Integration by parts Definition and 438 Threads

In calculus, and more generally in mathematical analysis, integration by parts or partial integration is a process that finds the integral of a product of functions in terms of the integral of the product of their derivative and antiderivative. It is frequently used to transform the antiderivative of a product of functions into an antiderivative for which a solution can be more easily found. The rule can be thought of as an integral version of the product rule of differentiation.
The integration by parts formula states:

























{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\int _{a}^{b}u(x)v'(x)\,dx&={\Big [}u(x)v(x){\Big ]}_{a}^{b}-\int _{a}^{b}u'(x)v(x)\,dx\\[6pt]&=u(b)v(b)-u(a)v(a)-\int _{a}^{b}u'(x)v(x)\,dx.\end{aligned}}}
Or, letting


{\displaystyle u=u(x)}





{\displaystyle du=u'(x)\,dx}


{\displaystyle v=v(x)}




{\displaystyle dv=v'(x)dx}
, the formula can be written more compactly:







{\displaystyle \int u\,dv\ =\ uv-\int v\,du.}
Mathematician Brook Taylor discovered integration by parts, first publishing the idea in 1715. More general formulations of integration by parts exist for the Riemann–Stieltjes and Lebesgue–Stieltjes integrals. The discrete analogue for sequences is called summation by parts.

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  1. F

    Solving Integral Using Integration by Parts

    I'm doing a problem where I'm supposed to use integration by parts. I have: Integral ln(x+3)dx u=ln(x+3) dv=dx du=1/(x+3) v=x integral ln(x+3) = xln(x+3) - integral x/(x+3) That's as far as I've gotten. I know that I should be able to find the integral of x/(x+3)...
  2. P

    Cyclic Functions and Integration by Parts: Where Did I Go Wrong?

    Why is it that when I do integration by parts on cyclic functions such as (sinx)e^(inx), I get a trivial answer like C=C, C is a constant Have I done something wrong or are there other methods of doing those integrals?
  3. F

    Solving an Integral with Integration by Parts

    hello could someone give me a pointer here. this integral ∫ln(x + c)dx my guess is, by integration by parts (ab)' = a'b + ab' ∫ba = ab - ∫b'a so here a = ln(c + x) b = c + x a' = 1/(c + x) b' = 1 ab = (c + x)*ln(c + x) and ∫b'a = ∫ ((c + x)/(hc + x)) dx = ∫dx = x...
  4. S

    Integration by Parts: Solve \int (xe^-^x)dx new to this topic..can someone check to see if this is right? \int (xe^-^x)dx = \int udV = uV - \int Vdu =x(-e^-^x)- \int -e^-^x =-xe^-^x-e^-^x+C thanks
  5. maverick280857

    Momentum Operator Integration by Parts

    Hello I am teaching myself Quantum Mechanics from Griffiths. I have run into a mathematical problem which I need help with. As I have found no convincing answer, I am posting all the details here. Ref :Section 1.5 (Momentum) in "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (2nd Edition)" by David J...
  6. S

    Integration by parts (Laplace transform)

    First off, I hope these images show up - I don't have time to figure out this latex stuff atm, so it's easier just to throw the formulae together in openoffice. I'm working on the Laplace Transform for Which is obviously...
  7. R

    Integration by Parts: Struggling with e^xcos(x)dx

    I'm kind of lost on where to go next with this integration by parts problem. I have to integrate e^xcos(x)dx. I've gotten as far as one step of integration by parts, but I can't understand how this will help. It seems I'll just be going in circles. I have: e^xsin(x) - int(e^xsin(x))dx...
  8. M

    Solving Integration by Parts Problems

    Okay, so here is the problem I have, which I am getting tripped up on for some reason: a) Use integration by parts to show that \int_{a}^{b} f(x) dx = bf(b) - af(a) - \int_{a}^{b} xf'(x) dx this was pretty easy, just regular old integration by parts with limits of integration. b) Use the...
  9. P

    Integrate by Parts: Solving x^13cos(x^7)dx

    Integration by parts :( hi I have been trying this question for quite a while now and am unsure of what to do. Any help would be apprectiated. Integral x^13 cos(x^7) dx I know you have to use integration of parts. Here is what i have done so far: let U=x^3 dU =13x^12 dx dV=cos(x^7)...
  10. Q

    Integral of x(ln x)^4: Steps & Solution

    Does the integral of x(ln x)^4 = x^2/x(ln x)^4 - x^2(ln x)^3 + 3/2 x^2 (ln x)^2 - 3/2 x^2(ln x) + 3/2 x +C ? Or did I do something completely wrong? Sorry I didn't show my work, it would probably take me 30 mins to type it up here.
  11. J

    What is the difference between integrating by substitution and by parts?

    integration by parts?? just trying to figure out this integral int(x^2 (1+x^3)^4 dx) when i integrate by substitution i get anti deriv... 1/15 (1+x^3)^5 which is not the same (but close when u plug in values of x) to 1/15*x^15 +1/3*x^12 + 2/3*x^9 + 2/3*x^6 + 1/3*x^3 am i going about...
  12. Y

    Solving Integration by Parts: Stuck on \int \sqrt{9-x^2}dx

    I've got a simple, at least it seems so; \int \sqrt{9-x^2}dx I MUST solve it "by parts" (withtout trigonometric substitutions), but I'm stuck. If i choose u = (9-x^2)^(1/2), du = -x/((9-x^2)^(1/2)), dv = dx, v = x. I then have; x\sqrt{9-x^2} + \int \frac{x^2dx}{\sqrt{9-x^2}}...
  13. R

    Understanding Integration by Parts: A Quick Guide for Beginners

    this no homework, but nevertheless can someone hint me how this integration by parts works? \int {d^4 } x\frac{{\partial L}}{{\partial \left( {\partial _\mu \phi } \right)}}\partial _\mu (\delta \phi ) = {\rm{ }} - \int {d^4 } x\partial _\mu \left( {\frac{{\partial L}}{{\partial (\partial...
  14. N

    Integration by Parts Contradiction

    Ok guys, this is my first post. Please go easy...:redface: This question is from Morris Kline's Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach and unfortunately there aren't solutions for all questions (really annoying). I'm not even sure if this counts as a contradiction but anyway: Let...
  15. Z

    Integration by Parts: Assigning u & dv with LIPATE Rule

    Hi, I'm a bit confused as to what I should assign u and dv in this integration by parts: ln(1+x^2)dx I remember a general rule called the "LIPATE" rule... which is basically Logarithms, inverse trigs, poly, algebra, trig, then exponentials... Now... would I assign u = ln(1+x^2)? and...
  16. G

    Struggling with Integration by Parts? Try a New Approach with Secant Functions!

    Integration by parts... I just started Calc. II and though I struggle a bit, it's fascinating. I have been fooling with a problem of those standard problems that professors like to assign, and it usually appears in calculus texts: Have ya'll ever done integration by parts with...
  17. Reshma

    Evaluating the Second Term of Integration by Parts for $\delta (x)$

    Show that x \frac{d(\delta (x))}{dx} = -\delta (x) where \delta (x) is a Dirac delta function. My work: Let f(x) be a arbitrary function. Using integration by parts: \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}f(x)\left (x \frac{d(\delta (x))}{dx}\right)dx = xf(x)\delta (x)\vert _{-\infty}^{+\infty} -...
  18. A

    Integration by Parts in Several Variables

    My professor gave me the following formula for integration by parts in my multivariable calculus class. He said that we wouldn't find it in our book, and he didn't provide a proof. I have tried to work through it, but I am still left with one question: Why is it necessary that the curve is...
  19. Y

    Can Integration by Parts Lead to Errors?

    It's not homework, but i think it can make someone think a little. \int\frac{dx}{x} Take it by parts. If you'll be as careless as me you can make a discovery :smile:
  20. T

    How does integration by parts work?

    Integration by parts HELP ! Ok to be honest with all of you reading this post, i just don't understand how integration by parts work. Can someone please explain how it works? I have looked on the internet for help reading through all the notes but i still do not understand. So please somone...
  21. R

    Integration by Parts of <C> i just cannot do

    Can anyone outline, and this is a rather large request, the step by step integration by parts for <C>? This is not a homework question but more something i need to be able to do on tuesday for my final, and have been trying to do for two days.
  22. R

    How do I solve INT x sec^2x dx using integration by parts?

    show that INT x sec^2x dx = pi/4 - ln2/2 (between pi/4 and 0) pls help i don't know where to start i know it is integration by parts - just don't know how i should rearrange it. thanks
  23. C

    Integration by Parts: Solve x^2exp(-3x)dx

    hi guys just doing some revision and I am stuck on this question *integral sign* x^2 . exponential ^ -3x . dx I know i have to use integration by parts, but i just can't seem to get it out any ideas? thanx
  24. D

    And we have successfully proven the integration by parts formula!

    If f(0)=g(0)=0, show that \int _0 ^a f(x) g ^{\prime \prime} (x) \: dx = f(a) g^{\prime} (a) - f^{\prime} (a) g (a) + \int _0 ^a f ^{\prime \prime} (x) g (x) \: dx I know I need to use integration by parts, but I'm having a hard time figuring out the right choice of u and dv. What I do...
  25. tandoorichicken

    Integration by Parts: What's the Sign of that Last Term?

    I forgot a little detail in the integration by parts formula Is it \int u \,dv = uv + or - \int v \,du I don't remember if its plus or minus...
  26. P

    Integration by parts (i think)

    Greetings all, here goes... The integral of (xe^(x))/((x+1)^(2)) Thanks
  27. RadiationX

    Incomplet notes on integration by parts

    i'm trying to complete my notets from my calculus II class. my professor showed us how to do the following integral using integration by parts but I'm not following his reasoning could some one fill me in on what I'm missing. thanks in advance. \int^{\pi}_03x\sin\frac{x}{2}\\{dx} let \...
  28. Z

    Which term should be chosen for u(x) in integration by parts?

    ok i`m really struggling with the concept. I've been asked to find the indefinite integral of; \int \frac{x^2}{(2+ x^3)} dx so before i beg for the answer could someone confirm that i`ve got the right rule to solve this; \int u(x) v'(x) = [ u(x) v(x)] - \int v(x) u'(x) if this...
  29. S

    Integration by parts when a limit is infinity.

    I'm having a tough time trying to do integration by parts with one of my limits being infinity. My Integral looks like: \int_0^\infty x^z e^{-x} dx with z = \frac{-1}{\pi} Now if I let u = e^{-x} and dv = x^z dx, I will have: du = -e^{-x} dx and v = \frac{1}{z + 1} x^{z + 1} and...
  30. M

    How can I integrate e^-x sinx using parts?

    I've got a function \int e^{-x}sinx dx From what I know, only functions which has one or more products with a finite number of successive differentials can be evaluated using integration by parts. Because for \int v du in our choice of du, we want to cut down on the number of times we have...
  31. T

    What is the best approach for Integration by parts?

    I am usually alright once I figure out how to split up the integral into u: du: v: dv: so i can simply do uv-\int v*du but I keep messing up on there I will post some examples if I can find them and if someone could help me that would be great \int (ln(x))^2
  32. M

    Stuck on Integrating e^(x^3) x^2?

    Hi, I've actually got a problem here. How do I evaluate \int e^x^3 x^2 dx I have problem when doing integration by parts of finding \int v du since if I integrate v du, i'll get another expression which i have to integrate by parts again, and this goes on and on ! (its meant to...
  33. W

    How Does Integration by Parts Simplify \(\int 8x^2 \cos(2x) \, dx\)?

    i will use "\int" as integral signs, cause latex seems to be down. uv - \int v*du \int 8x^2cos(2x)*dx u = 8x^2 du = 16x*dx dx = 1/16 dv = cos(2x) v = 1/2sin(2x) plug in what i found for the formula 8x^2*1/2*sin(2x) - \int 1/2*sin(2x)*16x take out the 1/2, because it's a...
  34. B

    Why Does My Integration by Parts Solution Differ from the Textbook's?

    Ok so I was attempting to solve an integration by parts problem and somewhere along the line I got stuck. Here's the problem: \int^{\infty}_{2} {x^2 e^{-x} - 2xe^{-x} After using integration by parts twice I came up with this: 2xe^{-x} - x^{2}e^{-x} + 2e^{-x} \vert^{\infty}_{2} But...
  35. W

    Integration by Parts: A Powerful Tool in the Theory of Distributions

    \int 4x cos(2x) using integration by parts... u=4x du= 4 dv=cos(2x) v=cos(x)sin(x) using the formula uv - \intv*du... 4x*cos(x)sin(x) - \intcos(x)sin(x)*4x hmm i can't seem to finish this problem, can someone help? and am i doing it correctly so far?
  36. C

    Help Solving Integration by Parts Problem in Calculus 2

    hi, i would like help on a problem i am currently stuck on. \int(e^x)/(1+e^(2x))dx <-- it's suppose to be \int (e^x)/(1+e^(2x))dx using integration by parts, here's what i done: u=e^x du=e^x dv=(1+e^(2x)) v = (need to use anti-differentiation, which i don't remeber...) can i...
  37. R

    Having trouble with Integration by Parts

    I'm real stuck with this problem of mine in The Calculus 7 by Leithold \int arctan \sqrt{x} dx Since there is no elementary formula for integration of an inverse trigo function, we cannot manipulate the integrand in such a way as to integrate easily with one step of Integration by...
  38. I

    How Can I Solve the Integral of Sin^8x Using Integration by Parts?

    Hi can anyone help me solve this integral, I'm having trouble with this one? the integral is: int(sin^{8}x.dx)->upper limit=pi ->lower limit=0. Q) Evaluate the integral exactly using integration by parts to get a reduction formulae for int(sin^{n}x.dx)