Gate Definition and 259 Threads

  1. M

    Finding a min gate input count realization of enabling logic ?

    Hello everyone, I'm confused on what they want me to do here: it says: Find a minimum gate input count realization of the enabling logic using AND and OR gates and inverters. Well This is my truth table i came up with, and the "enabler" is the M, the master switch( 0 secruit system on, 1...
  2. siddharth

    The Bartimaeus Trilogy Finale: Ptolemy's Gate - A Fantasy Must-Read!

    I finally got my hands on Ptolemy's Gate (Final book of the Bartimaeus Trilogy). It was absolutley fantastic. This has got to be one the best fantasy books around. If you ask me, it's right up there with LOTR. How many of you have read the book?
  3. E

    XNOR Gate: The Combination of XOR and NOT Gates

    This question really doesn't make much sense to me. We will be creating the XNOR gate by cascading the output of the XOR gate, into the input of a NOT gate. The output from the NOT gate would then be the same as that from an (fill in the blank) gate. Does XNOR go in the blank? Or did I...
  4. L

    CNOT gate has actually been built or not?

    Could somebody tell me whether or not a CNOT gate has actually been built or not? Thanks, lorka
  5. C

    Way to systematically solve gate problems?

    Hello all Is there any way tp systematically solve gate problems? Thanks
  6. Mk

    CNOT Gate: What is it & How Does it Work?

    Yeah so, scientists in Japan have the CNOT gate, control not. What does it do? What's the truth table... other stuff. Are gates made of transistors?
  7. O

    How can we effectively construct and explore complex numerical models?

    Let us say that we wish to construct and explore a non-trivial numerical form of structural/dynamic abstract or non-abstract complex models. If there was a way to choose the unique building blocks that we need for this goal, it was our gate to the universe of complexity exploration. For...
  8. C

    Potential energy difference as a gate to perpetual energy transfers

    Hello. Take a look to this: Basically, it's a method to trigger an enormous energy transfer, using a little energy input. A difference on potential energy between two points allows opposite forces (making a virtual zero) to create a real...