Ideal gas law Definition and 239 Threads

The ideal gas law, also called the general gas equation, is the equation of state of a hypothetical ideal gas. It is a good approximation of the behavior of many gases under many conditions, although it has several limitations. It was first stated by Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron in 1834 as a combination of the empirical Boyle's law, Charles's law, Avogadro's law, and Gay-Lussac's law. The ideal gas law is often written in an empirical form:


{\displaystyle PV=nRT}


{\displaystyle P}


{\displaystyle V}


{\displaystyle T}
are the pressure, volume and temperature;


{\displaystyle n}
is the amount of substance; and


{\displaystyle R}
is the ideal gas constant. It is the same for all gases.
It can also be derived from the microscopic kinetic theory, as was achieved (apparently independently) by August Krönig in 1856 and Rudolf Clausius in 1857.

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  1. N

    Calculating Internal Energy & Temperature Change of Ideal Gas

    Homework Statement What is the change in internal energy (in Joules) of an ideal gas that does 4.675x10^5J of work, while 2.95x10^6J of heat is transferred into the system and 7.95x10^6J of heat is transferred from the system to the environment? Calculate the change in temperature of the two...
  2. J

    Question about the derivation of the Ideal Gas Law

    I'm an undergraduate taking a physical chemistry course, and I got to a part in my reading about the derivation of the ideal gas law. The passage is linked below...
  3. sliperyfrog

    Ideal gas law, Find the Temperature of the container?

    Homework Statement [/B] There is a lid on a .25m diameter, .30m tall cylindrical container enclosing .021kg of air. The lid is held in place solely by atmospheric pressure. It take 220N of force to pull of the lid at an atmospheric pressure of 101kPa. What is the Temperature of the enclosed...
  4. KDS4

    Rearranging variables Van Der Waals EoS into new variables

    The question I'm stuck on is: P = NKBT/(V-Nb) - aN2/(V2) -----> (1) Re-arrange variables in the Van Der Waals equation of state, Eq. (1), so that V always appears in the equation as V/(3Nb) and P appears as 27b2P/a. Then T should appear in the combination 27b kBT/(8a). Call these...
  5. marcophys

    Calc L/min air compression to different pressures & temps in my compressor

    I have acquired a new compressor rated at 540 L/min @ 7 bar 150L tank I decided to test this at 23 degC, timing compression at 2 bar intervals (0-2, 2-4 etc.) I was surprised to find that it maintained 34 seconds at each interval up to 8 bar (but this could be poor experimental...
  6. astrocytosis

    Gas inside an expandable cylinder raises lid on spring

    Homework Statement An expandable cylinder has its top connected to a spring of constant 2000 N/m. The cylinder is filled with 5L of gas with the spring relaxed at a pressure of 1 atmosphere and a temperature of 20C. If the lid has a cross-sectional area of 0.01m2 and negligible mass, how high...
  7. Tardis Traveller

    Ideal Gas Expansion: Finding Depth of Tank

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  8. M

    I Ideal Gas Law - Real Life Question?

    Hi Guys and Gals, As I was pumping up a flat bike tyre, a weird thought occurred to me about the application of the ideal gas law. Once the tyre essentially finds its physical dimension limitations (i.e. is shaped like a bike tyre and no longer changing shapes) and starts putting in reasonable...
  9. S

    Why is 2L used as the distance in the derivation of 1/3nMc^2 = nRT?

    In the derivation the first step used F=Δmv/t and for t, they used t=2L/v where L is the distance between one end to the other end of the wall. But I don't understand why we use 2L as the distance. Isn't the force exerted by that molecule only for the very short period where the molecule is in...
  10. C

    Thermodynamics - Two gases in a container

    Homework Statement Two kilograms of air at 5 bar, 350 K, and 5 kg of carbon monoxide, initially at 4 bar, 450 K, are confined to opposite sides of a rigid, well-insulated container by a partition. The partition is free to move and allows conduction from one gas to the other without energy...
  11. S

    Calculate the change of temperature in terms of T

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  12. EliotBry

    What is the total mass of the atmosphere?

    Homework Statement Problem from the book "Engines, Energy and Entropy", Page 55, question 7 has me stumped. It doesn't feel like their is sufficient information to work out the mass of the air. They've given us density (as seen in the picture, if the upload works) , which is mass over volume...
  13. M

    Fill Balloons Homework: Max # People for Bday Party Balloon

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  14. Z

    Enthalpy and the Ideal Gas Law: Understanding Constant Pressure Reactions

    Hi! I'm new to the forums and currently reading about Chemical Thermodynamics. So here's what I know: ΔE = q - w So for constant volume reactions, no work is done hence: ΔE = q But for constant pressure reactions, heat be may released (for exothermic reactions) and work is done hence: ΔE =...
  15. V

    Do Different Volumes of Helium Affect Molecular Speed in Balloons?

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  16. ptownbro

    Ideal Gas Law: What is the new pressure based on factors?

    My daughter has the following homework problem we need assistance in confirming if we've understood and completed correctly. Homework Statement The Volume goes from 2.00 Liters to 7.00 Liters, the temperature changes from 800 kelvin to 150 kelvin, and the number moles of gas is quadrupled on...
  17. RaulTheUCSCSlug

    Ideal Gas Law in "alternate" universe

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  18. B

    Physics: pressure of mixing gases

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  19. A

    Solving Ideal Gas Law Model Homework

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  20. 0

    Ideal Gas Law Equilibrium Requirements

    It is well known that the ideal gas law applies only to an ideal gas, one consisting of particles infinitesimal in size and exhibits no interactions between the particles. Considering an ideal gas, is the ideal gas law valid under non-equilibrium conditions? For example, does the ideal gas law...
  21. @PinkGeology

    Ideal gas law: can you use it to find P during exsolution?

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  22. goonking

    Ideal gas law in terms of density

    Homework Statement Homework Equations PV=nRT The Attempt at a Solution not sure if this is the right approach plugging into -ρg gives us -PMg/RT = dP/dy now we have to integrate both sides to find P?
  23. E

    Ideal Gas Law - Adding additional gas & additional question

    Hello, I know this has been fairly discussed to death, but I've had relative trouble finding a response that specifically addresses the n, in PV= nRT, the ideal gas law. Out of relatively common sense, by adding additional moles of gas, the pressure in the gas should increase as there are more...
  24. A

    Question about Ideal gas law and its application

    Homework Statement Estimate partial pressure of nitrogen in atm in a room where you are at this moment. Use an ideal gas approximation and assume that air is composed of only nitrogen and oxygen. Show how you arrive the final answer in detail. Homework Equations pv=RT, while p stands for...
  25. E

    How Is Time Factored Into the Derivation of the Ideal Gas Law?

    Here is a screenshot from a page from a textbook that explains how to derive the ideal gas law: In the third bold line, I don't understand how "time" in force = (change of momentum)/(time) is equal to 2x/u (the time it takes for the particle to travel to the opposite face and back again) -- I...
  26. A

    Applying the ideal gas law in the Earth's atmosphere

    Hi there, I'm considering how the ideal gas law applies in practice in our planet's atmosphere. In particular, I'm considering this form of the law: P = ρRT (1) where P is pressure, ρ is density, R is the gas constant and T is the temperature. I also know that, to a good approximation, the...
  27. J

    Calculating Volume of Escaped Air Bubble Using Ideal Gas Law | Homework Question

    Homework Statement An air bubble of volume 3.0x10-5m3 escapes from a divers equipment at a depth of 45m where the water temperatures is 5 degrees C. What is its volume as it reaches the surface, where the temperature is 12 degrees C? Atmospheric pressure = 101kPa, density of sea water =...
  28. Z

    Ideal gas law combined with vapor pressure

    I am working on a DIY project and want to understand the system/mathematical model of a traditional steam espresso machine. How I have started to think about the problem is a closed container with liquid and gas. At room temperature I know the vapor pressure of the water. As I increase the...
  29. T

    Ideal Gas Law Problem: Finding Pressure with Temperature Change and Fixed Mass

    does anyone know how to do this question. it feels like there's a part of the question missing as i don't know how to complete the equation The pressure of a fixed mass of gas in a sealed sphere is measured to be 1.02 x 10^5 Pa at a temperature of 253K. Assuming the volume of the sphere doesn't...
  30. K

    How Much Magnesium is Needed for 40 mL of Hydrogen Gas Production?

    Homework Statement Determine how many grams of Mg must react with HCl in order to produce 40 mL of hydrogen gas at 22 degrees Celsius and 1.02 bar. Also, If the Mg ribbon weighs 0.836 mg/mm, how many mm of the ribbon will you require? Homework Equations PV=nRT Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) -->...
  31. I

    Experiment on piston cylinder, issues with Ideal gas law

    Hello everyone, I have an rather large piston-cylinder containing gas that is compressed when the piston extends. Using three sensors I am measuring the pressure, temperature and volume of the gas while I force the piston out using a winch. The system is closed and no gas is released or added...
  32. D

    How to Calculate Temperature Change in Ideal Gas Law Problem for One Mole?

    Homework Statement for one mole of an ideal gas this relation holds good P= P0 /{1+(V0/V)^2}, where P0and V0 are constants, what will be its change in temperature in terms of P0,V0 and R, if volume is doubled? Homework Equations for one mole of ideal gas we know PV=RT Then...
  33. J

    Ideal Gas Law solve for partial pressure

    1. Gaseous compound Q contains only xenon and oxygen. When 0.100 g of Q is placed in a 50.0 mL steel vessel at 0 °C, the pressure is 0.229 atm. When the vessel and its contents are warmed to 100 °C, Q decomposes into its constituent elements. What is the total pressure, and what are the partial...
  34. T

    Cylinder submerged in salt water (Ideal gas law, pressure)

    Homework Statement 5. A large cylinder with a diameter of 3.00 m and a height of 3.50 m is closed at the upper end and open at the lower end. It is lowered from air into sea water with the air initially at 20.0°C and then to a depth of 75.0 m. At this depth the water temperature is 4.0°C, and...
  35. B

    How Does Compressing an Ideal Gas Affect Its Temperature?

    Homework Statement A cylinder fitted with a movable piston contains ideal gas at 27C, pressure .5 x 10^5 Pa, and volume 1.25 m^3. What will be the final temperature if the gas is compressed to .8 m^3 and the pressure rises to .82 x 10^5 Pa. A) 125 C B) 154 C C) 246 C D) 67.7 C E) 41.8...
  36. B

    What is the temperature of the freezer based on the Ideal Gas Law?

    Homework Statement Here is the problem: You are worried that your -80C freezer is on the fritz. Unfortunately you do not have a thermometer. You do have a balloon. so, you blow up the balloon and measure that it has a diameter of 10cm when at 25C. you put it in the freezer, let it come to...
  37. G

    The ideal gas law for an adiabatic process

    Homework Statement Hi can someone please have a look at this question and let me know if I am on the right track, thanks. A diesel engine requires no spark plug; instead the air in the cylinder is compresses so highly the fuel ignites spontaneously on injection to the cylinder. Q. If the air...
  38. C

    Ideal gas law and thermodyanimic processes

    Homework Statement An ideal gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a movable piston at the top. The walls of the cylinder are insulated, so no heat can enter or exit. The gas initially occupies volume V1 and has pressure p1 and temperature T1. The piston is then moved very rapidly to a volume of...
  39. A

    How Much Helium Can a 11m Diameter Balloon Hold and What Can It Lift?

    A spherical helium balloon 11 m in diameter is at ambient temperature and pressure, 15 degrees Celsius and 100 kPa. How much helium does it contain? It can list a total mass of balanced atmospheric air. How much mass of the balloon fabric & cage can then be lifted? Here is my work but I'm...
  40. M

    Deriving Ideal Gas Law through partition function

    Homework Statement The pressure of a non-interacting, indistinguishable system of N particles can be derived from the canonical partition function P = k_BT\frac{∂lnQ}{∂V} Verify that this equation reduces to the ideal gas law. The Attempt at a Solution I have a very poor...
  41. Night-san

    Ideal Gas Law: messing with ratios

    Homework Statement Air is pumped into a bicycle tire. The 43 moles of air initially in the tire have a gauge pressure of 1 atm. How many moles of air must be pumped into the tire in order to raise the gauge pressure to 5 atm? Assume that the volume and temperature of the air inside the tire...
  42. A

    MHB Ideal Gas Law: Pressure, Volume, & Temperature Changes

    The ideal gas law states that PV = nRT where P is the pressure in atmospheres, V is the volume in litres, n is the number of moles, R = 8.314 Latm/Kmol is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvins. Suppose that at a specific instance that two moles of gas is under 5 atmospheres of...
  43. S

    Is the Ideal Gas Law Applicable to Non-Isothermal Processes? | Homework Question

    Homework Statement Is the ideal gas law, PV = mRT, only applicable to processes which are carried out isothermally? I mean, can it not be applied to a polytropic process, PVn = k.Homework Equations See above.The Attempt at a Solution N.A.
  44. R

    How Many Moles of NO2 and SO2 Are in the Mixture?

    Homework Statement A sample containing only NO2 and SO2 has a total pressure of 120 torr. Measurements show that the partial pressure of NO2 is 43 torr. If the vessel has a volume of 800.0 ml and the temperature is 22.0°C, how many moles of each gas are present?Homework Equations PV = nRT The...
  45. A

    Multi-Species Ideal Gas Law and Mean Molecular Mass

    Hi forums. I have what I think is a simple question but I'm making myself confused. I'm trying to work out the relationship between energy density ( u = energy per unit volume ) and temperature in a multi-species ideal gas (no molecules just different mass ions). The simplest example of...
  46. H

    Derivation of ideal gas law by Hamiltonian mechanics

    Hi! I am trying to understand the statistical mechanics derivation of the ideal gas law shown at: inder "Derivations". First of all, the statement "Then the time average momentum of the particle is: \langle \mathbf{q} \cdot \mathbf{F} \rangle=...
  47. marellasunny

    Equilibrium reaction ICE method to ideal gas law

    QUESTION: Say I have the following equilibrium reaction CO+\frac{1}{2}O_2\leftrightharpoons CO_2 The stoichiometric mixture of CO and $O_2$ in a closed vessel, initially at 1 atm and 300K, is exploded. Calculate the composition of the products of combustion at 2500K and the gas pressure. Take...
  48. K

    Using the ideal gas law with two unknowns

    Homework Statement You are given a closed container containing a single atom ideal gas. The volume is V1= 0,45*10^(-3) m^3 Pressure p1 is 3,2 MPa Temperature, T1, is 892 K The volume of the gas is increased to V2= 8*V1 Find the pressure and temperature after the increase of volume...
  49. A

    MHB What is the Relationship Between Pressure and Volume in the Ideal Gas Law?

    The ideal gas law states that the pressure P, volume V , and temperature T of a gas are related by PV = NkT where N is the number of molecules of gas, and k is Bolzmann's constant, about 1.38 10^-23 J/K where J is Joules and K is Kelvins. Say that I have 10^24 molecules of gas. The gas...
  50. D

    Ideal gas law mechanical work problem

    Homework Statement Calculate the gas' mechanical work on its environment for the thermodynamic process path IF. Solution says: 505 J Homework Equations W=\int_i^f p,dv i = Vi, initial volume f = Vf, final volume The Attempt at a Solution My approach is to find a...