Forces Definition and 1000 Threads

In physics, a force is any influence that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. A force can cause an object with mass to change its velocity (which includes to begin moving from a state of rest), i.e., to accelerate. Force can also be described intuitively as a push or a pull. A force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity. It is measured in the SI unit of newton (N). Force is represented by the symbol F (formerly P).
The original form of Newton's second law states that the net force acting upon an object is equal to the rate at which its momentum changes with time. If the mass of the object is constant, this law implies that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
Concepts related to force include: thrust, which increases the velocity of an object; drag, which decreases the velocity of an object; and torque, which produces changes in rotational speed of an object. In an extended body, each part usually applies forces on the adjacent parts; the distribution of such forces through the body is the internal mechanical stress. Such internal mechanical stresses cause no acceleration of that body as the forces balance one another. Pressure, the distribution of many small forces applied over an area of a body, is a simple type of stress that if unbalanced can cause the body to accelerate. Stress usually causes deformation of solid materials, or flow in fluids.

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  1. E

    Forces of Attraction in different states of matter.

    We are taught that the forces of attraction in a liquid are lesser than those in a solid. What is the reason? Is it because the intermolecular spaces are large or is it because the individual attractive force of the molecule is less?
  2. defaultusername

    Is the Tension Force in an Atwood Machine Only Transmitted Between Blocks?

    Homework Statement When talking about an Atwood machine, a student states: Is the student correct or incorrect? Why? Homework Equations Tension = mg + ma The Attempt at a Solution This is how it is making sense in my mind, but correct me if I'm wrong. I am thinking that the student is...
  3. S

    Questions about understanding circular motion & the forces involved

    Hey, I'm having some difficulty in understanding circular motion and it's forces. Here is the situation I'm on: Imagine you are on a smooth turn-table with smooth shoes and the table starts spinning. Because of inertia, and because the frictional force is not nearly enough to keep you going in a...
  4. J

    Motion with elastic potential energy and other forces

    Homework Statement A 15.0 kg stone slides down a snow-covered hill leaving point A (at the top of the hill) with a speed of 10.0 m/s. There is no friction on he hill between point A and point B (at the foot of the hill). There is friction on the level ground at the bottom of the hill between...
  5. Zoey

    Does the length of a wire affect its resistance?

    Hello, I would think that it would, because if the wire is longer there is more of a chance of their being foreign objects interfering, which could cause resistance, right? Or no?
  6. jeisson botache

    Seismic isolator based on magnetic forces

    Hi, i am an student of civil engineering and i am doing my graduate thesis. so sorry if i misspell, english is not my native languaje. so, here we go :D Homework Statement Before entering in details you (whoever you are) most know: The system is scaled for obvious reasons. The system consists...
  7. kolleamm

    B Eroding Metal with very small forces

    Consider we have an iron piece. If we could somehow tap on the iron with our finger for a very long long time, I mean millions of years, would it ever be able to make a dent?
  8. H

    Prove forces derived from a velocity-dependent potential are not central

    I don't see why the last sentence in the attachment is true. It claims that if ##V_{ij}## or simply ##V## is also a function of the difference of velocities of particles ##i## and ##j##, then the force derived from ##V## is not central. In other words, if ##V=V(|r_i-r_j|, |v_i-v_j|)##, then...
  9. J

    What is the tension supporting one ball?

    Homework Statement Two identical conducting balls, b1 and b2, each with a mass of 25.0g both are hanging at 50.0cm at an angle of 45Degrees from the vertical each. Homework Equations Fg = mg Fe = kq/r^2 Ft = ? The Attempt at a Solution I made a free body diagram and am confused on what to do...
  10. S

    How Does Gravity Vary Inside the Earth?

    Homework Statement The question is pretty long and wordy so apologies in advance! Inside the Earth the gravitational field falls off linearly as one approaches the centre. An accurate description of motion in a very deep hole would therefore be to use Newton’s law, f = ma, but with the force...
  11. JulienB

    Pendulum and constraining forces (Lagrangian mechanics)

    Homework Statement Hi everybody! As always, I struggle with my special relativity class and here is a new problem I'd like to have some indications about: A masspoint m moves in the x-y-plane under the influence of gravity on a circular path of radius r (see attached pic). Which constraining...
  12. IMadeYouReadThis

    I Best way to create artificial forces

    First of all hello everyone, I'm a recent graduate and now I am a mechanical engineer (WEEEEE) and wanted to embark in a project that involves creating artificial forces (Newton's third law kind of forces). The project basically must have something to counter forces exercised by a hand, i.e. if...
  13. C

    Having trouble calculating reaction forces for this truss.

    Homework Statement Calculate reaction forces for truss. Truss is attached in picture. Homework Equations ΣFx=o ΣFy=0 ΣM about reaction point=0 The Attempt at a Solution attached in picture
  14. S

    Why do conservative forces MUST depend on the position?

    ...Or do they? I read on a book a few years ago that you can spot a conservative force seeing if it depends on the position or not. That means a non conservative force doesn't depend on the position. What is the physical reason for the relationship between a force being conservative and the...
  15. Evangeline101

    Forces 2 dimensions: How far have the tugboats moved the log

    Homework Statement Two tugboats are pulling on a large log, as shown in the following diagram. The log has a mass of 250 kg and is initially at rest. How far have the tugboats moved the log after 10 s? Homework Equations c2 = a2 + b2 - 2abcosC c = (a2 + b2- 2abcosC)1/2 The Attempt at a...
  16. T

    Block Placed on Top of Another Block - Finding Max Force

    Homework Statement [/B] A 0.5kg wooden block is placed on top of a 1.0kg wooden block. The coefficient of static friction between the two blocks is 0.35. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the lower block and the level table is 0.20. What is the maximum horizontal force that can be...
  17. F

    I Sum of internal forces equals zero

    This is probably a very trivial question, but my brain isn't "playing ball" today so I'm hoping someone can help me with this. Suppose I have a system of ##N## mutually interacting particles, then the force on the ##i##-th particle due to the other ##N-1## particles is given by...
  18. physea

    I How does the Capstan Law Determine T1 and T2 When the Capstan is Rotating?

    Hello! Capstan law is T2=T1e^μθ. I have problem identifying T1 and T2 in various situations: 1) when the capstan is not rotating 2) when the capstan is rotating how can I identify which side is T1 and which T2? thanks!
  19. Biker

    B Normal Force: Questioning the Physics Behind It

    In the past I used to understand it in some kind of way. But it doesn't make a lot of sense sometimes. In high school, we usually take examples where the object is placed in an incline and the Normal force is equal to mg cos theta where theta is the angle of the incline. It should equal to that...
  20. E

    Pseudo forces and negative acceleration

    Homework Statement Homework Equations F = ma The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I already have the solution, however, I have a few questions. 1)In the solution they have taken m2's acceleration relative to the ground to be a0-a downwards. However, if a>a0, then wouldn't the acceleration...
  21. M

    Forces appearing on the pipe when a fluid flows in it

    Hi, I study linear momentum. But I cannot understand enough that how can forces appear on a pipe when fluid flows in the pipe? Fluid have a momentum as m*v how can forces appear on the pipe. I cannot demonstrate the situation in my mind. How can I find a demonstration or a free body diagram for...
  22. G

    B Quantum Model of Contact Forces

    I'm curious about contact forces, such as the normal reaction force on a book resting on a table. I've read that it's actually the electromagnetic force, but atoms are electrically neutral and there is no ostensible repulsive force between electrons and the nucleus, so I have some doubts. Has...
  23. J

    How to find the forces acting on the pivot point ?

    Homework Statement pivot point located at the middle of ramp( Point C). F1=250 lbs @ 12 in from point A F2=250 lbs @ 84 in from point A L=192 in angle from the ground is 25 degrees Homework Equations sum of moments equal to 0 sum of forces equal to to 0 The Attempt at a Solution I did sum...
  24. L

    Newtonian mechanics; word problem; calculate forces

    Homework Statement Word problem. Fisherman lifts a trout with his fishing rod directly upwards. The fish is a trout. The trout's mass is 0,45Kg. The trout's acceleration is 2,5m/s^2. a) draw free body diagram for the trout b) with how great a force, does the fishing line affect the trout...
  25. C

    B How can we tell that "fictitious forces" are not real?

    Earlier today I was reading through this entire thread: And I remained confused about one thing in particular. The original poster made a statement (bolded below) on page 1 that seemed...
  26. V

    Understanding Forces on a Toppling Bicycle Wheel

    Homework Statement A stationary bicycle wheel is placed on its rim on rough ground. It topples over. Sketch a free body diagram for the wheel when it is at an arbitrary angle to the vertical and label the forces. Explain qualitatively what happens to the direction and magnitude of each of the...
  27. ramzerimar

    Internal Forces Diagram: how to do this one?

    I'm wondering how should I do analysis on those problems below: Figure 1: Figure 2: I mean, my professor, while doing an example very similar to Figure 2, he didn't do an imaginary cut in the region BD to find internal forces there, and the internal forces diagram that he drew only contained...
  28. E

    Basic Forces & Bolts: Getting Started on Homework

    Homework Statement Homework Equations sum of forces in x and Y = 0 sum of the moments at a point = 0 Ffr = normal force * friction coefficient The Attempt at a Solution Im just trying to make a start, I am struggling to wrap my head around the basics with this question. Do you guys think...
  29. E

    B Elevator action-reaction pair/normal forces

    In the above case, the normal force exerted by the elevator on the box would be = 10kg * g + 10kg*5m/s^2, assuming g = 10m/s^2, the elevator would exert a normal force of 150N on the box. But wouldn't the box exert an equal and opposite force on the elevator resulting in no motion? I know this...
  30. B

    Force Direction: Understanding Upward Motion on Lowering Objects

    Homework Statement My teacher said that if you are holding an object in your hands and lowering it downwards, you are applying force in the upwards direction. How does this make sense and are there any other cases where the direction of an objects force is opposite the direction of its motion...
  31. nso09

    How Does Air Resistance Affect the Acceleration of Falling Objects?

    I apologize if my thought process is unrefined. I didn't really learn and remember much from high school physics that benefits me right now in college physics. Until this point we covered Newton's three laws of motion. And instead of a cotton ball, we used a coffee filter. "Our reasoning is...
  32. E

    Name of the forces caused while driving a car

    Is there a name or phenomenon of the feelings the passenger gets that the driver does not? Example: A driver of a car feels that they are driving smooth and comfortable, yet the passenger feels like they have to hold on to the door handle and feels that the ride is rough. If the two folks in the...
  33. S

    Forces that cause acceleration due to conservation laws

    I find difficulties in identify the forces acting behind the acceleration of objects that are considered consequence of conservation principles (for istance of KE and angular momentum). I'll make an example to explain. The same string-mass system is linked to a rod. In case (a) a force pull the...
  34. B

    What forces causes the top book to accelerate horizontally?

    Homework Statement A small textbook is resting on a larger textbook on a horizontal desktop. You apply a horizontal force to the bottom book and both books accelerate together. The top book does not slip on the lower book. What forces causes the top book to accelerate horizontally? Homework...
  35. komarxian

    Calculating Electrical Force on Alpha Particle Near Gold Nucleus

    Homework Statement An alpha particle (charge equals +2e) is sent at high speed toward a gold nucleus (charge equals +79e). What is the electrical force acting on the alpha particle when it is (2.0 x 10-14) m from the gold nucleus? Homework Equations I tried using Coulomb's law, which is E =...
  36. K

    I Simple Fulcrum Force Calculation Question

    Hello all, I have a (at what first seemed) fairly simple question about calculating the forces on this fulcrum design I have. Here is an image of the sketch and free body diagram that I drew: Basically, the pivot point in my real life application is actually a cam, but for the sake of this...
  37. Blockade

    Are the sum of all forces written correctly for this system?

    Can someone check if my Sum of All Forces is setup correctly? Problem: Diagram: Sum of all Forces:
  38. Blockade

    Can someone check if this centripetal force is correct?

    I don't know if my ΣFin is correct I am having trouble setting it up. Can you check if the new diagram and the component setup is right? Problem: Work:
  39. Blockade

    Can someone check if this forces problem on an incline

    To me the force P that pulls the bottom block up the incline seems a little low. Can someone confirm with my setup and work in brown is correct? Thank you. Problem: Work:
  40. Blockade

    Can someone tell me how many forces of friction are in here?

    Let's assume that the force of friction is only present between the two blocks and that the pulley is massless. On top of that, force F pulling the two blocks at a constant velocity; as a result, the acceleration = 0m/s2. May someone tell me how many forces of friction are going on between the...
  41. Blockade

    Can someone help me find the angle between two forces?

    Can someone help me relearn finding the angle between two forces when solving for work of each forces (gravity, tension, fF, normal)? I remember that cos(90°-α) = sin(α) but what I don't understand is when the angle in between is "90°-α" or when it's just "α". I tried doing this on my own and...
  42. S

    Double pulley Atwood machine (with 3 masses)

    Homework Statement I need help with number 4. Also I am altogether unsure of this problem... if you catch any mistakes, point them out! :) Homework Equations F = ma Here are the variables I used in my attempt at the solution mx = m subscript 1, 2, or 3 ±a1 = acceleration of either mass on...
  43. Z

    Forces - Concerning Spindles with Out of Balance Loads/Help

    Essentially I have a spindle with a weight placed at a fixed point. There are four different weights to take into consideration, all are positioned at the same point. The results I have show what the voltage (pk-pk) output there is, therefore I can see how the out of balance varies depending...
  44. B

    How Do You Calculate Tension in a Rope Pulling a Box with Friction and an Angle?

    1. Homework Statement You are pulling a 39kg box on a level floor by a rope attached to the box. The rope makes an angle of 21 degrees with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic frictions between the box and the floor is 0.23. Calculate the magnitude of the tension in the rope needed to...
  45. S

    Rotational work and forces like static friction and tension

    I have a doubt regarding the definition of rotational work, which is as follows W = \int \tau_z d \theta Where \tau_z is the component of the torque parallel to the axis of rotation z. My doubt concerns the fact that, looking at this definition, it seems that any torque which has an axial...
  46. S

    Why do conservative forces try to reduce potential energy?

    I do not understand the reason why a conservative force always "tries" to reduce the potential energy of a system at its minimum (forgive me if I said it in a wrong way). The explanation I gave me is: since for a conservative force, from the definition of potential energy, W=-\Delta U that...
  47. faradayscat

    Bridge Forces: Identifying Compression vs Tension | Homework Help

    Homework Statement How would you determine whether a member is in compression or tension given the bridge with external forces below? Homework Equations None.The Attempt at a Solution I don't need help finding the forces, I need help in figuring out compression/tension. [/B]
  48. I

    Dynamics Skier on a Slope Problem

    Homework Statement A skier on a slope inclined at 4.7 degrees to the horizontal pushes on ski poles and starts down the slope. The initial speed is 2.7 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between skis and snow is 0.11. Determine how far the skier will slide before coming to rest. Answer...
  49. I

    What are the forces acting on a child pulling a wagon up an inclined hill?

    Homework Statement A child is pulling a wagon of mass 7.38 kg up a hill inclined at an angle of 14.3 degrees to the horizontal. The child applies a force parallel to the hill. The acceleration of the wagon is 6.45 cm/s^2 up the hill. Friction is negligible. Determine the magnitude of (a) the...
  50. E

    Work function of conservative forces

    Could anyone help me with the following questions? - Why is the work done by conservative forces equivalent to the potential energy? - Why is the variation of the potential energy in such cases equals to the variation of the work function? Thanks!