Interaction Definition and 713 Threads

  1. E

    Is interaction first or field?

    without the interaction we can't measure the field so interaction should come first which is against the literature.
  2. M

    The weak interaction and fusion?

    I've heard that the weak interaction actually governs fusion between hydrogen especially in the sun, how does this actually works?
  3. C

    Photons and particle interaction

    I wonder how the radiation will interact with matter on a hypothetical place where the atoms have no electrons. Will the photons and particles will interact with matter to produce any effects like that on earth. I don't think there will be any compton effect, photoelctric effect, pair...
  4. A

    Interaction between wave functions

    Is there a version/subfield of QT that models the interactions between different wavefunctions? Something like Newtonian mechanics, but on the wavefunction level. E.g. you have two wave functions of (x,y,z,t), and you use the functions to find when and how they would affect each other and what...
  5. W

    Any gas volume vs field interaction?

    I wonder if there are any gases that react to applied E/M field changes by changing their volume? Apart thermal stuff of course. I assume that piezo electrics apply to solids, but how about gases?
  6. Antonio Lao

    Law of Attraction and Interaction

    Why do things interact? Why do things attract? Why do things repel? Physics does not explain why. It can only describe how. The result of all interactions is the force. This force is carried by the quanta of the interactions. If the quanta do not interact with themselves, the...
  7. suyver

    What is going on in this interaction?

    Hi! I have a beautiful picture of some interaction that I want to explain with the standard model. I think it's probably a famous one, but I have no idea where & when I found it. If anybody recognises this data, then I'd be very happy to hear what it is... For now, I am guessing something...
  8. F

    Lights interaction with matter

    [SOLVED] Lights interaction with matter When light (photons/waves/whatever) comes into contact with matter, what are all the possible outcomes? Anyone mind listing them out with an explanation for each?
  9. H

    Strong scientific evidence for mind-matter interaction

    I'm posting this here because psi phenomena are typically not accepted as scientifically valid, and also because there have been a number of "if I saw valid, repeatable scientific evidence for psi I would believe in it" types of posts in this forum. Here is your valid, repeatable scientific...
  10. wolram

    Earth without the interaction between ground and atmosphere?

    i know that other planets in our solar system have lightning storms and as far as i know its natures way of keeping the electric field between ground and atmosphere in balance, but what would happen if this system had a "glitch" and an imbalance occured, could the atmosphere discharge into...
  11. J

    Strong Interaction: General Equation?

    Is there a general equation for the Strong Interaction?
  12. J

    Strong Interaction: Is There a General Equation?

    Is there a general equation for the Strong Interaction? Thanks!
  13. J

    Can we understand the world through the lens of interactions?

    Everything is Interaction!? Everything appears in an interaction and therefore everything is a self-defined and hence self-similar interaction according to Eugene Savov in his book Theory of Interaction - In his world of similar multiscale interactions everything...