What is Introduction: Definition and 813 Discussions

In an essay, article, or book, an introduction (also known as a prolegomenon) is a beginning section which states the purpose and goals of the following writing. This is generally followed by the body and conclusion.
The introduction typically describes the scope of the document and gives the brief explanation or summary of the document. It may also explain certain elements that are important to the essay if explanations are not part of the main text. The readers can have an idea about the following text before they actually start reading it.
ln technical writing, the introduction typically includes one or more standard subsections: abstract or summary, preface, acknowledgments, and foreword. Alternatively, the section labeled introduction itself may be a brief section found side-by-side with abstract, foreword, etc. (rather than containing them). In this case the set of sections that come before the body of the book are known as the front matter. When the book is divided into numbered chapters, by convention the introduction and any other front-matter sections are unnumbered and precede chapter 1.
Keeping the concept of the introduction the same, different documents have different styles to introduce the written text. For example, the introduction of a Functional Specification consists of information that the whole document is yet to explain. If a Userguide is written, the introduction is about the product. In a report, the introduction gives a summary about the report contents.

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  1. nik_2507

    New Member Thread - Nik

    Hi !, I'm a student, I enjoy and am interested in pursuing a careers in fields of Physics, Math, IT and engineering........basically STEM !!
  2. Amada


    Hi thanks fir accepting me My name is daría from chile
  3. P

    Introducing myself

    Hey everyone I'm new here. I have a BS in Soil Science and a minor in Hydrology. I've worked in government and academia and am currently a part of a start up. Just wondering, in everyone's opinion, is the moderating here heavy handed?
  4. J

    Hi! New member hello

    ? Hello new member here
  5. P

    Pistol 357

    I am not sure what is meant by "detail and support material". I will offer this about myself. I am probably the most ill-equipped person from a classically trained/educated student of physics perspective to be of much help to anyone. I am 73 years old and the last physics course I took was in...
  6. Haia

    Hi everyone!

    Hi! I am happy to join this great community. I'm Haia, 24 y/o and own Masters degree in Physics. I would love to have friendly and proffesional conversations! :)
  7. A

    I Arabi Muhammad Shaaban

    I am happy to be one of the members of physics forum
  8. D

    hi, mine name its Ed...

    The reason why I have registered in this forum is because I want to ask questions about a gravitational system... well that is... soon I will post some questions, thank you
  9. sairoof

    New to the Forums (also very confused)

    Hi, My name is Ali I graduated from university in Sep 2022, with a degree in physics and minor in mathematics. I am now working as a middle school science teacher, which is not how I would like to introduce myself as, but here we are teaching kids about the mitochondria. anyways, I still want...
  10. R

    Curiosity is a fascinating thing

    Thanks for the add. Look forward to learning from you all.
  11. bkarvandi

    Hello Everyone. My name is Babak Karvandi.

    I was born 1963 and received my bachelor degree in Physics which I found it very attractive subject.
  12. Palindro

    Finally a member

    After years of using the forum to validate my work or to get new insights in solving problems when I'm stuck, I have decided to be a member to be on the other side and try and participate in answering questions. I hope to see the rest of you in other threads. See you soon.
  13. A

    Im a biologist!

    High Im Akash from India. Flibbity floof we're friends now. oops. was that enough material?
  14. R

    New member

    I am currently a PhD student,
  15. PhysicsEnjoyer31415

    New member (debatable)

    Well, i joined a few days ago , just wanted to test this feature
  16. metrickilo

    Metrickilo introduction

    What a great site this is. I intend to read more than post, and I do not publish. I'm curious about many things, and I like popular science.
  17. Ammaniya

    Hello, introducting myself!

    Hello everyone! My name is Amman, and I'm thrilled to join this vibrant community. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and share a bit about my background, interests, and what I hope to gain from being here. Background I hail from a small village in Pakistan, a place that holds a...
  18. C

    California Dreamer

    Pretty much as it says on the tin under "How did you find PF?"; not much else to add. Saw an article on Alaska's rivers turning orange with the leaching out of minerals from the permafrost, though I don't recall where I spotted it first...it may have been on Weather.com.
  19. ElfredaCyania

    Hello guys

    Hi everyone, I've been visiting the forum for years. It can always surprise me when it has the answer or at least a discussion for my highly speculative or daydreaming scenarios (by far the favourite: external scramjet aerospike engine). And this time after I've searched for hours and found...
  20. Potato Head

    Hello people

    this website has been good so far. I hail from Earth and come in peace hoping to share and receive knowledge from y’all.
  21. loganmonday23

    I'm Just Joining the Forum Today for the Very First Time!

    Hello, I'm Logan Monday, and today was the first time I've ever visited this forum website before. It seems like a great platform, and a very knowledgeable community, so I couldn't help, but join in with it myself. I love science in general, but I'm very passionate about Computer Science...
  22. Z

    I am Zeesan...

    Hello, I am Zeesan from Bangladesh . Being 19 Y/O , I am going to be admitted into Dhaka University , ( Most probably in Nuclear Engineering Department) . I was primarily interested in Physics, but I was afraid to get admitted into Pure physics department due to bad review, and little career...
  23. kirito

    A new member

    hi I am a new member of the site with passion for steam subjects excited to learn form the knowledge of others and improve my understanding
  24. Arif Jamal

    My name is Arif Jamal

    Hi my name is Arif Jamal. I am 23 years old. I am currently doing my bachelor's degree in geography from Varanasi. My aim is to learn physics. Because physics fascinate me very much. While looking up in the sky and nature I keep wondering about the natural phenomenon working behind every thing...
  25. Kyle8

    Hey, I'm Kyle.

    I guess I'm here in case I need to get questions answered and reddit fails me.
  26. tommcgtx

    Hello from WV

    My name is Tom. I'm a 50 year old student in an online Civil Engineering program at the University of North Dakota. I currently work as a Project Engineer at a land development firm. I started this degree around 10 years ago, and had to stop due to health reasons. I'm currently finishing up my...
  27. G

    New member here

    Hi everyone. I am a new member. I found this forum while surfing the internet for homework solutions and decided to register to strengthen my knowledge. Cheers!
  28. O


    I am currently a junior (soon to be senior) undergraduate physics major and decided to join the physics forums because I have already gotten a good amount of help and understanding just by perusing past conversations without an account, and because I know that physics is not a subject easily...
  29. S

    Hello members of PF!

    Hello, I am Derek. Physics has always interested me since childhood. How does the TV work? How the Ceiling Fan work? All these questions have always puzzled in my childhood. To seek these, I have wandered a lot which led me to the physics. Despite being a med student, the love for physics has...
  30. R

    New member here

    Hello everyone let me say hello. My name is Rodger, I am 67 yrs old and not very good at maths or physics so need a little help.
  31. Earthworm69

    Just joined - hello

    Just joined - hello. I already posted some stuff in other boards but I noticed that the mods want new users to introduce themselves first. Better late than never. I like a couple of topics that are pretty intertwined with physics, and I am taking a lot of physics and math classes, so its pretty...
  32. gmascorro

    Hello guys!

    Hello My name is Gerardo , Im from Texas, Im an Electro Mechanical Engineer. Saw this cool forum and I wanted to join. Please to meet all of you and lets be friends.
  33. kingamada

    Avid thinker of energy solutions

    Hello, fellow innovators and seekers of knowledge! I'm an avid thinker of energy solutions, constantly on the quest to unravel the mysteries of power in its purest forms. My journey is fueled by a boundless curiosity and a deep-seated belief in the potential of human ingenuity to forge paths...
  34. M

    Welcome Post

    Hi! My friends call me Mao and I am a new member here! Very pleased to know that a platform like this exists
  35. krissturm


    I am a new member of the P.F!
  36. potatoboy


    hi im a new member :smile:
  37. frhnsaif


    I am new to forum
  38. Akhum

    What Drives a Newcomer's Passion for Physics?

    "I'm excited to join this community and share my passion for physics. In this post, I'll provide a brief introduction to myself, my background in physics, and my areas of interest. I'll also include any relevant supporting material or experiences to enrich the discussion."
  39. janetjie

    Is Janet from China Welcomed Warmly in New Communities?

    Hello, I'm Janet from China. I'm new here. I'm glad to join this community.:smile:
  40. Deathz

    Can New Members Get Answers to All STEM Questions on This Forum?

    Hello, I'm new here. I hope someone can answer my questions. Happy to be here
  41. W

    Can Diamagnetism Explain Levitation?

    Hi my name is Will from PA hopefully I can get some thoughts about diamagnetism and other topics such as levitation.
  42. Laoki

    How Stressful Are Grad School Applications for High Energy Theory Students?

    Hi, I'm currently a second-year undergrad from the US perpetually stressed about grad apps. I'm interested in high energy theory and phenomenology.
  43. J

    How Can Amateur Scholars Enhance Their Learning Experience?

    Hi amateur scholar here learning new things Thanks for having me
  44. shmwot

    Is Switching Majors to Physics a Good Idea?

    Hey! I'm currently an undergrad student, gonna be switching majors/ starting fresh with physics next year(which is something I've always wanted to do) Also I'm turning 18 on may 12th this year wish me lol Glad to be here. Hoping to make really cool friends and contribute in a good bunch of...
  45. Ragnar OK

    Can an Arrow Shot by an Archer Hit a Flying Goose?

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  46. J

    Is Industrial Technology a Good Major for Future Careers?

    Hi everybody I am Jamal from Atlanta. I am currently a student at the faculty of Industrial Technology, it's my second year. I came across your forum several before when I was preparing for the exams and just decided that it would be a good idea to finally join it and become a full member. Nice...