What is Graphing: Definition and 497 Discussions

A graphing calculator (also graphics calculator or graphic display calculator) is a handheld computer that is capable of plotting graphs, solving simultaneous equations, and performing other tasks with variables. Most popular graphing calculators are also programmable and therefore considered to be programmable calculators, allowing the user to create customized programs, typically for scientific, engineering and education applications. Because they have large displays in comparison to standard four-operation handheld calculators, graphing calculators also typically display several lines of text and calculations at the same time.

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  1. SuchBants

    Problem graphing Irradiance and distance experiment

    Homework Statement Used a solar cell and a ray box, altering the distance from the solar cell to the light source in 10cm increments. Did the usual high school experimental controls and repeats. Assuming that the voltage is proportional to the irradiance, I am meant to graph the results...
  2. D

    MHB Graphing Trig Function: Amplitude 4, Period (2\pi/3), Range [-4,4]

    I need some help graphing this trig function. f(x)=4sin(3x-2) When Graphing, the points should be over 2 periods and 9 points. I have: -Amplitude: 4 -Period=(2\pi/3) -Range=[-4,4] I need help on: -Graphing the points over 2 periods and 9 periods (parent function and f(x)) -Table of 9...
  3. Mathamans

    Using what I've learned in the classroom for Graphical Data

    I'm a first-year undergraduate student in mathematics and physics. In my Chemistry Lab class we've recently completed a graphical representation of data assignment and it was interesting. My question is, what can I do in regards to mathematics and physics, or something interesting in general...
  4. RoboNerd

    Why Does Potential Become Zero at 2a in Graph D?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I know that potential from a point charge equals kq/r and that potential difference equals - (integral of)(E dot dl) The Attempt at a SolutionI tried to approach this problem using the point charge approach by comparing the relative values of kq/r for...
  5. R

    Is it allowed to use graphing calculator in IPHO

    hi everyone i hope you are fine . is it allow to use graphing calculator in ipho physics olympiad
  6. MYMLA

    Filter Graphing Help - Calculate & Graph Response

    Homework Statement Calculate and graph the response of the filter: y(n) = ½*x(n) + ½*x(n-1) at the frequencies: i) 0 Hz, ii) sr/4, iii) sr/2 (Nyquist frequency). Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution If I put each of those into the formula as n? But how do i know what sample rate/4...
  7. Z

    Complex Plane - Graphing Powers

    Homework Statement If W is represented as the point shown in blue which of the other points satisfy z=Sqrt[w]? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution (The answer is Z2)[/B] I'm trying to study for a test and this is a practice problem and the book doesn't go into great detail about...
  8. S

    Graphing solutions to PDEs at various times

    Homework Statement Graph snapshots of the solution in the x-u plane for various times t if \begin{align*} f(x) = \begin{cases} & 3, \text{if } -4 \leq x \leq 0 \\ & 2, \text{if } 4 \leq x \leq 8 \\ & 0, \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align*} Homework Equations Assuming that c=1 and g(x)...
  9. Kirito123

    Making formulas and graphing them

    Homework Statement Individual tickets to the Mathtown Zoo cost $10 each. A Frequent Visit pass can be purchased for $60, and then each visit costs $5. a. Write an equation that models the cost of individual tickets, C, as it relates to the number of tickets purchased, n. b. Write an equation...
  10. M

    Graphing the energy in an capacitor, coil and resistor

    I need to graph the current energy on a resistor, capacitor and inductor they are all separate it is not a RLC circuit. This is what I know u(t) = sqrt(2)*220*sin(314*t+π/3) R = 10 Ω L = 3 mH C= 3 mF I have already calculated the current for each component, now I need to calculate the energy...
  11. E

    Graphing data in a lab- astrophysics

    Homework Statement Hello! So, I recently did an experiment where I altered the eccentricity and distance from the sun of a planet orbiting around the Sun in a simulation and measured how long it took the planet to complete a single orbit. With this data, I compared my experimental data with the...
  12. B

    MHB Boost Your Cosine-Sine Isotherm Sketching Skills | Expert Tips & Guidance

    I am trying to sketch isotherms of the field cos(x)sinh(y). I am not sure how to begin with this. Can someone please help/hint me through what i have to do?
  13. tony873004

    Angle vs Time Graph: What is it Called?

    I once saw a graph of angle vs time. In order to avoid a big shift in the graph when the angle crossed over from 359 degrees to 1 degree, this graph was circular, with time along the radius of the circle. Is there a name for this type of graph?
  14. awholenumber

    Few questions about graphing....

    I have a few doubts about graphs ... and how variables of an equation or expression are going to look like on a graph ... ? are they only going to look like single points in graph ?? when we deal with the variable x .. do we deal it as an object ?? I mean .. most of the basic questions are...
  15. 3301

    Graphing Equations Homework: Identifying Graph to Formula

    Homework Statement So I have to do one simple task to identify graph to corresponding formula. I don't know if software is wrong or my approach. Homework Equations y =4√x-2 -6[/B] The Attempt at a Solution Found zero at x = 2 and when x=6 then y=2 and graph is not showing that. Something I...
  16. 24forChromium

    Plotting graphs in three dimension

    I have function1: x = n(cos((pi/2)-2pi/n)) and function2: y = n(sin((pi/2)-2pi/n)) my goal is to plot a graph where for the same value of n, the x and y are respectively the horizontal and vertical component of the point, this graph should preferably possible to create on a computer or a...
  17. T

    Looking for a high accuracy 3D graphing program

    Hi PF/math ! I've been searching for a program which will draw 3d parametric curves accurately for large variables, eg. f(10^8). Ive tried www.math.uri.edu and Ti-Nspire (the latter may or may not have a setting for the accuracy), but both tend to turn what should've been a smooth curve into an...
  18. patrickbotros

    A Find the minimum without Calculus or Graphing

    ƒ(ß)=.5sec(ß) + √[1+(sec2(ß)/4)+tan(ß)/√(2)] Without graphing it or using calculus find the minimum. I already know the answer but want to know how to do it. It s at π/12 and is something like 1.5. First off this is NOT a homework problem. I already know the answer is something like 1.5 at π/12...
  19. E

    Trigonometry: Analyzing and Graphing a Cosine Function

    Hey I need a second opinion to see if my formulas and calculations are correct. Also I need help with graphing this problem. My problem is to find amplitude, period, horizontal shift, vertical translation, step and then graph of: y= 2 - (1/3) cos ( πx + (3π/2) ) , -1/4 ≤ x ≤ 15/4 Using the...
  20. J

    Graphing stress-strain plots on excel

    1. I'm given time (s), extension (mm), tensile stress (mPa), and tensile strain (%) in a table. I'm supposed to graph it on excel, but my graphs don't look at all like a stress-strain graph. 2. I think it's probably because I'm using tensile stress or strain? Or is it an excel error I'm doing...
  21. RJLiberator

    In search of a Graphing Program for Excel data

    Here is essentially what I need to do for a school essay: I have an excel sheet with 200 points (x corresponding to A1 column values, y corresponding to B1 column values). I need to find a way to transfer this to a graphing program in quadrant 1 (all x,y coordinates are >= 1 and less than or...
  22. ElegantSir

    Graph Darryl's Movement: Physics Homework

    Homework Statement "Darryl drives his load of tomatoes 14.0 km [E], 6.0 km [N], 12.0 km [ N 15° E], and then 2.0 km [N 65° E]. This takes him 42 minutes." Question: Draw a graph representing Darryl's movement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I posted my 'solution' in the thumbnail...
  23. P

    Graphing the V vs I relationship of diode using Square wave

    Homework Statement I am having trouble understanding what this picture is showing. [/B] I know that in the case of a sine wave, the voltage below zero will not conduct much if it does not drop past the breakdown region. On the other hand, it will start to conduct and grow exponentially at...
  24. bcrowell

    Open-source web-based graphing calculator?

    I'm teaching first-semester calculus right now, and I'm noticing that a lot of my students are using the online graphing calculator at desmos.com. (I think this sort of thing is like nuclear power, it can be used for good or for evil.) I played with the desmos app, and although it seems nice in...
  25. Math Amateur

    MHB Software for Graphing Polynomials in Two Variables

    Does anyone know any very simple to operate (intuitive) software for graphing polynomials in two variables. If the software allows you to plot two polynomials simultaneously then all the better ... Be a bonus if it allowed the finding of zeros also ... Peter
  26. JR Sauerland

    Graphing a variation of y=sin-x

    Just have a quick question about this problem in the photo... I'm not sure how they got the values 0, 1, 0, -1, 0 that they are multiplying by y=sin-x in the chart: For example. Look at the second row, pi/2. They apparently multiply 1/2 by 1 to get 1/2, but they never indicate where/how they...
  27. T

    Do I need Mathematica or a CAS graphing calculator?

    Hello Everyone. I'm returning to college to earn a degree in physics 15 years after getting a BA in English. I took calculus almost 20 years ago and used a Ti 85. I've noticed that some graphing calculators have CAS integrated, which I've never used, and I'm keen to get one for my physics and...
  28. bcrowell

    Educational app for graphing position, velocity, and accel

    I thought other physics teachers here might be interested in this browser-based educational application I wrote: http://www.lightandmatter.com/velocity/ . As you move the mouse up and down, it graphs its position, velocity, and acceleration. In the past I've had some classroom exercises that...
  29. Dethrone

    MHB Confused by Spherical Wedge Graphing on z-y Plane

    Part (a) is easy to do by setting up a triple integral, but for part (b), I was a bit confused by the diagram provided by the solutions manual: Why is the spherical wedge (shaded) graphed on the z-y axis? In the most general case, shouldn't the two lines that form angle $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$...
  30. Dethrone

    MHB How Can I Visualize the Intersection of a Cone and a Sphere?

    Find the volume of the solid that is enclosed by the cone $z=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ and the sphere $x^2+y^2+z^2=2$. The integral is not difficult to set up using cylindrical coordinates, but I'm trying to get a better visualization of the volume I'm actually integrating. I can't seem to get Wolfram...
  31. M

    MHB How to Graph a Linear Function

    Hey guys, In the image below, I understand that the equation is a linear function, but I am unsure how to graph it and present it in the way requested :confused: For those who cannot see tinypic images: Draw the graph of $s=1400(t-15)+150\,000$ Put $s$ on the vertical axis and cover the...
  32. T

    How do I graph in vertex form with an equation like (x+1/2)^2 = 12(y - 3)?

    I've run into stumbling block here, is some sort of conversion required when your equation looks like: (x+1/2)^2 = 12(y - 3). Do I move it to standard form or can I graph it as is?
  33. G

    Program or website for graphing

    I'm in grade 11 pre-calc right now and my teacher gave us an assignment over the long weekend where we need to draw a person using the different kinds of graphs we learned (ie. hyperbolas, parabolas, circles, ellipses, lines etc.) I have a sketch of what I want on a piece of paper and I've...
  34. WillofMalazan

    Using Graphing Paper for Physics and Math Coursework

    Does anyone use graphing paper for Physics, as well as Math classwork? I like graphing paper, but the kind I use (5x5 from Walmart) doesn't seem to be working out very well. I am having a difficult time reading what I am writing on the paper. I like using graphing paper because it allows me...
  35. E

    Graphing the flux density between two line charges in matlab

    Homework Statement I am trying to graph the flux density field between two infinite line charges located at y = 1 and y = -1 Homework Equations I am trying to do it using the equation for a line charge that I got from lecture notes. The above equation is derived from this: Here is the...
  36. B

    Find 3D Graphing Software - Directional Derivative Support

    hey there, i haven't find a better foru to post this, so i hope I am in the right place/ im looking for a 3d grapher saftware but good one, that can do directional directional derivative exc. so if u know about something thatll be great, thx!
  37. J

    What is the significance of F less than Fmax in the strong nuclear force graph?

    Homework Statement http://www.boredofstudies.org/wiki/images/b/bb/Sci_phys_quanta_strong_force.png I had a question where I was given the strong nuclear force graph and asked to add the electrostatic force to the graph. It was a graph showing the forces between two protons. It was a three mark...
  38. F

    Graphing Current v. Time for simple 2R1C circuit

    1. Homework Statement The switch is closed. Graph the current in R_{1} 2. Homework Equations V = IR CV = Q 3. The Attempt at a Solution 1) R_{0} can be ignored a) The resistor simply reduces the voltage before any current can be split. b) We're justified, as a result, in...
  39. K

    MHB Graphing Inequality : lx-yl + lxl - lyl ≤ 2

    Sketch the region in the plane consisting of all points (x,y) such that lx-yl + lxl - lyl ≤ 2 I don't know exactly the most appreciated solution to this kind of problem. Can you guys show me a clear answer and if possible, a careful graph please?
  40. David Carroll

    Calculators Graphing in polar form on the TI-81

    Greetings. I have been teaching myself Calculus. To do this I ordered a used Larson's 8th Edition Calculus and a used TI-81 graphing calculator. When I got to Chapter 10, I ran into a problem: the chapter introduces equations in polar form and when I whipped out my TI-81, I had no idea how to...
  41. TheDemx27

    Graphing Functions in n Dimensions, Parametric Equations

    So I was watching this video on Khan Academy, and it talks about graphing functions that have values in multiple dimensions. It shows how to represent a linear function in 3 dimensions with a set of vectors, L ={p1 + t(p1-p2)|t∈R} where p1 and p2 are vectors that lie on the line you want to...
  42. 22990atinesh

    Why Graphing Tools doesn't represent hole in a graph

    Why Graphing Tools doesn't represent hole in a graph of a function. A Hole at a point in a graph is point where function is not defined.Suppose there is a function ##\frac{x}{\root{x-1}-1}## Its should be like this But online tools and even my android graphing tool app shows graph like this...
  43. Ritzycat

    Graphing acceleration/time, jerk/time

    I understand that a/t is called "jerk", or change in acceleration. What would this graph look like as a qualitative position/time graph? (Assuming constant jerk) And to take it further, what would a jerk/time graph look as a position/time graph?
  44. B

    Pre-Calc. Question: Graphing Rational Functions

    When you have a rational function, such as: 3x-5/x-1 After attaining things like the x and y intercepts and asymptotes, how do you know how many "pieces" of the graph there are? With linear functions/equations, you know it's a single line. Even quadratic graphs are a single piece - albeit...
  45. Ritzycat

    How Do You Determine the Decay Constant from a Secondary Graph?

    Homework Statement Create a secondary graph that allows you to graphically determine the decay constant, k, for the observed nucklear decay of 137Ba*. Homework Equations 0.693/k = half life Something with an LN in it The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea what it means by "secondary graph"...
  46. S

    Graphing the Results from Kinetics Experiments with Enzyme Inhibitors

    Homework Statement The following kinetic data were obtained for an enzyme in the absence of any inhibitor (1), and in the presence of two different inhibitors (2) and (3) at 5mM concentration. Assume [ET] is the same in each experiment[/B] (1)...
  47. Ascendant78

    Help graphing wave functions and probability densities.

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well, I felt like the first part wasn't too bad and graphed the potential like so: However, to be honest, I'm not even sure if I did that right, as I wasn't sure whether he wanted it as a 2-D or 3-D graph (and I can't...
  48. T

    Quantum vs. Classical Mechanic graphing

    Hey, I am curious if there's a correspondence between Classical and Quantum Mechanics graphs in terms of Potential (or kinetic) Energy as a function of x, aside from equations?
  49. A

    What do people still use graphing calculators for?

    Good day, I was born in the 90s and as you know, having calculators back then was a cool thing; like having the Game Boy, SNES or the Genesis. I was very fond of calculators and I still am and from time to time check out what's new on the market. To say the truth, I still use may CASIO FX-115 to...
  50. I

    MHB Graphing x=t, y=1/(1+t^2), z=t^2 - Is it a Parabola?

    i don't know whether this goes here or under the calculator forum. i want to graph x=t y=1/(1+t^2) and z=t^2 and i keep getting a parabola. is that right because the drawing in my book is like a slanted parabola.