What is Gre: Definition and 445 Discussions

The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States and Canada and few in other countries. The GRE is owned and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS). The test was established in 1936 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.According to ETS, the GRE aims to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking skills that have been acquired over a long period of learning. The content of the GRE consists of certain specific algebra, geometry, arithmetic, and vocabulary sections. The GRE General Test is offered as a computer-based exam administered at testing centers and institution owned or authorized by Prometric. In the graduate school admissions process, the level of emphasis that is placed upon GRE scores varies widely between schools and departments within schools. The importance of a GRE score can range from being a mere admission formality to an important selection factor.
The GRE was significantly overhauled in August 2011, resulting in an exam that is not adaptive on a question-by-question basis, but rather by section, so that the performance on the first verbal and math sections determines the difficulty of the second sections presented. Overall, the test retained the sections and many of the question types from its predecessor, but the scoring scale was changed to a 130 to 170 scale (from a 200 to 800 scale).The cost to take the test is US$205, although ETS will reduce the fee under certain circumstances. It also provides financial aid to those GRE applicants who prove economic hardship. ETS does not release scores that are older than five years, although graduate program policies on the acceptance of scores older than five years will vary.

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  1. C

    Testing What to take in Physics GRE exam hall?

    Hi, I am going to take PGRE this 25th October. as my country does not arrange it, I need to fly to another, so I need to know the materials I need to bring in the hall. I have my GRE admision ticket printed. what else should I carry with me? pencil, paper, food ?
  2. S

    A suitable GRE verbal score for a PhD application

    Dear all, I just finished my GRE general test yesterday, and my score in verbal reasoning is low (147). I am worried about the effects of this score on my graduate school application, but I have heard from some of my friends that the verbal section does not matter much for a Physics...
  3. I

    Admissions GRE for applying to undergraduate unversities

    I'm 18 years old and I would like to know if it is possible to me to take the GRE exam and let's assume I passed the exam and got a good score would that guarantee me a scholarship?
  4. C

    Testing Conquering the Physics GRE Section 1.1 Prob. 3

    Homework Statement Two blocks of masses M and m are oriented as shown in the diagram. The block M moves on a surface with coefficient of kinetic friction μ_1, and the coefficient of static friction between two blocks is μ_2. What is the minimum force F which must be applied to M such that m...
  5. jbrussell93

    Should I Retake the GRE for Geophysics PhD Programs?

    Hey all. It has been a while since I've posted a question in the academic guidance section so here we go. I am a physics major who just took the general GRE and am a bit disappointed in my scores. V 157 (74%) Q 161 (80%) I scored much higher on the quantitative during practice tests (>90%)...
  6. C

    Schools Which universities I should apply to without a Physics GRE?

    Hi fellas, I am in senior year of my undergrad and will be graduating next May. If I want to apply for the fall-2015 session, which universities will best fit me with my academic record? I have a cgpa of 3.87 out of 4.00 . I have not given general GRE yet but wish to give within December...
  7. electricspit

    Preparing for the GRE Physics Exam: Resources & Tips

    Hey! I'm planning on applying at some schools in the US next year/this year and I need ot take the GRE exam this fall. I've looked at some old exams and they look pretty straightforward, but I was wondering if anyone knew any resources for the physics exam (i.e. practice tests etc.). Thanks!
  8. Deadpeng

    Is GRE Required for International Students from English-Speaking Countries?

    Hey, I am a physics year 3 undergraduate seeking to pursue a graduate education in the United States. I am from the Republic of Singapore, a commonwealth nation, with English as our official language. May I know if GRE is necessary for me to get into USA universities for graduate education?
  9. L

    GRE unofficial vs. official scores

    Do people know if unofficial scores given at the GRE testing site often change when you're given your official scores? I took the GRE today and my unofficial scores were good, so I'm really hoping they don't go down!
  10. F

    Testing Prepare for GRE Physics: Tips & Sample Questions

    Hi there! I am a second year undergraduate students and planning to take GRE. When should I apply it? What should I prepare for this test? Are there any sample questions of the test available? Thanks a lot for helping.
  11. P

    GRE (mathematics subject) question - 14% success

    Hey guys. This question is really bugging me. (Please see question #63 here: http://www.ets.org/s/gre/pdf/practice_book_math.pdf) - written below for your convenience. f(x) = xe^{-x^{2}-x^{-2}}, x \neq 0 f(x) = 0, x = 0 (apologies for not knowing the itex command do write this as a single...
  12. L

    How much preparation for the general GRE?

    I'm a current junior considering applying to graduate school next year (I'm tossing up between applying for certain applied physics programs and going into finance). I was wondering how much preparation people found necessary to take the general GRE. I'm not sure whether it would be better to...
  13. R

    Should I retake GRE for Medical Physics (Master's)

    I just finished taking my GRE and I am a bit unsatisfied with my scores and am debating if I should retake it before the application deadlines. I got a 156Q and 150V... below is my resume thus far. I posted the following on here before.. so apologies for repeating the same post, but I felt it...
  14. W

    How Optional are GRE Subject tests?

    So, like the title says, how optional are the GRE Subject tests? Many engineering and interdisciplinary fields such as materials science state "optional" GRE subject tests, but I wonder how optional they actually are. What weight is usually put onto tests? What if the scores are mediocre...
  15. M

    GRE Practice Exams: Official Sample or Quizzes?

    Are there any official practice exams for the GRE Quantitative and Verbal Exam? I've looked and couldn't find a full length sample exam, with answers and percentiles. I was only able to find little practice quizzes or problem sets.
  16. P

    Testing Physics GRE Exam Experience: Completely Destroyed and Glad it's Over

    Did anyone take the exam this last Saturday? I got completely destroyed. To be honest, I thought it'd be much, much easier ;(. Anyway, I'm glad it was the first and last time I take it.
  17. teroenza

    Schools General GRE Math Score Importance to Engineering Schools

    Hello, I am a physics major who is going to graduate soon, and am taking the general and physics GREs. I am looking at both physics and engineering graduate schools. I believe that the physics GRE is pretty much irrelevant to engineering schools, but I have had difficulty with the...
  18. P

    Testing Missed the reg deadline for the physics GRE

    Normally ETS offers it in November too but it seems to only be offered in October this year. Can I still apply to grad schools without a pgre? Is it possible to still get admitted?
  19. D

    GRE Problem - What am I doing wrong>

    I attached a pic of a practice GRE problem. The answer is D) relationship cannot be determined. I understand this answer and it is actually what I picked, but my 2 methods of doing this problem is contradicting each other. If you use the method of plugging in random #s you'll discover...
  20. K

    Why Doesn't the Beam Split Horizontally?

    Homework Statement http://whoisntdavidrinaldi.com/physics/split.png Homework Equations AxB=C The Attempt at a Solution I understand that the beam splits, but why does it not split horizontally? If I hold my index finger to the page with my middle finger up then my thumb is...
  21. L

    Skipping the Analytical Writing part on the GRE.

    I haven't seen it asked on this forum before, so here goes: I am coming up on a third official attempt on the general (computer based) GRE soon. In my first two attempts I have not been able to break 50th percentile on the quant section, which is embarrassing. I have discovered that I do much...
  22. PsychonautQQ

    Who is correct and why?Is the Momentum Conserved in this Collision?

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/0177/55 The question hasn't been typed up yet but it's pretty basic. A particle of mass m runs into a particle of mass 2m. After the collision, the particle with m is at rest and the particle of mass 2m has split into two particles each with...
  23. B

    Does the math GRE help at all for the GRE in engineering?

    Been around for quite a while on PF, you guys never fail to deliver. I've been thinking about graduate school in engineering (in the US). The field I will likely enter is in some type of signal processing/control theory. I am only a sophomore EE major, but am taking courses a math major would...
  24. PsychonautQQ

    Why do two opposing currents cancel each other out perfectly in Ampere's Law?

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/9277/9 I'm confused why these two currents cancel each other out perfectly when the distance they are being measured from is closer to the outside current than the inside current... Like if the magnetic induction is proportional to the...
  25. Hercuflea

    158 in GRE quant should I just give up on life

    I spent a whole year taking practice tests and I took an entire princeton review course. I have studied intermittently for the last 4 months. I memorized the entire formula sheet from the kaplan math book and more and maybe used 2 of the formulas on the test. I took 4 practice tests and...
  26. PsychonautQQ

    Special Relativity GRE question (Where is my method flawed?)

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/9277/70 I'm not interested in how you get the right answer, I'm really just curious if somebody could show me where my thought process was flawed. Total Energy = E = 100mc^2 Rest Energy = Mc^2 Total Energy = Kinetic Energy + Rest Energy...
  27. PsychonautQQ

    What is the charge density in a one-dimensional electric field?

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/9277/64 I'm confused. How can there be a charge density if the electric field is one dimensional?
  28. PsychonautQQ

    Why is the Induced Current Clockwise in this GRE Problem?

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/9277/54 I am confused about this. The explanation for why the induced current is clockwise is because the induced current would resist the change in magnetic flux, therefore work to increase the magnetic field. But if the current induced in the...
  29. PsychonautQQ

    Is my method for solving the GRE Relativity Problem correct?

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/8677/20 So to do this, I solved for the total rest energy of both particles. The rest energy of Kaon + K = Rest energy of Proton Rest energy of Proton - Rest Energy of Kaon = K K = P^2/2m ((Rest Energy of Proton - Rest Energy of Kaon)*(2*Mass...
  30. PsychonautQQ

    What is the significance of relative velocity in the Doppler effect?

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/8677/12 I don't understand how it increases it's frequency by a factor of 10, I mean the total velocity goes from 1 to 1.9, therefore It seems like it should increase from 1kHz to 1.9kHz. Why is my 'common sense' wrong?
  31. I

    Studying Required books and knowledge to take physics GRE.

    Hi all, What math and physics books I need to read before I am able to score well in physics GRE. I just started with Apostol/Spivak for calculus. My question is what should I read next? Real analysis vs multivariable? or rather, Spivak should be enough to handle the required math for physics...
  32. PsychonautQQ

    Understanding Vector Addition in Acceleration Problems

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/0177/23 The answer to this problem is confusing me. So you can calculate the normal acceleration and tangential acceleration to each by equal and 90° apart from each other, so their final vector has an angel of 45°. However, if the speed travels...
  33. PsychonautQQ

    GRE Conservation of Energy problem.

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/9277/87 Can somebody explain to me why the electric potential = -K/2r^2? If you integrate Fdr and F = K/r^3, where does the 2 in the denominator come from?
  34. PsychonautQQ

    Why is the answer to this GRE physics problem choice A?

    Homework Statement I don't understand why the answer in this problem is choice A. http://grephysics.net/ans/9277/57 I'm confused. Lets say the semi circle is FULLY outside of the circle. For awhile after that, the semi circle would be accelerating the rate at which a certain % of it is...
  35. A

    Studying What Are the Best Physics GRE Books with Practice Problems?

    I am looking for a recommendation on books with problems similar to pgre problems. I already have Halliday Resnick, Schaum's 3000 solved problems, and the new Conquering Physics GRE book by Yoni Khan, and have pretty much gone through them all in detail, so I feel I understand all of the...
  36. M

    Tricky circular area math problem from the GRE

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this problem from the GRE practice exam: I honestly don't know how to go about solving it. I'm guessing that the answer is either B or D, however I know that in this GRE exam you can never guess... My friends think the answer is...
  37. PsychonautQQ

    Confusing linear momentum GRE question

    Homework Statement http://grephysics.net/ans/8677/44 Homework Equations p=mv The Attempt at a Solution Can somebody show me the math on why this is true? I feel like in my head if a particle hits the stick in the center of mass instead of at the end it would then make the center of...
  38. R

    Testing Book for Cherenkov radiation problem in Physics GRE

    This is GR9277, Problem 69. I know nothing about this thing. At 'http://grephysics.net/ans/9277/69' someone said it's about Cherenkov radiation. I think this is about interaction of charged particles with matter. In what course is this covered? What book do you recommend for studying this?
  39. R

    Testing Book for Coaxial cable problem in Physics GRE

    Book for Coaxial cable impedance problem in Physics GRE This is GR9277, Problem 18. Is this covered in any physics undergraduate course? What subject is this problem belong to? What book do you recommend for studying this? How can I make the picture appear bigger?
  40. Solarmew

    Preparing for the Physics GRE: Strategies and Tips from a Fellow Student

    just wondering how people did and what you did to study and prepare. I plan on taking the physics GRE this september, however i haven't taken any quantum or classical (analytical) mechanics yet. Unfortunately, both sequences start this September also :( But i don't want to wait till next year...
  41. S

    Can Conservation of Energy Explain Particle Movement on a Frictionless Surface?

    Homework Statement http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/undergrad/greStuff/Problems_2009/Mechanics_4.pdf exercise 83 Homework Equations Conservation of energy?! The Attempt at a Solution Well what I think is that if there is no friction, whenever the initial velocity is >0, the...
  42. L

    What Will Poor Performance on the Chemistry GRE Mean for My Application?

    I haven't taken the chemistry GRE exam yet, and I certainty don't plan on doing poorly, but part of me wonders if I did do poorly how if would affect my applications. A majority of the places I am applying to do not require it (but "strongly recommend" it). So if you get in the 50th...
  43. S

    Testing What's difference between SAT and GRE exam?

    i want to submit to some universities like as Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford and ... application requirement for these universities are SAT general and subject, but I don't anything about this exam. can you help me
  44. D

    Does the regular GRE matter for physics?

    I plan to begin studying for the physics GRE no later than the beginning of August, but I hardly have any plans on studying for the regular GRE. After three years of physics I really can't imagine memorizing history dates and whatever other crap is on the regular GRE. Do grad schools really...
  45. T

    Testing Best way to prepare for the Math GRE subject test?

    I have the princeton review book, and i plan on going through a calculus web tutorial online(mainly for calc 3 stuff). My school library has some pretty good books on algebra/analysis. What other kind of books should i be thinking about getting in order to do well on the test? Also, what...
  46. H

    Testing When to start prepping for/take the Physics GRE?

    Hello, I'm going to be a freshman this coming year, and hope to be double majoring in physics and math (I still have to solidify that at my orientation). I've been doing some research on the physics GRE, and it seems that a lot of material tested is covered within the first 2-3 years of...
  47. W

    Testing Top Recommended GRE Prep Books for General and Physics Exams

    The first thing I want to ask for is some recommended GRE prep books. It would help if you'd recommend books that don't try to push a gimmick way of taking the test. I notice Kaplan and Princeton Review like to do this. "Oh the test is designed to make you fail and using our method you can beat...
  48. S

    Studying What are recommended resources for studying quantum mechanics for the PGRE?

    Hey PF, I'm looking for a decent quantum mechanics textbook to work through in preparation for the pgre. I did all of the quantum chapters in Modern Physics by Serway/Moses/Moyer this semester in my modern class, but I won't take more quantum until after my first go at the pgre. So I plan on...
  49. G

    Testing Physics GRE GR0877 Score Distribution & Scaling

    I'm very surprised no one (that I know of) has plotted the score distribution of the Physics GRE form GR0877. The data comes from the table in http://www.ets.org/Media/Tests/GRE/pdf/Physics.pdf. Sample size = 14,395 exams between July 1, 2007, and July 30, 2010. Score Scaling Cummulative...
  50. M

    Studying Math Subject GRE Textbook Suggestions

    I was wondering: What textbooks have everyone found useful in prepping for the subject GRE? Are there any textbooks particularly helpful in prepping for the subject GRE and if so, which chapters of the texts should be gone through when prepping for the exam? I was thinking of using Stewart to...