Hawking Definition and 329 Threads

  1. J

    Naked singularities, and Hawking

    I've read that Hawking believes the Universe somehow prevents naked singularities, and made a bet about it with Kip Thorne. But it seems to me that if you take a static black hole and continually inject material into it with high angular momentum, eventually you would have a naked singularity...
  2. K

    Higgs Boson and Hawking Radiation

    Hey everyone, I'm new here. I'm currently a Grade 12 Student interested in Astrophysics, who has just recently applied to University (in Canada: UBC, UVic, UofT, UWO, Queen's, and York; all for Astrophysics and/or Astronomy, if anyone wants to give me advice on which one to choose, please do...
  3. S

    Hawking Raditation and particle-antiparticle pairs

    The way I understand it it, black holes decay because particle-antiparticle pairs appear so close to the black hole that the particle gets away, but the antiparticle falls in and annihilates part of the black hole (Hawking Radiation), but there are two things I don't understand: 1) When the...
  4. M

    Is Stephen Hawking Moving to Canada for a New Position?

    Looks like you can get snow tires for the wheelchair. http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/36899
  5. D

    Black holes & hawking radiation

    So we have an object falling into a black hole. By its perspective it falls in real time, and by the perspective of the outside it never reaches the event horison. Now if black holes slowly evaporate due to hawking radiation, if one were to observe the black hole for countless billions of years...
  6. F

    Stephen Hawking to Retire as Cambridge Maths Professor

    they I've never heard of Sir Joseph Larmor or Sir James Lighthill. I've heard of Airy, Stokes & Dirac though: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/3248858/Stephen-Hawking-to-retire-as-Cambridges-Professor-of-Mathematics.html
  7. G

    Steven Hawking Rap - Contribute a Verse!

    (This is not meant to offend, it is just for fun) My name is Steven Hawking and I got a sick chair It gets me where I'm going and gets some fat air When I base jump off of buildings with ten story walls And don't give a f*** who's down there when I falls I can't hardly move a muscle but...
  8. ZapperZ

    Hawking Bets $100 the LHC Will Not Find The Higgs

    Hawking certainly will put his money where is mouth is. He has bet $100 that the http://www.physorg.com/news140161003.html" (or at least, one of the Higgs being predicted to be within the LHC energy range). So who is taking his bet? He does think that the LHC will find a supersymmetric partner...
  9. J

    Is there a good introduction to Hawking Radiation?

    I am just an undergraduate student of physics and I would like to know what would be the best (most pedagogical) introduction to Hawking Radiation.
  10. George Jones

    Hawking Moving to Waterloo (Perimeter Institute)?

    Just read this; haven't tried to track down any other sources. http://www.thestar.com/News/Ontario/article/461065
  11. C

    Hawking radiation - please explain

    My understanding is that Hawking's radiation is a theory used to explain how black hole's conserve energy. For example, we think black holes grow in size as they consume matter. Any particle that enters the Schwarzschild radius (SR) of a black hole is absorbed. QM purposes that virtual...
  12. wolram

    Is Gravity Shielding Possible on the Moon and Mars?

    http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn13748-stephen-hawking-calls-for-moon-and- Has anyone an estimate of the cost of supporting a first generation on the Moon, for arguments sake let's say a colony of 100 people.
  13. jal

    Is dark energy from cosmic Hawking radiation?

    http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.1987 Is dark energy from cosmic Hawking radiation? Authors: Jae-Weon Lee, Hyeong-Chan Kim, Jungjai Lee (Submitted on 13 Mar 2008) We suggest that dark energy is the Hawking radiation from a cosmic horizon. Despite of the extremely low Hawking temperature this dark...
  14. S

    Exploring the Ethics of Scientific Publishing: The Case of Hawking's Manuscript

    vaccum fluctuations are happening everywhere and so the negative energy photon can decrease its near by object not only black hole and the other photon exists as radiation..but this doesn't happen i think... then why it should happen near event horizon...i think i explained what i thought...
  15. S

    Hawking radiation & Information loss

    What if there is no hawking radiation i.e if it is not proved..i think it is not yet proved...so will it have any influence on information loss paradox..if there is no hawking radiation then the information would be inside black hole and not accessible..so there is no information loss paradox if...
  16. S

    Hawking Radiation: Observational Proof, Quantum Fluctuations & More

    1. Do we have observational proof for hawking radiation? Or is it verified only theoritically? 2. why is that only negative energy photon goes into black hole and positive energy photon is going out from black hole? what if the reverse happens? do we have an observatinal proof for this? 3. can...
  17. R

    When does Hawking radiation start?

    As I understand it, a black hole is supposed to evaporate through Hawking radiation after a long but finite amount of time. Also, the radiation encodes in some sense the information of the matter that fell into the black hole. This according to an observer ("Alice") outside the event horizon...
  18. R

    How can you find out the amount of hawking radiation a black hole exhibits?

    How can you find out the amount of hawking radiation a black hole exhibits? Rube cuber, Merry Christmas
  19. J

    Another hawking radiation question

    i am trying to understand hawking radiation. in wikipedia, it states: "In order to preserve total energy, the particle which fell into the black hole must have had a negative energy (with respect to an observer far away from the black hole). By this process the black hole loses mass, and to...
  20. marcus

    Lenny's battle with Stephen Hawking to make the world safe for quantum mechanics

    Backreaction blog picked up on the subtitle of Susskind's new book http://th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~scherer/Blogging/BookFair/DSCF5540.JPG THE BLACK HOLE WAR: My battle with Stephen Hawking to make the world safe for quantum mechanics. Peter Woit pointed this out. I like having Susskind be...
  21. P

    Hawking Radiation: Does an Astronaut Ever Cross the Horizon?

    Something I've been wondering for a while, but haven't been convinced by the answers I've received. If an astronaut falls into a black hole, from the perspective of us outside he never actually reaches the horizon. From his perspective, he falls straight through and doesn't notice any...
  22. Ivan Seeking

    Introducing Hawking & Susskind: An Academic Tale

    Who introduced Hawking to Susskind. What was his original profession, and what was his profession when he introduced the two scientists.
  23. R

    What Happened to the eBay Listing for the Stephen Hawking ZERO-G Experience?

    To quote S. R. Haddon to Ellie Arroway from "Contact": "They still want an American to go, Doctor. Wanna take a ride?" http://cgi.ebay.com/Fly-with-Stephen-Hawking-on-The-ZERO-G-Experience-4-26_W0QQitemZ180097370187QQcategoryZ16071QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  24. M

    Visser: Lorentzian wormholes. From Einstein to Hawking 1996

    Matt Visser - Lorentzian wormholes. From Einstein to Hawking (Springer) (1996) Just opened this book. Does anybody know it, and if you do, do you recommend it? Any feedback on this book.
  25. wolram

    Was Stephen Hawking wrong in dublin?

    http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070227105134.htm Was Hawking wrong? This is only part of the article.
  26. A

    Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Evaporation

    I've been trying to discover a qualitative description of Hawking Radiation and Black Hole evaporation and haven't been able to find one yet. I figured this board might offer some insight. Can someone explain to me how a 'virtual' pair differs from a 'real' pair? It seems to me that no...
  27. E

    The Fine Structure Constant and Hawking Radiation

    Abstract. Theory of quantum gravity is still a mystery, as well as the derivation of fine structure constant and masses of elementary particles. (Fine structure constant is calculated from force between two elementary charges.) Possibility that elementary particles are black holes is offering...
  28. S

    Why Doesn't a Black Hole Absorb Hawking Radiation? Exploring the Mystery

    If black hole is so powerful, why doesn't it suck in Hawking radiation as well. I mean, it is just an electromagnetic radiation like light, right?
  29. F

    Question about Hawking paradox.

    I was just did a little reading on the Hawking paradox. I might be wrong but from what I understand, his argument is that if the virtual particles forming at the event horizon were entangled, then somehow if the particle falling into the black hole interacts with matter we can detect the...
  30. S

    Where Does The Hawking Radiation Go?

    When a black hole evaporates it gives off Hawking Radiation. Where does the Hawking Radiation? Is it recycled into dark matter or new stars or what? Since mass and energy cannot be destroyed, it goes somewhere in the universe, correct?
  31. Loren Booda

    All spacetime horizons exhibit Hawking radiation

    All spacetime in our universe consists of gravitational horizons, the majority external (like that of the observable universe) or separate (like that of most black holes), either relative to a particular observer. Hawking radiation is therefore acting, albeit with very low flux, throughout our...
  32. B

    Is Infinity Possible? A Discussion on Hawking's Theories of the Universe

    Quoting Stephen Hawking: "... In "Universe in a Nutshell", if in english sounds like that, Hawking said: "universe cannot be infinite because...bla bla...if it would be, every view line will approach to a star, and the sky would appear to us brighter than the sun; obviusly this does not...
  33. R

    Why is Hawking Radiation Necessary for Black Hole Evaporation?

    I'm having trouble understanding why it is necessary for there to be a particle antiparticle pair formation in order for the black hole to evaporate. According to my understanding of the theory, a particle anti particle pair are formed, and rather than colliding within a given period of time...
  34. A

    Hawking Radiation: Particles, Black Holes & Dark Matter

    I was thinking you know hawking radiation where a virtual particle can escape, is it specific as to which particle can escape as in the particle or it's anti particle? does that make a black hole like a particle 'producing' machine, can these escaped particles be a significant fraction of the...
  35. E

    Why Does the Unruh-Hawking Model Precisely Predict a Thermal Radiation Spectrum?

    I have the following article for explanation of Hawking - Unruh radiation: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/quant-ph/pdf/0401/0401170.pdf . It is the most simple explanation of Hawking radiation until now. Peoples try to find microscopic explanation of this, but, thermal properties of matter are...
  36. J

    What is Hawking's new children's book about science?

    I searched for a thread but couldn't find one... Saw this a while back: Hawking to write children's book - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/5075516.stm Just thought it may be of interest.
  37. S

    Did Stephen Hawking's Discoveries Extend Beyond Black Holes?

    I know this isn't secience realted but this is about a famous physicst. I had to right 24 sentnces this weekend(It's not the finale report) about him. The entire report is worth to test grades.I just want to make sure the infromation and gramer is correct Is there anything worng?
  38. marcus

    New Hawking Landscape Paper & Mainstream String Theory Update"

    this just posted, in case anyone's interested http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0602091BTW more along mainstream string lines there's also a new paper by Robbert Dijkgraaf, Cumrun Vafa and Erik Verlinde. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0602087
  39. U

    Hawking radiation, Is it possible?

    According Hawking radiation theory the black holes eventually will evaporate. This process gives energy. The process of black hole creation also gives energy. The accelerating particles emit x-rays while falling into a black hole. Now we can construct perpetuum mobile. We create a black hole...
  40. W

    Solving Shrodinger Equation for Hawking Radiation

    I hear this is a result of quantum tunneling, what I am wondering is, can one solve the shrodinger equation for black holes under the idea that it is just a really really really deep finite well?
  41. S

    Hawking Radiation: violate laws of conservation?

    I was thinking, when virtual particles come into exsistance and then one particle go into a black hole and the other gets emmited as hawking radiation and so the particles are no longer virtual and become "real" particles. Does this violate the laws of thermodynamics, and so is the mass/energy...
  42. J

    Stephen Hawking and time travel

    Hi, In Hawking's A Brief History of the Universe, he describes a scenario in which it is possible to travel "back" in time. He says, if faster-than-light time travel is possible, it would then be possible to see a race in one location in space, travel to another part of space to relate the...
  43. marcus

    Testable analog of Hawking effect-explain?

    testable analog of Hawking effect---explain? the current issue of Cern Courier has a bit from John Swain about this http://www.arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0408145 Hawking radiation in an electro-magnetic wave-guide? Ralf Schützhold, William G. Unruh 4 pages, 1 figure Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005)...
  44. M

    Understanding the Math Behind Hawking Radiation

    I am currently taking Advanced Physics Topics class and am doing a research project on Hawking Radiation I was wondering if anyone knew of a free source I cold use that could explain the math behind the radiation a little better. I have looked on a few websites for information and have found...
  45. B

    Hawking, new theory on information paradox right or qwrong?

    Hawking, new theory on information paradox right or wrong? Does anyone have any views on Stephen Hawking amendment to his 30 year old theory of black holes and the *information paradox that was recently challenged? Once past the event horizon information is lost forever and only the energy...
  46. F

    Cartoon picture of Hawking Radiation-is it accurate?

    Cartoon picture of Hawking Radiation--is it accurate? Hello everyone, The 'cartoon' picture of Hawking Radiation that I keep hearing is that you have a black hole and and particle-anti-particle pair production near the event horizon. One of the particles escapes, while the other is eaten by...
  47. marcus

    Hawking Paper on BH Information Loss: Understanding the Argument

    noted in surrogate sticky https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=682928#post682928 I printed this paper out and tried unsuccessfully for an hour or so to understand his argument. maybe someone else can elucidate. I am stumped. The paper is short, 5 pages, with few formulas. It goes...
  48. M

    Explaining Hawking Radiation in Detail

    Could someone explain to me, in excrusiating detail, Hawking Radiation, to include Hawking math and steps leading to the formation of the equations used to define and descibe it. It would be much appreciated. THANK YOU!
  49. wolram

    Hawking Radiation: Theory & Acceptance in Quantum Physics

    In cosmology Hawking radiation, is often quoted as a way Black Holes evaporate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawking_radiation AFAIK there is no way this can be tested other than getting up close to a BH, so is HR accepted in the quantum phys world, as a good model?
  50. N

    Hawking radiation and BH evaporation time

    I don't know a lot about this topic so corrections are solicited. My understanding is that black holes evaporate by Hawking radiation. Hawking radiation, by my reading, occurs when a pair of virtual particles emerges very close to but just outside the event horizon of the black hole. When...