Generator Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. D

    Find the maximum AC current flowing through the generator.

    QUESTION 10*** A generator with output voltage ε(t) = εmax cos (ωt) is connected to the primary of a transformer. A resistor is connected to the transformer secondary. The transformer has an iron core with N1 turns on the primary and N2 turns on the secondary. Assume that the transformer is...
  2. R

    Is HHO Resonance a Real Discovery or a Scientific Hoax?

    I have made a new design i haven't seen anywhere on youtube or elsewhere. it might be a freak accident that i found hho resonance but I may have found it. I have build a generator with only 2 plates which yes I've seen that on youtube before but that's when people are just experimenting with...
  3. S

    Need slow flow high pressure wind generator fan design

    Hi, I have been toying with the idea of producing electricity from the cross winds that build up in my house. Basically when I leave a window open one one side of my flat and open a window on the other the wind blows through the house very strong. I want to place a wind generator on one...
  4. J

    Van de Graff Generator: Electrostatics, why do objects repel the generator

    Homework Statement a) Why do pie pans fly off the Van de Graff Generator when turned on? b) When foam peanut are placed inside a pie pan with the Generator turned on, what causes the foam peanuts to fly out? c) Why does a person's hair stand up when they touch the generator...
  5. J

    Van De Graff Generator: Explanations to why object repel generator

    Homework Statement a) Why do pie pans fly off the Van de Graff Generator when turned on? b) When foam peanut are placed inside a pie pan with the Generator turned on, what causes the foam peanuts to fly out? c) Why does a person's hair stand up when they touch the generator...
  6. O

    Building Simple Solar Energy Generator

    Hi everyone, Can anyone tell me how to build simple solar energy generator for kid of age 5 – 7 year? Please tell and send me with some drawing. Thank you very much in advance Huygen
  7. G

    Diesel generator and capacitor question

    I am currently designing a water distribution system to be installed in Honduras and have run into a small problem. We plan on using a 1.5hp pump which runs at 115 v and 17 amps but the startup requires 106 amps. So to run the pump we need a 2kW diesel generator but to start we need at least a...
  8. E

    Artificial Gravity Field Generator Possible?

    I read about an equation; E = mc^2 and concluded that m=\frac{E}{c^2}. Therefore, I assume that one can create Earth gravity by emitting energy equivalent to mass of earth. I also read that, simply put, that a stars gravity can be amplified when it's core collapses, or compresses creating...
  9. R

    Can Automobiles Be Used as Power Generators?

    Most are familiar with dynamometers that measure torque and horsepower output of the automobile drive train. The auto's drive wheels are driven onto a set of rollers and the output of the system is measured at various speeds. I am wondering if an electric power generator could be driven in this...
  10. X

    How fast must the rotor of a generator rotate?

    Homework Statement The maximum indicued emf in a generator is 205rpm is 43.0V. How fast must the rotor of the generator rotate if it's to generate a maximum inducded emf of 55.0V? Homework Equations E= NBAsinwt The Attempt at a Solution 205r/m*2 (Pi)/ 1rev81min/60s = 21.46rad/s magnet...
  11. G

    Force Needed to Turn Generator at Maximum Output

    Hi I was hoping someone could tell me the approx. amount of radial force needed to keep a 10000W generator turning while producing maximum output if there is a 1ft pulley connected to it that does the turning. Thanks
  12. X

    Steps for calculating dc generator output potential

    I need help understanding a few different items regarding electromechanics, and I'm not really sure where to start. Though the figures I have provided immediately seem impractical (coil melt down, coil explosion due to excessive rpm, inside dimensions exceeding their respective outside...
  13. S

    Circuit: current value in generator

    Homework Statement AC voltage source rms voltage of 158. Circuit has Resistance 106 X(L) is 205 and X(C) is 110 At the instant the voltage across the generator is at its maximum value, what is the magnitude of the current in teh circuit? Homework Equations V=IR, Vmax=ImaxZ I found Z...
  14. R

    Java Java Insult Generator Code Issues?

    Hi, I have to do a homework assignment for my intro to computer porgramming class and i have to write a program that creates insult sentences. My professor gave us some code to start with and we had to fill in the functions(professor gave us the names of these functions and the name of the...
  15. P

    RCL circuit containing only a capacitor, inductor, and generator

    Homework Statement A series RCL circuit contains only a capacitor (C = 8.46 μF), an inductor (L = 6.01 mH), and a generator (peak voltage = 77.4 V, frequency = 2.45 x 103 Hz). When t = 0 s, the instantaneous value of the voltage is zero, and it rises to a maximum one-quarter of a period later...
  16. S

    Installation of Electric Generator

    i have a burning question which i need to be answered by anyone competent here... i want to know that... why large Electricity generators are installed in north to south direction? i have seen many power stations & they all have generators installed in north south why are they not mounted in a...
  17. E

    How Can I Generate Power in a Spinning Juggling Club?

    Hey, bit of an odd projection question here, Im working on generating a current(enough to power a few leds) in a juggling club. I was originally thinking of a "shake" generator like this <a href="" >This</a> With...
  18. W

    Potential Energy, Tank on Hill, water power generator downhill.

    Homework Statement Homework Equations KE=(0.5)mv^2 PE=mgh The Attempt at a Solution a.) The tanks volume is 20m^3. I then multiply that by the density to get the mass of the water, which is 20,000 kg. Apply that into PE=mgh for gravitational potention...
  19. G

    Explore Future Household Energy Concepts with a Powerball Generator

    Take a look at this: I am looking for ideas about a physics project. The theme is "future household energy concepts". I found this thing from a website. How...
  20. K

    Lighting up a fluorescent lamp with a Van De Graaf generator

    Hi all, Let's say i have the following: I approach a charged-up VDG holding a fluorescent lamp. The end nearest the VDG is labelled A and the end furthest away from the VDG is labelled B. My hand is holding the lamp in the middle, i.e between ends A and B. The region inside the lamp...
  21. Z

    Permanent magnet DC Generator questions

    Hello, I'm a mechanical engineering student currently working on a project which involves a compressed air motor and a Permanent magnet DC generator. I have this generator : Basically, we'll use the generator power output to determine the...
  22. L

    Building a Generator to Power Home: Questions and Answers

    hey all :) i'm completely new to the electrical game, but I'm very interested in this, however only as a hobby. I'm doing my best to learn as much about this as possible so please excuse my stupid questions. ok so I'm interested in building a generator to power my home in case of outages...
  23. W

    Have you ever wondered how true random number generators work?

    Take for instance when you ask Mathematica 7 to generate a random number. This number can't be really random. It has to adhere to some process for picking that specific number. Does anyone know anything about the algorithm/process to this?
  24. W

    [qft] Srednicki 2.3 Lorentz group generator commutator

    Homework Statement Verify that (2.16) follows from (2.14). Here \Lambda is a Lorentz transformation matrix, U is a unitary operator, M is a generator of the Lorentz group. Homework Equations 2.8: \delta\omega_{\rho\sigma}=-\delta\omega_{\sigma\rho} M^{\mu\nu}=-M^{\nu\mu} 2.14...
  25. D

    A wave generator produces 28.6 pulses in 4.10 s

    1. A wave generator produces 28.6 pulses in 4.10 s. (a) What is its period? *solved* (b) What is its frequency? *solved* 2. period= 1/freq. v=wvlngth (freq) wvlngth= v/freq 3. i tried to find the number of pulses per second, which I think is 6.9756... idk what to do from there x.x
  26. T

    Van Der Graaff generator question.

    The aluminum sphere on it is generating a positive charge and the wand a negative. If I put a ball on the wand, will it charge the same way the big one does? Just opposite charge? anyone know about this thing?
  27. C

    Cheap function generator options.

    I'm playing around with a toroidal coil and eventually want to use it for some wireless power transfer experiments. My problem is that i need a function generator that can output around 1-5 mhz, and they are kinda pricey. I'm not going to need to know the precise frequency I'm producing, just to...
  28. D

    Generator theory, would it work?

    I've been doing some research on magnetism the past few days out of curiosity, and I had an idea, but I don't know enough to tell wether or not it might work, and i don't have the materials or money to get them to test it, but here goes. Basically my idea consists of something similar to a...
  29. 1

    2D image generator and modification using C, updated part 2 (drawing a line)

    hello, Part of a little project of mine consists of writing C code to build a image file in .ppm format which can be viewed by the simple program xnview. The image size is going to be 256 x 128. My code below generates a image with a smooth transtiton/graident between very dark red to light...
  30. M

    Hydrogen Generator: Run on Water, Variable Output

    There is an invention of a hydrogen generator. It runs on water only as fuel. Battery starts and stops like a car. Has a variable output. Does anyone on this level feel it has any value?
  31. 1

    2D image generator using C and nxview

    hello, Part of a little project of mine consists of using arrays, loops and writing files, in C to build a image file in .ppm format which can be viewed by the simple program xnview. The image size is going to be 256 x 128. I can use notepad to create simple images of flags ect. but am...
  32. V

    Plasma Generator Idea: Generating Power?

    I had a idea a while ago about a possible energy generator. I was wondering if you set up a plasma arc, then circulated gases through the arc so they would be ionized. Then, the ionized gases were moved through to a wire net through means of a strong fan or magnetic fields. Would it be...
  33. M

    Connecting wires in a generator

    Hey, I am fiddling around building, basically an alternator. Well, this is what i have designed so far. I made two copper coils, then squished so they were very eliptical and then connected the two flat coils together with zip ties and made a large coil. Basically, the large coil is the two...
  34. M

    Building a Bike Generator: How to Increase Electricity Output?

    Hey, I am looking to build a generator that goes on a bike stand so when i ride my bike on the stand it will produce electricity. Im planning on having a copper coil with magnets inside spinning. This is a dc generator right? Well, anyways... i know if i spin the magnets faster it will...
  35. S

    How does one feed a two channel transmitter inputs from a tekronix generator ?

    Hey guys I've done my transmitter. it works fine. But, I need to know how to feed it with input from a generator within taking into account that such a transmitter has two channels R+L. shall i use two different generators to feed every single channel ? I really need some help.
  36. K

    Issues testing a tachometer with a function generator

    I am on an assignment to test the domain of input values of a tachometer, and what output (deflection) different values correspond to. In other words, what's the minimum and maximum signals and what does the curve look like? The trouble is I can't get ANY useful information. The tach has...
  37. R

    Energy Crisis Ionizing Plasma Generator

    I believe it seems possible that a plasma generator could be constructed to ionize the gases used in the making of the plasma. A plan needs to be worked out to construct an energy collector to collect the energy that is given off by the ionization of the plasma gases. Now, in order to "recycle"...
  38. C

    Generator Monitoring: Unique Electrical Profiles

    Is anyone aware of any data or publications on "generator monitoring using unique electrical profiles created by shaft grounding devices " ? if so let me know some links I can't find information on it anywhere.. it is relatively new though.
  39. P

    FEM - mesh generator, transition elements

    FEM -- mesh generator, transition elements Hello, I would like to implement 2D mesh generator. Mesh should consists of triangle and rectangle elements and those triangle elements will play a role of transition elements. The example of such mesh is here:
  40. N

    Build a Pedal-Powered Generator for Middle School Workshop | Engineering Project

    If you want some background information on the project I'm working on, continue reading. If you just want to help then you can just skip to the bolded part. I'm supposed to build a pedal powered generator for an engineering class with a group. We are using a treadmill motor and pressing the...
  41. G

    Flywheel Generator - Split from Propane Solar Collector/Generator Thread

    I have been working on a holistic system involving flywheel-generators and" as the power source. With all of the recent publicity given methane as a potential source of energy I figured that this was the way to go...
  42. N

    Finding the Right Generator for a Steam Power Plant

    I'm stuck on the calculations concerning the sizing of the shell and tube condenser, about the equations to the log mean temperature difference equation needed? what is the best type of generator to use in a steam power plant?
  43. F

    !AC Generator Current: Mathematical Expression in Time Domain

    Consider a simple alternating current generator such as Hippolyte Pixii's dynamo. The current generated by such dynamo can be described as simple oscillating cosine signal. Assuming for simplicity that the max current generated each time a pole of Pixii's magnet passed the coil is (2/pi)0.5...
  44. F

    Current vs. Time: Mathematical Expression for Hippolyte Pixii's Dynamo

    Consider a simple alternating current generator such as Hippolyte Pixii's dynamo. The current generated by such dynamo can be described as simple oscillating cosine signal. Assuming for simplicity that the max current generated each time a pole of Pixii's magnet passed the coil is (2/pi)0.5...
  45. S

    Generator of the additive gr. Z_m

    Hi all, I am having trouble proving the following proposition: \bar a is a generator of the additive group Z_m if and only if gcm(m,a)=1. Well, first let's start with what i know. I know how to prove the following: Let G=[a] be a cyclic group of order q. Show that a^s is a...
  46. B

    QM: Infinitesimal Generator for Scale Transformation

    Homework Statement The scale transformation is a continuous transformation which acts on a function f(x) according to D_{s}f(x) = f(sx) where s is a real number. There is a continuous family of such transformations, including the identity transformation corresponding to s = 1...
  47. B

    Sizing Generator for 10hp Petter Diesel Engine | KVA Alternator

    Hi All, I have a 10hp Petter diesel engine that i want to drive an AC Alternator--Generator 240v AC. Is there an online calculator for this or can somebody help me size the correct KVA Alternator for it, i want to produce the maximum power i can with this engine to keep it loaded. Thank You
  48. S

    Random number generator of 2 normal distributions partially correlated

    I am trying to generate 2 normal random distributions (x1,...,xn) (y1,...,yn) that have a predefined degree of correlation between them. The constrain is that I am trying to have the same mean and stdev for both of them.
  49. H

    Understanding Flux and EMF in a Rotating Conducting Coil: True or False?

    Homework Statement The conducting coil rotates around the axis of rotation in the direction of the right-hand rule (thumb pointing along the axis of rotation, the fingers curl in the direction of rotation). A uniform magnetic field B points from left to right. The "flux" refers to the...
  50. jacksonpeeble

    Build an Electromagnetic Pulse Generator

    I also posted this under Computer Science incorrectly... I am curious if anybody knows how to build an Electromagnetic Pulse Generator (aka EMP). I've looked for a guide online, but all of the ones I've seen are far too advanced and/or powerful for my purposes. I'm looking for about a 5'...