Interesting Definition and 790 Threads

Interest is a feeling or emotion that causes attention to focus on an object, event, or process. In contemporary psychology of interest, the term is used as a general concept that may encompass other more specific psychological terms, such as curiosity and to a much lesser degree surprise.The emotion of interest does have its own facial expression, of which the most prominent component is having dilated pupils.

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  1. C

    Why Are Vibrating Strings the Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe?

    This is a question I came about while thinking about the nature of matter and energy. According to string theory, the very fundamental building blocks of matter and energy are tiny vibrating strings. I was thinking to myself then: why are these the fundamental building blocks of the Universe...
  2. M

    Fixing PC Problems: My Fascinating Story

    Hello everyone, for those of you who recall, I posted earlier about having problems with my power supply...well i fixed, and here is how... I recall hearing grinding sounds from my pc, and I figured my power supply was screwed up, so I researched, and found a new power supply in an...
  3. K

    The most interesting physics book

    What is the most informative and interesting physics book you have ever read? I'd like something to read that's worth the money!It can be about any subject.Technical or non-technical.
  4. S

    Interesting science developments

    Does anybody know of some really interesting scientific developments that are recent. And if you do, is there a lot of info available on the topic. Thanks :)
  5. S

    How much energy is needed to stop a crashing plane using a rocket?

    A serious problem in our use of planes for transportation is the possibility that they might crash. What if we could stop this? Here is the proposal, from a physics professor at my university. If at the time that a plane lost its ability to stay in the air a rocket was sent from the plane...
  6. I

    A very interesting new thought about the electron

    do you suppose that the electron can invert itself and expand to the size of new york state?
  7. wolram

    Pen State Lectures Feb 2004: Abhay Ashtekar

    interesting overview Pen state lectures feb 2004 Abhay Ashtekar. QUOTE. "there was no emergence of the universe from nothing because nothing simply does not exist". "radiation or matter can transform into geometry...
  8. G

    An interesting test: Do you think like a psycopath?

    This is an authentic psychological test. It is a story about a girl. While at the funeral of her mother, she met a man whom she did not know. She thought he was amazing, her dream guy, and she fell in love with him but never asked for his number and could not find him after the funeral. A few...
  9. P

    Interesting problem from a Putnam student

    I'm taking the Putnam next fall, and decided to pick up a copy of Larson's problem solving book for practice. I'm having trouble, though, with one of the problems. It goes as follows. A well known theorem states that for a prime p>2, p=x^2+y^2 iff p is one more than a multiple of 4. Show...
  10. O

    What is the acceleration of a jojo falling down a string?

    an interesting problem I came along this problem, it is quite interesting. However, I have worked with the problem to long and than you can't see any new ways. So I thought, maybe you guys could try it with a fresh mind. Good luck, it is a tough one (or I fail to see something obvious) imagine...
  11. F

    Integrating Difficult Integrals: (1-x^2)(f ''(x)) & (a^2-x^2)(f ''(x))

    Here's a pretty difficult integral that our prof threw at us a couple days ago... left the whole class a little dumbfounded. I wish I had symbols to use (such as the ones that a lot of the pros on this site use)... but I'm sure you'll be able to understand. Integrate (from a to b) the...
  12. S

    Can You Think of a False Statement that Appears True?

    Can you think of a statement, not necessarily in geometry, which sounds true, appears to be true in some cases, but is actually false.
  13. L

    Contest: The most interesting article of the day: Pioline + Waldron

    This message is meant to start a new format of the postings on sci.physics.strings. Everyone is invited to answer the question "What was the most interesting paper on hep-th, hep-ph, or gr-qc today?" My answer for the night of April 4th is the paper by Pioline and Waldron The Automorphic...
  14. P

    An interesting proposition Please read

    I've disagreed with my professor on this point, because I still cannot see how I am wrong. Consider the following equation: If x is an integer, (x^3 + x)/(x^4 - 1) = x/(x^2-1) I'm asked to either prove, or disprove this, and so I arrive at the following (man I wish I knew TEX or...
  15. T

    Why Is Pi Fascinating in Science and Mathematics?

    I'm doing this paper on pi and the question popped up in my mind: why is pi interesting to us? ok, it might be interesting to find new, faster ways to calculate it and stuff like that, but does it have any use, function? what progress are we making? I know it's ralated to the strings in the...
  16. J

    Amazing Pattern: Check Out This Cool GIF Scroll the page vertically. Pretty cool, don't you think? Do you know any other interesting patterns?
  17. S

    Here's an interesting idea on predestination.

    Here's an interesting idea I had today. Not trying to say it's true necessarily, just found it interesting and thought I should post it. It's adapted from an msn conversation (heh), so the style is probably a tad odd. :) We may be destined to live, but if we're stupid and make a choice...
  18. W

    Can Calculus Prove I Will Reach the End of a Room If I Start Walking?

    Prove to me mathematically that if I start walking from one end of a room that I will eventually reach the other side. Be sure to include all your formulas!(hint:remember theorems!)
  19. W

    Can Calculus Prove that Walking in a Room Will Eventually Reach the Other Side?

    Prove to me mathematically that if I start walking form one end of a room that I will eventually reach the other side. Be sure to include formulas! (hint: use calculus)
  20. M

    Chemical engineering sounds interesting

    This is a simple question that may have a long answer, but here goes. If any of you are chemical engineers, I'd like to know a little bit about your job. What tasks are you normally assigned and what kind of environment do you work in? I appreciate any and all feedback! -Muon12 (the guy...
  21. B

    Interesting paper, require feedback

    I wrote an interesting paper, and I require feedback. Could you please check it over. Thanks in advance. -------------- 20 joules equals 20 joules, right? Well, consider the following: "Ball A" work done = 20 joules force = 10 Newtons mass = 10 kg acceleration = 1...
  22. C

    A very interesting vision of the universe

    Hello everybody. Making a search about magnetic propulsion systems using relativity speeds (and then time delays on fields), i found this VERY VERY INTERESTING internet page: I recommend to read it as you would read "history of time"...
  23. R

    News Who Contributes to Which Party by County?

    Another "Interesting..." This link shows who contributes to which party by county:
  24. Kerrie

    News IRS is 90 years old, a link to some interesting facts

    Bear with me, the info is from, but i found what it had to say interesting...perhaps living nearly 100 years ago wasn't so bad? at this rate, in another 100 years the United States government will have the tax...
  25. marcus

    Interesting argument among string-thinkers

    recent post at spr by Jeffery Winkler contributed to the debate between the anthropic and mis-anthropic camps within Stringery ----------------------- Jeffery cites an earlier exchange between Thomas Larsson and Lubos Motl. Larsson wrote, 22 Sept: [[Now I am starting to worry seriously...
  26. G

    News Interesting Developement in North Korea This article reports that China has moved 150,000 troops to the North Korean border. Thats as many troops as the U.S. has stationed in Iraq.
  27. Q

    Can You Read This Jumbled Text?

    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are. The olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey...
  28. marcus

    Interesting quote from a book by Einstein

    Something Einstein wrote in 1952 contains this quote "Space-time does not claim existence on its own, but only as a structural quality of the field." It is not especially easy to grasp the meaning, I suspect, but it might be worth thinking about. Eh quoted this in another PF thread and I...
  29. I

    Is the Human Body Mostly Empty Space? Exploring Casimir's Prediction

    I recently read in a book by Deepak Chopra that the human body is actually 99.9999% empty space... Is that true?
  30. marcus

    Why the Okolow-Lewandowski 2003 paper is interesting

    I find the paper that Andrej Okolow and Jerzy Lewandowski posted at the arxiv in February this year to be fascinating. In case anyone wonders why, here's a recent thread that may help you understand why
  31. E

    What is the nature of dimensions in quantum mechanics?

    This is my second post on this subject. I couldn't get anyone to comment on the theory itself. I found it online and it seems to make sense to me. I can't find any errors in the math or the reasoning. The theory is available at Please comment.
  32. B

    Little dot in the middle of the ocean

    does anyone know where that little dot in the middle of the ocean is, if its around some islands or something my geography skills are terrible thanks
  33. U

    Discussing Interesting Links and Insights

    Ok somebody was bound to post a thread on this so what the hell, anybody got any interesting links or insights into this ?
  34. Ivan Seeking

    What is your most interesting bit of trivia?

    I thought I would try this one out for giggles. We obviously have a very intelligent group of interesting people here. I am wondering if we have a good supply of interesting, surprising, or amazing trivia. Here are a few that surprised the heck out of me. I am told that the most...
  35. E

    Has Anyone Else Seen This Interesting Theory?

    I recently ran across an interesting theory online. The author developed a geometric representation of SR that also explains the Dirac matrices as well as many other things. Has anyone else seen this?
  36. Ivan Seeking

    Interesting new concept: Eco-cement

    This product is designed to absorb CO2 from the environment. I just saw a report on The Science Channel. It seems that this idea has been well received by some scientists.
  37. K

    Why Does a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field Perform Circular Motion? (copy and paste the above address to your browser please) In fact I know the answers of this problem, but I have a question. Here's the question. A charge +q moving with constant velocity v enters into a uniform magnetic field region as...
  38. T

    Interesting Quantum Mechanics Problem

    Interesting Quantum Mechanics Problem Suppose we have a particle in a box with infinite potential for x>a and x<0 and zero potential in between.Then by solving the schrd. equation we get a node at x= a/2 for first excited state.Which means the probability of finding the particle at x=a/2 is...
  39. M

    Smallest n-Natural Number for Inequality &#8721;k=2n {1/[k * ln(k)]} &#8805; 20

    interesting inequality involving sums Which is the smallest n-natural number- for this inecuation: &#8721k=2n {1/[k * ln(k)]} &#8805 20 Any ideas?