General relaivity Definition and 163 Threads

  1. U

    Help with a calculation about gravitational waves

    An exact gravitational plane wave solution to Einstein's field equation has the line metric $$\mathrm{d}s^2=-2\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v+a^2(u)\mathrm{d}^2x+b^2(u)\mathrm{d}^2y.$$ I have calculated the non-vanishing Christoffel symbols and Ricci curvature components and used the vacuum Einstein...
  2. R

    Relativity I want to learn special relativity. More details below

    I want to learn special relativity.I have read a tiny bit of 2nd edition of Spacetime Physics: Introduction to Special Relativity and am liking it. Is it a good book? I also want problems to solve. I tried Special Relativity: For the Enthusiastic Beginner but found it to difficult. Does anyone...
  3. Safinaz

    A How Randall-Sundrum model has solved the hierarchy problem?

    I'm trying to understand how the RS model solved the hierarchy problem from this mass relation $$ M^2_p = \frac{M^3}{k} \Large[1- e^{-2k\pi r} \Large],$$ Equ. 16 in their paper: With k as large as the Planck scale, the exponential will be so small and...
  4. Safinaz

    A Deriving an action from a metric

    Hello! The paper I study is related to string theory and modified gravity theories topics. As they say in page 5 “The four-dimensional effective theory now follows by substituting Eq. (13) into the original action, Eq. (4)” I wonder how did they drive a 4- dimensional effective metric...
  5. U

    Help with Kaluza Klein Christoffel symbols

    If I want to calculate ##\tilde{\Gamma}^\lambda_{\mu 5}##, I will write \begin{align} \tilde{\Gamma}^\lambda_{\mu 5} & = \frac{1}{2} \tilde{g}^{\lambda X} \left(\partial_\mu \tilde{g}_{5 X} + \partial_5 \tilde{g}_{\mu X} - \partial_X \tilde{g}_{\mu 5}\right) \\ & =\frac{1}{2}...
  6. S

    Relativity Math of GR Exercises from Spacetime & Geometry by Sean Carroll

    I have been reading the book Spacetime and Geometry by Sean Carroll, especially Ch. 2 Manifolds and Ch. 3 Curvature. I'm just wondering are there any lecture notes or books with lots of practice problems (with solutions or at least answers the better) that is suitable for physicist? To give an...
  7. N

    I Position Vector in Curved Space Time: Explained

    It is said that: It is not possible to write a position vector in a curved space time. What is the reason? How can one describe a general vector in a curved space time? Can you please suggest a good textbook or an article which explains this aspect?
  8. U

    Help in understanding the derivation of Einstein equations

    There are two parts to my question. The first is concerns the variation of the Reimann tensor. I am trying to show $$\delta...
  9. S

    I If gravity is not a force, what is holding us down?

    OK. Gravity is not a force it is a contraction or curvature of space. I was free-falling and now I hit the ground. Why don't I float through the universe, or go upward instead of still trying to go downward. Because I hit the ground, and now there is no force(like gravity) and my free-falling...
  10. C

    Proving ##C## is constant in 4-dim ##R_{\mu\nu}=Cg_{\mu\nu}##

    This question wasn't particularly hard, so I assume metric compatibility and input Ricci tensor to the left side of Einstein's equation. $$R_{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2} Rg_{\mu\nu}=Cg_{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2} (4C)g_{\mu\nu}=-Cg_{\mu\nu}$$ Then apply covariant derivative on both side...
  11. U

    I Why is Scalar Massless Wave Equation Conformally Invariant?

    It can be shown mathematically that the scalar massless wave equation is conformally invariant. However, doing so is rather tedious and muted in terms of physical understanding. As such, is there a physically intuitive explanation as to why the scalar massless wave equation is conformally invariant?
  12. Ebi Rogha

    B Can Energy Really Be Converted to Matter in Everyday Life?

    a) Can we convert energy to mass (matter) in every day life? b) When we charge a phone battery, its mass (weight) increases according to E=mc2 . Does it mean we convert energy to matter? If not, how its mass increases?
  13. snypehype46

    I Computing Ricci Tensor Coefficients w/ Tetrad Formalism

    I'm reading "Differentiable manifolds: A Theoretical Physics Approach" by Castillo and on page 170 of the book a calculation of the Ricci tensor coefficients for a metric is illustrated. In the book the starting point for this method is the equation given by: $$d\theta^i = \Gamma^i_{[jk]}...
  14. C

    A Induced Metric for Riemann Hypersurface in Euclidean Signature

    We know in Lorentzian signature spacetime, in the case of timelike or spacelike hypersurfaces ##\Sigma## with \begin{align} n^\alpha n_\alpha=\epsilon=\pm1 \end{align} where ##\epsilon=1## for timelike and ##-1## for spacelike. We can define a tensor ## h_{\alpha\beta}## on ##\Sigma## by...
  15. Lilian Sa

    Star collapse in general relativity — pressure as a function of star radius

    What I've done is using the TOV equations and I what I found at the end is: ##e^{[\frac{-8}{3}\pi G\rho]r^2+[\frac{16}{9}(G\pi\rho)^{2}]r^4}-\rho=P(r)## so I am sure that this is not right, if someone can help me knowing it I really apricate it :)
  16. manolo-mm

    I General Relativity: Angular Momentum, Gravity & Questions

    Hi everybody I saw quite a nice Youtube vid about general relativity and how gravity bends spacetime and therefor redirects angular momentum into the center of gravity. I thought the first time I begun to understand the concept but immediatly the questions poped up. The video basically says...
  17. John Greger

    A Obtain Normal Vector of Bubble Wall in Spacetime

    So say I have a bubble embedded in a spacetime with metric: $$ds^2 = -dt^2 + a(t) ( dr^2 + r^2 d\Omega^2_2) $$ how do I compute the normal vector if I assume the wall of the bubble the metric represents follows a time-like trajectory, for any ##a(t)##? Since we are interested in dynamical...
  18. Pyter

    I Speed of light not an invariant in GR

    Hi all, I need help understanding the light ray bending in the original GR 1916 paper, Die Grundlagen.... First of all, Einstein states the ##c## is not an invariant in GR. In fact, from (70) and (73), it stems that $$\gamma = \sqrt{ -\frac {g_{44}}{g_{22}} }, $$ where ##\gamma## is ##|c| <= 1##...
  19. Martian2020

    B Visualize 2D Intrinsic Curvature of Spacetime (1s+1t) in 3D

    Via web search found Read it and watched two videos mentioned: I understand we cannot perceive 5D ;-), so extrinsic visualization of maximum of 2D intrinsic curvature is possible. So time+1d space is all we...
  20. mgkii

    I Gravity transition directly at the underside of a "shell planet"

    I'm watching the Stanford University Lecture series: Einsten's General Theory of Relativity presented by Leonard Susskind (who incidentally has to be one of the greatest educators I've ever watched). Whilst deriving the basic divergence equations relating acceleration, mass density, and...
  21. G

    A Metric Ansatz For Unifying All Forces In 11D?

    The ansatz for the 5D metric is \begin{equation} G_{\mu \nu}= g_{\mu \nu}+ \phi A_{\mu} A_{\nu}, \end{equation} \begin{equation} G_{5\nu} = \phi A_{\nu}, \end{equation} \begin{equation} G_{55} = \phi. \end{equation} This information was extremely enlightening for me, but what's the analogous...
  22. M

    Equation of motion in curved spacetime

    1) We know that for a given Killing vector ##K^\mu## the quantity ##g_{\mu\nu}K^\mu \dot q^\nu## is conserved along the geodesic ##q^k##, ##k\in\{t,r,x,y\}## . Therefore we find, with the three given Killing vectors ##\delta^t_0, \delta^x_0## and ##\delta^y_0## the conserved quantities $$Q^t :=...
  23. cianfa72

    I Spacetime distance between spacelike related events

    Hi, in general relativity I'm aware of the spacetime 'distance' between two timelike related events is maximized by the free falling timelike path (zero proper acceleration) joining them. Consider now a couple of events belonging to a spacelike hypersurface (AFAIK it is an hypersurface with...
  24. Pyter

    A Help on some equations in Einstein's original papers

    Studying Einstein's original Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, published in 1916's Annalen Der Physik, I came across some equations which I couldn't verify after doing the computations hinted at. The first are equations 47b) regarding the gravity contribution to the...
  25. T

    Euler Lagrange equation and a varying Lagrangian

    Hello, I have been working on the three-dimensional topological massive gravity (I'm new to this field) and I already faced the first problem concerning the mathematics, after deriving the lagrangian from the action I had a problem in variating it Here is the Lagrangian The first variation...
  26. M

    Solving the same question two ways: Parallel transport vs. the Lie derivative

    a) I found this part to be quite straight forward. From the Parallel transport equation we obtain the differential equations for the different components of ##X^\mu##: $$ \begin{align*} \frac{\partial X^{\theta}}{\partial \varphi} &=X^{\varphi} \sin \theta_{0} \cos \theta_{0}, \\ \frac{\partial...
  27. C

    Other Not Sure What To Specialize In, Or Where To Go For My Program Of Study

    Hello, Currently I am an undergrad about 1 year or 3/2 year(s) away from graduating with a double major in computer science (which I am a lot stronger in) and physics. I have always been interested in advanced propulsion. I would really like to do research on the...
  28. S

    Schwarzschild coordinate time integral

    I have tried integration by parts where, ##c dt = -\frac{1}{\sqrt{r*}} \frac{r^{3/2} dr}{r - r*} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{(r*)^3}} \frac{r^{3/2} dr}{1 - \Big(\sqrt{\frac{r}{r*}} \Big)^2}## ##u = r^{3/2} \quad \quad dv = \frac{dr}{1 - \Big(\sqrt{\frac{r}{r*}} \Big)^2}## ##du = \frac{3}{2} r^{1/2} dr...
  29. K

    I Sending Signal from Planet Near Gargantua: A Thought Experiment

    The other day my friend asked me a really interesting question regarding the scene from interstellar where they go down to Miller's planet, where every hour on this planet is 7 years of Earth time. He asked me if they were to send a signal to the spaceship where Romilly was, what would happen...
  30. Arman777

    I Jeans Instability in an Expanding Universe

    I am trying to derive the equation for a case, where we have a dust(zero-pressure) in an expanding universe. There are 4 equations but I think exercising on one of them would be helpful for me. I am trying to derive the equation for a case, where we have a dust(zero-pressure) in an expanding...
  31. M

    Calculating Energy-Momentum Tensor in GR

    My attempt was to first rewrite ##S_M## slightly to make it more clear where ##g_{\mu\nu}## appears $$S_M = \int d^4x \sqrt{-g} (g^{\mu\nu} \nabla_\mu\phi\nabla_\nu\phi-\frac{1}{2}m^2\phi^2).$$ Now we can apply the variation: $$\begin{align*} \delta S_M &= \int d^4x (\delta\sqrt{-g})...
  32. W

    A Doubt about Energy Condition in Wormhole: Integral Along Null Geodesic

    I am now reading this paper, which is related to the energy condition in wormhole. Nevertheless, I got a problem in Eq.(6), which derives from so-called ANEC in Eq.(2): $$\int^{\lambda2}_{\lambda1}T_{ij}k^{i}k^{j}d\lambda$$ And I apply the worm hole space...
  33. M

    A Solving Covariant Derivative Notation Confusion

    I've stumbled over this article and while reading it I saw the following statement (##\xi## a vectorfield and ##d/d\tau## presumably a covariant derivative***): $$\begin{align*}\frac{d \xi}{d \tau}&=\frac{d}{d \tau}\left(\xi^{\alpha} \mathbf{e}_{\alpha}\right)=\frac{d \xi^{\alpha}}{d \tau}...
  34. M

    Covariant derivative of a (co)vector field

    My attempt so far: $$\begin{align*} (\nabla_X Y)^i &= (\nabla_{X^l \partial_l}(Y^k\partial_k))^i=(X^l \nabla_{\partial_l}(Y^k\partial_k))^i\\ &\overset{2)}{=} (X^l (Y^k\nabla_{\partial_l}(\partial_k) + (\partial_l Y^k)\partial_k))^i = (X^lY^k\Gamma^n_{lk}\partial_n + X^lY^k{}_{,l}\partial_k)^i\\...
  35. M

    The sphere in general relativity

    I'm a bit confused about the notation used in the exercise statement, but if I'm not misunderstanding we have $$\begin{align*}(\psi^+_1)^{-1}:\begin{array}{rcl} \{\lambda^1,\lambda^2\in [a,b]\mid (\lambda^1)^2+(\lambda^2)^2<1\}&\longrightarrow& \{\pm x_1>0\}\subset \mathbb{S}^2\\...
  36. M

    Global Positioning System / Clocks in Space

    I'm a bit lost at how to exactly start this exercise... As far as I understand we need to first determine ##d\tau_E## and ##d\tau_S##. First question: Since we can neglect the Earth's movement, can I also neglect the movement of the satellite with respect to the far away observer? If so, I...
  37. T

    4-acceleration in a circular orbit around a black hole

    In a circular orbit, the 4-velocity is given by (I have already normalized it) $$ u^{\mu} = \left(1-\frac{3M}{r}\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}} (1,0,0,\Omega) $$Now, taking the covariant derivative, the only non vanishing term will be $$ a^{1} = \Gamma^{1}_{00}u^{0}u^{0} + \Gamma^{1}_{33}u^{3}u^{3} $$...
  38. balaustrada

    How to compute the variation of two covariant derivatives?

    I'm working with modfied gravity models and I need to consider the perturbation of field equations. I have problems with the term were I have two covariant derivatives, I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I have: $$\delta(\nabla_\rho \nabla_\nu \left[F'(G)R_{\mu}^{\hphantom{\mu} \rho}\right])$$...
  39. kmm

    I Bernard Schutz Proves Invariance of Interval

    I've been going through Bernard Schutz's A First Course in General Relativity, and I'm hung up on his "proof" of the invariance of the interval. At the beginning of section 1.6, he claims that he will prove the invariance of the interval, and after a few lines shows that the universality of the...
  40. Quantum Alchemy

    B Questions about Einstein and the Block Universe

    I find this subject fascinating. Einstein said the distinctions between past, present and future is just a persistent illusion. I was watching a special with Brian Greene and other Physicist who think we do live in a Block Universe and they explained it very well. Here's my question. Say there...
  41. T

    Did I Get These Metric Tensors Right?

    I have been teaching myself general relativity and wanted to see if I got these metric tensors right, I have a feeling I didn't.For the first one I get all my directional derivatives (0, 0): (0)i + (0)j (0, 1): (0)i + 2j (1, 0): 2i + (0)j (1, 1): 2i + 2j Then I square them (FOIL): (0, 0): (0)i...
  42. S

    B Attribution of Reference Frame: A Dilettante's Question

    I can't find an answer on my dilettante question about how we attribute reference frame to complex objects, where different parts move with different velocity or where different parts experience different influence of gravitation. For example, we can take a human's body. If we take the full...
  43. W

    A Can Ricci Flow be Used in Lorentz Manifolds? In this paper,the authors use ricci flow to construct Lifshitz spaces. But it is known that ricci flow is limited by Riemannian manifold, which has a positive metric. but in this paper the author use ricci flow in a lorentz manifold, whose signature...
  44. T

    I Why Are Coordinates in General Relativity Independent?

    I can see that by the tensor transformation law of the Kronecker delta that ##\frac{\partial x^a}{\partial x^b}=\delta^a_b## And thus coordinates must be independent of each other. But is there a more straightforward and fundamental reason why we don’t consider dependent coordinates? Is it...
  45. SJay16

    B What’s more “important": GR or QM?

    Let’s say to the average Astronomer conducting research; generalizing the research to “astronomy” ; which would be more useful for the “average” Astronomer on a day to day basis: Quantum Mechanics or General Relativity? Obviously most are, but which so more? Which would be referred to more?
  46. sergiokapone

    I Covariant derivative of the contracted energy-momentum tensor of a particle

    The energy-momentum tensor of a free particle with mass ##m## moving along its worldline ##x^\mu (\tau )## is \begin{equation} T^{\mu\nu}(y^\sigma)=m\int d \tau \frac{\delta^{(4) }(y^\sigma-x^\sigma(\tau ))}{\sqrt{-g}}\frac{dx^\mu}{d\tau}\frac{dx^\nu}{d\tau}. \end{equation} Let contract...
  47. W

    Derivation of the wave equation on a curved space-time

    I'm confused by this question, from minimal coupling shouldn't the answer simply be ## \nabla^a \nabla_a F_{bc} = 0 ##? Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: I should also point out ##F_{ab}## is the EM tensor.
  48. W

    A Solving Møller Energy Distribution Problem in Paper I am now reading this attached paper. But i can not get energy result(2.8), and I calculated it and found it is zero. here is my process: firstly, i use Gauss law and rewrite the (2.6): ##E=\frac{1}{8 \pi} \iint \chi_{0}^{0 \beta} \mu_{\beta} d S## where µβ is...
  49. W

    A Coord Transf. in Linearized GR: Understanding Metric Transformation

    I was studying linearized GR where we make the following coordinate transformation ## \tilde{x}^{a} = x^{a} + \epsilon y^{a}(x) ## This coordinate transformation is then meant to imply ## g_{ab}(x) = \tilde{g}_{ab}(x) + \epsilon \mathcal{L}_{Y} g_{ab} ## Would anyone be kind enough to explain...
  50. W

    How Is the Second Term Derived in the 2D Riemann Curvature Tensor?

    Since in 2D the riemman curvature tensor has only one independent component, ## R = R_{ab} g^{ab} ## can be reversed to get the riemmann curvature tensor. Write ## R_{ab} = R g_{ab} ## Now ## R g_{ab} = R_{acbd} g^{cd}## Rewrite this as ## R_{acbd} = Rg_{ab} g_{cd} ## My issue is I'm not...