Hawking Definition and 329 Threads

  1. R

    Hawking Radiation – Empty space virtual antiparticle-particle pairs

    In reviewing explanations on evaporating Black Holes using Hawking Radiation, based on how the black hole might treat Quantum “Vacuum particle pairs”. Although direct observation of Black Hole radiation has not been confirmed it implied that “Antiparticle – Particle creation, and self...
  2. T

    Infinite Time and Hawking Radiation

    Let's say you decide to walk backwards into a black hole. Everything looks normal at first but as you get close everything is speeding up. When you're really close everything is going extremely fast. As you cross the event horizon, infinite time passes. (I know saying "infinite time passes" is a...
  3. J

    Black holes and Hawking radiation

    Please correct my question if I am again misguided. Theoretically not even light is able to escape the gravity of a black hole. Due to the curvature of space the black hole prevents anything or any information from coming back through the event horizon. However Blackholes are supposed to...
  4. O

    The Hawking Effect: Unruh-Schutzhold Paper

    This paper just out with some interesting angles. Paper is by none other than W G Unruh-Ralf Schutzhold..enjoy: http://uk.arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0408009
  5. N

    Will Hawking or Penrose ever win Nobel Prize?

    my question is simple: Will Hawking or Penrose ever win Nobel Prize? And if yes, when do you think it will come.
  6. S

    Steven Hawking / MKaku. Who's right about Black Holes?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does Prof. Steven Hawking's revised Theory of Black Holes rule out the existence of parallel universes? What about the Two Big Bang Theory by Dr. Raj Baldev, what implications does this theory have for M Theory.
  7. S

    Black Holes: Comparing Hawking & Kaku Theories

    Steven Hawking's / MKaku. Who's right about Black Holes? Does Prof. Steven Hawking's revised Theory of Black Holes rule out the existence of parallel universes? What about the Two Big Bang Theory by Dr. Raj Baldev, what implications does this theory have for M Theory.
  8. marcus

    Hawking transcript, thanks to Not Even Wrong and Sean

    http://pancake.uchicago.edu/%7Ecarroll/hawkingdublin.txt have fun
  9. marcus

    Reuters: Hawking offers an Encyclopedia of Cricket

    http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=scienceNews&storyID=5732825 he gave his talk and conceded the bet to Preskill as expected and already discussed in several threads the encyclopedia offered (at least initially) is one about the game of Cricket but I believe preskill has...
  10. P

    Did Stephen Hawking Admit He Was Wrong About Black Holes?

    For me, personally, to become a genius, you must be able to admit being wrong. With that out of the way; I just read in Nature Science Highlights, that Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University admitted to being wrong in that black holes obliterate all information. He previously thought...
  11. russ_watters

    Hawking Solves Black Hole Mystery

    http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99996151 The explanation will have to wait until next week though when he presents his findings at a black hole conference.
  12. marcus

    Will Hawking declare BH info puzzle solved?

    this just appeared at SPR: John Baez: -----quote----- In a surprise move, Hawking has decided to give a lecture on the black hole information problem in Dublin this July, at a conference called "GR17" where I'll also be speaking. I've heard rumors that he believes he's "solved" this...
  13. marcus

    Hawking approach to quantizing GR

    any comment on an approach to quantum gravity tried by Stephen Hawking, I think in the 1980s and 1990s, but apparently abandoned? It was called "euclidean quantum gravity" and involved a sum over spacetimes somewhat analogous to a feynmann path integral---a spacetime being like a path. In...
  14. 2

    Analogous Hawking Radiation from Astrophysical Black Hole Accretion

    Hi everyone Im trying to understand a paper(title of the thread) arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0404482 Just woundering what an acoustic black hole and acoustic event horizon would actually be? Is the Analogous Hawking Radiation just ascoustic osccilations in the Accretion matter? like the...
  15. dduardo

    Can Stephen Hawking Really Play Dance Dance Revolution?

    http://www.deviantart.com/view/4119096/ :eek:
  16. O

    Stephen Hawking Grand Unified Theory

    Stephen Hawking states three possabilities of a Grand Unified Theory: 1.There really is a complete unified theory, which we will someday discover if we are smart enough. 2. There is no ultimate theory of the universe, just an infinite sequence of theories that describe the universe more...
  17. A

    Q: Questions About Stephen Hawking, Einstein & Gravity

    Heya guys I have a few general questions. The first one is about Stephen Hawking. How does he express his ideas these days? I saw a thing about him on TV today and it seemed as though he has extremely limited motor function in his hand, and he can't speak, except for the text-to-speach...
  18. marcus

    Alan Guth and Stephen Hawking on Eternal Inflation

    Alan Guth and Stephen Hawking on "Eternal Inflation" It is an interesting topic and Alan Guth had two papers discussing it in 2003, also Hawking had one I found in 2003. might be interesting to check out their recent words on the subject Hawking defined it as follows and then proceded to...
  19. T

    Throw hawking radiation theory out the window

    if an alone black hole is radiating gamma rays that's called hawking radiation that means its losing energy (because gamma rays aren't matter) but whatever size it is it dosen't lose energy that's why black holes go faster and faster the smaller it gets. Here is two main components why i say...
  20. wasteofo2

    Someone beating up Stephen Hawking

    http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/reuters20040119_134.html For some reason it doesn't seem to add up. The man can talk, if someone were just randomly beating him I don't get why he wouldn't say something. And how could someone be left stranded in the middle of their own garden in an electric...
  21. Orion1

    What is the Wavelength of Hawking Radiation?

    One of the real important aspects of Hawking Radiation is the Kerr Temperature. Note that the Kerr Temperature is responsible for the Kerr Particle Energy Spectrum and represents the genesis of Thermodynamic Quantum Gravitation. Thermodynamic Quantum Gravitation is the combination of...
  22. T

    Hawking Radiation: Examining Cosmological and QM Effects

    The following was a post I put on another board , I received no feedback and haven't delved into the matter since posting (busy season ) . The prerequisites are that , there is a consensus that virtual particle pairs are entangled ( in an appeal to authority, two have assured me they are, in...
  23. S

    Hawking Radiation 2 (different question)

    That last thread was pretty in depth, and I didn't understand a lot of it. But what I got out of it was, a virtual particle pair creates near the EH, one has positive energy one has negative, to satisfy the "ground state" vacuum. One particle falls in, the other escapes. So, can't...
  24. S

    How Does a Particle Gain Negative Energy in Hawking Radiation?

    I think I have the general idea of how it works. But how does one particle get negative energy when it falls into the event horizon?
  25. P

    Questions on Hawking Radiation

    I've been reading about Hawking Radiation, and some questions have come up. 1) What exactly is a virtual particle? 2) What is negative mass and energy?
  26. M

    Hawking Radiation: Understanding Its Behavior & Questions

    my understanding of the behavior of hawking radiation (with questions) is as follows: 1) in Q. Mechanics virtual particle/antiparticle pair are created randomly throughout the universe. Q1) without a complete layout of Q.M., why is this? 2) the gravity of a singularity will...
  27. marcus

    What is the quantitative understanding of Hawking radiation from a black hole?

    to keep things simple the units are c=G=hbar=k=1 and all black holes are non-rotating uncharged. I think everybody here probably has a qualitative notion of how the Hawking radiation arises from the event horizon of a black hole---there has been tons of pop-sci journalism about this. What...
  28. marcus

    The Hawking wattage of a black hole

    Assume the surface area of the event horizon of an ordinary black hole is 1050, ordinary meaning uncharged and nonrotating. The hole glows with Hawking radiation----what is the radiant power? I gave the event horizon area in natural units but it's easy to convert to square meters if you...
  29. R

    The Universe In a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking

    "The Universe In a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking I'm reading the book "The Universe In a Nutshell" and I've become confused with a couple of parts... "What do rotating Einstein universes have to do with time travel and time loops? The answer is that they are mathematically equivalent to other...