Ic Definition and 167 Threads

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  1. S

    Temperature & Pressure at Exhaust of IC Engines

    what will be the temperature and pressure at the exhaust of IC engine?
  2. S

    Problem Involving a 2 stroke IC engine

    Homework Statement A two-stroke internal combustion engine can be modeled by the following cycle. The cycle starts with the piston chamber at maximum volume V1 = 1000 cm3, filled with an air-fuel mixture – which we treat as an ideal gas – at atmospheric pressure and room temperature (p1 =...
  3. M

    Ebers-Moll: Ic is nonconstant, but Vbe is approximately constant.

    Hello all, The Ebers-Moll equation as I understand it is: Ic = Is*exp((Vbe/Vt) -1). Question1: Assume fixed temperature; if Vbe is approximately 0.6 volts, as is typically used in transistor current source analysis, then how does Ic change at all? A core issue here is that I was under the...
  4. marellasunny

    Gyroscopic effect in a horizontal axis IC engine

    My tutor says Henry Ford opted for a horizontal-bed IC engine for the Model-T as this would avoid having any gyroscopic effects(normally associated with a vertical oriented engine). My question is,how does it matter if the engine cylinders are oriented horizontally or vertically?since the...
  5. A

    Determine currents Ia, Ib and Ic

    Homework Statement Determine currents Ia, Ib & Ic in the network? Homework Equations FIRST EMF RT = R1 + (R2 x R3) / (R2 + R3) RT = 47 + (j100 x ( -j75)) / (j100 + (-j75)) RT = 47+ 300j (ohms) Ohms Law then states that: I1 = E1 / RT I1 =...
  6. M

    What Are Inertia Forces in an IC Engine?

    when they say the inertia forces in the engine,what does it refer to ? this is with respect to the fact that in a diesel engine the point of maximum pressure is at combustion as there are no sufficient inertia forces to cancel out load forces..
  7. Andy Resnick

    What are these mysterious structures on wireless chipsets?

    Careful decapsulation of wireless chipsets results in these structures: http://imageshack.us/a/img690/7145/9yd4.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img854/7783/kq3i.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img850/3041/xxki.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img826/2589/easq.jpg I'm hoping someone can...
  8. S

    Understanding Flyback Diode Utilization in L293 H Bridge IC

    So in an application like this: The coil of the motor will, by Lenz's Law, induce a very large negative voltage across its terminals. Would this voltage be very negative at the left terminal of the inductor and very positive at the right? In this way the diode will conduct, but the negative...
  9. S

    Having trouble with L298N H-Bridge IC

    [SOLVED] Having trouble with L298N H-Bridge IC I cannot understand how this IC works from the block diagram given in the datasheet. I understand the concept of an H-bridge, but cannot figure how this one operates. I drew on the schematic to illustrate my confusion. To run a motor in the...
  10. A

    Help understand spec sheet for EEPROM IC

    I'm looking to replace a Dallas Memory Module in a CPU circuit with a parallel EEPROM 28C16 IC. I pulled up several spec sheets for a 28C16 and it says that its data retention is 10 years. What exactly does this mean? Does this mean that the data will only be stored for 10 years? The Dallas...
  11. marellasunny

    Design of 4 stroke IC engine from few parameters (bmep, B.P, piston speed)

    (I have trouble in finding the stroke length and fuel flow rate) From Heywood,E2.11 You are designing a 4 stroke CI to provide a brake power of 300kW,Naturally aspirated at its max rated speed.Based on typical values for brake mean eff.pressure(bmep){700kPa to 900kPa} and max mean piston...
  12. S

    Recommendation for good book for IC Engine design

    Hey Everyone, I'm a mechanical engineering student and I was wondering if there was any good book regarding IC Engine design; which includes timing belt design, camshaft, crankshaft, rocker-arm, pump design etc.. a whole in one package that design engineers use for designing ic engines...
  13. dexterdev

    How do PLL work (for example 565 IC)

    Hi PF, PLL was always a beast for me to tame. I lost a job bcoz of PLL question in interview. I wanted to know what a PLL is, how it works and what is it for etc? At least can one suggest easy tutorials pdf or good links , books etc. -Devanand T
  14. S

    Why is my LED glowing without any input when using 7402 ic?

    Hello everyone...! i have made different logic gates using 7402 ic (quad 2-input nor gate ic). what actually occurs is that after joining different gates for making "and" gate & "or" gate until i give the input the LED glows( i have connected the negative terminal of LED to negative terminal of...
  15. P

    Plotting Rc on an Ic vs Vce Graph

    On a graph where Ic is plotted against Vce for a range of base currents, does the line represent the load resistance (Rc)?
  16. J

    IC Tube Packaging Solutions: Rubber Stoppers for IC Packages

    What is the proper term for those tubes that DIP IC packages come shipped in? Searches on Amazon and Google are fruitless and Mouser/Digikey is hopeless unless you know exactly what you're looking for and exactly where it is. A link or even just the right words to use would be appreciated...
  17. M

    Intro to IC Design & Applications by XYZ *son (1979)

    Hi I'm looking for a book of which I can't remember exactly the title or the author. It was something along the lines of "Introduction to IC design and applications" "Basic IC theory" by a guy called XYZ *son, I think. It's a little black book from somewhen around 1979 or so. I remember...
  18. dexterdev

    AD633 analog multiplier IC and AM generation.

    Hi PF, I used the circuit shown in datasheet of AD633 to generate AM waves. But the output I got was not correct. I want to why this error comes and explanations will be helpful. I will have to go for BF194 designs else. Here in our labs transistor circuits seldom works. Why I don't...
  19. Y

    Looking for a voltage to current IC

    I am looking for an IC that convert input voltage to a current. Any suggestion?
  20. elementHTTP

    Recommend me h-bridge ic for stepper motor

    Recommend me h-bridge ic -output rated for 4~5A - can be controlled by min 2 digital PMW inputs - optional* half step - optional* SMD 23HS8630 stepper motor specs : 6 wires , 3A / phase , 1.0 Ohm / phase , 1.8 mH / phase Thanks :D
  21. D

    MHB Setting up IC & BC for Steel Carburization

    One can show that mass diffusion without chemical reactions obeys the same basic equation as heat conduction. $$ D_{AB}\frac{\partial^2 C_A}{\partial x^2} = \frac{\partial C_A}{\partial t} $$ where $C_A$ is the concentration of the species $A$ diffusing into a medium $B$ and $D_{AB}$ is the mass...
  22. P

    Why Does My IC 7660 Output Match the Input Voltage?

    hi,everyone i used ic 7660 to generate 12 VDC by using solar panel...when i used,why do i get the same output just like if the input voltage is 5V,the output will become 5 V too.
  23. X

    Newbie Needs IC Recommendations - Get 20 Free Now!

    So I recently got a flyer saying I can apparently order 20 free analog ICs from Texas Instruments. Being the newby that I am, I honestly don't know what I should get. Any suggestions?
  24. A

    [ASK]What IC can display A-F to 7-segment LED

    guys, you just created a circuit a BCD 4bits Full adder but in my case i just need a 3bits-3bits addition so that i set the A4 to 0 by default... i used 7483 for 4bits full adder and connect it to a 7447 BCD to 7-segment A4A3A2A1 + B43B2B1 A4 & B4 are set to 0 so 7 is the maximum...
  25. S

    How do IC chips affect circuit analysis?

    How do you analyze things like Resistance, Impedance, Current, and Resistance for a circuit that uses ICs? Are there factors I have to account for in the IC itself?
  26. E

    Problems finding Volumetric Efficiency

    1. The problem DIESEL IC ENGINE We were given a excel sheet, with RPM, Torque, Power, Bmep, Fuel mass flow rate, Airmass SFC, Engine Air inlet and Exhaust temp. The engine capacity is 2.2litre 4 stroke. Fuel specifications: 50 Cetane (0.05% Sulphur) Coolant = Fresh water with 45% glycol mix...
  27. K

    Automotive What parameters are kept constant during an IC engine performance test?

    Hi, I came across an engine performance graph as attached. I have basically two questions looking at that: 1.To do any engine testing we keep some parameter constant - May be throttle position or applied load (torque) or speed or power. What is kept constant for this test? 2.In the...
  28. X

    Creating a Simple Timer Circuit without an IC

    So I started really getting into circuits about a year ago and it has quickly become my new favorite hobby. (A little background into my education, I am a senior physics undergraduate.) Since I started doing circuits I have wanted to learn everything that I can about them. I don't like using...
  29. T

    Silvaco IC simulation with Athena Atlas

    I have a question about silvaco athena && atlas simulation, MOS structure, when I gate length is 0.6um, get Vth is 1.8V, but I only change gate length to 0.55um, get Vth is 1.6V, it's a error data I know, but I do not know why, what wrong with the program, how can I change it. would you please...
  30. T

    Flywheel effect on torque fluctuation of an IC engine

    How does a flywheel reduce torque fluctuations in a IC engine? Of course the more inertia you have, the less rotational speed fluctuation you get. But how does more inertia lead to less 'torque' fluctuation?
  31. C

    Gates or IC to use to convert 1x 4 bit 2x 4 bit

    example 1111 = 15 is there a circuit to separate output binaries 0001(1) and 0101(5) in input 1111(15)?
  32. R

    Solving Remote IC ESD Burning Problem

    Hello. I encounter a strange problem I'll try to explain simply. I've design 2 electronics racks that have only in common the mains network and the ground. These 2 racks are separated by a distance of more than 2 feet. In one rack in which are installed several high voltage power supplies, some...
  33. neduet

    IC 74192 and low power MPSA 14 NPN TRANSISTOR

    HI FRIENDS Is there any substitute of IC 74192 and low power MPSA 14 NPN TRANSISTOR I Cat`t find that in my country. thanks
  34. Astronuc

    Arp 220 (UGC 9913, IC 4553) and Supernovae

    In a galaxy 250 million light-years from Earth, astronomers have spotted a record-breaking seven supernovae all found at the same time. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/10/111006-supernovas-universe-galaxy-evolution-arp-220-space-science/ In Arp 220, a galaxy 250 million...
  35. J

    Identifying Unknown IC Device with "A04E 1032 889N" Marking

    I've got an IC device that I can't identify in my school kit. I've lost the parts list, so I can'tlook it up on there. Googling and searching on Mouser and Digikey is a dead end. I think it's a Hall Effect sensor, but without a datasheet I've no clue how to use it. It has three radial leads...
  36. D

    Design of IC engine coolant pump (centrifugal)

    Hello, I am to design a pump for the cooling circuit of a 4-stroke, 4-cylinder gasoline engine. The engine has already been designed. I am currently referring to Pump Handbook (McGraw Hill publications) and trying to get a hold of Centrifugal Pumps-Design & Application (Ross-Lobanoff). One...
  37. T

    How To Remember IC Configurations?

    Hi Everyone, Okay so I am doing Computer Sciences and Engineering , and I have to take an Electronics class, where I have to realize gates and realize logical expressions with IC's , now I want to know how do I actually remember the IC configuration for e.g...
  38. J

    Find IC Package Specs: Dimensions, Pitch & More

    Is there some place online where I can find physical specs (dimensions, pitch, etc) for various IC packages, especially all the jillions of SMT varieties, so I can easily compare them? I'm doing some shopping on Mouser/Digikey, and I don't have any easy way of knowing what the differences are...
  39. J

    Finding IC Chip for 7-Segment Hex Decoder - SMD Package

    I'm designing a simple little circuit board for prototyping purposes (a byte displayer using a pair of 7 segment displays). Problem is, I can't find a binary->7-segment hex decoder still being made anywhere. I found a couple leads on Google, but Digikey and Mouser showed them as discontinued...
  40. G

    Use an IC to tuner fm transmitter

    I'm making one of those simple FM transmitters. It uses a variable capacitor to tune. According to the writer of the tutorial, it is difficult to tune the circuit and RF is generally finicky. How would I use a microcontroller to tune the circuit? Thank you, -GiTS
  41. H

    Max232 IC and 1uF Capacitor: Do They Need to Be Polarized?

    Hello... I did a circuit for sending serial data to the computer, so i used max232 ic. I used 1uf non polarized capacitor for the max232, but i figured out that in the datasheet they are polarized capacitors. Do i have to change the capacitors or they will work fine?.. anyone has explanation...
  42. A

    Could any one help me how to find IC in pspice software

    hi my name is ahmed nuh and I'm facing a problem for my project so could anyone help me how to find IC (integrating circuit) in pspice software or multism software.
  43. K

    Why Does IC Engine Torque Change with RPM and Gearbox Mechanics?

    Hi guys! This is a question related to IC engine characteristics(performance curves, torque-speed curve). Why is the Starting torque of IC engines small? Also why does it decrease after a maximum? Secondly, In one of the lectures, our professor asked us that in a gearbox form where does the...
  44. S

    How big circuits are implemented on small IC

    Hello everyone! We all have used IC`s in making projects or whatever,but i want to know that how LOGIC GATE circuits, and other connections, are made on little IC. It sounds impossible just like writing a name on rice ! Can anyone tell me how its done !
  45. H

    Building a Calculator Circuit with 74147 IC - Data Holding & Shifting Solutions

    [b]1.We have an assignment, we need to construct the circuit of calculator using 74147 IC . Can anybody help me on how to hold and shift the data, and also how to have a 0 display. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  46. M

    IC Engine converted to hybrid air engine

    I was thinking the other day about a possible hybrid conversion vehicle that could store braking energy as compressed air. The setup is like this: The engine valves are all electric solenoid controlled. When the motor is running on gasoline it run like any other 4-stroke IC engine. There is...
  47. P

    What kind of work is bieng done in analog IC design these days?

    I'm starting my masters in analog IC design and am trying to get a feel for what is big in the industry for analog IC design. I have been told that delta-sigma data converters are the biggest area of interest right now. I was hoping that IC power supply design would be an option for me though it...
  48. P

    Can Any IC Handle V0 = V1 + V2 - (V3 + V4) Regardless of Voltage Polarity?

    Hi, I've been having a bit of trouble finding a summer IC that can perform the following calculation: V0 = V1 + V2 - (V3 + V4) I found the LM324 which includes that calculation in its documentation, but it requires V1 + V2 > V3 + V4 since it's only got V+ and GND inputs. This...
  49. T

    Finding Cheap Sound Decoder IC for Human Voice

    Hi, I am thinking on working on a project where I would make use of a speaker and sound decoder chip , to transmit digital signal into audio. I am at a problem at part selection. I can't seem to find the right part for the job. I just need the part to be cheap, less than $5 and work on human...
  50. H

    Mathematica MATHEMATICA: NDSolve, 2nd order ODE, Table of IC HELP

    Hi all, I have a 2nd order ODE I am trying to solve using NDSolve. In the ODE there are two constant coefficients and an initial condition that I want to 'vary'; meaning, I have a table of initial conditions with corresponding constant coefficients. It is straight forward to solve the ODE...