Interaction Definition and 713 Threads

Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect. Closely related terms are interactivity and interconnectivity, of which the latter deals with the interactions of interactions within systems: combinations of many simple interactions can lead to surprising emergent phenomena. Interaction has different tailored meanings in various sciences.

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  1. S

    Software package for modelling electromagnetic interaction

    Hello! I would like to ask about any software package, where interaction between a moving particle and a monolayer can be simulated. What i need to get is a spectral angular density distribution in the far-field zone within optical frequency range for a problem when a particle crosses a...
  2. C

    Do protons have stong nuclear interaction with other protons

    I was wondering if protons exchange strong nuclear interaction/force with other protons or do protons exchange strong nuclear interaction/force with just neutrons OR do all protons and neutrons exchange strong nuclear interaction/force with all protons and neutrons. Protons exchanging strong...
  3. Garlic

    Decay through gravitional interaction

    Hello, I know that the gravitational force is the weakest of all forces (it is 10^-38 times weaker than the strong force), so it isn't possible a particle to decay through gravitational interaction. As far as I know, the strength of fundamental forces can change during different ages of the...
  4. TotalNovice

    B Speed of interaction between entangled particles

    When the spin of an entanglement particle is established, it is said that the corresponding spin of its entangled twin is revealed immediately, (via wave collapse?), and that this interaction can occur across a substantial distance. It has also been said that this immediate interaction can occur...
  5. S

    Interaction Between Light and Black Holes

    Since light is entirely incapable of slowing down, what happens when light approaches a black hole such that it's trajectory passes through the exact center of the black hole? It seems, based on what I currently know, this would mean that the gravitational force pulling on the light would be in...
  6. D

    Interactions between field operators & locality in QFT

    Why is it required that interactions between fields must occur at single spacetime points in order for them to be local? For example, why must an interaction Lagrangian be of the form \mathcal{L}_{int}\sim (\phi(x))^{2} why can't one have a case where \mathcal{L}_{int}\sim\phi(x)\phi(y) where...
  7. Ryan Reed

    Do Spin-Orbit Interactions change the Orbital of an Electron

    Does the orbital of an electron change when it experiences a spin-orbit interaction, and if so, how?
  8. Mr Wolf

    The charge interaction as a force

    I think this thing came to my mind some times after I studied Electromagnetism when I studied Physics; otherwise, I would have asked it to my professor. (Incidentally, I'm still studying and I'm involved in Electromagnetism, but for a totally different course :wideeyed:) We know from Coulomb's...
  9. Gift Sama

    Find Force of Multiple Charges on Origin Charge Q

    what are the generalised and more quicker ways of finding Force that multiple charges (4 charges along the y-axis and x-axis at most) exert on the origin charge Q. i have used a cartesian plane to try solve for the vectors but seem to not get to the right answer.
  10. naima

    What is the equivalence to the free field in the interaction picture?

    I read in this']paper[/PLAIN] "Unfortunately, the derivation of the Dyson series perturbation expansion relies on the use of the interaction picture, in which the interacting field is unitarily equivalent to the free field" It may be obvious but could you tell...
  11. F

    What is interaction Lagrangian of matter and graviton fields

    What is the interaction Lagrangian of matter and graviton fields?So(on the answer)we can say about the nonrenormalization.Why is the divergence of two gravitons diagram able to be the limit of the coincidence of the verties.So we can say about the nonrenormalization.
  12. N

    How to compute the vertices from interaction lagrangian?

    Hello all, If I am having the the effective lagrangian which is actually free + interaction lagrangian (obtained from the minimal substitution for pseudoscalar and vector mesons). then how to compute the vertices of the interaction ? I have taken into consideration of all symmetry breaking...
  13. olgerm

    Potential energy in strong- and weak- nuclear interaction

    Schrödinger equation for N-particles is: U_{System Potential Energy}(r_1,r_2,r_3,...,r_n,t)-\sum_{n=1}^{n_{max}}(\sum_{d=0}^{d_{max}}(\frac{d^2Ψ(r_1,r_2,r_3,...,r_n,t)}{dx_n^2})*\frac{ħ^2}{m_n})=i*ħ \frac{dΨ(r_1,r_2,r_3,...,r_n,t)}{dt} Where \sum_{d=0}^{d_{max}} is summation over dimensions...
  14. caters

    Exploring the Physics of Bubble Interaction

    I have seen 4 things happen when 2 bubbles come towards each other. 1) I have seen 1 or both bubbles pop 2) I have seen the bubbles bounce off each other 3) I have seen the bubbles come together and stay there 4) I have seen complete fusion of the bubbles into 1 bigger bubble that then...
  15. Anchovy

    Weak interaction SU(2) gauge fields W^{1,2,3} and charge?

    When we start by postulating local SU(2) gauge invariance for our weak isospin doublets \begin{align} \psi &= \begin{pmatrix} \nu_{e} \\ e^{-} \end{pmatrix}_{L} \end{align} etc., we have to introduce massless gauge fields to preserve the Lagrangian's invariance. For SU(2) this demands 3...
  16. cnh1995

    Motoring Effect in DC Motors: Magnetic Field Interaction or Lorentz Force?

    When current flows through the armature winding of a dc motor, what exactly happens in there that produces the torque? Is there a force due to the interaction between two magnetic fields or Lorentz force acts on the conductor electrons? Basically, why does motoring effect take place? Is it due...
  17. nikosbak

    Dimension of interaction in a QFT theory

    The problem statement. When an exercises say " the interaction in a QFT has dimensions Δ" , what does it mean?, it means the field or the Lagrangian has this mass dimension? In this exercise I'm trying to find the classical beta function (β-function) for the assciated couling.
  18. gonadas91

    Perturbation theory in strong interaction regime

    In QFT, we can expand the propagator and obtain the diagrammatic expansion to build up the Green's function. If we have a hamiltonian of the type H = H_{0}+V, where V is the perturbation, we can build up the Feynman diagrams,and if we could build up all of them to infinite order, we would...
  19. AlanKirby

    Why can only the weak interaction change quark flavour?

    Hi there, so my question is as follows. I understand that only the weak interaction can change the flavour of a quark, but why? Idea 1: It's due to the change in flavour also meaning a change in mass, thus a massive exchange particle is needed (gravity is negligible so forget the massive...
  20. S

    Interaction mechanisms of photons and electrons with matter

    Hello everyone, I would like to ask a couple of questions related with the interaction mechanisms of photons and electrons with matter. Through searching about this subject, I have concluded that they both have different penetration depth and different interaction mechanisms. But apart from...
  21. J

    Conditions for interaction in the quantum world

    What are the conditions necesairy to collapse a wave function of a electron, photon or an atom (alpha particle mostly?). Wavelength? Asking because I cannot understand why in this video the wave function does not collapse in this box. Seems like in the outside there should be massive...
  22. Omega0

    Interaction - Fundamental question

    Hi, What is the basic idea about particle interaction in QM? Say you have first one single charged particle in an "empty universe". Here I think the first issue is given: That's impossible, you'll need masses (or better: energy) from a GRT view. Okay, say we watch this single charged...
  23. A

    List of Photon-Matter Interactions

    Hi there, I've been reading a textbook on Physics as applied to nuclear medicine, in particular focusing on how photons interact with matter. The textbook states (without reference) that "there are nine possible interactions between photons and matter, of which only four are of significance to...
  24. T

    Relation between adiabatic approximation and imaginary time

    Regarding interacting green's function, I found two different description: 1. usually in QFT: <\Omega|T\{ABC\}|\Omega>=\lim\limits_{T \to \infty(1-i\epsilon)}\frac{<0|T\{A_IB_I U(-T,T)\}|0>}{<0|T\{U(-T,T)\}|0>} 2. usually in quantum many body systems...
  25. W

    Magnetic interaction between moving and stationary charge

    Homework Statement A metal sphere, with charge q1=-2.80μC is held still and off the ground on an insulating rod. Another smaller metal sphere with charge q2=-7.80μC is projected towards q1. When the two spheres are 0.80m apart, q2 moves at 22ms-1. Assume the spheres are point charges, neglect...
  26. U

    Cross Section for e+e- in EM interaction - Is it the same?

    I was studying my notes and specifically for the ##e^+e^- \rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-## process, cross section is given by \sigma = \frac{4\pi}{3} \left( \frac{\alpha \hbar c}{W} \right)^2 where ##\alpha = \frac{g_{EM}^2}{4\pi}## and ##W## is the centre of mass energy. Is this the same for...
  27. J

    Interaction of photon+electron with parallel spins

    As I understand it, the fundamental unit of interaction in QED is a term with a pair of (spinor) electron factors and a (vector) photon factor, represented in a Feynman diagram as two (anti-)electron lines and one photon line meeting at a vertex. I get the case where the photon and electron...
  28. haael

    V - A weak interaction theory?

    Does anyone know any good introduction to V-A weak interaction theory?
  29. akashpandey

    Effect of prton spin& nuclear interaction on binding energy

    I just want to know what is the effect of proton spin & coloumbs repulsive force & nuclear interaction on binding energy. Plzz explain with derivation.
  30. akashpandey

    Effect of proton spin & nuclear interaction on binding energy

    I just want to know what is the effect of proton spin & coloumbs repulsive force & nuclear interaction on binding energy. Please explain with derivation.
  31. M

    How Does Light-Matter Interaction Challenge Classical and Quantum Views?

    I have just started reading about a classical electromagnetic treatment of light-matter interaction (beginning with dispersion relations, and then moving on to the standard phenomena - reflection, refraction, etc.). The discussion begins with a forewarning that light is not 'continuous' as the...
  32. CAH

    Electron-Electron Interaction & Photon-Electron Interaction?

    I learned that photons can exite and ionize electrons in an atom, bring them to higher energy level etc. However I've seen a few questions on electrons bombarding electrons in an atom and exiting the orbital electrons to higher energy level. Is this the same as the photoelectric effect when...
  33. Rajkovic

    Double slit experiment and Interaction

    "An interaction is required to manifest physical reality because it creates distinctions." my friend referring to the double-slit experiment, is it true? He said that the physical world, in order to exist, we need to interact (with our senses) lol
  34. D

    Quantum Recommendation on book about light-matter interaction

    Hello. I'm looking for a good book that explains light matter interaction comprehensively and specifically addresses photoluminescent materials (such as phosphor powders). I wanted this reference to get detailed answers to, e.g.: what is the mechanism of scattering, absorption and emission...
  35. M

    Magnetic Interaction: parallel rods, cross bar free to slide

    Homework Statement Two horizontal parallel conducting rods are connected such that a conducting crossbar free to slide along them has a constant current I running through it (Figure 1) . The rods are separated by a distance ℓ and are in an external uniform magnetic field of magnitude B directed...
  36. binbagsss

    Possible decay states strong interaction, parity conservation

    The question is for which of the ##1P## meson states - ##1^{1}P_{1}, 1^{3}P_{0},1^{3}P_{1}, 1^{3}P_{2} ## ##D_{s}## states decaying to a ##1S## state is the decay: ##D_{s}**^{+} -> D_{s}^{+}\pi^{0} ## possible? Solution So the strong interaction conserves parity. Parity of meson is given by...
  37. davidbenari

    Questions about photon/electron interaction

    I won't go into any details because it is really not important. In class we handled a problem dealing with an incoming photon that crashes into an electron, the electron gains momentum and a new photon is emitted too. My first question is about Maxwellian E&M. I understand that according to...
  38. R

    Muon Decay: Special Relativity WS#1 Homework

    Homework Statement [/B] 1.) A muon is created by a cosmic ray interaction at an altitude of 60km. Imagine that after its creation, the muon hurtles downward at a speed of 0.998, as measure by a ground-based observer. After the muon’s “internal clock” registers 2.0μs , the muon decays? a.) If...
  39. P

    Fel & Fg Interaction: Electron Count for Balance

    I did the math and figured that Fel between two protons at 1 mm is 2.307E-22 N, and the Fg at the same distance is 1.867E-36 obviously these values change with the number of protons, and distance. this is an issue because I'm trying to imagine a hypothetical object as charged as possible while...
  40. B

    Calculating Ion-Ion and Ion-Dipole Interaction Energies in Aqueous Solutions

    Homework Statement Neglecting hydrogen-bonding, calculate the interaction energy between (i) H3O+ and H2O and (ii) H3O+ and H3O+, if each pair is separated by 0.3 nm and assuming that the aqueous solvent can be treated as a medium with constant relative permittivity. Using your result...
  41. B

    Energies of interaction between molecules

    Homework Statement Estimate the energies of interaction at 25 °C between (i) two hydrogen molecules and (ii) two nitrogen molecules, if each pair is separated by 0.3 nm. Explain fully and clearly your reasoning and any assumptions you make in your answer. State the source of the values of any...
  42. B

    Interaction Energies and Debye Length

    Homework Statement (c) (i) Neglecting hydrogen-bonding, calculate the interaction energy between (i) H3O+ and H2O and (ii) H3O+ and H3O+ , if each pair is separated by 0.3 nm and assuming that the aqueous solvent can be treated as a medium with constant relative permittivity. Using your result...
  43. chikou24i

    How is the Van der Waals interaction potential calculated?

    Hello! In Van der Waals interaction, how to prove that : H= - (2*e^2*x1*x2) / R^3 ?
  44. W

    Understanding Particle Interactions with Scalar and Vector Fields

    Can anyone help with an ongoing argument we are having. When a particle interacts with a vector field e.g. the electric field, it experiences a force trying to move it which depends on the particle charge and the local field condition, - but when it interacts with a scalar field e.g. the Higs...
  45. L

    Software for simulating atom interaction

    I´m looking for a software that would allow me to test atom interaction acurretly in 3D, with public variables (i.e. customizable parameters) like the pressure and the temperature. I´m looking for something that takes into account S, P, D orbits with their real shape and the real numbers of...
  46. naima

    Light and atom interaction hamiltonian

    I found this in a Phd thesis consider a two level atom interacting with the electromagnetic field. The atom is described by ##H_{at} = \hbar ω_0 J_z## a monomode electric field is described by ##H_{em} = \hbar \omega (a^\dagger a + 1/2)## We have ##E = E_0(a^\dagger + a)## and the dipolar...
  47. P

    What is the three-body potential and how does it affect the baryon spectrum?

    Homework Statement I have to study the effect of the three body potential given below on the baryon spectrum. Homework Equations V(rij,rjk)=∑i≠j≠k≠i -V0(exp[-mrij]/mrij)(exp[-mrjk]/mrjk) where V0>0. The Attempt at a Solution Where can I find a discussion about this potential? I have no idea...
  48. C

    Interaction picture equation from Heisenberg equation

    The standard Heisenberg picture equation of motion is $$i\hbar\frac d{dt}A_H=[A_H,H],$$ assuming no explicit ##t##-dependence on the Heisenberg-picture operator ##A_H##. I've been trying to go directly from this equation to the corresponding interaction-picture equation, $$i\hbar\frac...
  49. L

    E=mc^2 vs energy in strong interaction

    Hi everyone, I have a simple and foolish question. I want to compare the energy of a given mass (obviously e=mc2); let's say the energy of a hydrogen atom, with the energy that binds together the fundamental particles of that atom (strong interaction). I know that e=mc2 holds always true, and...
  50. P

    Invariance of Hamiltonian of strong interaction under SU(6)

    Dear all, this is my first thread in the forum. I am trying to solve the following problem. it was given during a written exam at my university (many years ago) and I really would appreciate if someone will help me to solve it 1. Homework Statement Show that if the hamiltonian of the strong...