Function Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. K

    I What is the average value of a bounded periodic function over a period?

    Does it make sense to just talk about the average value of a function without specifying the range over which the average is taken? It seems a common occurrence in discussions of waves to just mention that the average value of the complex exponential ##e^{ix}## is zero. But it will be zero only...
  2. dRic2

    I Question about an "exact" distribution function

    Suppose I have an exact microscopic distribution function in phase-space defined as a sum of delta-functions, i.e $$F( \mathbf x, \mathbf v, t) = \sum_{i} \delta( \mathbf x - \mathbf x_i ) \delta (\mathbf v - \mathbf v_i )$$ Can I conclude that, in absence of creation/destruction of particles...
  3. penroseandpaper

    I Integration of a hyperbolic function

    The integral of cothx is ln|sinhx|+C. Does this mean the integral of coth2x is ln|sinh2x|+C? If not, does anyone have a link to a page on how it is achieved - I'm trying to compile a list of all common hyperbolic function derivatives and integrals. However, I can't find anything to confirm if...
  4. Math Amateur

    MHB Understanding Browder Proposition 3.14: Increasing Function & Discontinuities

    I am reading Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ... I am currently reading Chapter 3: Continuous Functions on Intervals and am currently focused on Section 3.1 Limits and Continuity ... ... I need some help in understanding the proof of Proposition 3.14...
  5. Kaushik

    Time period of a periodic function

    Consider the following periodic function: ## f(t) = \sin(ωt) + \cos(2ωt) + \sin(4ωt) ## What is the time period of the above periodic function? The following is given in my book: Period is the least interval of time after which the function repeats. Here, ##\sin(ωt)## has a period ##T_o =...
  6. G

    What is the complex conjugate of this wave function?

    I was planning to find the value of N by taking the integral of φ*(x)φ(x)dx from -∞ to ∞ = 1. However, this wave function doesn't have a complex number so I'm not sure what φ*(x) is. I was thinking φ*(x) is exactly the same φ(x), but with x+x0 instead of x-x0. Thank you
  7. sergey_le

    Prove that this function is nonnegative

    What I wanted to do was set f(x)=##x^2##/2 - xcosx+sinx And show that f(x)>0. f'(x)=x(1+sinx) First I wanted to prove that f(x)<0 in the interval (0,∞) 0≤1+sinx≤2 And thus for all x> 0 f'(x)≥0 and therefore f(x)≥f(0)=0 And it doesn't help me much because I need to f(x)>0
  8. F

    I Macroscopic object wave function

    A composite object made of many atoms has a large mass hence a small de Broglie wavethength...and we know that recent experiments succeeded to obtain interference patterns even for such objects (for instance the C60 molecule). Did theoretician understood how a wavefunction with such a small...
  9. P

    I Collapse of the wave function under simultaneous measurement

    Considering Bell’s theorem and the expected correlations between entangled particles or photons. In a measurement setup e.g. Like Alain Aspect‘s with 2 entangled photons. If we could make a setup that guarantees that the measurement on both photons is done at exactly the same moment, what...
  10. Philip Koeck

    Show that entropy is a state function

    In a (reversible) Carnot cycle the entropy increase of the system during isothermal expansion at temperature TH is the same as its decrease during isothermal compression at TC. We can conclude that the entropy change of the system is zero after a complete Carnot cycle. The mentioned textbook now...
  11. S

    MHB Determining the range for a function to be increasing

    Hi, it would be really nice if someone could give me a correct answer with a little explanation to this question. Thanks.
  12. I

    Why can we always choose energy eigenstates to be purely real function

    I couldn't quite answer, so looked at the solution. I just want to ensure I am undertsanding the answer correctly. The answer is given here on page 3. Q2a: Am I right in concluding that...
  13. A

    Volume average of mass function

    I want to express <m(x,y,z)> over a sphere of radius R in terms of $$<\rho(x,y,z)>$$ e.g $$<m>=\frac{\int_{sphere R}m(x,y,z)dv}{\int_{sphere}dv}$$ $$<m>=\frac{\int_{sphereR}(\int \rho(x,y,z)dv)dv}{\int_{sphere R}dv}$$
  14. sergey_le

    Let function ƒ be Differentiable

    What I've tried is: I have defined a function g(x)=f(x)-x^2/2. g Differentiable in the interval [0,1] As a difference of function in the interval. so -x≤g'(x)≤1-x for all x∈[0,1] than -1≤g'(x)≤0 or 0≤g'(x)≤1 . Then use the Intermediate value theorem . The problem is I am not given that f' is...
  15. Math Amateur

    MHB Increasing Function on an Interval .... Browder, Proposition 3.7 .... ....

    I am reading Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ... I am currently reading Chapter 3: Continuous Functions on Intervals and am currently focused on Section 3.1 Limits and Continuity ... ... I need some help in understanding the proof of Proposition 3.7...
  16. W

    Show that an image of a Schlicht function contains ##\Delta(0,1/2)##

    Hello everyone this was a problem on one of the exams from last year and I'm having trouble with the last point ##3## my solution for ##1## $$\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{|z|=r}\frac{f(z)}{z}(1+\frac{z}{2re^{i\theta}}+\frac{re^{i\theta}}{2z})dz =$$ I divided this integral into 3 different ones and...
  17. Math Amateur

    MHB Continuity of a Function .... Conway, Definition 1.7.1 .... ....

    I am reading John B. Conway's book: A First Course in Analysis and am focused on Chapter 1: The Real Numbers ... and in particular I am focused on Section 1.7: Continuous Functions ... I need help with clarifying Definition 1.7.1 ...Definition 1.7.1 reads as follows: My question is as...
  18. sergey_le

    Multi-Choice Question: Differentiable function

    be f Differentiable function In section [0,1] and f(0)=0, f(1)=1. so: a. f A monotonous function arises in section [0,1]. b. There is a point c∈[0,1] so that f'(c)=1. c. There is a point c∈(0,1) where f has Local max. I have to choose one correct answer.
  19. S

    Sketching the graph of a function

    I have no idea why my sketch is wrong.
  20. Kaguro

    I Spectrum of a function vs of a matrix

    The Fourier transform of a function is called its spectrum. The set of eigenvalues of a matrix is also called a spectrum. Why the same name? Is there some hidden connection between these two?
  21. Saracen Rue

    I Define the double factorial as being a continous, non-hybrid function

    The double factorial, ##n!## (not to be confused with ##(n!)!##), can be defined for positive integer values like so: $$n!=n(n−2)(n−4)(n−6)...(n-a)$$ Where ##(n−a)=1## if ##n## is odd or ##(n−a)=2## if ##n## is even. Additionally, the definition of the double factorial extends such that...
  22. S

    Mathematica DiracDelta function example from Wolfram documentation

    The page on the Wolfram function DiracDelta has this example: Integrate[DiracDelta[x] Cos[x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}] It's the first example under Examples > Basic Examples. When I run it in Wolfram Cloud, it says "Invalid integration variable or limit(s) ..." and shows this result: What's...
  23. D

    I The Tensor & Metric: Spacetime Points & Momentum Flux

    The components of the energy tensor are defined sometimes as the flux of the ith component of the momentum vector across some component jth of constant surface. But isn't the tensor a function of points of spacetime just as the metric? How can you evaluate a surface of j when the tensor is a...
  24. K

    Mathematica Learn How to Invert a Function with Mathematica for y = x^2

    Suppose I have ##y = x^2##. By inverse, I mean ##x = \pm \sqrt y##. How can I get Mathematica to do that?
  25. B

    A Psi function or digamma function?

    Hi everyone, concerning serie representation of psi function. In te solution of bessel function of the second kind we have the following expressions for the psi functions psi(m+1) and psi(n+m+1) then they give the series for the two psi functions ie(or digamma function) sum k from 1 to m of...
  26. J

    I Can I Use a Natural Log Function for Least Square Fitting?

    Hello, I'm trying to follow Wolfram to do a least square fitting. There are multiple summations in the two equations to find the coefficients. Are the i's the same in this case? Thanks!
  27. T

    Reinforcement Learning - Return Function

    Where did the k come from? I was expecting the index to be t.
  28. karush

    MHB 1.8.4 AP Calculus Exam Integral of piece-wise function

    image due to macros in Overleaf ok I think (a) could just be done by observation by just adding up obvious areas but (b) and (c) are a litte ? sorry had to post this before the lab closes
  29. Addez123

    Prove that any function z = f(x + y) solves the equation z'x - z'y = 0

    How about I prove that to be false instead? $$z = x$$ $$z'_x(x + y) = 1$$ $$z'_y(x + y) = 0$$ $$z'_x - z'_y = 1$$
  30. K

    I Derivative of a function is equal to zero

    Suppose: - that I have a function ##g(t)## such that ##g(t) = \frac{dy}{dt} ##; - that ##y = y(x)## and ##x = x(t)##; - that I take the derivative of ##g## with respect to ##y##. One one hand this is ##\frac{dg}{dy} = \frac{dg}{dx}\frac{dx}{dy} = \frac{d^2 y}{dxdt}\frac{dx}{dy}##. On the other...
  31. M

    Mathematica Finding local maxima from interpolated function

    Hi PF! I have data that I need to interpolate (don't want to go into details, but I HAVE to interpolate it). I'm trying to find the local maximas on a given domain. I've looked everywhere and still haven't been able to do it? Seems most people work with NDSolve, but I don't use that function...
  32. DEvens

    I Wave function of a laser beam?

    Summary:: Wave function of a laser beam before it hits the diffraction grating So I'm reading "Foundations of Quantum Mechanics" by Travis Norsen. And I've just read Section 2.4 on diffraction and interference. And he derives a lovely formula for the wave function of a particle after it leaves...
  33. A

    Engineering Transfer function to block diagram

    I am given the following two equations: and where E_1 is an output with corresponding input e and theta_o is an output with corresponding input E_3. The solutions that I was given are as follows: Unfortunately, I do not understand at all how to work out the block diagrams from the equations...
  34. Diracobama2181

    Help Understanding Response Function $$H(\omega)$$

    $$<H(\omega)>=\sum_{j} χ_{HAj}h_j(\omega)$$ Where $$χ_{HA}=\frac{1}{2\hbar} Tr{{\rho}[{H(t)},{A(0)}]}$$. But $$[H(t),A(0)]=[H_o,A(0)]-[A(t)h,A(0)]=-h_0 cos(\omega t)[A(t),A(0)]$$. So $$χ_{HA}=-\frac{1}{2\hbar}Tr(\rho h_0 cos(\omega t)[A(t),A(0)])=-h_0cos(\omega t)χ_{AA}$$. Then...
  35. Alexan

    Please can I get some help finding the function of motion

    Homework Statement:: find the function of motion Homework Equations:: none i could find the amplitude and the phase angle but i can't find the phase difference and the function of motion.
  36. W

    Gamma Function Q from Mary Boas 2nd ed (ch11)

    So using $$L=\frac{mv^2}{2} - \frac{1}{2} m lnx$$ and throwing it into the Euler-L equation I agree with kcrick & OlderDan that we can manipulate this to either $$\frac{d}{dt} m\dot{x} = -\frac{m}{2x}$$ or $$2vdv = -\frac{dx}{x}$$ but I'm not having any epiphanies on how to turn the above into...
  37. Arman777

    Python Subscript problem for greek letters in python print function

    I am trying to create a GUI for a phyiscs project and I need subscripts of these things. `H_0`, `Omega_b`, `Omega_dm`, `Omega_\Lambda` `Omega_r` in the form of latex My code is something like this import PySimpleGUI as sg sg.change_look_and_feel('Topanga') layout = [...
  38. karush

    MHB Finding the Derivative of the Inverse Function of a Cubic Polynomial

    Let $f(x)=(2x+1)^3$ and let g be the inverse of $f$. Given that $f(0)=1$, what is the value of $g'(1)?$ ok not real sure what the answer is but I did this (could be easier I am sure} rewrite as $y=(2x+1)^3$ exchange x and rename y to g $x=(2g+1)^3$ Cube root each side...
  39. U

    Probability generating function

    (a) I find the geometric distribution $$X~G0(3/8)$$ and I find p to be 0.375 since the mean 0.6 = p/q. So p.g.f of X is $$(5/8)/(1-(3s/8))$$. (b) Not sure how to find the p.g.f of Y once we know there are 6 customers?
  40. Y

    MHB Limit involving a hyperbolic function

    Hello all, I am trying to solve a limit: \[\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{sinh (x)}{x}\] I found many suggestions online, from complex numbers to Taylor approximations. Finally I found a reasonable solution, but one move there doesn't make sense to me. I am attaching a picture: I have marked...
  41. J

    Scattering amplitude in scattering from a delta function

    I tried to calculate the Fourier transform to get the amplitude, but I got lost
  42. Math Amateur

    MHB Operator Norm and Distance Function .... Browder, Proposition 8.6 ....

    I am reading Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ... I am currently reading Chapter 8: Differentiable Maps and am specifically focused on Section 8.1 Linear Algebra ... I need some help in fully understanding the concepts in Proposition 8.6 ...Proposition 8.6...
  43. K

    Mathematica Finding a function to best fit a curve

    Hello! I want to fit a function to the curve I attached (the first image shows the full curve, while the second one is a zoom-in in the final region). Please ignore the vertical lines, what I care about is the main, central curve. It basically goes down slowly and then it has a fast rise. What...
  44. hilbert2

    A Function differentiability and diffusion

    Suppose I have an initial condition function ##f(x,t_0 )##, which is everywhere twice differentiable w.r.t. the variable ##x##, but the third or some higher derivative doesn't exist at some point ##x\in\mathbb{R}##. Then, if I evolve that function with the diffusion equation...
  45. Y

    MHB Limit of integer part function using Sandwich rule

    Hello everyone, I want to calculate the following limits: \[\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty }\frac{[x\cdot a]}{x}\] using the sandwich rule, where [xa] is the integer part function defined here: Integer Part -- from Wolfram MathWorld I am not sure how to approach this. Any assistance will be...
  46. berkeman

    Medical Stem Cell Injections Improve Motor, Sensory Function Post Spinal Cord Injury

    This is a wonderful area of active research. Early in my EE career, I was interested in trying to use IC-scale nerve interfaces to bypass spinal cord injuries, but the science of interfacing electronics to nerve cells for long-term use was not developed enough. Even today, it is a problematic...
  47. Z

    I Mobility and resistivity as a function of temperature

    Referencing: Mobility decreases in a MOSFET with increasing temperature However, referencing: Resistivity...
  48. V

    MHB Function Help - Rolle's Theorem or the Mean Value Theorem?

    Let f be a function twice-differentiable function defined on [0, 1] such that f(0)=0, f′(0)=0, and f(1)=0. (a) Explain why there is a point c1 in (0,1) such that f′(c1) = 0. (b) Explain why there is a point c2 in (0,c1) such that f′′(c2) = 0. If you use a major theorem, then cite the theorem...