Incline Definition and 991 Threads

The Duquesne Incline () is a funicular located near Pittsburgh's South Side neighborhood and scaling Mt. Washington in Pennsylvania, United States. Designed by Samuel Diescher, the incline was completed in 1877 and is 800 feet (244 m) long, 400 feet (122 m) in height, and is inclined at a 30-degree angle. It has an unusual for United States (but standard for Finland, Mongolia and the former-USSR) track gauge of 5 ft (1,524 mm).

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  1. D

    Cart Propelled by Weighted Balls Down an Incline

    Okay, I got another problem for you guys that I have been trying to figure out. Here first is the diagram: I have been experimenting with different weights of balls and different weights of cars, also different ramp lengths. 5 balls are supposed to be used. Nothing seems to work at...
  2. C

    Problem involving power, mass, incline, and finding a max. velocity

    a 1360.7 kg car has an engine which can deliver 59,680 watts to the rear wheels. what is the max. velocity at which the car can climb a 15-degree hill? i have no idea how to solve this. immediate help would be GREATLY appreciated! the work i have done was setting up a triangle with the...
  3. K

    Magnatice field, moving rantangle conducting rod, incline plane

    Imagina an incline plane of angle @. A rod of length L, is at rest( becasuse you are holding it) at the very top of the incline. A magnatice field is pointing up in your mental picture. Find the velocity v of the rod as a function of time once your let go of the rod. Two things in the problem...
  4. S

    2 blocks sliding down a incline connected by string (check please)

    Two blocks with masses 4.0kg and 8.0 kg are connected by a string and slide down a 30 degree inclined plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the 4.0 kg block and the plane is 0.25; that between the 8.0 kg block and the plane is 0.35 a) calculate the acceleration of each block...
  5. S

    Friction Question an incline plane with two angles

    Ok I just can't see this questions I don't want an answer I just whant an explation on how to do it. if you can respond today it would be great thanks! an simple drawing like I did would be great thanks! a block weighing 100 Newtons is positioned on a incline that makes an angle of 30 degrees...
  6. T

    Statics: Incline plane an friction

    Ive been working on this problem for a little while now and basically, I don't know where to go. I have found the friction angle of 7 degrees but I really have no idea where to go next. My book doesn't have any examples like the problem. The problem looks a lot like a basic physics problem so I...
  7. P

    Calculating Force and Angle on Incline Plane with Friction

    Knowing that the incline plane has an angle of 30 degrees and the coefficient of friction between a 60 lb block and the incline is 0.25, determine the smallest force P for which motion of the block up the incline is impending and the corresponding angle the force makes with the incline plane...
  8. P

    Comparing Bowling Ball Times on an Incline

    The Flintstones and Rubbles decide to try out the new inclined bowling alley, ``Bedslant Bowling''. Fred's ball and Barney's ball have the same size, but Barney's ball is hollow. Betty's ball and Wilma's ball are scaled down versions of Fred's ball and Barney's ball respectively. They all place...
  9. A

    Grade 12 physics - one mass on incline and other hanging

    Body B weighs 440 N and body A weighs 140N. The coefficients of friction between B and the incline are Us = 0.56 and Uk = 0.25. a) Find the acceleration of the system if B is initially at rest b) Find the acceleration of the system if B is moving up the incline c) Find the acceleration of...
  10. E

    Potential elastic energy problem in an incline

    Question A 20.0 kg package is released on a 50 ^\circ incline, 4.50 m from a long spring with force constant 150 N/m that is attached at the bottom of the incline. The block hits the spring, compresses the spring, and finally bounds back. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the package...
  11. S

    Finding Tension in Frictionless Incline System

    a 1kg box on a 30degree frictionless incline is connected to a 3kg box on a horizontal frictionless surface. The pulley is frictionless and massless. A)if the magnitude of F is 2.3N what is the tension in the connecting cord? I found all of my formulas M1 "X" direction-----T-M1g = M1a...
  12. C

    Calculating Forces and Work Done on a Piano Sliding Down an Incline

    A 300 kg piano slides 4.6 m down a 30° incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline. The effective coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.40. (a) Calculate the force exerted by the man. i got F = mu(k)mgcos(angle) + mgsin(angle) = 0 so F =...
  13. N

    Find K.E. Change of 10.1kg Block on Incline

    Two blocks (with masses 10.1 kg and 65 kg) are connected by a string. The pulley is frictionless and of negligible mass. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and machine is 0.299. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. Find the change in the kinetic energy of the block on...
  14. C

    Piano sliding down an incline - work problem

    Hi, could someone please help me? Here is the problem: "A 265 kg piano slides 4.6 m down a 30° incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline (Fig. 6-36). The effective coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.40. (a) Calculate the force...
  15. C

    Problem involving incline, spring and friction

    I've been trying everything to solve this problem: It says: A block of mass m = 2.00 kg situated on a rough incline at an angle of = 37.0° is connected to a spring of negligible mass having a spring constant of 100 N/m. The pulley is frictionelss. The block is released from rest when the...
  16. P

    How Do You Calculate Forces on an Inclined Plane with a Frictionless Pulley?

    This is the question I was given a homework assignment: 2) Two objects are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley. Draw a Free Body Diagram of both objects. If the inclide is frictionless and if m1= 2kg, m2=6kg and angle theta=55 degrees, find: (a) the...
  17. P

    How Does Inclination Angle Affect Tension and Acceleration in a Pulley System?

    This is the question I was given a homework assignment: 2) Two objects are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley. Draw a Free Body Diagram of both objects. If the inclide is frictionless and if m1= 2kg, m2=6kg and angle theta=55 degrees, find: (a) the...
  18. V

    Calculating Distance Traveled on an Incline with Friction

    A 0.64 kg bundle starts up a 10.08° incline with 61.7 J of kinetic energy. How far will it slide up the plane if the coefficient of friction is 0.373? I found the frictional force and the force of gravity working against the bundle by f = N*u and F = ma to be 3.6026 and 1.09886. I added...
  19. M

    What is the coefficient of kinetic friction for the incline?

    A 12kg block is released from rest on an inclined plane with angle 35. Acceleration of the block is 1.23457 The acceleration of gravity is 9.8m/2^2. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction for the incline? I found the normal force (12*9.8*cos35)=96.33228...
  20. G

    Incline Equilibrium with Unique Applied Force

    Wondering if someone could help me with my last set problem? I've been looking at it for quite some time now. The incoming force on the block is confusing a result, I'm not sure how to set it up. I've worked it with the force parallel to the incline as well as perpendicular - but not as...
  21. P

    How far does the box travel along the incline before coming to rest?

    kayyy these are some hwk questions i don't understand. please help :cry: 1. A person has a choice of either pushing or pulling a sled at a constant velocity. Friction is present. If the angle beta is the same in both cases, does it require less force to push or pull? explain. I believe...
  22. M

    How Far Does a Block Travel Up an Incline After Shooting from a Spring Gun?

    A block of mass m is placed in a smooth-bored spring gun at the bottom of the incline so that it compresses the spring by an amount x_c. The spring has spring constant k. The incline makes an angle theta with the horizontal and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the...
  23. S

    Projectile motion on an incline

    Hi. Got this quite interesting problem: A projectile is launched at some velocity at an angle a over a plane inclined at an angle b. 1. How far, measured along the incline, will the projectile fly? 2. What angle a will give the longest distance? Any suggestions/hints on possible...
  24. V

    What is the work done on the block by the worker and weight forces?

    A 36 kg block of ice slides down a frictionless incline 1.2 m long and 0.48 m high. A worker pushes up against the ice, parallel to the incline, so that the block slides down at constant speed. (a) Find the magnitude of the force exerted by the worker. (b) Find the work done on the block by...
  25. A

    Motion on Incline: Solving for Velocity

    I don't know a lot about physics so please excuse me. Let's say you have a marble rolling down a frictionless plane of an incline θ degrees from the horizontal. It begins at a height ho with an initial velocity of 0. I want to find the velocity of the marble at any height along the way. What...
  26. H

    Solving Acceleration of Blocks on Incline

    The problem is: two identical blocks tied together with a string which passes over a pulley at the crest of the inclined planes, one of which makes an angle q1 = 18° to the horizontal, the other makes the complementary angle q2 = 72°. If there is no friction anywhere, with what...
  27. M

    Rolling hoop across floor and up an incline

    1) A thin hoop of radius r = 0.13 m and mass M = 8.1 kg rolls without slipping across a horizontal floor with a velocity v = 4.0 m/s. It then rolls up an incline with an angle of inclination theta = 33o. What is the maximum height h reached by the hoop before rolling back down the incline? 2)...
  28. S

    How Far Will Jill Run to Catch the Cart?

    Jill has just gotten out of her car in the grocery store parking lot. The parking lot is on a hill and is tilted 3 degrees. Fifty meters downhill from Jill, a little old lady let's go of a fully loaded shopping cart. The cart, with frictionless wheels, starts to roll straight downhill. Jill...
  29. I

    What Is the Coefficient of Kinetic Friction for a Block on an Incline?

    I need help here! Please! Hola! I'm in desperate need for help, so por favor senor/ita! A 2kg block situated on a rough incline (angle of elevation is equal to 37) is connected to a spring of negligible mass having a spring constant of 100N/m. The pulley is frictionless. The block is released...
  30. T

    How Do You Calculate Speed Down an Incline Correctly?

    how would i find speed down an incline?
  31. T

    How far does the 6 kg box slide down the incline in 0.6 seconds?

    A 6 kg box slides down a long, frictionless incline of angle 34 degrees. It starts from rest at time t = 0 at the top of the incline at a height 17 m above the ground. Find the distance the box travels during the interval 0 < t < 0.6 seconds.
  32. V

    How Does the Angle of an Incline Affect the Time of Descent?

    Hi Guys, For a physics practical investigation I will be investigating the change in height (angle) of an inclined plane and the time taken to travel down the incline. Now for my hypothesis and results I am a bit stuck. For the hypothesis I will be using the following formula...
  33. C

    How to Solve Physics Problems Involving Collisions and Inclines?

    Can anyone help me with theses problems? 1. A 500 g cart is released from rest 1.0 m from the bottom of a frictionless, 30 ramp. The cart rolls down the ramp and bounces off a rubber block at the bottom. The figure shows the force during the collision. After the cart bounces, how far does...
  34. B

    How Does Friction Affect Spring Compression on an Incline?

    A 2.0 kg package is released on a 53.1◦ incline, 4.0 m from a long spring with force constant 120 N/m that is attached at the bottom of the incline. The coefficient of friction between the package and the incline are µs=0.40 and µk=0.20. The mass of the spring is negligible. a. Show that...
  35. tony873004

    The Acceleration of a Block on an Incline Plane: Formula and Minimum Ratio

    Can someone tell me if I did this right? An object of mass m is hung from a rope that passes over a pulley at the top of a ramp and is attached to a block of mass M. (a) Assume m is large enough that the block accelerates up the ramp. Find an expression for the block’s acceleration...
  36. S

    Build a Mousetrap Car for 5 Degree Incline - 14m Goal

    My project's requirement isn't limited to a mousetrap car but that's what I've built. My car has to go up an incline of 5 degrees. I'm aiming for a distance of 14 meters. My car right now can go on a level surface but can barely pass the 1.5 m on the incline! My dad is helping me with the...
  37. J

    Solving Work Needed to Push 1147kg Car Up 15.1o Incline

    I am having a lot of trouble with this problem: What is the minimum work needed to push a 1147 kg car 376 m up a 15.1o incline if the effective coefficient of friction is 0.23? I thought that it was (m)(.23)(sin 15.1)(376) but that isn't right. Any help would be appreciated.
  38. B

    Angle of projection above an incline?

    Well, right now I'm working on one helluva a problem... Basically, a projectile is given a velocity of V sub "o" (Vo). The launch angle is gamma degrees above an surfaced which is inclined theta degrees above the horizontal. I'm tasked with finding its range along the inclined surface as well...
  39. D

    Why Does Mass Affect Acceleration on an Incline?

    Hi, Just a quick question that I am stuck on. If the mass were increased on a trolley moving downhill, would the acceleration increase? Since F = Ma...i'd say it would, but just to make sure :P Thanks
  40. F

    Find Acceleration of Wedge & Mass on Incline | Incline Problem Solution

    Question is: A wedge makes an angle theta to the horizontal. it has a mass M2 and can slide along the horizontal. A mass M1 slides along the frictionless surface of the incline. What are the expressions for the acceleration of the wedge and the mass M1? I am just puzzled. Any suggestions...
  41. K

    What is the acceleration of the cart down the incline?

    Question: Suppose you have measured the time (delta T) required for a glider to travel several distances (delta X) down an inclined plane. After plotting the data points on a graph of delta X vs. (delta T)^2, you find the slope of the best fitting straight line is 15cm/s^2. What is the...
  42. S

    Sphere rolling up an incline then back down

    Need Help Here! A sphere or mass, m and radius r rolls along a horizontal surface with a constant velocity, Vi approaches an incline with (angle theta). ie bottom angle :smile: If it rolls without slipping, a) what is the maximum distance,x it will travel on the incline? b) If it begins to...
  43. U

    Solving for Distance: Finding Work from Mass, Incline & Spring

    there's a 3kg mass on a 30 degree frictionless incline. The mass travels d distance and hits a spring with k=400N/m. The spring contracts 0.2 m and brings the block to a stop. I need to find the distance the block traveled. F=kx F=400*.2 F=80N so the block has to hit with 80N. what...
  44. tony873004

    Will a 5 kg Block Slide on a 50 Degree Incline Plane? Calculation and Answer

    This is just a question I made up because there'll probably be one like this on our final exam. A 5 kg block is on an incline plane of 50 degrees. coeffecient of friction is 0.5. Will it slide? N = mg cos(50) N = 31.529 friction = mu * N friction = 15.764 force down = ma f =m g...
  45. M

    What Is the Required Angle for a Block to Slide Up an Inclined Plane?

    You have a block on the incline plane 130 Newtons and it's attached by a rope through a "frictionless" pulley to another block of 45 Newtons hanging of the side of a plane. The question is what angle pheida has to be in order for a 130 Newtons block to start sliding up the plane (not...
  46. L

    Solving Friction Problems on an Incline: A Cal-Trig Guide

    I am having real problems understanding friction and how it relates to problems. Right now all I have to work with is a Cal-oriented book, but the class I'm in is taught with just Trig. I am completely lost. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Starting from rest, a 4.33 kg block slides...
  47. F

    Block sliding to a spring on an incline

    A 26.0 kg box slides 4.0 m down the frictionless ramp shown in the figure, then collides with a spring whose spring constant is 170 N/m. 1-- What is the maximum compression of the spring? 2-- At what compression of the spring does the box have its maximum velocity? this is killing...
  48. S

    Solving Physics Problems: 25N Force, 2.5 kg Block, and 35deg Incline

    anyone physics experts know how to do this questions? A force of 25 N parallel to a 35degrees inclined plane pulls a 2.5 kg block 5 m up the plane at constant speed. (a) How much work has been done by the 25 N force? (b) much work has been done by friction? (c) How much work has been done...
  49. S

    Coin Rolling Up Incline, no mass given?

    Coin Rolling Up Incline, no mass given!? 1. [SFHS99 8.P.46.] A coin with a diameter of 3.40 cm rolls up a 27.0° inclined plane. The coin starts with an initial angular speed of 55.0 rad/s and rolls in a straight line without slipping. How far does it roll up the inclined plane? Having some...
  50. S

    Elastic Collision on an Incline

    A block of mass m = 2.20 kg slides down a 30 degree incline which is 3.6 m high. At the bottom it strikes a block of mass M = 7 kg which is at rest on the horizontal surface. If the collision is elastic and friction can be ignored, determine the: speeds of the two blocks and how far...