Incline Definition and 991 Threads

The Duquesne Incline () is a funicular located near Pittsburgh's South Side neighborhood and scaling Mt. Washington in Pennsylvania, United States. Designed by Samuel Diescher, the incline was completed in 1877 and is 800 feet (244 m) long, 400 feet (122 m) in height, and is inclined at a 30-degree angle. It has an unusual for United States (but standard for Finland, Mongolia and the former-USSR) track gauge of 5 ft (1,524 mm).

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  1. N

    How Does Friction Affect Work and Energy on an Inclined Plane?

    Homework Statement 1) According to an object's distance vs. force (parallel) graph, what is the work done in this process as the object moves from 2 m to 8 m? 2) a book is pushed up an 8 degree inclined plane with an initial speed of 11 m/s. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the...
  2. H

    Homework Question: Forces on an incline

    A 10.0 kg object is released from the top of an incline with a height of 1.00m. The incline makes a 15.0 degree angle with the horizontal. If the speed of the object is measured to be 3.00m/s at the bottom of the incline, what was the constant frictional force (Fk) along the incline? I have...
  3. C

    Block on an incline and frictional force

    Homework Statement A 4.00-kg block rests on a 30.0 degree incline. If the coefficient of static friction between the block and the incline is 0.700, with what magnitude force must a horizontal force act on the block to start it moving up the incline? Homework Equations F=ma...
  4. D

    Work/Energy - Incline Plane w/ Friction

    Homework Statement A 74.5 kg snowboarder heads down a 16.0° hill that has a height of 78.4 m. If the hill is assumed to be frictionless and there is horizontal wind with a force of 93 N acting against the snowboarder, find the speed of the snowboarder as they reach the bottom of the hill using...
  5. M

    Finding acceleration of a block on the way down an incline

    Homework Statement Find acceleration of block on the way down incline. The incline is 40 degrees and made of steel. The block is also made of steel. μs = 0.6 μk = 0.3 mass of block = 2.00 kg Homework Equations a = g (sinθ - μcosθ) a = F/mThe Attempt at a Solution My friend is getting 4.04...
  6. H

    Spring energy problem at an incline with friction

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Et = Ek + Eg + Ee The Attempt at a Solution Top:[/B] Et=mgh+1/2k1 Δx12 +1/2k2Δx22 196h+400+600 = ET Bottom: Et=1/2k1Δx22+1/2k2Δx22 400+600=1000 ...and that's when I realized I must have done something wrong. Sorry, I'm kind of bad at this stuff...
  7. Dusty912

    Really with lab derivation -- Rolling objects down an incline

    Homework Statement So I attached the page from the lab with the directions for the derivation. It may be easier to view that document. The lab was set up was taking two objects and rolling them down an incline. The time was measured using photo gates. Basically, I need to use conservation of...
  8. C

    Mass of an Object Moving Down a Slope.

    Hello, I am trying to find the magnitude of the resistance force of an object moving down a slope. The question I was given says: A skateboarder heads down a gentle slope (Θ=5°) at a constant speed of 5m/s. Calculate the magnitude of the resistance force. Using the equation mgSinΘ - ma = R, (g...
  9. E

    Find force box exerts on other box up incline

    Homework Statement A force F pushes two boxes, box 1 and box 2 up an inclined plane of 30 degrees. If F=25 N and box 1 is 2 kg and box 2 is 3 kg, what is the force exerted on the 2 kg box by the 3 kg box. Assume no friction. Homework Equations F=ma. The Attempt at a Solution Since the...
  10. T

    Forces and Work on an Incline....

    Homework Statement The question is about a block on an incline at an angle Θ above the horizontal. The block will begin from the resting position and travel from point A to B down the incline. Neglect friction. 1) As the block travels from point A to B, will the magnitude of the net force...
  11. T

    Static friction of a block on an incline?

    Homework Statement We are dealing with a block on an incline that you can alter the angle with. The inclination angle was increased until we reached a certain angle(critical angle) that the block just begins to slide at. Use this critical angle and your previous answers for the normal force...
  12. L

    Find the speed of a Block going up an incline

    Homework Statement What is the speed after 5 seconds? Given Box1 : 400 kg Box2: 100 kg Initial velocity: 20 m/s μk: .30 Angle of Incline: 25 Time: 5 seconds Homework Equations Force of Friction: (mg)(cos θ)(μ) Effective Gravity: (mg)(sinθ) F=ma Vf = Vi + at The Attempt at a Solution For Force...
  13. M

    A rolling ball accelerating down an incline

    Homework Statement source: For a ball rolling on an incline, I know how to calculate the acceleration. However, I am quite confused about a situation. What if static friction acting on the ball is equal to the...
  14. O

    What's the Trick to Solving Incline Plane Problems?

    How i solve this problem would be, i assume acceleration to go right and downwards. WHich would give me the equation. The forces promotes the acceleration - the forces which opposes the acceleration = F_net However, U could solve this with free body diagrams, and Tension. How come I can just...
  15. A

    What Horizontal Distance Does a Block Cover After Launching Up an Incline?

    Homework Statement A spring with a spring constant = 1000 N/m is compressed 0.20 m then launches a block of mass 200 g. The horizontal surface is frictionless and the coefficient of kinetic friction with the inline is 0.15. What horizontal distance does the block cover while in the air after it...
  16. K

    Projectile - 2D motion - incline - acceleration

    Homework Statement A test rocket is fired from rest at point (A) along (b) a 200m incline, accelerating 1.25 m/s2 Given: b = 200 m, the angle at point A is 35°, a = 1.25 m/s2 a) Find the maximum height above the ground. b) Find the greatest range. Homework Equations If it was a constant...
  17. R

    How Much Force Must a Tractor Exert to Pull a Sled Up a Hill with Friction?

    A tractor pulls a 5000kg asked up a hill at a constant velocity. If the hill had a constant grade of 30° with respect to the horizontal and there is a 10,000 N frictional force between the sled and the ground, what is the minimum force the tractor must exert on the sled? I think I'm supposed...
  18. M

    Positions Versus time on an incline

    The initial position of the block is the origin; i.e., x = 0 at t = 0 . Consider down the track to be the positive x-direction. A block with an initial velocity v0 slides up and back down a frictionless incline. Which graph best represents a description the position of the block versus time...
  19. L

    Pulley problem with 2 masses and an incline

    1. A mass on a flat surface is pulled with an angled force of 200N (as shown) and is connected by a massless rope/pulley to another mass below on an incline. Find the acceleration and Tension in the rope.Homework Equations Fnet = ma Fg = mg Ff = Mu x Fn The Attempt at a Solution Had a question...
  20. Kimball Clark

    Friction of objects sliding down a ramp -- does mass matter?

    I have been teaching Physics at the introductory level now for over 30 years. In that time I have taught a lot of labs on friction. Using the small masses readily available in the lab and using motion detectors to measure the velocity of the objects neither I nor any of my students has ever...
  21. E

    What Is the Work Done by Normal Reaction Forces on an Inclined Plane System?

    Homework Statement A block of mass m is released from rest on a smooth inclined plane (wedge). The wedge itself is resting on a smooth horizontal surface. The block undergoes a vertical displacement of h. Assume that the height of the incline is h and the length of the incline is h cosec θ...
  22. A

    Frictional Force on ball rolling down incline

    Hi everyone, For an experiment I wanted to investigate the forces acting on a ball when rolling down an incline. Basically I have a wooden incline with a photogate at the bottom to measure the velocity of the ball at the bottom of the ramp. At the top of ramp the sphere has potential energy...
  23. P

    Motion in two dimensions: Launching up an incline

    1. Homework Statement (The following is taken from Sears and Zemansky’s University physics with modern physics, thirteenth edition by Young Freedman. Chapter 3 bridging problem: Launching up an incline at page 95. You fire a ball with an initial speed ##v_0## at an angle Φ above the surface...
  24. Priyadarshini

    Resistive Forces on Objects on an Incline

    Homework Statement A boy on a board B slides down a slope. The angle of the slope to the horizontal is 30°. The total resistive force F acting on B is constant. The boy on the board B moves with velocity v down the slope. The variation with time t of v is shown in Fig. 3.2. Calculate the...
  25. K

    Box Pushed Up an Incline Ramp: Basic Newton's Law Questions

    Homework Statement A 90 kg box is pushed by a horizontal force F at constant speed up a ramp inclined at 28°, as shown. Determine the magnitude of the applied force. when the ramp is frictionless. when the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.18 Homework Equations F=mg FN=mg μ= Fk/FN The...
  26. Sarah00

    Solving Work Done Incline Homework Equations

    Homework Statement Homework Equations W = F d F = maThe Attempt at a Solution Constant Speed ==> a = 0 ==> Net Force = 0 ==> F cos 37 = mg sin 37 ==> F = 37.6 N sin 37 = h/d ==> 6/10 = 0.5/d ==> d = 5/6 W = F d = 5/6 * 37.6 = 31.3 N [Not In Choices] - Any Help?
  27. J-dizzal

    Statics, equilibrium sphere in a groove on an incline plane

    Homework Statement The smooth homogeneous sphere rests in the 132° groove and bears against the end plate, which is normal to the direction of the groove. Determine the angle θ, measured from the horizontal, for which the reaction on each side of the groove equals the force supported by the end...
  28. J-dizzal

    PE and KE, mass sliding down incline into a spring (no friction)

    Homework Statement In the figure, a block of mass m = 15 kg is released from rest on a frictionless incline of angle θ = 26°. Below the block is a spring that can be compressed 3.1 cm by a force of 380 N. The block momentarily stops when it compresses the spring by 4.0 cm. (a) How far does the...
  29. Sarah00

    What is the Work Done on a Rough Incline?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Conservation of Energy The Attempt at a Solution But it is not in the choices, Any Help?
  30. A

    Calculate the force of ball on an incline leaning on a wall

    Hi all, I'm working on a problem from the Feynman exercise book, and have been racking my brains for an answer, so would really appreciate some help here. The problem seems simple enough: A ball with a 3cm radius, weighing 1kg rests on an inclined plane (angle alpha) and also touches a...
  31. Drakkith

    What is the work-energy theorem for a block sliding on a frictionless incline?

    Homework Statement A mass m = 16 kg is pulled along a horizontal floor, with a coefficient of kinetic friction μk = 0.09, for a distance d = 7.6 m. Then the mass is continued to be pulled up a frictionless incline that makes an angle θ = 34° with the horizontal. The entire time the massless...
  32. T

    Optimizing Velocity on Incline for Vertical Rain Perception

    Homework Statement Rain falls with velocity of 20m/s parallel to an incline which is at an angle of 37 degrees from the ground. A man starts running down the incline with a velocity 'v' . Find 'v' such that the rain appears to be falling vertically on the man( from his perspective). Homework...
  33. marsten

    Icy slope, toboggan, find coefficient of friction

    Homework Statement A girl, with the mass m, slides down an icy slope at the time t1=τ. The slope is inclined at 30° below horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the girl and icy slope is μk. The girl notices that she can slide down the slope significantly faster if she sits on...
  34. Puddles

    Atwood Incline Pulley problem with two pulleys

    Homework Statement Given that a weight m1 is attached to a string going over a perfect pulley attached to another pulley suspending weight m2, and that weight m1 is on an incline with an angle of 37 degrees, find acceleration, tension, which mass hits the ground first, time needed to hit the...
  35. P

    Projectile Motion- Incline vs. Horizontal Surface

    Homework Statement Two identical metal blocks, H and A, are placed at equal heights on frictionless ramps as shown above. The blocks are released at the same time, travel down the ramp, and then slide off their respective ends of the table. Block H leaves the table from a horizontal surface...
  36. S

    Glider moving along an inclined track?

    Homework Statement In a classroom demonstration, a glider moves along an inclined track with constant acceleration. It is projected from the low end of the track with an initial velocity. After 8.2 s have elapsed, it is 103.3 cm from the low end and is moving along the track at a velocity of...
  37. E

    Question about work, energy and the work energy theorem.

    Homework Statement So a mass m is placed on a ramp at a height given by h_1. This portion of the trip is frictionless. Then, at the bottom of the ramp the mass encounters a rough patch of levelled ground with a µk given my µ. This strip has a length of size "d" meters. After traveling across...
  38. J

    Dynamics Problem: Incline Block and Moment of Interia

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ∑F=ma ∑M=Iα 3. The Attempt at a Solution I used the dynamic equilibrium formulas to find the tension. The tension helps me to find the acceleration of the block. Then, I used kinematics to find the velocity. But, I'm not getting the right answer.correct...
  39. L

    Max Incline for Equipment: What is the Optimal Slope for Preventing Sliding?

    Hey guys, Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right here with some simple calcs. My physics days are long gone and it's been a while since I looked at any of this stuff. A 10,000lb piece of equipment is placed on a flat surface. 2,000lbs horizontal pounds-force is required to move it...
  40. B

    Maximizing Friction Incline Stability with Spring Release

    Homework Statement 80kg box is on a 20 degree incline against a spring and is released from rest. Coefficient of static friction is .25. Determine max and in values of the intial compression force in the spring so that block will not slip on release. Then calculate the magnitude and direction...
  41. J

    Maximizing Vertical Height in Frictionless Rolling Motion on an Incline

    Homework Statement A hollow sphere of mass M and radius R (I = 2MR2 /3) is released from rest at height h and rolls down a curved surface without slipping until it reaches the lowest point, O.. The curve to the right of O is frictionless. If the sphere continues past point O, what vertical...
  42. E

    Critical angle for a box to start moving on an incline

    Homework Statement A ramp with an angle given by ø (from the horizon) and a box of mass represented by "m" with a given µ=0.55 between the ramp and the box, find the minimum (critical) ø for which the box will begin to move down the ramp. Wether µ is kinetic or static is not given in the...
  43. J

    Maximum Speed on a Banked Curve with Friction

    Homework Statement A concrete highway curve of radius 70 m is banked at a 15° angle. What is the maximum speed with which a 1500 kg rubber tired car can take this curve without sliding? The static friction coefficient is 1. Homework Equations Centripetal Force = ## (m v^2) / r ## Maximum...
  44. J

    Projectile on Inclined Plane: Finding Angle of Inclination

    Homework Statement A projectile is thrown from a point A on an inclined plane field of unknown slope α, and hits the field on a point B. We know the angle between the initial velocity and the field: θ. We know the magnitude of the velocity: V. We know the the acceleration of gravity: g. We...
  45. P

    Solve Block on Incline HW: F=ma & Fn=mgsinθ

    Homework Statement Homework Equations F=ma The Attempt at a Solution I'm struggling with the normal force and I'm not sure if the component of the force F is the cosine or sine. I see examples where its sine but that...
  46. V

    An object on an incline of 20° (degrees)

    A loaded sled weighing 80N rests on a plane inclined at angle θ= 20° to the horizontal (see pic). Between the sled and the plane, the coefficient of static friction is 0.25, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.15 Taken from...
  47. Z

    Rotational energy on an incline

    Homework Statement A cart whose body has mass M = 1.5 kg is set on four tires each of which has mass m = 0.3 kg and radius r = 0.1 meters. Each tire can be treated as a solid disk with rotational inertia mr2/2. The cart is set on an incline a height h = 1.2 meters high and released. At the...
  48. S

    Conservation of Energy and the angle of the incline

    If I had a block that I pushed with a force F along a horizontal path and then removed the force before an incline, would the angle of the incline matter on how far above the ground the block would travel? I am assuming a frictionless surface.
  49. B

    Calculating Coefficient of Static Friction on an Incline

    Homework Statement A 2 kg block rests on an inclined plane with an angle of 30. A force of 5 N is applied to the block in a direction down the incline plane until the block begins to move when the force reaches 7.3 N, what is the approximate coefficient of static friction between the block and...
  50. P

    How Does Friction Affect a Puck Sliding Up an Inclined Plane?

    1. Homework Statement A student kicks a puck with initial speed v_0 so that it slides straight up a plane that is inclined at an angle \theta above the horizontal. the incline has a coefficient of friction (both static and kinetic) of \mu Write down Newton's second law for the puck and...