Integration by parts Definition and 438 Threads

In calculus, and more generally in mathematical analysis, integration by parts or partial integration is a process that finds the integral of a product of functions in terms of the integral of the product of their derivative and antiderivative. It is frequently used to transform the antiderivative of a product of functions into an antiderivative for which a solution can be more easily found. The rule can be thought of as an integral version of the product rule of differentiation.
The integration by parts formula states:

























{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\int _{a}^{b}u(x)v'(x)\,dx&={\Big [}u(x)v(x){\Big ]}_{a}^{b}-\int _{a}^{b}u'(x)v(x)\,dx\\[6pt]&=u(b)v(b)-u(a)v(a)-\int _{a}^{b}u'(x)v(x)\,dx.\end{aligned}}}
Or, letting


{\displaystyle u=u(x)}





{\displaystyle du=u'(x)\,dx}


{\displaystyle v=v(x)}




{\displaystyle dv=v'(x)dx}
, the formula can be written more compactly:







{\displaystyle \int u\,dv\ =\ uv-\int v\,du.}
Mathematician Brook Taylor discovered integration by parts, first publishing the idea in 1715. More general formulations of integration by parts exist for the Riemann–Stieltjes and Lebesgue–Stieltjes integrals. The discrete analogue for sequences is called summation by parts.

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  1. Kostik

    A Dirac "GTR" Eq. 27.11 -- how to show that a boundary term vanishes?

    In Dirac's "General Theory of Relativity", p. 53, eq. (27.11), Dirac is deriving Einstein's field equations and the geodesic equation from the variation ##\delta(I_g+I_m)=0## of the actions for gravity and matter. Here ##p^\mu=\rho v^\mu \sqrt{-g}## is the momentum of an element of matter. He...
  2. S

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  3. chwala

    Finding the Fourier cosine series for ##f(x)=x^2##

    I was just going through my old notes on this i.e The concept is straight forward- only challenge phew :cool: is the integration bit...took me round and round a little bit... that is for ##A_n## part. My working pretty ok i.e we shall realize the text solution. Kindly find my own working...
  4. mcastillo356

    B Integration by parts of inverse sine, a solved exercise, some doubts...

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  5. mcastillo356

    B Integration by Parts, an introduction I get confused with

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  6. S

    Solving this definite integral using integration by parts

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  7. murshid_islam

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    I'm trying to compute ##\int_0^1 x^m \ln x \, \mathrm{d}x##. I'm wondering if the bit about the application of L'Hopital's rule was ok. Can anyone check? Letting ##u = \ln x## and ##\mathrm{d}v = x^m##, we have ##\mathrm{d}u = \frac{1}{x}\mathrm{d}x ## and ##v = \frac{x^{m+1}}{m+1}##...
  8. A

    A Feynman parametrization integration by parts

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  9. JD_PM

    Rewriting a given action via integration by parts

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  10. Mayhem

    B Why don't we account for the constant in integration by parts?

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  11. Tony Hau

    I How to interpret integration by parts

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  12. N

    Integration by parts on ##S^3## in Coleman's textbook

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  13. B

    Integrating with a Denominator of (1+x^2)

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  14. LCSphysicist

    I Integrate 1/(x*lnx): Integration by Parts

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  15. acalcstudent

    I Bernoulli Equation with weird integral

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  16. looseleaf

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  17. physics bob

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  18. S

    How Do You Correctly Apply Integration by Parts to ∫-e^(2x)*sin(e^x) dx?

    Homework Statement I want to integrate ∫-e^(2x)*sin(e^x) dx Homework Equations ∫uv'dx=uv - ∫u'v The Attempt at a Solution u = e^2x du = 2*e^2x dv = sin(e^x) v = -cos(e^x)/e^x e^(x)*cos(e^x) - 2∫e^(x)*cos(e^x) dx e^(x)*cos(e^x) - 2*sin(e^x) + c The solution I have doesn't have the two in...
  19. Krushnaraj Pandya

    What is the primitive of sinx/cos^2x?

    Homework Statement ∫e^(-x)(1-tanx)secx dx 2. Attempt at a solution I know ∫e^x(f(x)+f'(x))=e^x f(x) and I intuitively know f(x) could be secx here and therefore f'(x) will be secxtanx but I can't figure out how to reach that
  20. ertagon2

    MHB Integration by parts, Partial fraction expansion, Improper Integrals

    - check if right check if right Now, 2 seems to be the right answer for A yet when i made x=5 and subtracted new form form the old one I got a difference of ~$\frac{4}{9}$ (should be 0 obviously) I got A=2 B=$\frac{45}{21}$ C=2 How to calculate $\lim_{{x}\to{\infty}}(- e^{-x})$
  21. R

    I Solving Integration by Parts for Relativistic Kinetic Energy

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  22. L

    MHB Visualization of Integration by Parts

    Hello all, I am trying to understand the rational behind the visualization of integration by parts, however I struggle with it a wee bit. I was trying to read about it in Wiki, this is what I found...
  23. maistral

    A Integration by parts of a differential

    I'll cut the long story short. What on Earth happened here: I seem to be unable to do the integration by parts of the first term. I end up with a lot of dx's.
  24. Mr Davis 97

    Integration by Parts with Logarithmic Functions

    Homework Statement ##\displaystyle \int \frac{\log (x)}{x}~ dx## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I am a little confused about the first part. We know that the ##\displaystyle \int \frac{1}{x}~ dx = \log |x|##. So how can we proceed with integration by parts if one of the logs has...
  25. karush

    MHB Integration By Parts: uv-Substitution - 9.2

    $\tiny{9.2}$ \begin{align*} \displaystyle I&=\int y^3e^{-9y} \, dx\\ \textit{uv substitution}\\ u&=y^3\therefore \frac{1}{3}du=y^2dx\\ dv&=e^{-9y}\, dx\therefore v=e^{-9y}\\ \end{align*} will stop there this looks like tabular method better
  26. EthanVandals

    Integration by Parts Twice: How to Solve Tricky Integrals

    Homework Statement Integrate e^3x sin x. Homework Equations uv - Integral(v du) The Attempt at a Solution I am trying to help somebody else with this problem, as I took Calculus a few years ago, but the end is really kicking my butt. I know I'm VERY close, but once I get to the second...
  27. Angelo Cirino

    I Laplacian in integration by parts in Jackson

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  28. binbagsss

    Delta property, integration by parts, heaviside simple property proof

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  29. P

    I Integrating sqrt(x) cos(sqrt(x)) dx

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  30. S

    I Integration by Parts without using u, v

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  31. Prof. 27

    Solve Difficult Integral: ∫ex t-2 dt

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  32. Elvis 123456789

    Integration by parts and approximation by power series

    Homework Statement An object of mass m is initially at rest and is subject to a time-dependent force given by F = kte^(-λt), where k and λ are constants. a) Find v(t) and x(t). b) Show for small t that v = 1/2 *k/m t^2 and x = 1/6 *k/m t^3. c) Find the object’s terminal velocity. Homework...
  33. E

    A Triple Product in Laplace Transform

    Hello - I'm not sure this is where this should go, but I'm working with Laplace Transforms and differential equations, so this seems as good a place as any. Also, I doubt this is graduate level math strictly speaking, but I went about as high as you can go in calculus and linear algebra during...
  34. C

    MHB Why does the integral of √(a² +x²) need Integration by parts?

    Why this integral $\int\left\{\sqrt{{a}^{2}+{x}^{2}}\right\}dx$ needs integration by parts? Thanks Cbarker1
  35. karush

    MHB How is Integration by Parts Applied to $\int_{0}^{\pi} x^3 \cos(x) \, dx$?

    $\Large {S6-7.1.24}$ $$ \displaystyle I=\int_{0}^{\pi} {x}^{3}\cos\left({x}\right)\,dx=12-3{\pi}^{2} \\ \begin{align} u& = {{x}^{3}} & dv&=\cos\left({x}\right) \, dx \\ du&={3x^2} \ d{x}& v&={\sin\left({x}\right)} \end{align} \\ $$ $$ \text{IBP} \displaystyle =uv-\int v\ du \\...
  36. Electgineer99

    Understanding Integration by Parts: Exploring the Formula and Solving Examples

    |3^xlog3dxI don't even know where to start. I know that the formula is |u.dv = uv - |v.du u=3^x v=log3
  37. C

    Integration by Parts: Solving Integrals with √(1+x^2) and x

    Homework Statement [/B] Homework Equations ∫ f(x) g'(x) dx = f(x) g(x) - ∫ f '(x) g(x) dx f(x)=√(1+x^2) f '(x)=x * 1/√(1+x^2) g'(x)=1 g(x)=x The Attempt at a Solution ∫ √(1+x^2) * 1 dx =x * √(1+x^2) - ∫ x^2 * 1/√(1+x^2) dx Further integration just makes the result look further from what...
  38. T

    I Vector Triple Product Identity and Jacobi Identity for Deriving 4B.10 and 4B.11

    I was trying to derive the following results from 4B.8 as suggested by using the vector triple product identity but have been unsuccessful in deriving ##\vec{L_R}## and ##\vec{S_R}## in the end. After using the identity and finding the integrand to be ## \vec{E}(\vec{r}\cdot\vec{B}) - \vec{B}...
  39. F

    How Can I Correctly Integrate e^(ix)cos(x)?

    I'am trying to prove \int e^{ix}cos(x) dx= \frac{1}{2}x-\frac{1}{4}ie^{2ix} Wolfram tells so^%28i*x%29cos%28x%29&random=false But I am stuck in obtaining the first term: My step typically involved integration by parts: let u=e^{ix}cos(x) and...
  40. F

    Unusual Limit: Understanding the Discrepancy in the Integral of xe^-x

    This was just very basic, I have accepted it in just a heartbeat, but when I tried to chopped it and examined one by one, somethings fishy is happening, this just involved \int_{0}^{\infty}x e^{-x}dx=1. Well, when we do Integration by parts we will have let u = x du = dx dv = e^{-x}dx v =...
  41. M

    MHB Integration by parts with absolute function

    Hi all, I have the average value of a function between limits of 7.3826 and 0 which equals 0.4453. I have used the formula for average value function and attached the equation I need solving as I don't know how to use the Latex commands. P is what I am trying to work out. Unfortunately I have...
  42. C

    Possible integration by parts?

    Homework Statement Integrate $$\int_0^1 dw \frac{w^{\epsilon+1} \ln((r+1-w)/r)}{1+r(1+w)}$$ for ##\epsilon## not necessarily an integer but positive and r is negative (<-1). The argument of the log is positive. Homework Equations Integration by parts The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I can...
  43. naima

    Integration by parts in curved space time

    In this thread, ramparts asked how integration by parts could be used in general relativity. suppose you have ##\int_M (\nabla^a \nabla_a f) g .Vol## Can it be written like ##\int_M (\nabla^a \nabla_a g) f .Vol## plus a boundary integration term (by integrating twice by parts)? I think thay it...
  44. naima

    Integration by parts in spacetime

    In this paper we have p18 an integral on space time M. The author takes a 3 dimensional space like Cauchy surface ##\Sigma## which separates M in two regions, the future and the past of ##\Sigma##. He gets so the sum of two integrals on these regions. He writes then let us integrate each of them...
  45. Philosophaie

    Integration by Parts: \int{\sin{(\theta)}*\cos{(\theta)}*d\theta}

    The Integral: \int{\sin{(\theta)}*\cos{(\theta)}*d\theta} Attempt to solve by Integration by Parts: \int{u*dv} = u*v - \int{v*du} u = \sin{(\theta)} du = \cos{(\theta)}*d\theta v = \sin{(\theta)} dv = \cos{(\theta)}*d\theta Bringing back to the beginning.
  46. RaulTheUCSCSlug

    Average Speed for Maxwell's Distribution of Molecular Speed

    Using the Maxwell-Boltzmann equation above, there is an example in my book (Giancoli 4th edition p. 481) where they use this to find the average velocity. I understand that it would just be the sum of all the speeds of the molecules divided by the number of molecules. But then I'm having...
  47. MidgetDwarf

    Integration by parts Theory Problem?

    Find the second degree polynomial P(x) that has the following properties: (a) P(0)=1, (b) P'(0)=0, (c) the indefinite integral ∫P(x)dx/(x^3(x-1)^2). Note: the the indefinite integral is a rational function. Cannot have Log terms occurring in solution. first. I use the generic polynomial...
  48. Suraj M

    Integration by parts question help

    Homework Statement While integrating by parts( by the formula) why don't we consider the contant of integration for every integral in the equation. Homework Equations $$∫uv = u∫v - ∫ ∫v . d/dx(u) $$ The Attempt at a Solution [/B] example. $$∫x \sin(x) dx = ?? $$ this is can be done like...
  49. B

    MHB Integration by Parts: $\int u\cos(u)\,\mathrm{d}u$

    I have the following integral \int e(2x) cos(ex). Let u = ex Do integration by parts: \int u2cos(u) du = u2sin(u) - \int (2usin(u) du Do integration by parts again for \int (2usin(u) du: \int (2usin(u) du = -2ucos(u) - \int -2cos(u) du Putting it all together: \int e(2x) cos(ex) =...