Ideal gas Definition and 854 Threads

An ideal gas is a theoretical gas composed of many randomly moving point particles that are not subject to interparticle interactions. The ideal gas concept is useful because it obeys the ideal gas law, a simplified equation of state, and is amenable to analysis under statistical mechanics. The requirement of zero interaction can often be relaxed if, for example, the interaction is perfectly elastic or regarded as point-like collisions.
Under various conditions of temperature and pressure, many real gases behave qualitatively like an ideal gas where the gas molecules (or atoms for monatomic gas) play the role of the ideal particles. Many gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, noble gases, some heavier gases like carbon dioxide and mixtures such as air, can be treated as ideal gases within reasonable tolerances over a considerable parameter range around standard temperature and pressure. Generally, a gas behaves more like an ideal gas at higher temperature and lower pressure, as the potential energy due to intermolecular forces becomes less significant compared with the particles' kinetic energy, and the size of the molecules becomes less significant compared to the empty space between them. One mole of an ideal gas has a volume of 22.710947(13) litres at standard temperature and pressure (a temperature of 273.15 K and an absolute pressure of exactly 105 Pa) as defined by IUPAC since 1982.The ideal gas model tends to fail at lower temperatures or higher pressures, when intermolecular forces and molecular size becomes important. It also fails for most heavy gases, such as many refrigerants, and for gases with strong intermolecular forces, notably water vapor. At high pressures, the volume of a real gas is often considerably larger than that of an ideal gas. At low temperatures, the pressure of a real gas is often considerably less than that of an ideal gas. At some point of low temperature and high pressure, real gases undergo a phase transition, such as to a liquid or a solid. The model of an ideal gas, however, does not describe or allow phase transitions. These must be modeled by more complex equations of state. The deviation from the ideal gas behavior can be described by a dimensionless quantity, the compressibility factor, Z.
The ideal gas model has been explored in both the Newtonian dynamics (as in "kinetic theory") and in quantum mechanics (as a "gas in a box"). The ideal gas model has also been used to model the behavior of electrons in a metal (in the Drude model and the free electron model), and it is one of the most important models in statistical mechanics.
If the pressure of an ideal gas is reduced in a throttling process the temperature of the gas does not change. (If the pressure of a real gas is reduced in a throttling process, its temperature either falls or rises, depending on whether its Joule–Thomson coefficient is positive or negative.)

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  1. P

    A diatomic ideal gas such as air..

    A diatomic ideal gas such as air, for which γ = 1.4, expands adiabatically to 40 times its original volume. (a) By what factor does the temperature change? (b) By what factor does the pressure change? I'm not sure how to attempt/approach this one. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be...
  2. K

    Reversible adiabatic expansion of ideal gas, entropy change?

    Homework Statement One mole of an ideal gas at 0 celcius is subjected to changes below, calculate the change in entropy of the gas: i) Gas is expanded reversibly and isothermally to twice its initial volume. DONE - 5.76 J/K ii)A similar expansion to i. is performed reversibly and...
  3. H

    What is the boiling temperature of the liquid?

    Homework Statement the gas scale temperature is defined as: T=273.16 lim Ptp->0 (P/Ptp) The bulb of a constant volume gas thermometer is immersed in an ice-water-vapour mixture and the recorded pressure is 0.500 atm. It is then immersed in a boilng liquid and the pressure is 0.720 atm...
  4. K

    Can Boyle's Law Determine How Far a Submerged Bottle Must Be Sunk?

    My physics teacher recently assigned this challenge and I have no clue where to begin. I think the ideal gas law might apply but I'm not sure. Any insight? A bottle, full of air at atmospheric pressure, whose volume is 500 cubic centimeters, is sunken mouth downwards below the surface of a...
  5. V

    Ideal gas law - work out temperature and pressure

    A neon tube of volume 1.0 × 10−3m3 holds a sample of 3.0 × 1020 atoms of neon gas in equilibrium. The distribution of speeds of the neon atoms shows a peak at 500 m s−1. The neon may be treated as an ideal gas. (Take the mass of each neon atom to be 20 amu.) What is the Temp & Pressure of the...
  6. L

    Thermodynamics Ideal Gas Law problem (pressure problem)

    Homework Statement If 2.00 m³ of a gas initially at STP is placed under a pressure of 5.00 atm, the temperature of the gas rises to 39.0°C. What is the volume? STP means it's at 0°C and 1 atm of Pressure, correct? V1 = 2.00 m³ V2 = ? T1 = 0°C = 273°K (My main confusion was units: °C...
  7. jacksonpeeble

    Basic Monatomic Ideal Gas Speed/Temperature Relationship

    What would happen to the temperature (in Kelvin) if the speed of every atom in a monatomic ideal gas were doubled (specifically, what multiplication factor would be used)?
  8. P

    Ideal Gas Law Problem: Balloon Volume Change @ Different Pressures

    Homework Statement You have a balloon (stretchy) filled with one liter of He at 1 atm and 298 Kalvin. The balloon is suddenly placed into a room at .5 atm and 298 Kalvin. What is the temperature of the gas inside the balloon a little while after this happens? Homework Equations P*V=n*R*T...
  9. A

    How to Calculate Ideal Gas Temperature Change without Bursting the Vessel

    Homework Statement A certain amount of gas at 298.15 K and at a pressure of 0.800 atm is contained in a glass vessel. suppose that the vessel can withstand a pressure of 2.00 atm. How high can you raise the termperature of the gas without bursting the vessel. Homework Equations PV=nRT...
  10. L

    Ideal gas law hot air balloon problem

    Homework Statement A hot-air balloon achieves its buoyant lift by heating the air inside the balloon, which makes it less dense than the air outside. Suppose the volume of a balloon is 1900 m3 and the required lift is 2500 N (rough estimate of the weight of the equipment and passenger)...
  11. L

    Problem using the ideal gas law

    Homework Statement In an internal combustion engine, air at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of about 20°C is compressed in the cylinder by a piston to 1/4 of its original volume (compression ratio = 4.0). Estimate the temperature of the compressed air, assuming the pressure reaches 20...
  12. S

    Ideal Gas in the Classroom: Quiet and Not Smelly?

    We were in our intro physics class and the prof was talking about ideal gas. He asked what are the qualities of ideal gas to which I replied "quiet and not smelly". Classroom exploded
  13. S

    Using Ideal Gas Law to find P, V, or T

    Ok, so I'm doing this homework online and I THINK I'm doing it correctly, but I'm getting incorrect answers. Homework Statement 0.290 mol of argon gas is admitted to an evacuated 40.0 cm^3 container at 60.0 degrees C. The gas then undergoes an isochoric heating to a temperature of 300...
  14. S

    What Defines an Ideal Gas and How Does It Differ from Real Gases?

    what are the differences? my professor said something like an ideal gas has a big temperature, and a big volume. and ithink he says it follows the kinetic molecular theory. but i also know that different gases react at different temps and volumes so big is relative. how do i know what is big...
  15. L

    Having trouble using the ideal gas law for this problem.

    Homework Statement A pressure as low as 1 * 10^-8 torr can be achieved using an oil diffusion pump. How many molecules are there in 1 cm^3 of a gas at this pressure if its temperature is 371 K?Homework Equations PV = nRT = NkTThe Attempt at a Solution I converted 1*10^-8 torr to atm and got...
  16. Q

    The Meaning of the Ideal Gas Equation: Vdp + pdV = 0

    PV = nRT why when T is constant, Vdp + pdV = 0?
  17. K

    Calculating density of an ideal gas

    Homework Statement The density of helium gas at T= 0 degrees Celsius is 0.179 kg/m^3. The temperature is then raised to 100 degrees Celsius, but pressure is kept constant Assuming the helium gas is an ideal gas, calculate the new density of the gas. Homework Equations PV = nRT...
  18. N

    Relationship btw volume and temperature of an ideal gas

    Homework Statement The is a piston the is massless and moves with friction A) assuming that out gas is ideal, we will get v = constant T. What are your variables in this case? B) If you plot V vs T on a graph, what is the slop of your graph? C) What is the number of moles for this gas? D)...
  19. G

    Particle physics / ideal gas problem

    Homework Statement Dust particles are approximately 11.0 micrometers in diameter. They are pulverized rock, with density 2500 kg/m^3. If you treat dust as an ideal gas, what is the rms speed of a dust particle at 23.0 degrees C? Homework Equations I have no idea. The only one I would...
  20. V

    Work by an ideal gas, thermodynamics

    Homework Statement At point D: P=2atm, T=360K, n=2mol At point B: V=3VD, P=2Pc Paths AB and CD represent isothermal processes The gas is carried through a complete cycle along the path DABCD. Determine the total amount of work done by the gas. Homework Equations PV=nRT...
  21. A

    Change in internal engergy of a monatomic ideal gas

    Homework Statement A monatomic ideal gas expands from 1.00 meters cubed to 2.50 meters cubed at a constant pressure of 2.00 x 10^5 Pa. Find the change in the internal energy of the gas. Homework Equations \DeltaU = Q + W The Attempt at a Solution Well, I know how to find work...
  22. fluidistic

    Ideal Gas PV=nRT Cycle: Heat Exchange & Entropy

    Homework Statement Consider an ideal gas whose volume is initially V_0=1cm^3 that is initially at P_0=1 atmosphere. It goes through a cycle a-b-c-a where b-c is at constant temperature. 1)According to the sketch, does the system absorb or release heat? 2)Calculate the heat exchange in a...
  23. T

    How to obtain temperature from a PV vs P diagram using ideal gas law?

    As stated in the question: I have PV(T) [J/kg] vs P [Pa] plotted for 2 different temperatures. I'm to approximate the the temperatures using the lines and the ideal gas law. Note: V is the specific volume. I have no clue how to do this: I know that PV vs P is just as if I had nRT vs P. From...
  24. M

    Average Distance Between Neighboring N2 Molecules at NTP

    Homework Statement What is the average distance between neighboring molecules if N2 molecule is assumed to be spherical?(Average volume available to a molecule of N2 gas at NTP is 3.72*10^-20 cm^3,which has been calculated by dividing 22.4 litres by Avogadro's number) Homework Equations...
  25. M

    What is the Final Temperature T2 for an Ideal Gas During Reversible Compression?

    Homework Statement An ideal gas originally at temperature T1 and pressure P1 is compressed reversibly against a piston to a volume equal to one half its original volume. The temperature of the gas is varied during the compression so that at each instant the relation P=AV is satisfied...
  26. T

    Calculating Oxygen Mass and Leak in a Tank Using Ideal Gas Law

    Homework Statement A welder fills a tank, volume 7.60 x 10^-2 m^3, with oxgyen (32.0 g/mol) at gauge pressure 3.25 x 10^5 Pa and temp. 36.0 degrees C. The tank has a small leak, and some of the oxygen leaks. When temp. is 22.4 degrees C, pressure of oxygen in tank is 1.80 x 10^5 Pa. Find...
  27. S

    Free expansion of an ideal gas.

    I know that the work done on the system in any free expansion is 0 since the external pressure is 0. However.. is q necessarily 0? Does the temperature necessarily stay constant for an ideal gas? I've been trying to justify the reasons for which q is necessarily 0, but I can't find a...
  28. I

    Ideal Gas - Thermal Equilibrium Problem

    Homework Statement Consider a well-insulated horizontal rigid cylinder that is divided into two compartments by a piston that is free to move but does not allow gas to leak into the other side. Initially, one side of the piston contains 1 cubic meter of Nitrogen (N2) at 500 kPa and 80 degrees...
  29. L

    Ideal Gas Problem: Proving Coefficient of Volume Expansion

    The pressure , volume , number of moles , and Kelvin temperature of an ideal gas are related by the equation pv=nrt, where r is a constant. Prove that the coefficient of volume expansion for an ideal gas is equal to the reciprocal of the Kelvin temperature if the expansion occurs at constant...
  30. L

    Getting Empirical Forumula Using Ideal Gas Laws

    Homework Statement CxHy gets burned in oxygen gas and makes CO2 and water. Given the partial pressure of water and the total pressure of the resulting mixture I need to find the empirical formula. Homework Equations Well PV=nRT is the obvious choice...but all the information you see...
  31. L

    Basic ideal gas PV=nRT question ( fast )

    A welder using a tank of volume 7.70×10^−2m^3 fills it with oxygen (with a molar mass of 32.0 ) at a gauge pressure of 3.30×10^5 Pa and temperature of 35.0 C. The tank has a small leak, and in time some of the oxygen leaks out. On a day when the temperature is 23.9 C, the gauge pressure of the...
  32. J

    How is Pressure Calculated in a Chemical Reaction Using the Ideal Gas Law?

    The answer key says the answer is 0.3(0.082)(298)/4, using PV = nRT. (0.3 being the number of moles of gas after the reaction.) But according to the coefficients in the reaction, I thought since there are 0.2 moles of SO2 there should also be 0.2 moles of SO3. Is it a typo or am I wrong...
  33. G

    Ideal Gas Assumptions: Can it Turn into a Liquid?

    I was wondering if it assumed the gas could not turn into a liquid?
  34. 1

    Real Gas vs Ideal Gas: Compressibility Ratio

    The compressibility ratio of a gas is PV/nRT. What happen to the compressibility ratio if the attration force between the gas molecules increase? The answer says it decreases because the more molecules interact with each other, so the pressure they exert on the container decreases, thus...
  35. P

    Ideal Gas Law: Solving Air Bubble Volume at Different Depths

    Homework Statement An air bubble of volume 1cm^3 is located at a depth of 50m beneath the surface where the temperature is 17C. When the bubble goes up to the surface where the temperature is 27C, how much will its volume be? Take the atmospheric pressure to be 1atm. Assume the pressure...
  36. T

    Ideal Gas Question Homework: Mass of Air in House @ 20C & -10C

    Homework Statement A house has a volume of 770 m^3. (a) what is the total mas of air inside the house at 20 Celsius? (b) If the temperature drops to -10 Celsius, what mass of air enters or leaves te house? Homework Equations PV = nRT The Attempt at a Solution I found the solution...
  37. F

    Ideal gas question on glass bulbs

    Two glass bulbs of equal volume are joined by a narrow tube and are filled with gas at s.t.p. (standard temperature and pressure where \theta = {0^ \circ }{\rm{C}} and p = 1.01 \times {10^5} Pa). When one bulb is kept in melting ice and the other is placed in hot bath, the new pressure is 1.166...
  38. fluidistic

    Entropy of a mole of an ideal gas

    Homework Statement Show that the entropy of one mole of an ideal gas is given by \Delta S = \int \frac{C_v dT+PdV}{T}. 2. The attempt at a solution \Delta S= \frac{dQ}{T}. From the 1st of Thermodynamics, \Delta U= \Delta Q - \Delta W, where W is the work done by the gas. Hence \Delta Q =...
  39. P

    Finding the Work Done in a Monatomic Ideal Gas Process

    Homework Statement Hi, this question is from Fundamentals of Physics 8th Edition: Figure 20-27 shows a reversible cycle through which 1.00 mole of a monatomic ideal gas is taken. Process bc is an adiabatic expansion, with pb = 5.20 atm and Vb = 4.80 x 10-3 m3. For the cycle, find (a) the...
  40. T

    R is the constant in the ideal gas law.

    Homework Statement i need to derive the ideal gas law Homework Equations this is the equation to end with. PV=NkT The Attempt at a Solution I am not entirely sure where to start with this derivation. I believe Newton laws. where your going to have Fx= Px/t anyone...
  41. L

    Calculating work output of an engine, using ideal gas

    Homework Statement A model Stirling engine uses n = 8.04 × 10–3 mol of gas (assumed to be ideal) as a working substance. It operates between a high temperature reservoir at TH = 98.0 °C and a low temperature reservoir at Tc = 25.0 °C. The volume of its working substance doubles during each...
  42. C

    Steady State Ideal Gas Where Do I start

    Uncle Sam claims that he invented a black-box device which operates at steady state, and has two inlet streams and one outlet stream as shown in the figure below. Inlet 1 allows air to enter at a pressure of 200 kPa, temperature of -50 oC, and mass flow rate of 30 kg/min. Inlet 2 allows air in...
  43. C

    Thermodynamics quiz using ideal gas law

    1. Homework Statement T1=300K P1=100kPa V1=1m^3 T1=T2=T3 P2=P3=200kPa V3=0.1m^3 Q: Air initially at 300kpa is contained inside a piston-cylinder device with a volume of 1m^3. The cylinder is equiped with a check valve allowing air to escape when the air pressure reaches 200kPa. An...
  44. H

    Change of temperature of ideal gas

    Homework Statement We have 1m3 of Ar gas M=39.948g/mol, pressure=101300Pa, temperature T=298K. We put the energy Q=1000J in that gas. Whats the temperature after we put 103J. (c=0.5203x103) Homework Equations Im not interested in solution. I tried to solve it on two ways using formula...
  45. E

    Finding net work done on an ideal gas.

    Homework Statement An ideal gas with gamma = 1.4 occupies 5.0 L at 300 K and 130 kPa pressure and is compressed adiabatically until its volume is 2.0 L. It's then cooled at constant pressure until it reaches 300 K, then allowed to expand isothermally back to state A. Find the net work done...
  46. B

    Calculating Particle Density in an Ideal Gas at STP

    Homework Statement Determine the number density of particles in a gas at STP (T=273, p=1atm) Homework Equations Answer is 2.68x1025 The Attempt at a Solution pV=nRT I don't really understand what the "number density of particles" means please help!
  47. S

    How Do You Solve This Thermodynamics Ideal Gas Law Problem?

    Homework Statement A cylinder contains 2 moles of an ideal monatomic gas that is initially at state A with a volume of 1.0 x 10-2 m3 and a pressure of 4.0 x 105 Pa. The gas is brought isobarically to state B. where the volume is 2.0 x 10-2 m3. The gas is then brought at constant volume...
  48. L

    Calculating the Probability of an Ideal Gas in Half its Volume

    What is the probability that at one instant, in one mole of an ideal gas, all N=N_A molecules will be ofund in a volume \frac{V}{2}? Express your answer as a power of 10? usually this type of question is just a simple combinatorics question but i don't know how to set it up. i.e. how do i...
  49. S

    Ideal Gas Law and dimensional analysis

    Homework Statement The ideal gas law can be recast in terms of the density of a gas. a) Use dimensional analysis to find an expression for the density \rho of a gas in terms of the number of moles n, the volume V, and the molecular weight M in kilograms per mole. b) With the expression...