Interval Definition and 711 Threads

In music theory, an interval is a difference in pitch between two sounds.
An interval may be described as horizontal, linear, or melodic if it refers to successively sounding tones, such as two adjacent pitches in a melody, and vertical or harmonic if it pertains to simultaneously sounding tones, such as in a chord.In Western music, intervals are most commonly differences between notes of a diatonic scale. The smallest of these intervals is a semitone. Intervals smaller than a semitone are called microtones. They can be formed using the notes of various kinds of non-diatonic scales. Some of the very smallest ones are called commas, and describe small discrepancies, observed in some tuning systems, between enharmonically equivalent notes such as C♯ and D♭. Intervals can be arbitrarily small, and even imperceptible to the human ear.
In physical terms, an interval is the ratio between two sonic frequencies. For example, any two notes an octave apart have a frequency ratio of 2:1. This means that successive increments of pitch by the same interval result in an exponential increase of frequency, even though the human ear perceives this as a linear increase in pitch. For this reason, intervals are often measured in cents, a unit derived from the logarithm of the frequency ratio.
In Western music theory, the most common naming scheme for intervals describes two properties of the interval: the quality (perfect, major, minor, augmented, diminished) and number (unison, second, third, etc.). Examples include the minor third or perfect fifth. These names identify not only the difference in semitones between the upper and lower notes but also how the interval is spelled. The importance of spelling stems from the historical practice of differentiating the frequency ratios of enharmonic intervals such as G–G♯ and G–A♭.

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  1. karush

    MHB 4.2.251 AP Calculus Exam......must be true on the interval 0<x<2 ok from online computer I got this $\displaystyle\int_0^x e^{-t^2}=\frac{\sqrt{\pi }}{2}\text{erf}\left(t\right)+C$ not sure what erf(t) means
  2. Math Amateur

    MHB Increasing Function on an Interval .... Browder, Proposition 3.7 .... ....

    I am reading Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ... I am currently reading Chapter 3: Continuous Functions on Intervals and am currently focused on Section 3.1 Limits and Continuity ... ... I need some help in understanding the proof of Proposition 3.7...
  3. karush

    MHB Which Interval Shows f' Always Increasing?

    image due to macros in overleaf well apparently all we can do is solve this by observation which would be the slope as x moves in the positive direction e appears to be the only interval where the slope is always increasing
  4. karush

    MHB 11.8.4 Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence

    Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the series. $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\dfrac{(-1)^n x^n}{\sqrt[3]{n}}$$ (1) $$a_n=\dfrac{(-1)^n x^n}{\sqrt[3]{n}}$$ (2) $$\left|\dfrac{a_{a+1}}{a_n}\right| =\left|\dfrac{(-1)^{n+1} x^{n+1}}{\sqrt[3]{n+1}}...
  5. S

    I Applying the spacetime interval to regular vectors instead of curves

    I have some questions. Let us assume for these questions that I am using the (- + + +) sign convention. Firstly, we know that if you have a parameterized curve ξ(s), then you can find the proper time between two events at points s1 and s2 by using this formula (assuming that the curve is...
  6. karush

    MHB 2.2.212 AP Calculus Exam problem find increasing interval

    212 Let f be the function given by $f(x)=300x-x^3$ On which of the following intervals is the function f increasing (A) $\quad (-\infty,-10]\cup [10,\infty)$ (B) $\quad [-10,10]$ (C) $\quad [0,10]$ only (D) $\quad [0,10\sqrt{3}]$ only (E) $\quad [0,\infty]$ Steps ok this was a little...
  7. kmm

    I Bernard Schutz Proves Invariance of Interval

    I've been going through Bernard Schutz's A First Course in General Relativity, and I'm hung up on his "proof" of the invariance of the interval. At the beginning of section 1.6, he claims that he will prove the invariance of the interval, and after a few lines shows that the universality of the...
  8. karush

    MHB 2.6 Calculate the average velocity of the car in different time interval

    OK I just had time to post and hopefully ok but still typos maybe the graph was done in Deimos wanted to try tikx but not sure about the polynomial trying to as many physics homework before classes start on Aug 26 Mahalo
  9. karush

    MHB 2.3.17 Find the average acceleration for this interval.

    2.3.17 At $t=5\, s$ an object is traveling at $5 \, m/s$. At $t=8\, s$ its velocity is $-1\, m/s$ (a) Find the average acceleration for this interval. $$a_{av}=\frac{v_2-v_1}{t_2-t_1}=\frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}$$ So $$a_{av}=\frac{-1-5}{8-5}=\frac{-6}{3}=-2 \, m/s$$ book answer $-2\...
  10. sophiecentaur

    I Interval between double sonic booms

    Yesterday afternoon I heard (and so did every bird in the district) a very loud, low frequency, double boom which was very vigorous and I suspected all sorts of things but then I thought "double boom!" and (engaging smartarse mode) I informed my wife that it was only a sonic boom. I was later...
  11. Phys pilot

    I Fourier series coefficients in a not centered interval

    Hello, so for a Fourier series in the interval [-L,L] with L=L and T=2L the coefficients are given by $$a_0=\frac{1}{L}\int_{-L}^Lf(t)dt$$ $$a_n=\frac{1}{L}\int_{-L}^Lf(t)\cos{\frac{n\pi t}{L}}dt$$ $$b_n=\frac{1}{L}\int_{-L}^Lf(t)\sin{\frac{n\pi t}{L}}dt$$ But if we have an interval like [0,L]...
  12. H

    I Confidence Interval vs. One sided Hypothesis Test

    I learned that the confidence interval and a two sided hypothesis test (test for difference) agree if both have the same significance level. Is that also true for one sided hypothesis tests? For instance, must a right-tailed Hypothesis test with alpha = 0.05 agree with the 95% confidence level...
  13. W

    B Spacetime interval - alternative view - maybe?

    With regard to special relativity… Whenever, I come across the spacetime interval, written like this, say, (Δs)2 = (Δt)2 – (Δx)2 – (Δy)2 – (Δz)2 , it is as if it has to be that way. However, it seems to me it is this way by definition and does not have to be so. Sometimes, it seems to be...
  14. S

    Checking for integrability on a half-open interval

    For a closed interval ##[a,b]## I have learned that ##U(f,P)-L(f,P)=\frac{(f(b)-f(a))\cdot(b-a)}{N}## where ##N## is the number of subintervals of ##[a,b]## (if ##f## is monotonically decreasing, change the numerator of the fraction to ##f(a)-f(b)##). However, if the interval is half-open, then...
  15. D

    MHB Radius and Interval of Convergence for (x/sin(n))^n

    Find Radius and Interval of Convergence for \sum_{1}^{\infty}(\frac{x}{sinn})^{n}. I don`t have any ideas how to do that :/
  16. Celso

    Required speed for two events to be simultaneous

    I'm doing some exercises about special relativity and one of them asks to find the speed in an arbitrary frame of reference (1) in such a way that it perceives two events at the same time that didn't happen simultaneously in other frame of reference(2). Is it correct to state that if the...
  17. M

    MHB Interval of eigenvalues using Gershgorin circles

    Hey! :o We have the matrix $$A=\begin{pmatrix}2 & 0.4 & -0.1 & 0.3 \\ 0.3 & 3 & -0.1 & 0.2 \\ 0 & 0.7 & 3 & 1 \\ 0.2 & 0.1 & 0 & 4\end{pmatrix}$$ We get the row Gershgorin circles: $$K_1=\{z\in \mathbb{C} : |z-2|\leq 0.8 \} \\ K_2=\{z\in \mathbb{C} : |z-3|\leq 0.6 \} \\ K_3=\{z\in \mathbb{C} ...
  18. Prez Cannady

    I Inhomogeneous Wave Eq. & Minkowski Spacetime Interval

    Answer is probably not, but is there some connection between the inhomogeneous wave equation with a constant term and the spacetime interval in Minkowski space? $$ 1) ~~ \nabla^2 u - \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} = \sum_{i=0}^2 \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x_i^2} -...
  19. I

    Spacetime Invariant interval and gamma

    I am revisiting the invariant interval spacetime issue , as explained in the book Spacetime Physics by E.F. Taylor and A. Wheeler. The explanation is clear and the invariant interval is correct, based on the data given and this is the whole point I am making, as explained below. In a...
  20. karush

    MHB How do I find the interval for solving this differential equation?

    doing #1 ok first I divided thru $$y' + \frac{\ln{t}}{t-3}y=\frac{2t}{t-3}$$ but the $$\exp\int p(t) \, dt$$ step kinda baloated? ok I see the denominator has $t-3$ so presume 3 is one of the interval ends but why 0. ? book answwer is
  21. karush

    MHB 2.2.16 (a) intial value (b) interval

    (a) intial value (b) interval $\displaystyle y^{\prime}= \frac{x(x^2+1)}{4y^3}, \quad y(0)=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$ rewrite $$\displaystyle\d{y}{x}=\frac{x(x^2+1)}{4y^3}$$ $$\displaystyle y^3\, dy=\frac{x(x^2+1)}{4}\, dx$$ integrate $$\displaystyle\frac{y^4}{4}= \frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{x^4}{4}...
  22. karush

    MHB -2.2.12 dr/dθ = r^2/θ, r(1) = 2 IVP, graph, interval

    $$\d{r}{\theta}=\frac{r^2}{\theta},\quad r(1)=2$$ from i would deduct that $dr=r^2$ and $d\theta = \theta then$ $$\d{r}{\theta}=\frac{\theta}{r^2} \text{ or } \frac{1}{r^2}dr=\frac{1}{\theta}d\theta$$ intregrate
  23. opus

    I Why split interval here? Area under a curve

    Please see attached image. When we want to find the area under a curve, we can use the formula ##A = \int_a^b\left|g(x)-f(x)\right|dx## where g(x) is greater than f(x) and both are continuous over the closed interval ##[a,b]## My text, as seen in the picture, described the area under the curve...
  24. J

    MHB Find the average or mean slope of the function on a interval

    Hello I have the exercise below: Consider the function f(x)=1−8x2 on the interval [−5,6]. Find the average or mean slope of the function on this interval, i.e. [f(6)-f(-5)]/[6-(-5)] according to the theorem of laGrange the slope in a continues function which is derivable in an interval...
  25. A

    MHB Confidence Interval, p-value and Critical Region

    Hello, I have been struggling with this question for a few days now would appreciate being walked through it! :) Data are collected on the wingspans of adult robins. For N=20 birds, the sample mean and variance are given by \overline{x}=9.5cm and s^{2}=2.6^{2}cm^{2} a) If we assume that the...
  26. N

    Interval of uniform convergence of a series

    Homework Statement The series is uniformly convergent on what interval? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] Using the quotient test (or radio test), ##|\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_{n}}| \rightarrow |x^2*\sin(\frac{\pi \cdot x}{2})|, n \rightarrow \infty##. However from here I'm stuck...
  27. D

    “Recursive” Sequence Reaching Every Open Interval

    Let x denote the position of a particle on the number line. From x, it can move to either the point a-a2+ax or to the point x-ax-a+a2 for some fixed 0<a<1. Suppose the particle starts at the origin. Prove that any open interval that is a subset of the interval (a-1,a) contains a point that the...
  28. nomadreid

    I What is the Term for ds in Spacetime Interval Equation?

    In the usual relativistic equation, ds2 = (cdt)2 - dx2 - dy 2 -dz2 or dx2 + dy 2 + dz2 - (cdt)2, depending on the convention of your choice, and ds2 is called the spacetime interval between the corresponding events, the square being used to avoid nasty ambiguities and irritating imaginary...
  29. K

    I Interval in Quantum Mechanics?

    In Special/General Relativity invariance of a space-time interval is just so important. But in Quantum Mechanics, be it non-relativistic or QFT, there seems to be no such parallel. I have always noticed this. I have some ideas about the reason: 1 - it's not part of the theory to have a...
  30. H

    I Uncovering Invariance in SR: Why is $0 = (cdt)^{2}-dx^{2}$ Invariant?

    In SR why is the following length-interval invariant (1) $$ 0 = (cdt)^{2}-dx^{2}$$ While, (2) $$ 0 = (cdt)^{2}+dx^{2} $$ is not invariant? The first expressions (1) measures the coordinates of a wavefront propagating away from the observer with the speed och light, and since c is a...
  31. S

    Determining the time interval in a radiation counting problem

    Homework Statement Given: Cn_dot = true event rate = 10 interactions/s p(t')dt' = differential probability of an event Homework Equations p(t')dt' = Cn_dot * exp(-Cn_dot * t') dt' The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I want to sample the time interval using python. But I'm not sure how to go...
  32. Y

    Interval of the maximum solution of a nonlinear equation

    Mentor note: Thread moved from the Technical Math section, so there is no template. @yamata1, , in the future, please post homework problems or exercises in the Homework & Coursework sections, not in the Technical Math sections. I have moved your post. Hello, I would like some help with an...
  33. isukatphysics69

    Is the Interval of Convergence for (x-2)^n / n^(3n) from -1 to 5?

    Homework Statement interval of convergence for n=1 to inf (x-2)n / n3n Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution i used the ratio test and solved for x and got that the interval of convergence is from -1 to 5. now i have to test the endpoints to determine which ones will make the series...
  34. A

    MHB Construct the 99% confidence interval estimate

    A simple random sample of 400 high school football players was taken in order to estimate the mean weight of all high school football players. The sample has a mean of 198 lbs. and a standard deviation 26 lbs. Construct the 99% confidence interval estimate of the mean weight of all high school...
  35. M

    MHB What is the formula for determining the length of a confidence interval?

    Hey! :o A research institute wants to establish a confidence interval for the quota of working people in a city. Let $\hat{p}_n $ be the estimated quota, based on a sample of size $n$. It is assumed that $n> 30$. How can one determine the length of the confidence interval? Generally this is...
  36. M

    MHB Is my calculation of the confidence interval for $\mu$ correct? (Wondering)

    Hey! :o The variable $X$ is normally distributed with unknown expected value $\mu$ and unknown variance $\sigma^2$. I want to determine the confidence interval for $\mu$ for $n=22; \ \overline{X}_n=7.2; \ S'=4; \ 1-\alpha=0.90$. Is $S'$ the standard deviation? (Wondering) In some notes...
  37. Vital

    B Interval scale -- very basic question

    Hello! I marked the thread as a basic high school level, because I assume my question is just at that level. ) I am reading some materials on statistics now, and, not having enough background yet, I stumbled upon this sentence: "As an example, 50°C, although five times as large a number as...
  38. R

    Why Is the Interval of Solution (0, inf) Instead of (-inf, inf)?

    Homework Statement Find the general solution of the given differential equation. Give the largest interval I over which the interval is defined.Determine wether there are any transient terms in the general solution11. x\frac {dy}{dx} - y = x^2sin(x) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  39. R

    Pre-calc related question for the interval of a solution

    Homework Statement For a differential equation I have solution y= (1/3) + ce^(-x^3) where c is a constant The interval of solution is (-inf,inf) that makes sense to me, since e^x never has a value of y that equals zero. Edit: this is the original question: Find the general solution of the...
  40. Jarvis323

    I Divisibility of bounded interval of reals

    Can (0,1)\subset\mathbb{R} be divided into an infinite set S of non-empty disjoint subsets? It seams like any pair of points in different subsets of the partitioning must have a finite difference, and so there must be some smallest finite difference overall, d where |S| \leq 1/d. Can someone...
  41. R

    Diff eq. Interval of definition

    Homework Statement In problems 11-14 verify that the indicated function is an explicit solution of the given differential equation. Assume an appropriate interval I of definition for each solution. Question 13: y'' + y = tanx ; y = -cos(x)ln(sec(x) + tan(x)) Anyways, next problem... In...
  42. E

    I What's the interval between photons in stimulated emission?

    What's the interval between photons in stimulated emission? In stimulated emission one photon induces the emission of a second photon whose coherence length, energy, polarisation and direction of travel are all identical to its own. There must be a delay between the two photons, see below, so...
  43. S

    What is the Interval of Convergence for the Series ##\sum\frac{n^n}{n!}z^n##?

    Homework Statement Find the interval of convergence of: ##\sum\frac{n^n}{n!}z^n## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I obtained that the radius of convergence is ##1/e## but I am not sure what to do at the end points. For ##z=1/e## I would have ##\sum{n^n}{n!e^n}##. Mod edit: I think...
  44. P

    I Why can we WLOG derive Simpson's rule over interval -1 to 1

    On the Simpson's Rule wikipedia page they mention in their derivation that the calculation can be simplified if one notices that there is no loss in generality in setting ##a=-1## and ##b=1## for the integral ##\int_{a}^{b}P(x)\cdot dx## as a result of scaling. I'm not entirely sure what...
  45. M

    Prediction interval - what did I do wrong?

    Homework Statement A random sample of 100 automobile owners in the state of Virginia shows that an automobile is driven on average 23,500 kilometers per year with a standard deviation of 3900 kilometers. Assume the distribution of the measurements to be approximately normal. Construct a 99%...
  46. M

    Confidence Interval based on two sample tests

    Homework Statement The following two samples are corrosion values for 20 untreated pipes (Xi) and 20 surface treated pipes (Yi) ∑Xi = 950, ∑Xi2 = 46344 and ∑Yi = 1092, ∑Yi2 = 62136 We want to examine if there is basis to claim that the surface treatment reduce corrosion. a) 1: Find a 95%...
  47. mkematt96

    Energy dissipated in a resistor during a time interval?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations P = I*V energy dissipated = wr = ∫ ( P *dt) ... t is from 0 to .4 seconds vs = 400t^2 = 400 * (.4^2) = 64 V The Attempt at a Solution Using KVL I said Vs ( 64 V) = 100 * i ... I found that I was 64/100 = .64 amps. I then said power is .64 amps ^ 2 *...
  48. M

    MHB Show Interval On Number Line....2

    Show interval on number line. |x| > 0 Solution: Here, x cannot be 0. If x is 0, |x| > 0 is not a true statement. We know that x can be any number other than 0. <---------------------------------)0(-----------------------------> Correct?
  49. M

    MHB Show Interval On Number Line....1

    Show interval on number line. |x| < 2 Solution: -2 < x < 2 <-----(---------)------> Left side parentheses = -2 Right side parentheses = 2 Correct?
  50. S

    MHB Confidence interval to stay awake while listening to the Dean

    Confidence Interval or the lack of it... It is 1581 Anno Domini. At the Undergraduate School of UMUC, besides Assistant Academic Director of Mathematics and Statistics, I am also the Undergraduate School-appointed CPA, Coffee Pot Attendant. It is a very important office sponsored by the...