Fluid Definition and 1000 Threads

FLUID (Fast Light User Interface Designer) is a graphical editor and GUI builder that is used to produce FLTK source code. FLUID edits and saves its state in text .fl files, which can be edited in a text editor for finer control over display and behavior.After designing the application, FLUID compiles the .fl file into a .cxx file, which defines all the objects from the .fl file, and an .h file, which declares all the global ones. FLUID also supports localization of label strings using message files and the GNU gettext or POSIX catgets interfaces.

A simple program can be made by putting all non-interface code (including a main function) into the .fl file, thus making the .cxx file a single source file to compile. Most programs are more complex than this, so other .cxx files can be written that call the FLUID functions. These .cxx files must #include the .h file, or they can #include the .cxx file so it still appears to be a single source file.
Normally the FLUID file defines one or more functions or classes, which output C++ code. Each function defines one or more FLTK windows, and all the widgets that go inside those windows.
Widgets created by FLUID are "named", "complex named", or "unnamed". A named widget has a legal C++ variable identifier as its name (i.e. only alphanumeric and underscore), and is defined by a global variable or class member that will point at the widget after the function defining it is called. A complex named object has punctuation such as '.' or '->' or any other symbols in its name. In this case, FLUID assigns a pointer to the widget to the name, but does not attempt to declare it. This can be used to get the widgets into structures. An unnamed widget has a blank name and no pointer is stored.
Widgets may either call a named callback function that one writes in another source file, or one can supply a small piece of C++ source and FLUID will write a private callback function into the .cxx file.

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  1. R

    Height of fluid and Bernoullis equation

    Homework Statement An ideal liquid flows horizontally through a pipe of cross sectional area 3cm2 with a velocity 1ms-1. The pipe narrows to a cross sectional area 1cm2. 2 vertical pipes are connected to the pipe, one in either region. Calculate the height difference of the liquid between...
  2. L

    Semi-compressible encapsulated gas suspension as a working fluid

    Been playing with this idea http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Quasi-aerogel It's been boiled down to some sort of elastomeric beads, filled with a suitable gas/fluid/liquid (depending on pressure/temperature) suspended in a liquid. The idea is to increase pumping and compression...
  3. A

    What Type of Pressure Valves Are Needed for an Underwater Flow Widget?

    If anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated. Im trying to figure out what type of pressure valves to use in an underwater flow widget. The widget is a cylinder with 1 inflow valve and 1 outflow valve. The cylinder is filled with colored water. As the cylinder moves through water I want...
  4. R

    Relation between Cooling rate and Viscosity in Newtonian fluid

    Relation between Cooling rate and Viscosity Hi all I have a situation where i have a molten Aluminium Copper alloy melt poured in a mould to be solidified. This means, the mould temperature is lower than than than the poured melt. I am thinking about a relation which associates temperature...
  5. M

    Looking for Good Fluid Dynamics Book

    I know this question has been asked plenty of times, but nonetheless I wanted to get some recommendations that might better jive with my situation than other the other threads I've read about this topic. I'm a first year grad student in physics that hasn't had a course in fluid dynamics, but...
  6. S

    I with Fluid systems question

    Homework Statement Water is retained in a 1.25 rectangular section channel by a sluice gate. This gate can pivot about its base, the depth of the water is 1.5m and the density of the water is 1000kgm^-3. You must find the tension in the horizontal retaining cable attached to the top of the...
  7. F

    Calculate wind load using fluid impulse and momentum.

    I recently took a crash course that included some topics in fluid mechanics. I learned that you can use the concept of impulse and momentum the calculate the force of fluid, for instance a jet of water on a turbine blade. The equations used are: ƩFx = ρQ(Vx1-Vx2) ƩFy = ρQ(Vy1-Vy2) I...
  8. R

    Programs Physics or Engineering undergraduate major: Interest Fluid Dynamics

    Currently I am intended to start next fall as a Physics major at the University of Delaware. My interest lies in Fluid Dynamics particularly in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. I understand it's really early in my college career and I may change my interest, however I was surprised to find that as a...
  9. K

    What Are the Best Resources to Understand Fluid Mechanics?

    Does anyone have any links that can explain everything that has to do with fluids... Such as: Bernoulli's equation Pressure Flow rate ..etc Any help would be appreciated, i just can't seem to grasp this concept
  10. H

    Is Dynamics important for Fluid Mechanics?

    Hey Guys, I am supposed to take Fluid Mechanics in Fall 2013. The course has lots of prerequisites and I have taken them all. One of the prerequisites is Dynamics. In Dynamics I was taught how to analyze objects in motion using Newton's Second Law of motion, Work and Energy method and...
  11. L

    Fluid Manometer Question: Determining Height and Pressure

    Homework Statement The manometer illustrated in Fig. Q2 contains water and kerosene (specific gravity of 0.82) as indicated. With both ends of the U-tube open the height H0 =20 mm. (i) Determine the height, h , when both ends of the tube are open. [4] (ii) Determine the new value of...
  12. S

    Question re. the Pressure Energy of a Fluid

    I’m confused as to how energy per unit weight can be quantified as a head of fluid. I have tried to understand this from a couple of angles but am getting confused. I’ll go through my methodology to see where you can spot the cracks. If energy = work done = (force * length over which it acts)...
  13. E

    Trying to understand granular physics (includes fluid physics)

    So I want to know what happens when granules are subjected to forces while around other varieties of granules. My interest comes from two places, wanting to gold pan, and how sand surfaces from dirt at the edges of buildings. It doesn't make too much sense to me right now, I'm just having a...
  14. I

    Calculating Fluid Dynamic Forces on a Towing Cable

    I am trying to develop a calculator to approximate the depth of a trolling rig used by fisherman, which is typically a lead weight with a hook (jighead), attached to a single plastic/rubber shad body (http://www.tacklecoveshop.com/images/Product/icon/1734.jpg). The other typical rig is a...
  15. R

    MHB Fluid Dynamics in Action: (Mechanics)

    Viscous fluid flows between two rigid boundaries at y=0, y=h, the lower boundary moving in the x direction with constant speed U. The upper boundary is at rest. The boundaries are porous and the vertical velocity is V (constant) at each one...
  16. C

    Why is fluid velocity unaffected by a change of pipe roughness here?

    I had no luck in the coursework forums though I guess the question becomes simpler if I state it the way I did here. Assuming no complex network, or just a single pipe first feeding the network, why do the speeds in the pipe and even the rest of the network pipes remain unaffected if I change...
  17. E

    Maximum Capacity of a Flat-Bottomed Rowboat

    Homework Statement A rectangular, flat-bottomed rowboat has a mass of 120 kg when empty. It's 3 meters long, 1 meter wide, and .24 meters deep. How many 85 kg people could it hold before swamping? Homework Equations d=m/v ? The Attempt at a Solution I need to determine the...
  18. R

    Unsteady Fluid Flow: Incompressible and Stream Function Calculation

    An unsteady fluid flow has velocity field q= - 1/2 sin t ( xe^-y, e^-y). Show the flow is incompressible and find a stream function. Find the path of the fluid particle which is at (1,0) at t=0. I only know it has six faces and the sum of all six terms has to be zero in order to show the...
  19. F

    Understanding Bernoulli's Principle in Fluid Dynamics: Quick Question Answered

    I understand everything up to B). I believe Bernoulli's is applicable here, however I am unsure as to whether or not the pressure before the tube (pgh) is the same or different as the pressure at the tube pgh +p0. I ask the same question for the opposite end of the tube. I know that pressure...
  20. Y

    Fluid Mechanics & Flow: A Deeper Understanding

    It appears to me that a typical physics curriculum only touches upon topics from fluid mechanics very briefly in the introductory level physics. However, I imagine that the material there is very interesting and potentially relevant (plasma physics, etc). If I wanted to get a deeper...
  21. S

    High viscous fluid, how fast will a object sink?

    Homework Statement I am currently looking for a (simplified) model to see how far/fast a object will sink in a high viscous fluid. I found a lot of information about sinking spheres and the maximum contact angle with the fuild because of the surface tension before it sinks. And a example...
  22. B

    Finding out compressibility of a fluid when bubbles are present?

    I want to know approximately how compressible a fluid can become when H2O bubbles are present. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.
  23. A

    Height of a fluid in a small tube

    Homework Statement An upper tube of cross sectional area A, atmospheric pressure, and height h1 is connected to a lower tube with cross sectional area A/2 (and height 0). A fluid of uniform density rho flows through the system, with velocity v measured in the upper tube. A small open tube...
  24. WannabeNewton

    Dust generated static space-time implications on fluid 4-velocity

    Imagine we have a perfect fluid with zero pressure (dust), which generates a solution to Einstein's equations. Show that the metric can be static only if the fluid four-velocity is parallel to the time-like (and hypersurface orthogonal) Killing vector characterizing the static metric. So, I...
  25. W

    Calculating Fluid Pressure in an L-Shaped Tank

    Homework Statement The L-shaped tank shown in the figure is filled with water and is open at the top. If d = 4.81 m, what is the total force exerted by the water (a) on face A and (b) on face B? image: http://edugen.wileyplus.com/edugen/courses/crs4957/art/qb/qu/c14/fig14_33.gif Homework...
  26. M

    Fluid Mechanics - Drag (Bending Moment)

    A television transmitting antenna is placed on top of a mast which is 30m high and 300mm in diameter. The mast is on top of a tall building. The wind blows at 35m/s and at normal atmospheric pressure (1.225kg/m^3). If the drag coefficient for the mast is 0.2. calculate: (i) the total drag...
  27. B

    How to solve complex potential for a circular cylinder with sources and sinks?

    Homework Statement the probem is from the book: Fundamental mechanics of fluids by I.G. Currie is from the chapter 4 ( 2 dimentianal potential flows ) is the problem 4.4: . Consider a source of strength m located at z = −b , a source of strength m located at z=- a^2 / b , a sink of...
  28. I

    Circulating a fluid at a very high speed in a spiral pipe

    Through a spiral pipe is circulating a fluid with high speed, this will lead to many effects and forces like inertia and gyroscopic effect. http://www.2live.ro/demo/Serpentina.bmp I do not know how to approach the problem in order to find the distribution of forces...
  29. C

    Fluid pressure close to an accelerating plate

    Hi all, I need to calculate the pressure in a fluid at some fixed distance from a flat plate which is accelerating (normal to its surface) through a fluid. If you assume the plate to be infinite (i.e. a rigid half-space), then I think the problem can be formalised as a one dimensional...
  30. A

    Charging Fluid: Questions & Answers

    Hello friends, I am performing an experiment and need a charged fluid here are some questions I have, hopefully someone can help. Can I create a charged fluid by taking distilled water, then adding NaCl (positive and negative charges), and then immersing the positive end of a voltage...
  31. A

    Fluid Mechanic - Pressure in the pipe

    What should I consider if I have three centrifugal pumps then the water of these three pumps flow into one pipe? How to calculate the pressure in the intersection of the three pipes?Thank You.
  32. P

    What Defines the Cooling Efficiency of Motor Oils?

    hi all. i am trying to formulate some testing of different motor oils. i am looking to document which oils have better cooling properties. i read some info years back that a straight oil like SAE30 actually cools better than say a 5w30, reason being is because the multi-grade uses long chained...
  33. L

    Bernoulli Equation - fluid mechanics question

    Hi, I am a first year studying mechanical engineering and I am having trouble understanding bernoulli equation. This is the first question in the tutorial and I can't seem to get the right answer. Water flows through the pipe contraction shown in the figure below. For the given 0.2 m...
  34. K

    Question Involving Fluid Speed.

    Homework Statement Water with air bubbles in it flows through a pipe that is wide and then gets narrower. As the water gets to the narrower section will the air bubbles get larger, smaller, or not change? Homework Equations Bernoulli's equation. I tried to write it out but I was not...
  35. J

    What is the Volume of Water Leaving a Tank Through a Rectangular Opening?

    Homework Statement 5. A rectangular opening on the side of a water tanks has a width of L. The upper part of the opening it's in a height of h1 underneath the water y and the bottom part it's in h2 . prove that the volume of water that leaves the tank is given by : 2/3(L)√(2g(h1³-h2³))...
  36. M

    Where to find sample fluid stirring data?

    I want to find some force data for fluid stirring. originally I intended to record the data using my force sensor, but it doesn't have the resolution to read stirring force for Newtonian fluid. unless there's a Newtonian fluid with high enough viscosity to produce a reaction force greater...
  37. R

    Fluid Mechanics Graduate Program

    I'll be starting a graduate program in a computational science department in September. My research will be in the field of Fluid Mechanics. However, I don't come from an engineering background. My undergraduate degree is in Applied Mathematics where I studied ODEs, PDEs, Calculus, Algebra...
  38. D

    Viscosity of a Fluid measured by a viscometer

    Homework Statement The viscosity of a fluid is to be measured by a viscometer constructed of two 75 cm long concentric cylinders. The outer diameter of the inner cylinder is 15 cm and the gap between the two cylinders is 1 mm. With the outer cylinder fixed the inner cylinder is rotated at 300...
  39. H

    Fluid mech. and heat transfer prereq.

    There is a course at my school called nuclear power engineering. It's an optional course, but it sounds important for a nuc engineer. The course has two prerequisite courses: fluid mech, and heat transfer which i can take as electives. The thing is that I didn't take statics or dynamics (not...
  40. D

    Maybe I posted in wrong forum: Fluid Mechanics help Chasing a deadlin

    Homework Statement A tank consists of two chambers, one open to the atmosphere and another closed and filled with a gas. The two chambers are connected by a sluice opening. What is the pressure in the gas, in gauge and absolute terms if the barometric pressure = 742 mm Hg. Difference in height...
  41. TrickyDicky

    Exploring the Role of Perfect Fluid Solutions in General Relativity

    Fluid solutions of the EFE are very useful in GR and pervade all of the theory's applications be it cosmological (FRW dusts for matter-dominated models, radiation fluids for radiation-dominated ones...) or astrophysical (stars interior models, etc). Now, I know there is a component of...
  42. O

    Water Wavemaker calculation need. fluid dynamics help.?

    Hi guys, I haven't taken any physics classes or any of the sort to figure out the problem that I am faced with. basically what where creating is a wave maker like this (sorry this is the only video i found) basically the "float" that you see is shaped like a quarter of a circle...
  43. T

    Fluid Dynamics 2 Tynea: Unsolvable Pipe Network Problem?

    Homework Statement A professor gave a pipe network problem to be solved by the Hardy-Cross method. However when I attempted to create a scale drawing of the figure to get a better idea of the problem I realized it is physically impossible to create his design. Now i am wondering if because...
  44. T

    Fluid mechanics - Water flowing through a pipe

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution I am interested in why my method is flawed: Alright I know how to do this problem. Essentially you solve mass flow rate = rho * double integral of u dA. HOWEVER, I decided to do this differently. I know that I can solve for the average u from...
  45. M

    Fluid & Pressure application question. HELP

    Hi, I have a small cylinder forcing a liquid up a 2.5mm inside diamter tube against gravity. The cyclinder is driven by a stepper motor and software. I have a problem, though outside my experience. (I am an electronic eng.) --- I need to seal the top of the liquid column, as it rises and...
  46. A

    Volumetric flow rate of air into a tank - Fluid Mechanics

    Hi all, I am stuck on a problem, and it's been a while since I took fluid dynamics. I have a cylindrical tank of know capacity with an inlet, where a vent is attached, and an outlet, the fluid gets sucked. The tank has fluid in there with known volume and density. If I know the usage rate of...
  47. P

    Uncertainties in fluid viscosity experimental trials

    Homework Statement You are going to examine the viscosity of a fluid by dropping a ball bearing into a cylinder of fluid and measuring the fall time. You will use a ruler to measure the height, h, of the fluid column, and a stop watch to measure the fall time, t. The ruler and stop watch...
  48. M

    Fluid flow,acceleration and bernoulli's theorem

    Even though the velocity of each particle is constatnt in staedy flow,all the fluid particles are accelerating.If velocity of every particle in the steady state fluid flow is constant how does the fluid accelerate?In that case,why is there a bernoulli theorem for unsteady flow?
  49. R

    How do you compute the circulation of this fluid (path integrals)

    Homework Statement A fluid as velocity field F(x, y, z) = (xy, yz, xz). Let C denote the unit circle in the xy-plane. Compute the circulation, and interpret your answer.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Since the unit circle is a closed loop, I assumed that ∫ F * dr = 0 (the ∫ symbol...
  50. X

    Calculate h if the fluid in the manometer is mercury

    Homework Statement A venture flow-meter can be designed as shown in the figure. At position 1 the velocity is 0.5 m/s, and pressure is 1.3 bar. The cross section area at 1 is two times the area at 2. The fluid inside the manometer has a density ρ, and the fluid column has a high...