Graduate Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. D

    Schools Literary publcation and graduate school in engineering.

    Hi all. This is strange question. Is publication of poetry during UGRADs helpful or will it hurt if I mention it while applying to graduate school in engineering, especially in extremely competitive programs like MIT? Thank You.
  2. M

    Schools Is 35 Too Old for Graduate School in Engineering?

    Hello all, I am a 33 year old pre-junior mechanical engineering major. This is my second degree and I am doing extremely well. Current GPA 3.88. Coming into the program I figured I would get my bachelors and that would be it, but since I have been doing so well and truly appreciate the...
  3. R

    What is the core for entrance to graduate programs in physics?

    I have been searching for the requirements for entry into physics graduate programs. I am seeing GRE + physics GRE + 3 LORs Is it understood that the student has a strong background in physics or mathematics or do they really not require it? I have signed up for higher mathematics...
  4. C

    Staying motivated after graduate acceptance

    My final quarter of school is a little over halfway through, and I'm finding it very difficult to stay motivated. I've been accepted to and am planning to attend a good graduate program next year, and, while I need to make sure I pass all of my classes, I don't have any reason to put much effort...
  5. L

    Schools Don't know what level of graduate school to apply too, help please

    I'm in a rather weird scenario. My first four years of college, I wasn't interested in studying or macadamia in general. I was a finance major and realized that I was learning an extraordinary larger amount at work then I was in class. I'd go to work and learn how to analyze investments using...
  6. J

    Just Want to learn Pure Math Graduate level

    Good evening, The biggest question for me right now is what to do now? I got a bad experience from high school and was never a hardworking student. I got admission to a top school for undergrad and as we all know college is somewhat different, I started to really learn as from Junior year. I...
  7. K

    Mathematics for CS graduate programs

    Hi guys. I'm a freshman computer science major just finishing up discrete math and calculus I. I am strongly considering graduate school as an option, which I am sure is quite a bit more math-intensive than undergrad is (which obviously doesn't stress theory as much). Right now, my is to take...
  8. G

    Schools Not Getting Into Graduate School, What now?

    I went to school for physics as an undergradute. I did well in my upper level physics courses, all A's and B's but I messed up very poorly in a math course and didn't put much effort into elective courses and the result is a GPA around 3.0. This combined with the fact that I bombed the...
  9. T

    Schools What do physics graduate schools really look for, aside from an excellent GPA?

    Besides obtaining an outstanding GPA, what are the major things that graduate schools look for in candidates? Any input is greatly appreciated, but please do try to provide a bit more detail. Thanks!
  10. D

    Schools Question about physics graduate school

    Hello all, I am currently an undergraduate in physics and have a significant amount of room in my schedule for classes. This is because I took mostly maths and general classes my freshman year, when deciding my major, and now will have to stay an extra half or full year to complete the core...
  11. P

    Schools Graduate school engineering admissions

    I am finishing up my third year as an EECS major of a five year program at a highly reputable public university and I am strongly considering applying to doctoral programs in EECS (I figure I can leave with a terminal masters should I discover research at that level is not my cup of T). By...
  12. D

    Mathematical studies before graduate school

    Dear fellows, my undergrad was not in maths, but I have quite a chance of getting into a master's program in pure maths, later this year. Long story, not particularly interesting. My question is due to the fact that I am quite prepared to the examination (basic real analysis and linear...
  13. N

    Schools Extenuating family circumstances and graduate school

    Hello, I am a physics student of sophomore standing and I have been having average, sub-par grades during it. I have been very stressed the last few years of my life, due to loss of parents and taking care of a sibling, but thankfully financial aid has been helpful through it. Due to my poor...
  14. N

    No graduate level electromagnetism? (Oh Jackson where art thou)

    Next year I'm doing the one year master program at Perimeter Institute, and I was surprised to realize that there is no grad-level electrodynamics class (level Jackson, I would suppose?). I then checked the Math Tripos III (applied math, aka theoretical physics) course list (where I also...
  15. H

    Schools I'm a Math/Operations Research major considering Graduate School for Business

    I haven't taken my graduate admission exam, but I'm not that worried about it. I really think I have the overall skills to do well. I was just curious: how hard it is to get into the grad schools for business after being a mathematics major with my emphasis in operations research? To be...
  16. G

    Schools Taking cross disciplinary subjects during Math graduate school

    Hello. While I am not heading off to graduate school for a little bit, I am interested in persuing a phd in pure mathematics (Geometry is a broad interest of mine). I would also be interested in taking one or two mathematically inclined graduate courses from the Physics department (String...
  17. C

    Importance of Graduate Quantum Mechanics 2 in Materials Science?

    Hello forum. I am a future M.S. Physics student (Fall 2012) that aspires to eventually obtain a PhD in some sort of materials science. Specifically, my interests lie in soft matter, thermodynamics and self assembled materials, but I am open minded to other directions. My M.S. school has the 2nd...
  18. S

    Can a graduate student afford his/her time on gaining industrial skills?

    Hi. I will be starting undergraduate studies in mathematics in this autumn. Given the unemployable nature of the subject only with a bachelor's degree, I will most definitely pursue graduate studies. At this point, I am not wholly determined to go for a Ph.D., and I am not sure about my...
  19. N

    Courses Theoretical physics Graduate courses - is it all string theory?

    Hi, I was wondering what the scope is these days to do a PhD in theoretical physics, but without delving into string theory? Is the world of theoretical physics still very much dominanated by string theory, or can young physicists go down alternative routes? I seem to remember that some years...
  20. E

    Schools Academic Dilemma: Math Graduate School for Economics Major?

    I have been lurking on PF for a while, so I have done a bit of research on the subject but figure I should get some specific advice from those knowledgeable about my dilemma. Currently, I am a junior Economics major at a Big 10 school, recently admitted into the honors program for my subject...
  21. 9

    Programs Some questions about double degrees and graduate admissions (in Mathematics)

    Hi. Here is some (more or less) relevant information: So I'm majoring in Philosophy and Logic, and I recently found out that if I do about an extra year of undergrad work, I can get a second bachelor's degree (In Mathmatics!) So I'm thinking: Since graduate school in Philosophy is pretty hard...
  22. L

    Engineering The suitable options for a fresh graduate Mechanical Engineer

    Dear Gentlemen, I am a fresh graduate mechanical engineer and I live in Bahrain (middle east) and usually, the positions required in the companies are limited. I want to ask you which of the given positions is preferred for a fresh Mechanical Engineer, most applicable for what I studied, because...
  23. D

    Graduate after 3 years bachelors

    Hi all, my college is jacobs university bremen, germany. and has 3 years bachelors. Does anyone know whether that program is accepted for doctorate in usa? Thank you.
  24. D

    Schools Choosing a thesis in graduate school + adviser

    When you're going for a master's/phd and you're choosing a thesis, does your adviser's research field have to be the same as the field you're studying, or does he/she just have to be familiar with it? Say you're aiming to go to a university but the professors there are unfamiliar with your...
  25. R

    Math Graduate programs any advice?

    Hi everyone, I am currently a math major with an emphasis in physics, and I will begin looking for the right graduate programs to apply to in the fall. I am a rather silly case however, and I was curious if anyone had any advice or potentially some reassurance on my potential to get into...
  26. B

    Prerequisites for graduate algebra

    hello everyone. I'm planning to take a (beginning) graduate course in algebra. right now I'm taking a standard undergraduate course in algebra that covers rings, integral domains, fields, polynomial domains, unique factorization. The book we're using is hungerford Algebra, which I think the...
  27. N

    Courses Doing well in graduate physics courses

    Hey everyone, I am currently a first-year grad student, and I'm having a little bit of trouble in quantum mechanics. I'm doing alright in E&M and Stat Mech. but on the quantum mechanics exams, I'm usually scoring about 10-15 points below the median. To study, I first make sure that I'm...
  28. G

    What Are the Best Specializations in Nuclear Engineering Graduate Programs?

    Hello, I'm a graduate with a B.Sc. in Nuclear Science from National University of Malaysia (UKM) with a CGPA of 3.23 and very much interested to further my studies in the field of Masters degree in Nuclear Engineering. But so far, there are no such programme offered locally in my home country...
  29. F

    A graduate student in dire need of advice

    I am in great physics PhD program in my first year, and classes aren't going all that well. Last semester I barely made it with a 3.0 gpa, which is the minimum required. I tried to study and work on the homework gradually, utilizing my classmates to bounce ideas off of. This was a big step...
  30. B

    Schools Effect of Withdrawals on Graduate School Application

    Due to unforeseen circumstances (burnout, depression), I recently had to withdraw from all of my courses (5 courses) and this brings my total number of W's up to 11. Am I doomed? Even if I went back to school and continue to excel, would my graduate school application ever be given serious...
  31. V

    Schools Engineering graduate school after physics undergraduate degree

    Hi, are there any pitfalls of switching subject area like this? I'm doing as much as I can to interact with engineers at the moment (such as student projects within the engineering dept. and generally trying to focus my physics towards what I understand to be engineering related as opposed to...
  32. S

    Engineering PE vs Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering

    For those with a background in Civil; what do you think about graduate degrees in Civil Engineering for people with a different undergraduate background? I don't plan on doing traditional engineering work but a lot of what I do does relate to the water quality part of civil engineering. I'm...
  33. C

    Difference between undergrad quantum and graduate quantum

    I have taken quantum mechanics 3 times as an undergrad. The first time was Modern Physics 1. It covers the beginnings of quantum and basic quantum up to 3-D central force problem. The second was Quantum Chemistry (part 1 of physical chemistry), and we covered: basic quantum problems (particle...
  34. C

    Difference between graduate EM and undergrad EM

    What is the difference between classical EM at the undergrad and graduate levels? Is it just the math that's harder at graduate levels, or are there any new concepts that are not covered in undergrad, that's covered in graduate? Thanks.
  35. O

    New Graduate Experience: MSc Electronics Lab Work

    Hello. I hope everyone is well. I was just wondering about experience for a recent graduate ...I am doing an MSc in Electronics, and will be spending about 8-9 months in our device fabrication lab on a part-time and then full time basis (full time over the summer). Could this be put...
  36. J

    How competent did you feel as a physics graduate/recent post graduate student?

    I graduated a four year physics course at a quite highly rated British university in 2011, and am now 24 years old. I managed a to graduate with a 1st and am now into the first year of my PhD, but I sometimes question if I'm really that competent/knowledgeable. I feel as though I have forgotten...
  37. G

    Physics vs Education vs Undergraduate vs Graduate?

    I would like to know which choice is more beneficial, efficient, worth it, et cetera: Choice One-- Double Major in Both Physics and Education Studies, with a teacher licensure to be able to teach chemistry, physics, and/or mathematics at the secondary level. Choice Two-- Major just...
  38. W

    Books on Chaos theory for an engineering graduate?

    I'll be self-studying about chaos theory. I am looking for a comprehensive book on chaos theory which also touches upon the mathematical aspects involved in it from scratch .I'm no math graduate.. I hold an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering.So, my knowledge in math is limited to...
  39. A

    Undergraduate Engineering Physics To Graduate Aerospace Engineering

    Is it possible/okay to get your undergraduate degree in engineering physics and then go into graduate school and get your graduate degree in aerospace engineering> please help Thanks
  40. P

    US News Rankings: How Much Do They Matter for Graduate Programs?

    When choosing a graduate program, how much weight should be given to its US News ranking? I've been accepted to two schools which fall within the top 10 for general math, but for my particular subarea in math, one of them ranks about 15 spots ahead of the other. Do people actually care about...
  41. S

    Schools How to Pursue Physics After College: Advice Needed

    Hello everyone, Long long ago, I thought of being a physics major. When I came into into college, I had no experience with physics, problem sets, mathematics higher than trigonometry(very little trig), or much science(my school didn't really offer good science classes). I discovered physics...
  42. K

    Graduate plasma physics program in Princeton and Univ of Michiganadvice needed

    I am looking forward to apply for Plasma Physics program in PPPL(Princeton) and Univ of Michigan. But I am not sure about what sort of recommendation letters I should send. I have one strong recomendation from my undergrad project supervisor(the project is plasma diagnostics in Hall Effect...
  43. H

    Programs Graduate degrees in engineering for non-engineering bachelors

    In another thread I found someone mention this program at Boston U ( for students with bachelors in non-engineering fields, like liberal arts + humanities, that can do the makeup coursework and then attain a masters in engineering. I'm...
  44. H

    Schools Odd academic situation and graduate school admissions

    To elaborate on said situation - I went to a top 50 US public university for a few years majoring in math and during this period of time I had no significant interest or motivation in school, much less any graduate school aspirations. I didn't do *horrible*, but my gpa was about a 3.1. I took...
  45. T

    BS E-Physics to a graduate program in EE?

    Hello PF, I did a quick google and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for so here it is: I am an undergrad graduating next year with a bachelors in Engineering Physics. So far my concentration has been in physics. I took one Intro to EE course which I liked, and I am taking a circuits...
  46. D

    Graduate Nuclear Engineering: McMaster or UOIT

    I am in the last year of my physics degree and plan to go to McMaster or UOIT to do my graduate studies in nuclear engineering. Does anyone have experience with the two schools in regards to nuclear engineering? DM
  47. H

    Schools Studying Physics in Australia: Undergraduate & Graduate Considerations

    I have heard multiple times that where you study and get you bachelor is not that important, at least relative to the importance of where you do your graduate studies. How much influence should the factor of a university having some prestige in the field of physics have on the decision making of...
  48. F

    How to prepare for graduate school in mathematics?

    Hi, I am a sophomore and I recently dropped Graduate Complex Analysis. I was just missing something. The solutions to the questions on the problem set were not capable of being formed by me. This being said, I am wondering if it is still possible for me to attend graduate school for...
  49. Z

    Summer Work to Boost Your Physics Resume for Graduate School

    So as the title stated, what kind of summer work would be good to put on one's resume, for helping an undergraduate to get into a good physics graduate program? It feels like awards such as REU and NSERC are usually rewarded to the top standing students, and hence are not overly easy to get, by...
  50. G

    Schools Nearly free Graduate School - I'm Confused

    Some of my TA are like 23 year old people who are graduate students. One of them said that when they applied for graduate school he had a hard time getting in because they were looking for foreign students but he got in. He said they gave him money just for like going to graduate school or...