Interesting Definition and 790 Threads

Interest is a feeling or emotion that causes attention to focus on an object, event, or process. In contemporary psychology of interest, the term is used as a general concept that may encompass other more specific psychological terms, such as curiosity and to a much lesser degree surprise.The emotion of interest does have its own facial expression, of which the most prominent component is having dilated pupils.

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  1. M

    Calculus of Variations: interesting substitution

    Homework Statement Find the externals of the functional $$\int\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\sqrt{1+y'^2}\,dx$$ Hint: use polar coordinates. Homework Equations ##x=r\cos\theta## ##y=r\sin\theta## The Attempt at a Solution Transforming the given functional where ##r=r(\theta)## yields...
  2. N

    Interesting experiment about the attraction between two magnets

    We know that the attractive force between the opposing poles of identical permanent magnets is a product of their field strength and that the total force diminishes as the distance between them increases. If we assumed the magnets to be point entities, the formulation is the same as that for...
  3. Svein

    Insights Using the Fourier Series To Find Some Interesting Sums - Comments

    Svein submitted a new PF Insights post Using the Fourier Series To Find Some Interesting Sums Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  4. S

    What are some interesting reactions involving resins?

    Is there a way to predict what resins form solids based off certain hardeners.
  5. F

    Water and its interesting 3 phases....

    Hello Forum, I am reviewing water and its 3 phases (solid, liquid and gas). a) At the triple point, water can be in the three phases simultaneously. Does that mean that for a certain amount of water, say 30grams, we would find, approximately, 10 grams of liquid water, 10 grams of ice and 10...
  6. Jackson Lee

    Why Does the Skin Effect Not Reverse into a Core Effect in AC Conductors?

    Hey, guys. There is something interesting about the skin effect, which also made me curious:wink:. Could you please help to solve it? The following is what I got from Wiki. It is said that, according to theory of induction, induced current would oppose the change of magnetic field. Then when...
  7. jedishrfu

    Interesting Lecture by RP Feynman at Cornell

    Interesting and humorous lecture by Prof RP Feynman: The first few minutes capture Feynman's unique character.
  8. Parsifal1

    Engineering What type of engineer works in the most interesting places?

    I'm trying to decide which sort of engineering I want to do. I am leaning towards mechanical, what are examples of environments where mechanical engineers can work? Thanks.
  9. S

    Interesting essay on Science in the Age of Selfies

    Hi everyone. I wanted to post this interesting essay by Donald and Stuart Geman on Science in the Age of Selfies. The essay raises some interesting questions on the scientific enterprise in the age of online communication and great...
  10. mfb

    I New LHC Results 2015: Interesting Diphoton Excess? and status from Monday CMS released their conference note a bit earlier. They see absolutely nothing at the mass range where the excess appeared in 2015. It is a bit curious that they...
  11. S

    Other Interesting side project ideas for an undergrad (beginner)?

    So I'm entering my second year in uni doing a physics degree. We're just about to tackle on some of the interesting topics like EM (which I've self-learnt before), Classical Mechanics(we've already covered Newtonian) and QMech. Apart from my core academics, I'm interested in pursuing some...
  12. H

    I Interesting property of idempotent 10-adic number

    We build a special number from ##5##, by squaring it, appending the next digit of the square to it and repeating the steps. ##5^2=25.## The next digit is 2, which is added to 5 to give 25. ##25^2=625.## The next digit is 6, which is added to 25 to give 625. ##625^2=390625.## The next digit is...
  13. Math Amateur

    MHB Understand Theorem 1: Weak Nullstellensatz Proof by Cox et al - Exercise 3(a)

    I am reading the undergraduate introduction to algebraic geometry entitled "Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms: An introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra (Third Edition) by David Cox, John Little and Donal O'Shea ... ... I am currently focused on Chapter 4...
  14. Bristlethorn

    Interesting topics for undergraduate astrophysics research?

    Starting in the fall of this year, I'm going to get to start my own year-long undergraduate research project. To summarize as briefly as possible: Resources Available: Our university has access to the SMARTS consortium's three telescopes: - 1.5m CHIRON telescope - 1.3m ANDICAM telescope...
  15. K

    An interesting phenomena with light I experienced

    I was drinking coffee at a roadhouse and looked out the window. I observed a lake and a cloudy sky. While I had the cup on my mouth and blew in it, naturally there was condensation on the glass (I wear eye glasses). When I looked out through the window I experienced something interesting. For a...
  16. Noisy Rhysling

    What do you consider to be the most interesting alien race?

    I have a fondness for the Moties from The Mote in God's Eye and it's sequel, The Griping Hand. They are a hierarchical society with a biological necessity to reproduce or die. This leads to incredible population pressure and resulting societal collapse. Being "trapped" in one solar system they...
  17. DiracPool

    What interesting videos did you watch today?

    I thought I'd try a new experiment. Post a few video's that you saw today that you think might be of interest to the PF community. I know we have here the "YouTube classics" thread and the new section with the science videos, but this is designed to be more specifically attuned to what videos...
  18. kubaanglin

    B Why Does My Vacuum Leak Rate Change at 25 Microns of Mercury?

    Hello Physics Forums, After about one year of research and construction, I have nearly finished building a functioning inertial electrostatic confinement fusion reactor. Just to be clear, I do not wish to discuss the dangerous activities that are involved with my project as I know such topics...
  19. K

    Interesting mechanics experiments

    Hello! I am new to this forum so I don't know if I am posting this under the right part. Anyway, I am an undergrad and my phys 101 mechanics course requires to come up with an experiment related to the course content, write a report on it and present it to TAs. I decided on a simple pendulum...
  20. Conservation

    Interesting compounds with alcohol functional group

    I'm looking for examples of some interesting compounds that contain alcohol functional group (please, no joke suggestions about various liquor). Bonus points for creativity/thinking-outside-the-box. Thanks.
  21. moriheru

    I Interesting maths problems -- can you share some?

    I would like to think about some interesting problems or interesting theorems to which one could find a proof. If you should know any I would be delighted if you could share them. Thank you very much.
  22. B

    What makes physics interesting to physica majors?

    What makes physics interesting to physics majors (ik this is kind of general)? Also how could I get interested into physics.
  23. W

    "Interesting" or general Mathematical User-defined Functions

    Hi all, just curious. I am just learning about user-defined functions in MSSQL2014. What kind of Math can we do with it? Didn't get much useful from my search.
  24. D

    How Can You Optimize Thrust for a Safe Mars Lander Descent?

    You're in a Mars Lander. The planets gravity pulls you towards it at 3.711 m/s². (So at T(1) with 0 thrust your vertical velocity is -3.711). Your lander has 4 thrust settings: 0 m/s², 1 m/s², 2 m/s², 3 m/s², 4 m/s². Each of these use 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 units of fuel per second respectively. Your...
  25. I

    I What caused this unique ice formation near freezing temperatures?

    this ice formation occurred with temperature hovering near zero C. It looks like something that was made in a mould! I suspect that a combination of winds and pressures caused by growing ice crystals in the plastic bucket tilted some crystals which continued to grow. I
  26. A

    Interesting Effect of Conformal Compactification on Geodesic

    I'm trying to understand why timelike geodesics in Anti de-Sitter space are plotted as sinusoidal waves on a Penrose diagram (a nice example of the Penrose diagram for AdS is given in Figure 2.3 of this thesis: Bearing in...
  27. AdamMcParland

    Why Do Reaction Forces Differ When Isolating Different Members in Statics?

    Homework Statement I found this question and thought the situation was quite an interesting one.[/B] Homework Equations Seem to only be the 3 general equilibrium form of equations. The Attempt at a Solution The problem I encountered with this question was that when I isolated 2 or 3 members...
  28. Spinnor

    Interesting slow motion of paint on vibrating speaker.

    Skip to the good stuff at 1:41 and 1:52 and anywhere you see paint, can't embed link at the right time. Note the entire speaker flexing at 1:42 (slow both links down further if you can).
  29. ZhaoT

    How to find an interesting research problem?

    Hello,every one I am now a Phd student on particle accelerators in China. My tutor's interest is on more engineering things like machine design and running, but I'm tired of arranging magnets. I want to do more research on new physics ideas instead of becoming one doing machine designs...
  30. bcrowell

    Interesting applications of relativistic angular momentum?

    I've been working on my SR book and its presentation of a suite of related mathematical tools such as the Levi-Civita tensor. This is aimed at the upper-division undergraduate level, although there are optional sections at the end of some of the chapters that go...
  31. mfb

    New LHC results 2015: Tuesday Dec 15 - interesting diphoton excess

    After a slow start, the LHC and its detectors worked nicely and collected a lot of data this year (~3.5/fb). While many analyses are still ongoing, both ATLAS and CMS will report several results on Tuesday 3 pm (CET)*. The presentations will probably appear here, a...
  32. pabilbado

    I am looking for interesting physics/math or logic problems

    Well, the tittle is self-explanatory. If anyone has an interesting problem or puzzle. I will be grateful if you could post it.
  33. UncertaintyAjay

    B Any Interesting Problems I could try to solve?

    What with college essays and things these past few months, I've been a bit physics starved. I am looking for some interesting physics( and mathematics) problems to get my brains physics side whirring again. So please, fire away!
  34. D

    Exploring the Expectation of a Random Process with Unequal Probabilities

    Hello, So I was asked this question the other day and don't really know how to go about it: "Define a random process by: Xn+1 = Xn+1 with probability 1/2 Xn+1 = 1/Xn with probability 1/2 Given that X0= 100, find the expectation of X10 " I've only ever really met random processes...
  35. ChrisVer

    Interesting Electrodynamics Problem

    I am not sure if this fits under this title, but oh well... I guess it goes for students but also for higher in hierarchy people (they also like some problems which can have an extension) What has been your favourite to talk-about problem in Electrodynamics ? I am looking for something that...
  36. alexmahone

    MHB What is the formula for the $n$th term of the interesting sequence?

    Let $a_n$ be the $n$th term of the sequence $1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, ...,$ constructed by including the integer $k$ exactly $k$ times. Show that $a_n=\lfloor\sqrt{2n}+\frac{1}{2}\rfloor$. (Hints only as this is an assignment problem.)
  37. T

    Interesting solutions to classic physics problems

    From time to time I hear about people coming up with creative/"non-mainstream" solutions to classical physics problems, whether by looking from a very different angle or using some unusual math that's unknown to anyone but that one slightly quirky professor from faculty of mathematics. However I...
  38. ujjwal3097

    What Is the Most Interesting Field in Physics?

    can anyone tell me which is the most interesting field in physics .
  39. W

    Interesting Probability problem and maybe binomial theorem

    Homework Statement For reference, this is the image setting up the problem. "A wireless sensor grid consists of 21×11=231 sensor nodes that are located at points (i,j) in the plane such that i∈{0,1,⋯,20} and j∈{0,1,2,⋯,10} as shown in Figure 2.1. The sensor node located at point (0,0) needs...
  40. SuperDaniel

    Interesting pocket reference by Thomas Glover

    I know that most of you have grown up in this digital era, but me myself, I am a old school man, and, I usually use reference books. Today, I would like to recommend a small and practical book. Have you ever been working in an installation, in the middle of the Amazonian jungle or in the...
  41. N

    Interesting inter-conversions of carbon compounds

    Homework Statement CH2=CHCHCH3 + X --> CH3CHClCH2CH3 CH3CHClCH2CH3 + KOH(aq) --> Y then what is the structural formula of Y ?? (show clearly where the functional group located)The Attempt at a Solution It is obvious that X is HCl, and Y should be an alcohol but where is the hydroxyl group be...
  42. Jaami M.

    Do we move in the Universe? Or is everything stationary

    This isn't too much of a question, but more of an open proposal. Now... to begin, I know that both you, reading this, and I can agree that our universe is expanding. The universe is expanding from every point within itself, there is no Defenitive reference point, this is a fact. So for an...
  43. ohwilleke

    An interesting new paper on f(X) gravity The body text of the paper ends up calling the "Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity theory" f(X) gravity. From the body text (citations and internal references omitted without notation): The paper closes by identifying many issues for further study and arguing...
  44. Kimpoy

    Interesting undergraduate thesis topic for Physics education

    Hello everyone, I am a Physics education major in the Philippines.I am now on the stage of doing an undergraduate thesis as a requirement for my degree. I would like to ask for suggestion out there, for an interesting topic to be considered. I would really appreciate topics that gives a little...
  45. V

    Classical Interesting (common) problems solving by physic, mathematic

    Hello, I'm looking for some book of common (real) life or interesting problems, which are presented and scientifically sloved. I don't preffer any problem, but I mean some from real life, fridge, gyroscope, atc. Do you know any book of these problems and solution?
  46. N

    Does math get more interesting after Calc II?

    Hello all! I am currently taking a six week Calc II w/ Analytical Geometry and will be taking Vector Calculus in a few weeks, also six week course. I am a math major and I love math, but I find calculus a tad on the boring side. We just started infinite series this week, a little more...
  47. K

    Exploring Lorentz Factor Symmetry: A 125-Year Mystery

    Hi All, Recently, in my earlier thread, I asked about the symmetry of Lorentz Factor (where +V == -V). I had several pointers about how to handle this (Thank you all those). However, it seemed unanimous that there was no explanation beyond the equation itself (math or physical). Also, I...
  48. Quarlep

    Some Interesting Problems (Reference Frame)

    I have some question about referance frame 1-Is physics works without referance frame ? 2-Is Space-time itself can be a referance frame ? I mean "Earth speed, relative to arbitary point in space time, is 100.000 km/s" Is this sentence make sense to physics ? Or we need an object to make a...
  49. zoobyshoe

    Radiation-Monitoring Reveals Interesting Data

    Here's an article by a woman who obtained a radiation monitor and noted it's readings at various places she went: I have a question about this passage: Why would this clock be so radioactive? I am also baffled by this revelation: Why is it...
  50. UncertaintyAjay

    Number Theory & Calculus Theorems: Looking for Interesting Ones to Prove

    So, I like proving theorems in number theory and calculus. I'd like some interesting ones to prove. Recommendations?