Grad school Definition and 1000 Threads

A graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (e.g., master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech–language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa.
Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term "graduate school" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g., Canada), "postgraduate education" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called "graduate students" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as "postgraduate students" and, colloquially, "postgraduates" and "postgrads". Degrees awarded to graduate students include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and other postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates and professional degrees.
Producing original research is a significant component of graduate studies in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. This research typically leads to the writing and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In graduate programs that are oriented toward professional training (e.g., MPA, MBA, MHA), the degrees may consist solely of coursework, without an original research or thesis component. The term "graduate school" is primarily North American. Additionally, in North America, the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called "medical students"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher.
Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia, and other countries) is often offered by some of the same senior academic staff and departments who teach undergraduate courses. Unlike in undergraduate programs, however, it is less common for graduate students to take coursework outside their specific field of study at graduate or graduate entry level. At the Ph.D. level, though, it is quite common to take courses from a wider range of study, for which some fixed portion of coursework, sometimes known as a residency, is typically required to be taken from outside the department and college of the degree-seeking candidate, to broaden the research abilities of the student. Some institutions designate separate graduate versus undergraduate staff and denote other divisions.

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  1. A

    Schools What type of physics can I do at grad school having done these courses?

    I want to end up in theoretical physics but would rather do a maths major. I'm just starting second year undergrad at the moment. If I did a maths major, the courses I'd have under my belt would include: ODEs/PDEs differential geometry general relativity a lot of linear algebra and...
  2. W

    Schools Which of these should I take before Grad School?

    Hi, I am currently a Mechanical Engineering major (freshman) looking to eventually go into Nuclear Engineering, specifically fission or fusion power production. My school only offers a Nuclear Engineering minor so only a few classes. So is this necesarily a bad thing? If I want to head into...
  3. O

    Schools Getting into grad school with a below 3.0 gpa?

    I'm trying to figure out how hard it would be for me to get into grad school. I graduated with a 2.79 and a BA in physics, two and a half years ago. I did publish 3 papers in apj, won 4 research awards, one campus-wide calculus competition, 4 grants (not including the ones I won more than...
  4. H

    Schools Which Grad School - Math PhD: Rensselaer vs FSU

    This is essentially a poll question. Here's the deal. I love math, physics, computers... essentially, if it's quantitative and involves puzzling over problems, I love it. However, I'm pretty concerned about getting a well-paying job--or even a mediocre job that involves using what I know...
  5. H

    Schools Applying to Aerospace Grad School as a Physics Major

    Hello, I'm currently a junior undergraduate majoring in Physics/Math at a well ranked university. I've recently decided that I'm way more excited by the new commercial space industry than I am by pretty much anything in frontier physics (although I find many topics in frontier physics really...
  6. S

    Schools Returning to the US for Grad School in Physics

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  7. T

    Exploring Graduate Studies in Physics and Electrical Engineering: Pros and Cons

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  8. E

    UW Nanotechnology Grad School Prospects

    Hi all, The first few paragraphs are background about me. If you don’t want to read this, please skip it and answer my questions at the bottom. I’m a nanotechnology engineering student at the University of Waterloo. Over the past two years of my studies (I’ve finished 2B,) I’ve found that...
  9. D

    Schools Is a Co-op undergrad program more beneficial for grad school?

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  10. C

    Schools Severe emotional distress and applying to grad school

    So, I'm currently a third year undergrad physics major. I've always had health anxiety issues, since I was a child. However, very recently they've begun to worsen, and I've been going through a lot of depression/paranoia states. I've seen a psychologist and therapist. My therapist said I had...
  11. G

    Schools Physics Grad School with Historical Method Pedagogy?

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  12. stringy

    Grad School Decision: Leveraging Offers?

    Hello everybody, I applied to eight graduate schools in mathematics and so far I have received two acceptances. Out of those eight, there are really only four that I'm truly interested in, with the other four being safety schools. Of the two acceptances that I've received so far, one of them...
  13. G

    Schools Withdrawls and grad school applications

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  14. M

    Schools Applying to physics grad school with MS in chemistry

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  15. E

    Schools Can one skip masters courses in US grad school if already got masters in Europe?

    Can one apply to the US grad school and skip masters level courses to start working on PhD in the first year? Because in Europe, masters degree is usually obtained instantly after undergrad, whereas PhD level studies are separated. One really wouldn't want after obtaining masters and getting...
  16. B

    Schools How much does your course load each semester affect grad school admission?

    I'm currently double majoring in ChemE and physics with the intent of going to grad school. This semester I'm taking 6 courses this semester totaling 19 hours, with about 10-15 hours per week spent in a research lab. I was considering dropping one course and taking it another semester, but I...
  17. T

    Schools Recovering from a GPA Drop: Backup Plans for Graduate School Admission

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  18. Simfish

    Schools Foreign students who move up from grad school to postdoc

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  19. K

    Schools Grad school for physics with a minor in physics?

    Info to consider I will be taking more than enough physics courses to satisfy a physics major at the Univeristy of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma State University. SWOSU does not offer a physics major, but offers an engineering physics major. Thus, I will only be able to satisfy a physics minor. I...
  20. M

    Schools Grades vs. Understanding for grad school

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  21. C

    Schools Major in ComSci, physics grad school?

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  22. M

    Schools Advantages of going from Engineering B.S. to Physics Grad school and vice versa

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  23. L

    Schools Grad School Outside the US for an American

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  24. H

    Schools Is mech engineering enough for grad school in physics?

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  25. A

    Schools Advice on Choosing Grad School for Theory

    I did my undergrad in math and physics (in the US) and would like to go on to graduate school. However, I am having a little trouble deciding on a program and was wondering if anyone could recommend any schools. My motivation for going to grad school is really just that I want to thoroughly...
  26. H

    Schools How can I get my recommender to submit my letter before the deadline?

    So, I asked for recommendations from 1) a professor with whom I do research, 2) a professor whose algebra class I took, and 3) a professor with whom I do research and whose topology class I took. I notified them all before Thanksgiving, and finished my applications in early December. But one...
  27. P

    Schools Am I really competent enough for grad school in math?

    First of all, I apologize you guys for posting another thread like this; I know there are millions of threads that ask something like this already, but it would be great if you can read and respond to another one. I am applying to 11 graduate schools in mathematics. I have enjoyed studying...
  28. S

    Schools What is the average grade in grad school?

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  29. B

    Schools Will My GPA and Research Experience Get Me Into Top Grad Schools for Physics?

    Hey Guys. I'm coming up on my senior year and I am looking to apply to grad school, to receive a Ph.D. in physics. I've been doing a bit of online research, comparing schools and getting an idea of the ranges of gpas/scores for admitted students. After reviewing places that have struck my...
  30. B

    Math Math or Physics: Which Grad School Path Should I Choose?

    Hello There! I am currently an undergraduate student at a state university in Pennsylvania. I went originally to study secondary education mathematics, however after meeting other education majors, and everything that encompassed the 'education major' I learned I was far more intelligent...
  31. P

    Anxiety about ME grad school from a BS in Physics. Help greatly appreciated

    Anxiety about ME grad school from a BS in Physics. Help greatly appreciated! Hey all, so it is that time of the year to apply to grad schools and I am having some serious anxiety about it. I am applying to Phd programs in ME from a BS in physics and am very unsure about where to apply. I have...
  32. R

    Schools Physics Grad School Without a Bachelor's: Is It Possible?

    Is it possible to get into a physics grad program without a bachelor's?
  33. C

    Schools Is grad school discouragement normal for beginning physics students?

    Hey everyone! I am finishing my very first semester of grad school in physics and I'm just trying to get a feel if my emotions and thoughts are normal for a beginning grad student in physics. I'm taking beginning grad courses in classical, quantum, and EM. After this semester, I know I find...
  34. B

    Schools Will going to a community college screw my chances for grad school?

    Hello everyone, I'm currently a senior in high school. Due to financial circumstances and other reasons, there is a good chance that I might be headed to a community college next fall. I'm planning to go there for the usual 2 years, and transfer to a state school and major in math, hopefully...
  35. M

    Schools Unusual Background->math grad school?

    Unusual Background-->math grad school? Hey guys, I have a bit of a weird background but wanted to get your take on what I should be doing to give myself a chance at grad school (if I decide to go back). I'm working next year at a well-known investment bank (think Citi, JPMorgan, etc) but...
  36. D

    Schools Math or Physics or both? Grad school decisions.

    I have been back and forth between math and physics for grad school, they are both such beautiful subjects and I know I would love research in either one for the rest of my life. However, I was doing some thinking, if I like both of them, why just do one of them? So I started thinking about the...
  37. L

    Schools Grad school is crushing my soul.

    The book we're using for mechanics is "Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua" by Fetter and Walecka. I've never had as much trouble understanding physics as I am now. I am absolutely confounded when it comes to Lagrange multipliers, Euler angles (and other rigid body stuff) and...
  38. E

    Schools What math courses to take as an undergrad in physics planning for grad school

    Since I got credit in calc I and II before going to college (along with getting many of my geneds out of the way), I'm going to have a lot of room for extra math courses. What's required by my college's physics program is Calc I, II, III Diff eq Applied Linear Algebra After, that I'm...
  39. M

    Schools Bioorganic Chemistry Grad School: Applying to Top Tier Schools

    So I'm applying to mostly tier 1 grad schools for bioorganic chemistry (UCLA, Princeton, Texas A&M, University of Texas, Purdue, UNC, and University of Arizona) and I'm worried about my GRE scores. I got a 470 verbal 670 quantitative and 4.0 in analytical writing. I'm retaking them but I'm a...
  40. F

    Schools Grad School or Other Options: What's the Best Choice?

    Hey all, I basically am at a crossroads. I recently received my undergraduate degree in physics, and now I'm looking at either attending graduate school or some other unknown. To me graduate school is the preference, but my GPA is quite low at 2.759. I will apply to two different medical...
  41. I

    Schools Advice for Pursuing a STATS Degree - Physics Forum

    Hi Physics Forum, lurked around a bit and need some advice. I've never particularly liked any branch of my academics, however I excelled in my English classes and I thought the most natural thing to do was declare it my major. I absolutely hate academic reading though, as I see it mostly as a...
  42. R

    Schools Grad School Mechanical Engineering Programs

    What are some decent grad schools for mechanical engineers without a perfect GPA? I would like to start researching my options but I really have no idea where to start
  43. S

    Schools BA in Physics, want to go to Grad school. Suggestions?

    I have a decent GPA (3.6) but have taken no classes in Chemistry and advanced Computer Science (can only code python!). The Physics GRE is incredibly intimidating to me and many topics that it covers are not offered at the liberal arts college I attended. I predict a receiving a poor score and...
  44. Simfish

    Schools Will cuts to science funding make grad school more competitive? It looks fairly likely that cuts will happen. Now, the stimulus did manage to shield universities from the recession (although some physics grad students did tell me that the recession still managed...
  45. E

    Schools Leave of absence from grad school

    Hello all, I would like some advice on a issue. I'm a senior undergrad determined to go to grad school for physics. Now my GPA is ok, and hopefully I won't completely bomb the GRE's - that's not what I'm worried about. My problem is this: I'm an international student from a country that...
  46. T

    Schools Grad school preparation: Should I take a probability class?

    I am (hopefully!) going to be entering grad school in the fall. I will be going for a PhD in applied mathematics. Many grad schools recommend that you take a course in probability before entering (it is strongly hinted that doing so will improve your odds of admission). Here's where the...
  47. R

    Schools General Questions about Grad School Sciences

    I am a junior at Gonzaga University, I have a 3.25 gpa as a Mechanical Engineer. I switched majors from business to mechanical engineering 2nd semester freshman year without having taken any calculus courses in HS or really any idea what I was getting into. I am still on track to graduate in 4...
  48. E

    Schools Best preparation for grad school?

    I am going into physics next year, and I am incredibly excited! I love astronomy, and I love math and physics, and i do very well in both, so astrophysics seems like the perfect fit. However, I wanted to get a broader degree than an undergrad in astrophysics to start off with. My final goal is...
  49. R

    I have low gpa, but i want to go to grad school in a different subject.?

    I graduated from a top undergraduate program in applied mathematics with a general GPA of 2.91, subject GPA of 3.13 from a T1, or T2 applied math program in the nation. I found that my GPA don `t reflect my true capacity, and that i chosen the wrong subject to get a degree in. My low GPA might...
  50. G

    Programs Balancing Grad School & Double Majoring: Decision Time!

    Basically I have most of my classes required to graduate, but due to the lack of availability of some classes it will still take me about 3 more semesters after the current semester. So I was considering double majoring with math, so it would be physics + math major. Since I was already a...