I'm in Quantum 1, and the professor briefly mentioned Hilbert Space. I'm having a difficult time finding a non-technical description of what Hilbert Space is. Could someone give me a brief description of what it is physically, rather than mathematically?
I'm looking for some introductory articles on M- and F-Theory. Can anyone help me? I'm looking for articles with deep (compleet) mathematical treatment.
Thx, O
Currently in my course in topology we have covered the point-set portion of the Munkres text, and the professor has moved into some additional material in which munkres has no resources, mainly the classification of surfaces. The professor let me borrow his resource for a while, but I was...
Dear all,
I read about hyperfunctions in Penrose's masterpiece "Road to Reality" and I just met them again (in disguise) in a set of notes on "tricks on computing definite real integrals". Being an engineer with a curiosity for math, I would like to understand a bit more, so I am looking for a...
I'm currently reading DF Lawden's book Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity and Cosmology. He coverss the idea of translation of inertial frames in the beginning and by using Minkowski's device for the time coordinate, x4 = ict, shows that inertial frames moving at velocity u =...
So I asked this question about Rigged Hilbert Space
And one of the problem I have understand Rigged Hilbert Space is that it involves taking the dual of a particular dense subspace of Hilbert Space and I of course have no clue what the...
Anyone know where I can find a good introduction to rindler coordinates and uniformly accelerating frames of reference in minkowski space? I have searched the internet but haven't been able to find anything too helpful. I would especially like a good derivation of the rindler coordinates. Thanks!
this is the booking we will be using in class----> "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" by David J. Griffiths (2nd Edition, Pearson - 2005, 1995)
so should i be using this book to study Quantum Mechanics?
if not what book would you recommend.
Hi Guy's,
I have just started DE's and I'm having difficulty following my notes on using the substitution method. I was wondering if anyone new a good link that could show me some good techniques to use when approaching these problems. Is there a good step by step process which any of you use...
Hello. I was wondering if I should self study multivariable calculus or introduction to proofs?
I am an entering high school senior (contrary to what my username might suggest), and I just took a Calc 2 class last spring.
I can only do one or the other, and I don't know which one would be...
I would like to know if anyone who had a good introductory GR course would mind sending me the scanned lectures notes if this person has them.
I think textbooks have too many words and I prefer to study lecture notes.
I am sorry if this was not the correct place for my post.
wikipedia says
Group field theory is a theory of quantum gravity. It is closely related to background independent quantum gravity approaches such as loop quantum gravity and spin foam and causal dynamic triangulation.
It makes...
Can someone suggest a book along the lines of "space-time physics"(wheelerand taylor) which gives conceptual clarity to study (self) along with Schutz GR
Q1) The amplitude of an electromagnetic wave is E0 = 471.0 V/m. Find the following values.
(a) Erms
333.047 V/m
(b) Brms
__ nT
(c) the intensity I
(d) the radiation pressure Pr
Q2)(a) For a given distance from a radiating electric dipole, at what angle (expressed...
Homework Statement
So, I was wondering how I can correlate frequency, amplitude, wavelength, period, and time with each other. I'm trying to solve this problem. A 4.5 Hz wave with an amplitude of 12 cm and a wavelength of 27 cm travels along a stretched horizontal string. a) how far does a...
Golden Rule for Decays in Griffiths' "Introduction to Elementary Particles"?
Hello, I'm getting a bit bogged down in constant factors while reading Griffiths' "Introduction to Elementary Particles", 1st edition. In particular, I'm having problems with equation 6.15:
d\Gamma =...
Notes on string theory.
Gerard ’t Hooft
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Utrecht University, Leuvenlaan 4
3584 CC Utrecht, the Netherlands
Spinoza Institute
Postbox 80.195
3508 TD Utrecht, the Netherlands
e-mail: g.thooft@phys.uu.nl
internet: http://www.phys.uu.nl/~thooft/
I'd appreciate it if someone points me to a simple and gentle introduction to homology / cohomology theory. By simple and gentle, I mean start out by drawing a triangle and a circle and then connect the two to chains, and homology groups.
corrections for the "Introduction to Nuclear engineering" by Lamarsh?
Is there any corrections for the "Introduction to Nuclear engineering" by Lamarsh?
Is the book contains some printing mistakes?
Homework Statement
A novice pilot sets a plane's controls, thinking the plane will fly at 125km/hr to the north. If the wind blows 75km/hr toward the southeast, what is the plane's resultant velocity?
________ km/hr at ________° north of east.
Homework Equations
I don't know how to set...
Hello all,
I'll start with the beginning to give the best overall picture.
I was born and raised in a religious cult. The impact on my life due to this has been significant as one could imagine. I'll leave the religious identity out as this isn't the forum for it. With such an upbringing...
Recently my economics class and john nash have lead to a curious interest in Game Theory. I'm obviously looking for an introduction, but all the ones I found on amazon seem to elude any mathematics, which is my main passion. So I ask for a proper introduction to Game Theory which is not afraid...
Homework Statement
The physics of wind instruments is based on the concept of standing waves. When the player blows into the mouthpiece, the column of air inside the instrument vibrates, and standing waves are produced. Although the acoustics of wind instruments is complicated, a simple...
the book "Introduction to tensor calculus and continuum mechanics"
please help me !
i've try to find appendix d of this or solution that excersise
anyone can help me ?
any link or full version of this book thart have "appendix d"
my english languge not good
thanks a lot
Dear all,
I've read that this is a good introduction. I also read that the first edition is much different from the the second an third. The reason is that
last two ones are written in more traditional index notation. Which one would you suggest. I'm not "afraid" of the index free notation...
I like my book called physics by Resnick and Halliday 3rd edition but I think that it is too challenging for me . I just started physics not too long ago and I am doing the particle dynamics chapter with Newtons laws and it asks me something about air friction , what the heck is that? well I...
Homework Statement
If A, B, C, D are 4 points in a plane, then find ALL correct statements if AB=BC+CD
A. AB is parallel to BD
E. none of the above
[Note: The answer could be more than one option]
Homework Equations
The Attempt...
This is an introduction that I have written for my assignment that is about a bottle rocket experiment, so could you please read through it and correct the theory or the grammer mistakes if there are any. Also could you please give me an advice if any sentence can be made any better. I...
Homework Statement
The ∑+ particle is a baryon with strangeness -1.
How many quarks does the ∑+ particle contain?Homework Equations
How many of the quarks are strange?
The Attempt at a Solution
I know it contains 3 quarks, 2 ups and 1 strange quark but I'm not sure how to work this out, for...
Hey guys can someone explain to me what does an inertial frame of refence mean? From what i know its a frame of reference whereby the observer frame of reference is at constant velocity? But i don't really get what it means.
I have been reading some articles on SR and it seems that there is...
Any thoughts on "Introduction to Mathematical Statistics" by Hogg, Craig, and McKean?
Dear PF members,
I was looking for a textbook for my mathematical statistics course, and it turns out that Introduction to Mathematical Statics by Hogg, Craig, and McKean will be the book for the course...
I did a little searching but couldn't find anything concrete.
Reading Fermats Last Theorem has sparked some interest in studying the mathematics the book includes. Could anyone point me in the right direction of getting started in number theory? Thanks
In Introduction to Vector Analysis, § 1.16 Tensor notation, Davis and Snider introduce index notation and the Einstein summation convention, Kronecker's delta and the Levi-Civita symbol. They present the following equation, on which they base some proofs of vector algebra identities...
I want to know about a book explaining easily the fundamentals of optics(not geometric).
I'm not a student who studys physics or optics but grad student studying laser spectroscopy(single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy). Are there any books matching me?
Thank you.
I'm basically looking for a book that is very approachable and written for someone who knows very little about math but that goes through actual math, i.e. starts with set theory, then constructs the natural numbers, the integers, yada yada and strongly emphasizes how math is...
I am currently an undergrad about to embark on Physics I (Calculus Based). I took AP Physics in High School, but the teacher was awful and I never felt like I actually understood anything that I was "learning".
The professor that I will have this upcoming fall is undoubtedly...
I was wondering what would be the best approach to geometry (euclidean, affine, projective) assuming you have a graduate background in linear algebra and abstract algebra? The high school curriculum in my country was pretty shallow in these subjects, none of it was covered in my...
I was thinking about sitting in a course next quarter that used this textbook, and no prerequisites are listed, so I was wondering what kind of things should I know to get through the text.
The thing I am most worried about is my knowledge of QM. I only know the little QM I have studied...
ok. i am taking an "INTRODUCTION" physics class. I have never taken physics in my life before.
the requirements for this class are high school algebra with a C or better (which i got)
and the guy throws story problems at us and doesn't explain how to solve them or the formulas. is this...
Does anyone know where can I get a Topology for dummy? I'm learning Topology Spaces and Interior, Closure and boundary in the first two chapters of the textbook. I've had difficult time working on my homework assignments. Just wonder if some of you already had this course before willing to help...