Flow Definition and 1000 Threads

Flow (stylized as flOw) is an independent video game created by Jenova Chen and Nicholas Clark. Originally released as a free Flash game in 2006 to accompany Chen's master's thesis, it was reworked into a 2007 PlayStation 3 game by his development studio, Thatgamecompany. SuperVillain Studios developed a PlayStation Portable version of the game in 2008, and PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita versions in 2013. In Flow, the player navigates a series of two-dimensional (2D) planes with an aquatic microorganism that evolves by consuming other microorganisms. The game's design is based on Chen's research into dynamic difficulty adjustment at the University of Southern California's Interactive Media Division, and on psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's theoretical concept of mental immersion or flow.
The Flash version of Flow received 100,000 downloads within its first two weeks of release, and had been played over 3.5 million times by 2008. Its PlayStation 3 re-release was the most downloaded game on the PlayStation Network in 2007 and won the Best Downloadable Game award at the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards. It was nominated for awards by the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). Reviewers praised Flow's visual and audio appeal, but noted the simplicity of its gameplay; several considered it to be more of an art piece than a game.

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  1. F

    Calculating Shear Flow in a Hollow Beam: Understanding Mistakes in Dimensioning

    Homework Statement for shear flow at D , the Q = Ay , i tried another method , i gt 30000 , instead of 29750, why the ans is different from 29750? why can't i use this method( i break the shaded area into 3 parts ( as shown in figure) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Q = Ay =...
  2. Z

    Bernoulli vs Newton - air flow characteristics

    One thing that has always puzzled me is the fact that in a venturi, air accelerates as it approaches the narrow part of the structure. there are those that argue with the fact that pressure has to raise first , because as we all know, acceleration has to be caused by an increased force (...
  3. FQVBSina_Jesse

    Pressure and flow speed relationship in wind tunnel

    I need 250 m/s of airflow speed in a wind tunnel. I can assume for this purpose, the test section of the wind tunnel has uniform flow. However, the wind tunnel can only generate a flow rate of 100 m/s but the pressure can be increased. I am drawing a blank on how could a generic boundary layer...
  4. Minoui11

    Flowmetry Analysis (relating height to flow rate)

    Hello! 1. Homework Statement I need to find the instantaneous height of a liquid during the simultaneous filling and emptying (through a hole) of a cylinder. I have varying Qin at incremental time of 1 sec. with cylinder area=5 cm and orifice area=0.5 cm. Homework Equations Torricelli's...
  5. F

    Shear flow in thin wall members

    Homework Statement In the notes , I don't understand that flange is thin , and the top and bottom surface are free of stress , can someone help to explain please? Secondly , why the q' is assumed to be q ' throughout the flange is assumed to be 0 ? why are they stress free ? We could see that...
  6. N

    Network Flow - Bipartite Matching

    Homework Statement You've periodically helped the medical consulting firm Doctors Without Weekends on various hospital scheduling issues, and they've just come to you with a new problem. For each of the next n days, the hospital has determined the number of doctors they want on hand; thus, on...
  7. I

    Air flow: pressure increase over a constriction and fan

    Homework Statement So a fan sucks air through a pipe, and the outlet is near the fan, and thus the inlet where the air starts to travel is furthest away. If the diameter is constant the speed would be constant due to the continuity equation, and I assume we neglect compression effects in...
  8. G

    Calculate Flue Gas Flow Rate for 5 Bar Steam Generation

    Homework Statement A fuel gas consists of 75% butane (C4H10), 10% propane (C3H8) and 15% butene (C4H8) by volume. It is to be fed to the combustion chamber in 10% excess air at 25°C, where it is completely burnt to carbon dioxide and water. The flue gases produced are to be used to generate 5...
  9. A

    What is the Best Control System for Compressed Air in a Drone?

    Hey, I'm working on a project to build a drone which is powered through air jets. The drone needs a valve control system which can control the flow rate (hence the thrust) going to each nozzle in order to adjust it's altitude and stabilty. I need to set up a circuit which can electronically...
  10. G

    Isothermal Expansion of Supersonic Flow

    Hi, In a standard converging-diverging rocket nozzle, we have (ex.) the relation:(1-M^2)\frac{dV}{V}=-\frac{dA}{A}By substituting in definitions, we can obtain\left(1-\frac{V^2}{\gamma R T}\right)\frac{dV}{V} = -\frac{dA}{A}This shows the dependence on temperature. The relation assumes that...
  11. S

    Understanding Fluid Flow in Physics Lab: Poiseuille Equation

    Hi everyone, I have to answer some question about a physics lab..here are the questions A tank is empty by a pipe and we measure the height (y-y0) of fluid in the tank as a function of time. We obtain this graph ( I join the graph) We can find the relaxation time with the relation : with...
  12. C

    Does back pressure give incorrect flow reading?

    I have to build a digital peak flow meter. I have two models based on calculations ( ideal). I have noticed that the flow rate on the model with a tighter constriction has a greater value than that of a much broader constriction. While testing it out, i noticed air resistance from the first...
  13. L

    How does flow of current result in sound?

    I understand in a bulb when electrons flow they cause resistance and this heats up the bulb and the gases inside are ionised and they in turn emit light because their atoms become charged. How does flow of electrons cause sound? I know its an advanced explanation but what is the flow actually...
  14. T

    Electrodes liquid contact electromagnetic flow meter?

    Hello, I'm interested in building a small non-invasive battery powered device that wraps around a pressured 1/2" pipe for measuring potable water. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_flow_meter and watching youtube videos, it seems they all use electrodes which contact the liquid...
  15. R

    A Why Doesn't IV Flow Rate Increase Through a Constriction?

    I know I am over thinking this but it's bugging me... When giving patients fluid through an IV giving set, we set the flow rate by adjusting a rolling clamp on the tubing line. This is in effect creating a construction. Reading about flow, I am told over and over that flow is conserved. That...
  16. C

    Fluid mechanics : Two dimensional converging flow

    So, here's the problem I've come up with that I wanted to solve. We're going to be using a polar coordinate system for this one. A will represent our angle theta, and r will represent our radial coordinate. We are going to be looking at a non-compressible Newtonian viscous fluids. I'll now put...
  17. substitute materials

    I Could we detect an intrinsic change in the flow of time?

    In the principle study of the Pioneer Anomaly, John Anderson and Slava Turyshev suggested a speculative explanation for the apparent deceleration of the spacecraft : as an acceleration of the clock rate used for telemetry back on earth. To be clear, this explanation has been discounted-...
  18. C

    Applicability of potential flow theory (fluid dynamics)

    To start this question off, I'll just state what I do understand about potential flow theory 1.) I understand that the navier stokes equations are really difficult to solve analytically except in degenerate cases where the assumptions about the flow cancel out the non-linear terms. 2.) I...
  19. C

    Radial flow between two circular discs (fluid mechanics)

    Hello, So I was reading wikipedia the other day, as I do from time to time. I came across a rather interesting sample problem posed in the article, but seeing as Wikipedia is horrible in some of their physics articles on explaining what's the hell they're doing, I became lost. Here is the...
  20. MaxKang

    Reynolds number & Mach number for flow regime

    "An adverse pressure gradient strongly favors transition to turbulent flow. In contrast, strong favorable pressure gradients (where p decreases in the downstream direction) tend to preserve initially laminar flow." "High values of M∞ and low values of Re tend to encourage laminar flow" Looking at...
  21. MaxKang

    Do all airfoils (infinite wing) have a flow separation?

    Do all airfoils(infinite wing) have a flow separation at a finite or zero AOA? I wonder if there exists such an airfoil that despite the presence of adverse pressure gradients, exhibits no flow separation phenomena, perhaps turbulent intensity could be high enough to sustain enough speed near...
  22. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Current flow direction in "infinite" cube of 1ohm resistors

    Homework Statement Write a program to find the equivalent resistance between two opposite corners within a grid of "infinite size" with resistors between each point. So basically we have an infinite cube made up of cubes with 1 ohm resistors between each node. Homework Equations Kirkoff's laws...
  23. M

    A Stream functions and flow around sphere/cylinder

    Hi PF! I am wondering why we define velocity for polar coordinates as $$\vec{V} = \nabla \times \frac{\psi(r,z)}{r} \vec{e_\theta}$$ and why we define velocity in spherical coordinates as $$\vec{V} = \nabla \times \frac{\psi(r,\phi)}{r \sin \phi} \vec{e_\theta}$$ The only thing I don't...
  24. jdawg

    Fluid Mechanics: 2D Laminar Flow

    Homework Statement A reasonable approximation for the two-dimensional incompressible laminar boundary layer on the flat surface in Fig. P4.17 is u ≈ U(2*(y/δ) - 6*(y3/δ4) + y4/δ4) δ = Cx1/2 where C is a constant y ≤ δ Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Incompressible so...
  25. R

    Resistance calculation on right angle current flow

    As you know, resistance of a rectangular shape is given by R=ρ A/L But how do we theoretically calculate the resistance of the bottom case? ( now, the current flow is not parrallel, current flows from bottom through the right side) I would like to know if there is any references for this...
  26. A

    Calculation of water flow rate in heat exchanger

    I am not a mechanical engineer; but I have physics background. I want to lift about 250 watts of heat from a metal block. At the same time I have to maintain its temperature at 30 deg Cel. For this I want to use water-air heat exchanger (HE). Heat exchanger will have inlet & outlet pipes. Hot...
  27. B

    How to find force from volumetric flow rate and pressure

    1. Homework Statement Hi. This is a problem related to designing a RC hover craft. We are given a datasheet for a fan used as thrust. http://imgur.com/6liZSid Sorry image post no working, url: http://imgur.com/a/6XLwL We have to approximate the equation to a straight line through the curve...
  28. A

    Mass Flow Rate of Pressure Regulator

    Hey, I have an air tank that is at a set pressure, say 3000psi, and I have attached a regulator to the end that regulates the pressure down to 800psi. As the valve on the tank is opened the pressure and the mass in the container will decrease. If there was no regulator the mass flow rate would...
  29. G

    Mass flow rate through a regulator

    Hi, We have a canister at a set pressure (4500psi) full of compressed air. A single stage pressure regulator is fitted to the canister that reduces the outlet pressure to 850psi. The flow from the regulator is then used in a divergent nozzle to create a thrust force capable of lifting a small...
  30. iceberk

    How to change desired flow rate of the nozzle

    Hello, We have a system with a 70 bar pump and 9 nozzles connected to the pump lines. Total flow rate is 2 l/m. Is there a way to change only one nozzle flow rate manually, with a pressure regulator valf just behind that nozzle? Thank you.
  31. A

    Air Tank Discharging Through A Nozzle - Unsteady Flow

    Hey, So I have a system where there is an air tank (0.2Litres @ 3000psi, 293K) and I have a convergent-divergent nozzle attached directly to it. What I want to know is an expression for how the mass flow rate varies with time as the mass in the tank decreases causing the pressure to decrease...
  32. ChloeYip

    River Flow Rate: Find Answer b in 1.5m/s at 28°

    Homework Statement You want to swim straight across a river that is 76 m wide. You find that you can do this if you swim at an angle of θ = 28° from the upstream direction at a constant rate of 1.5 m/s relative to the water. At what rate does the river flow? The angle θ is measured from the...
  33. G

    Compressible air flow from a tank through a regulator

    This is probably a simple question but I am really struggling as to where to start. We have a tank of compressed air, Volume of tank (V1) = 0.2litres Pressure of tank (P1) = 206.8 bar Regulator Pressure (P2) = 58.6 bar I would like to find the volume of air that can pass through the regulator...
  34. D

    Making a shop press using a electric motor

    I'd like to make a small shop press from an electric motor, say 18'' tall max, with 6" of travel. It should be able to press say 10,000 psi and hold for several second or even maybe indefinitely. My question is two fold. First, what type of mechanical action would be best to turn circular...
  35. brandonmm1

    Total Heat Flow Calculation for Isothermal Expansion of Diatomic Gas

    Homework Statement n = 3.8-mol of diatomic gas is allowed to expand isothermally from Vini = 1.9-m3 to Vfin = 10.5-m3. The initial pressure is Pini = 1.38-atm. After this the gas is raised at a constant volume by a temperature ΔT = 35-K. Calculate the total heat flow into the gas. Homework...
  36. S

    Thermodynamics Energy balance equation for Non - Steady Flow

    Hi, I am currently studying Thermodynamics and stumbled upon this equation and is slightly confused as to how this works. Hopefully someone can help me with the understanding. According to this text here, if I am not wrong e can be h + ke + pe or u + ke + pe depending on where i am looking...
  37. jsg94

    Determine air flow rate from pressure drop and hose diameter

    Good evening everyone, I have a pressure meter from where we determined a pressure drop of 5.5 psi (Initial pressure 45.5 psi, final pressure 40 psi). The working fluid is air. The diameter of one of the hoses that is connected to the pressure meter is 1/4". I wasn't able to take a picture of...
  38. Mr Davis 97

    Solving Mass Flow Problem Homework

    Homework Statement A sand-spraying locomotive sprays sand horizontally into a freight car. The locomotive and the freight car are not attached. The engineer in the locomotive maintains his speed so that the distance to the freight car is constant. The sand is transferred at a rate...
  39. CivilSigma

    Interpreting negative pressure in pipe fluid flow

    Homework Statement (This is more of a discussion question) [/B] My question is, if we have a pipe between two reservoir A and reservoir B (Height of A > height of B) , then if flow in the pipe is to happen from A to B, what sign would the pressure sign be at any point in the pipe? Homework...
  40. Marcin H

    Direction of current flow in KCL/Node Voltage Confusion

    Homework Statement ------------------ Homework Equations V=IR KCL/Node Voltage The Attempt at a Solution These are the solutions to some old homework assignments that my teacher posted, but I am very confused on the way he labeled his current flows in these problems. In the first picture...
  41. CivilSigma

    Derivative in mass flow rate equation - Hydrology

    Hello, I am working with the mass flow rate equation which is:$$\frac{d \dot{m}}{dt}=\dot{m}_{in}-\dot{m}_{out}$$ To determine the change of the height of water in a reservoir. Assuming m_in = 10 and m_out = sqrt(20h), then : $$\frac{d (\rho \cdot Q) }{dt}=\rho \cdot Q_{in} - \rho\cdot...
  42. C

    Calculating Choked Flow of Propane Through a Valve

    Hi, Homework Statement I have the following question in my course work. What I do not understand is why it provides the relative density of natural gas?! Calculate the equivalent choked flow of propane through a particular valve if the choked flow of natural gas through it is 10 litres s–1...
  43. R

    Flow rate of air in discharging reservoir

    If I have a tank of volume V, pressure P, and temperature T, what is the most effective way to determine the volume flow rate if I were to suddenly allow the air to discharge through a hose? My first thought was that I could use Boyle's Law to determine the compressed volume of air in the tank...
  44. Samwoodford1996

    Which Funnel Will Allow Water to Flow Faster?

    If you was to pour the same about of water though a thin funnel say 1 inch and through a big funnel say 5 inch which of the funnels will the water reach a higher speed ??
  45. C

    Water Flow Mechanics: Solving a Homework Statement

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution I do not understand why it tells me to compute the min. flow rate instead of max. and I don't whether I am correct[/B]
  46. 1

    Does Flow Velocity Decrease in an Air Ringmain System with Each Outlet?

    Hi All, Quick question about the flow velocity in an air ringmain piping system. does the flow velocity in the ringmain pipe decrease every time it passes an outlet?
  47. Jehannum

    I Guaranteeing turbulent flow in a gas pipe

    In the gas industry engineers often have to purge gas pipes. For example, if repair work must be done on a gas line the fuel gas in the system must be removed before work can be done safely. The Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) publication IGE/UP/1 stresses the need to achieve a...
  48. A

    Current flow model through a resistance field

    Hey everyone. I thought about this problem the other day, but I don't know what theory I need to solve this problem. Given a 2D rectangle with a known, varying resistance, and a known voltage drop across the length, how would one calculate the current density at each point on the surface. By...
  49. W

    Parallel Flow Exercise Homework: Find QB Value

    Homework Statement I would really appreciate if you could give me some hints regarding what exactly to iii) Homework Equations we know they are in parallel so Q=Q1+Q2+...+Qn delta hloss=delta hloss1+deltahloss2+... delta P=delta P1=delta P2=...The Attempt at a Solution We know flow is...