Ic Definition and 167 Threads

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  1. X

    Are my IC connections in my circuit correctly matching the pin out diagrams?

    connectiong IC in a circuit ?? I am working on a project , http://www.2electronic.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/cellphone-detector.jpg i have done everything right but nothing is happening when i am running this project on breadboard, i have connected IC in the same way as it is defined in...
  2. kandelabr

    Two IC engines with same displacement, but different number of cylinders

    Homework Statement The object of this assignment is to find two engines that have the same displacement and different number of cylinders and compare ratio of their power output to a few equations' results. The engines should be from the same manufacturer and their manufacturing date should...
  3. S

    Can IC engine efficiency can be increased beyond 60% ?

    I found following claim from an inventor: “The limit of IC engine efficiency cannot be normally exceeded due to facts entropy cannot be decreased and 2nd law of thermodynamics (heat cannot flow from cold to hot body). Injecting water in the beginning of expansion stroke can overcome these...
  4. H

    Reducing Gap Around IC Chip Pins for 0.5mm Track

    Hello, I am currently working on a PCB design project, just wondering if anybody knows how to reduce the size of the gap(the black circular region) around individual pin of IC Chips (after I have done the polygon pour) so that a 0.5mm ground track can get through. In addition, what is the...
  5. B

    Analog CMOS IC Design Project Ideas

    Dear All I am looking forward to do a project in Cadence related to Analog CMOS IC Design and I need some project ideas that I can work on. thanks
  6. Z

    IC Design: Draw Stick Diagram for D-Latch

    does anyone know how to draw stick diagram for this D-latch? i know that 2 inverters and 2 transmission gates can be joined, but i just can't get it. can anyone show me how?
  7. C

    What Temperatures Do IC Engines Operate At? Find Out Here!

    can someone tell me what temperatures ic engines generally operate at?
  8. L

    How to supply Serial Clock Input into an audio-ADC IC?

    Hi seniors, I am struggling something with my audio ADC. I bought AD7811 from farnell, which is an ADC to convert my analog data into digital. But at this stage, i found that a SERIAL CLOCK INPUT is needed to supply into the IC. However, I m wondering what exactly the clock i should...
  9. S

    Calculating IA, IB, IC: A Parameterization Approach

    I'm studying for a test. The question is: Let A be the straight line segment from -3-4i to 4+3i. Let B be the arc of the circle |z| = 5 going anti-clockwise from -3-4i to 4+3i. Let C be the arc of the circle |z| = 5 going anti-clockwise from -3-i to 4+3i. Define: IA = \int_A 1/z dz IB =...
  10. S

    Why do electric motors have full torque at start while IC engines don't?

    how electric motor can have full torque at start? is it because magnetic forces are in phase with turning moment curve of rotor of electric motor. i mean the peak of magnetic forces and peak of turning moment occurs at same time. if we implement this in IC engine does it to can have full torque...
  11. J

    Simpliest way to simulate an IC engine

    Hi Guys, I would like to write some software to teach people to tune internal combustion engines. More specifically, as some of you may know, an engine is controlled by two 2D grids or 'maps' which have engine load on one axis and engine RMP on the other. One map tells the engine how early to...
  12. M

    Determining Mass of Moment of Inertia for Flywheel in IC Engine

    i have diagram of the turning moment in flywheel in internal combustion engine , i want to determine the mass of moment of inertia of the flywheel needed to keep speed fluctuation < or equal 1.5% at engine speed 560 rpm ? http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/1765/57306264.jpg
  13. S

    Using a Hall Effect sensor IC for high fields

    I'm trying to use IC hall effect sensors for a school project *not homework, rather an ungraded research project*. Basically, we are trying to measure the magnetic field gradient inside of an experiment chamber. The chamber is surrounded by two huge copper coils that have about 1000A running...
  14. V

    Doubt: Is 3 Stroke Engine Possible?

    Is 3 stroke engine possible??if not why?
  15. R

    Adding a Power Amplifier to an RF IC Circuit

    Hello all, I'm trying to design a circuit that utilizes the http://www.analog.com/en/rfif-components/short-range-transceivers/adf7020/products/product.html" . What I'm worried about is getting everything to match properly; the PA requires a 50 ohm input, and after dropping it into the...
  16. B

    What is the output stage of the 324 op-amp?

    I'm having trouble understanding the output stage of the venerable 324 op-amp. The top part of the schematic is simple enough, but I don't understand the bottom half of the output stage - is it some kind of complimentary symmetry Darlington? Thanks for any advice.
  17. A

    What is the level of detail and purpose of this IC engine simulation project?

    Hello this is my first post on the forum, i have very little knowledge in physics and high level mathematics, but for the past few years I've been dabbling with excel on a way to compare and give rough estimates of many facets of engines. At the moment what I am working on is determining the...
  18. G

    Distance for an IC engine for a given load

    Hi, I have this question that, how do we calculate the distance an IC engine can propel a vehicle for given certain conditions? And what would be those required certain conditions? As a test case, i was looking at this engine: http://www.yanmar.com.au/industrial/la_series/l48ae.htm...
  19. A

    Make an intercom without IC 741

    I am making a project on linear circuits and am planning to make a basic intercom circuit. But I don't wish to use the 741 IC in it, which is generally used. so please suggest an alternative OP AMP for the same.
  20. I

    Help with 7536A-1 and a 8 pin IC with no numbers

    I am trying to replace some pieces in a circuit that produces police siren sounds and can't find new ones. one i believe is a transistor with the numbers 7536a-1 and an 8 pin IC with no numbers on it. Can someone please help me identify these. I am new to electronics and not real familiar...
  21. A

    What Is the Stoichiometric Air-Fuel Ratio for a Dual Fuel IC Engine?

    Homework Statement a mixture of 0.64 x 100 percent iso-octane and {1-0.64} x 100 percent methanol, based on volume, is mixed with air and combusted. Calculate the stoichiometric air fuel ratio. Note: please not this is mixing on a molar basis, not mass basis. It is necessary to perform a...
  22. C

    Cant make 7segment display run using 74LS47 IC

    would a 7 segment display show numbers if you only use a 74LS47 ic only? i connected it all the pins right according to the schematics the 7 segment display is connected right in pins 15-9 in 7447 ic and the pins 7,1,2 & 6 i used as 4 bit binary input, so when i input 0101 which is 5 no light...
  23. I

    Orientation of 8-Pin IC Without Notch: Help Needed

    Hello! I have an 8-pin IC that does NOT have a notch in it, and I'm a bit confused on the orientation. The schematic I'm using specifies the orientation using a notch, as does the datasheet from the manufacturer. So, as you can see, I'm in a bit of a pickle. The chip does have a dot on the...
  24. P

    1D Heat Equation BC: Both ends insulated, IC: piecewise function

    1. Solve the one dimensional heat equation for a rod of length 1 with the following boundary and initial conditions: BC: \partialu(0,t)/\partialt = 0 \partialu(1,t)/\partialt = 0 these are the wrong boundary conditions (see below) Actual BC: \partialu(0,t)/\partialx = 0...
  25. Phrak

    Mystery IC 576002-3: Two-Wire Digital Transmitter Datasheet Search

    I'm searching for a datasheet. This IC device is a two-wire, differental, digital transmitter. Each leg has three output states (hi, lo, gnd). The otputs are differential and trapizoidal in shape. The logo on the chip is a solid white triangle with the point upward. And a Google search...
  26. M

    Maximum Number of Outputs for 7400 Gates: Exploring Connections

    What is the maximum no. of outputs, from different 7400 gates that could be connected together ? How many gates can be connected to the output of a 7400 gate ? The answer to the 2nd question according to me is that if the output of a 7400 gate is high then the no. of gates connected...
  27. J

    Find IC Packages: Database & Drawings | Solved

    [SOLVED] IC Package Database? Hello All, Does anyone know if there is a website somewhere where you can browse a database of IC package types and see dimensioned drawings for them? I see lots of different options out there for the many ICs and transistors but it gets annoying when you have...
  28. J

    Seeking Heatsink for 8-Pin DIP IC

    Hello All, I have a circuit with an 8-pin DIP IC mounted in an IC socket. I am looking for a snap-on heatsink that I can put on it to keep it from overheating but I am having some trouble finding one. I checked Mouser/Digikey and neither one seems to have anything (for an 8-Pin DIP anyway)...
  29. E

    What Are Guard Rings for IC Inputs and How Do They Improve Noise Rejection?

    What are these? Is it like some 'physical ring' where you out a wire through it or just a connection to make both input to the op-amp common? How does this really help? Seems like you're making a source common to both like gnd so if the gnd is noisy it becomes common for both and rejects it...
  30. S

    Is There an IC that Can Multiply the Frequency of a Sinusoidal Signal?

    Are there any ICs that multiply the frequency of a sinusoidal signal? I have 60Hz signal coming in, and I'd like to make it say...a 20khz signal. Is there an IC that can do this? Right now I'm just rectifying the 60Hz signal, then using it to drive an oscillator (555 timer in astable mode...
  31. U

    Exploring Mixed-Signal IC Design: Topics and Course Details

    Hi all - quick question: what type of topics do you learn in Mixed-signal IC Design courses? (at the upper undergrad level/low-level masters)? I have a course entitled "RECONFIGURABLE MIXED-SIGNAL IC DESIGN" and was considering taking it in place of another course. I've read the wiki link...
  32. G

    How Many BC and IC Do We Need for Different Equations?

    So I'm confused on how we know we need x many BC and/or IC. For example, regarding the heat equation, we need 2 BC, and 1 IC (supposedly because there are two spatial derivatives and one time derivative). And similarly, for the Wave equation we need 2 BC and 2 IC. And another thing, why is it...
  33. R

    Finding a Replacement IC for TIAYO 93-T .6D2

    Hi, I am looking for either a direct replacement or an equivilent IC to a TIAYO 93-T .6D2 it's a 2x8 pin and used in this case on a transmitter/ reciever for a remote control car. If anyone can pont me in the right direction to finding one it will be a great help.
  34. DaveC426913

    Audio/Video What tools do I need to replace an IC in my stereo?

    I'm going to try to replace the IC in my stereo like this. Here it is in my stereo. I've got a small but cheap soldering iron. But I suspect I'll need a solder-puller and some sort of heat sink to prevent the chip from frying? I've never used a solder-wick and don't own one. What should...
  35. J

    Solving REF192 IC Problem for ADC, Instrumentation Amps

    Hello, I am using a REF192 from Analog devices to provide a 2.5V reference to an ADC (Analog devices AD7718) and two instrumentation amps (Linear Tech. LT1167). The VIN pin is connected to a 5V supply and has a 10uF tantalum cap and a .1uF ceramic cap in parallel. The VOUT pin also has a 10uF...
  36. H

    IC Biasing with Current Sources

    I understand current sources are used to bias IC circuits, but how does the Ro (Dynamic Output Resistance) of the current source (Either simple, Widlar, or Wilson) effect the amplifier? Why is a higher Ro better than a lower Ro?
  37. J

    Simple Digital Wireless transceiver IC?

    Hello All, I'm wondering if there is a very simple (and cheap) method to transmit data from the board with my microcontroller on it to another board? I was looking around ant patallax has a nice transmitter/receiver pair for about $30 that you can buy here...
  38. J

    Can a Single Chip Handle High Voltage DC Bias for Experimental Use?

    Hello All, I'm now looking for yet another component for my experiments. I was doing some research into DC boost converters to figure out how to build my own (they seem pretty simple to make). I want to make one that can be programmed from a microcontroller to put out variable voltages from...
  39. J

    What is the best IC for programmable pulse width control with a wide range?

    Hello All, I'm looking for a nifty chip that I can use to pro grammatically set the pulse width of a square wave signal in my circuit. The pulse width range I'm looking for is anywhere between 10 ns and 500 ns and so far, the only thing I have found is the DS1014 series ICs. They have the...
  40. M

    Pressure, temperatur inside ic engine

    pressure, temperatur inside ic engine... 1. what will be the temperature produced during the combustion process?? (NEGLECTING THE COOLING EFFECT PRODUCED by the cooling system) 2. The temperature of the exhaust gas at the exhaust "port" ??(CONSIDERING AND WITHOUT CONSIDERING THE COOLING...
  41. B

    How can I measure pressure inside an internal combustion engine?

    Could some one tell me if there is any method to find out the instant pressure inside the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine. I plan to change the way engines work if the pressure can be monitored.
  42. T

    Is There a Suitable Driver IC for Large 7-Segment Displays?

    I am working on a project that has to drive 7-segment displays. However, they aren't your average displays and are about 5" long and 3.5" wide. They draw about 250mA of current when fully on. I am looking for some sort of switch/amplifier that can be driven by my BCD-7segment encoder to...
  43. M

    IC Configuration Info - 4xxx & 7xxx Series

    I want to know about configuration of some ICs. Please tell me any good site in ths regard. In particular, can you give me information about 4xxx and 7xxx series of ICs. Thanks
  44. I

    High Range Temp Sensor IC with Upper Limit of 400°C?

    most of the temp sensor ics goes upto 150 'c. can anyone suggest any ic that has upper limit of 400 'c? may be 350 'c
  45. E

    IC Layout: What are I/O Pads and Why are They Necessary?

    Does anyone know why I/O pads are necessary in IC layout? is it because there are input/output signals coming in/out of the chip and one would want to interface it to something else? Is it really that simple? or I am missing something...
  46. wolram

    Globe Valved IC Engine: Possible with Modern Materials?

    The idea seems possible with modern materials, the globe is controlled by a hydraulic stepper motor (which is also possible) according to engineers i have spoken to, the only way to find out if the whole idea is good is to make one, now i am in the sticky stuff, it requires MONEY, should i...
  47. R

    Using 555 Timer IC to Output 100 KHz Frequency

    Hi, I have a 555 timer IC. For my work, my colleague asked me to make it so it can output 100 KHz frequency. (astable) My Ra = 6.8 kOhms and my Rb = 4.7 kOhms... I know that the Frequency = 1 / (T_high + T_low) where T_high = 0.693(Rb + Ra) * C T_low = 0.693(Rb) * C Although I'm not...
  48. wolram

    Have ceramics come of age for use in ic engines?

    Have ceramics come of age for use in ic engines? from what i can make out they do not improve performance by much, but do make the engine more reliable, coating the piston crown and cylinder head seem to be the favorite use, or components that require little or no lubrication..
  49. B

    3.2cc IC Engine Retailers in Delhi: Preet Vihar Prices

    Could you tell me where to find the retailer of IC engines of 3.2 cc size in Delhi and how much it would cost. I have been told by someone that we would be able to get it in Preet Vihar. Could any of you give me some idea in this regard.
  50. A

    Mechanical efficiency of IC engine

    what is the equation for the mechanical efficiency of an internal combustion engine? what are the formulas for 'ip' for 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines? thank you