel at a set flow rate. But the problem is the outlets FROM the pump are very small 1/6" (0.4cm) inner diameter, and the vessel INLET is GL14 thread size (1cm inner diameter). Schematic Problem Pump...
  25. S

    Calculating Mass Flow Rate of Steam

    Homework Statement If 5% of the heat available for steam production is lost to the atmosphere, determine the amount of steam raised per hour when the total flow of flue gases is 1400 kmol h-1. qmH = 1400 kmol h-1 Flue gas temperatures: Inlet = 1832°C Outlet = 300°C Water temperature: Inlet...
  26. F

    Question about shear flow / stress

    Homework Statement For QB , why shouldn't the QB = red part only ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Is there anything wrong with the solution given ? Since When we 'cut ' the boards , the b is the red part which in contact with the other board , right ? [/B]
  27. P

    Flow rate through a submerged orifice

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Bernoulli: p1+½ρU12+ρgz1=p2+½ρU22+ρgz2 Continuity: Q=U1A1=U2A2 Area=CC*(¼πd2) The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I attempted to apply the Bernoulli equation, making point 1 the top surface of the left hand side and point 2 the instant at the sharp edge...
  28. S

    Acoustics and Fluid Flow - COMSOL 4.2

    Hello everyone, First of all I am new here~ Second, I would like to "prove" on COMSOL that soundwaves (sound vibration) can alter/reshape the fluid flow Can someone tell me the physics i should use as well as all the other parameters to make it work? if someone is more experience can they...
  29. F

    Is the Shear Flow Direction Incorrect in Preventing Beam Twisting?

    In the figure , we can notice that the moment due to Pe is counterclokwise , but moment due to shear flow is also counterclockwise , How can the Pe prevent the twisting of the beam ? Or is the direction of the shear flow wrong ? Should it flow from the below to the top ?
  30. H

    B Why is blood flow rate constant?

    I am having trouble understanding why blood flow rate is constant between the aorta and the sum of capillaries/sum of the arterioles. I keep thinking that in the arterioles or capillaries there is a decrease in velocity and somehow this decrease in velocity will decrease the total amount of...
  31. Ryan Walsh

    What sort of material stops magnetic flow

    I just want to know what would reduce a magnets strength or stop it with a material over it so that its not magnetic anymore. Is there a material that would not allow two magnets attaching N+P from colliding together and make them not move. 1 More question. Is there a electro magnetic device or...
  32. J

    Need help calculating fuel flow rate

    I am working on something that I could use some help with. I have a flow sheet for some fuel injectors that gives fuel quantity through the injector with a set pressure and activation time for 4 different points with different activation times and pressures. I need to come up with a formula to...
  33. C

    Understanding Radial Flow in Porous Media: Darcy's Law and Pressure Distribution

    I've never done a question similar to this one, and I've found myself stuck on it for a while now. I was hoping for some guidance on where to begin, because I truly have no idea: An incompressible fluid flows through a porous cylindrical shell with inner and outer radii R1 and R2, respectively...
  34. S

    I Mass Flow Rate Problem: Easy Unite Conversion Tricks

    Hi, I am not science student. Can anyone help me to solve this? Density and velocity of a fluid is given as 920kg/m3 and 5m/s, this fluid is flowing through an area of 25cm2. Calculate the mass flow rate? I am in search of some easy unite conversion tricks also.
  35. donaldparida

    Will any charge flow through the circuit?

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3IenBvKWb4PZW9rRWg4cXptT2c I had to find the resistance of this circuit between A and B. My teacher said that since the blank wires have zero resistance, the potential difference across the ends of the blank wire is zero(according to v = ir) and thus 1,4 are...
  36. T

    Flow Calculations: Solenoid & SLM Rates

    So, I am new to here and I am currently a technician that does vacuum systems for the semiconductor industry (mainly Electrical). I came across something today that has me quite perplexed. So We have this system that flows gas through 1/4" stainless tubing to a pump to dilute gasses and...
  37. G

    Pipe Flow Calculation: GPM Through Pipe Level Section

    I used to have a slide chart that gave gpm through a level section of pipe (1/2" - 6") by measuring how long the exit stream was when it had dropped 4". Imagine a framing square with the blade on the pipe and the tongue hanging down in the stream. Slide the square out until the stream is...
  38. JCB123

    I Air flow from atmosphere into a tank

    Hi, I have a tank of air which has been depressurized to 0.2bar (absolute) via a vacuum pump, where air can be let in from atmosphere through pipework controlled by a valve. What would be the equation I can use to determine the flow rate into the tank with time? As the flow rate is determined by...
  39. P

    Can Mass Fractions be Determined from Given Mass Flow Rates?

    Homework Statement I'm running a simulation and was given 2 mass flow rates (let's say m1_dot and m2_dot) for 2 chemical species at the inlet. Homework Equations mass flow rate = density*velocity * area The Attempt at a Solution I need to compute the bulk velocity for the fluid (consisting...
  40. B

    Pressure and flow rate control valve, ....

    Dear all, I'm wondering how a control valve can control pressure and flow rate. I understand that a control valve in a pipe induces a certain pressure drop but I don't understand how this affects flow rate. I'm disturbed with the continuity laws which states that the total flow rate between two...
  41. P

    Bernoulli's Princple vs Flow Equation (deltaP=QR)

    First off, I'm a pathology resident, so it's been a long time since I've done real physics. But I really like physics and I try, whenever possible, to at least develop a basic understanding of the physics underlying physiology. With that as prelude, this question was inspired by blood flow but I...
  42. Jabbar_B

    I Viscosity, two immicible phase flow, wettabilility

    If the single phase flows on the inclined surface and this phase (let's say water) is wetting the surface then closest layer to the surface will be bounded and will not move. And velocity of flow will be in inverse proportion with viscosity of the fluid. If now the second phase is introduced...
  43. J

    Two Pumps on one system flow question

    I am hoping this is the right place to post this. I have a hydraulic system that uses two pumps. Each pump is capable of producing 22.5 gpm. With out taking into account the different valves, restrictors, and pipe sizing, my question is, does my gpm double to 45 gpm or stay at 22.5? the pumps...
  44. M

    Gravity-induced viscous flow around a cylinder

    Homework Statement A viscous liquid with density and viscosity ##\rho## and ##\mu## respectively is discharged onto the upper surface of a cylinder with radius ##a## at a volume flow rate ##Q##. This is a gravity-driven flow, and it forms a film around the cylinder--see picture. What is the...
  45. CollegeCourt

    Split Pipe Flow: Multiple Inlets and Outlets (Bernoulli's)

    http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=mhvarc&s=9#.WD__u_mLTIU Hey guys, So, I've got this problem, attached. I've used Bernoulli's to produce P1 + (1/2)p(u1)^2 +P2 + (1/2)p(u2)^2 = P3+ (1/2)p(u3)^2 +P4 + (1/2)p(u4)^2 +P5 + (1/2)p(u5)^2, Plugging in the values you get 82500 + P2 + 500(u2)^2 = P3 +...
  46. N

    I Does Capillary Flow in a Tube Create a Pressure Gradient?

    I'm trying to understand capillary flow in a tube. I've found this http://folk.uio.no/eaker/thesis/node11.html that explains some aspects of it, the system is illustrated here, So the (black) non-wetting fluid resides to the left and the (white) wetting fluid is to the right. Say that we are...
  47. pistolpete

    External Fluid Flow -- Immersed Body Friction Drag

    Hello all, I have browsed this forum occasionally when I had questions and threads showed up on a search. I have been stumped by a problem, so I decided to create an account and see if anyone could help me out! 1. Homework Statement A coal barge 1000 ft long and 100 ft wide is submerged in a...
  48. I

    Rocket Nozzle with combined equilibrium/frozen flow

    Homework Statement I am using the NASA CEA code to generate Isp and thrust data for the SSME. I solve the problem twice, once with a frozen flow condition and a second time with an equilibrium flow condition. However, there is a third request for solving the problem with equilibrium flow from...
  49. D

    How does an electrical signal physically flow in a processor

    I am a high school student interested in electronics. I have been able to understand almost everything about electricity and digital computers mosfets, logic gates,memory,cpu, fetching ,decoding, executing ,clock cycles, etc. except there is one thing that I can't seem to grasp my head around...
  50. W

    I Spectral representation of an incompressible flow

    Hi PH. Let ##u_i(\mathbf{x},t)## be the velocity field in a periodic box of linear size ##2\pi##. The spectral representation of ##u_i(\mathbf{x},t)## is then $$u_i(\mathbf{x},t) = \sum_{\mathbf{k}\in\mathbb{Z}^3}\hat{u}_i(\mathbf{k},t)e^{\iota k_jx_j}$$ where ι denotes the usual imaginary...