An Introduction to pH and Buffer Solutions Calculations [work in progress]
This is a work in progress
1. pH and Strong Acids
pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution; pH = - log10[H+(aq)]. (From this point forward 'log' will represent log to the...
Does anyone know how many chapters Courant & John's "Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, Volume II" has? Because I've found a 4 chapter reprint, and was wondering if I should get it.
I'm searching for some online text concerning an introduction and somewhat more advanced topics in ring theory.
ps:if you come across on notes for Model theory it would be great too,thx.
Wikipedia -
And other references -
A nice introduction, including history, to Plasma Physics
more sites on Plamsa Physics, which include applications in...
Hi! My name is Annie and I am a freshman at UW-Whitewater. I am currently in the introduction to astronomy class. In high school, I took physics and loved it. I even got the 2nd highest grade in the class! This is even more telling when you know that it was a predominantly senior class and...
I have a homework question asking to construct an orthonormal system from the three functions: 1, x, 3x^2 - 1, I know we can approach it using linear algebra method, but as this is a calculus course, I don't think that's what my prof wants us to use. Can anyone guide me through this? Thanks a bunch!
So, where do I begin?
I have a current interests in going into Algebraic Topology and I am currently learning about Point-Set Topology and Abstract Algebra, which are pre-requisites to Algebraic Topology.
After talking to a professor, he recommended learning some Differential Geometry, but...
Hi string group,
I'm a new member. In a few months I'll have completed my final exams
and can finally start to write my diploma thesis (german diploma) in
theoretical physics and mathematics.
Naturally I'm a novice in the subject, having only very superficial
basic knowledge from a...
I'm going to study genetics in college next year, and I was hoping I could get a head start.
I have looked at many books such as the Cartoon Guide to Genetics, Schaum's Outline Of Genetics, Genetics for Dummies, etc. But I was afriad of some of these books being either too advanced or too...
Hello I am looking for a good book that will give me an introduction to chemistry. I work in the optical field (glasses, contacts etc.) and work with plastic monomers and polymers and would like to know a little more about them and why the react to certain conditions the way that they do. Any...
Hey there fellas, I just joined this board yesterday. I'm a "Vet" over at, so I'm aware of how boards work, just so you understand I'm not just joining the site and making a new thread.
I've gone through all of the archives and read through the threads that seem to be about...
Hey guys,
I haven't taken thermodynamics yet, I have only taken it in general chemistry, which amounts to pretty much nothing. But I've heard from many friends that Fluid mechanics is a very tough course, so I am trying to teach it to myself before I have to take it next year. I've only...
First let me say, I have absolutely no idea how to do these. If anyone could show me how I would greatly appreciate it. (Thursday 8/25/05 was my first day in this class)
Q1) A crane must lift a crate with the mass of 3.5x10^3kg
a. How much force would be required?
b. On the...
I'm stuck on this problem in the "Relativistic Particle Mechanics" section, number 26. I had no trouble with the first part... but the second part I'm stuck.
"Two identical particles move with velocities +-u along the parallel lines z=0, y=+-a in a frame S, passing x=0 simultaneously. Prove...
What is chaos?
Hello everybody.
I just wanted to know if anyone could explain to me what is chaos all about in verrrrry simple terms, because I found a book on it in the library and I wanted to know if anyone could please give me a simple introduction to what it is as I find the book quite...
Does anyone know a good website, or have a PDF file that gives a good introduction to congruencies? I can't seem to find one on the internet.
Thanks for your help.
Help on "Introduction to Electrodynamics 3rd edition by David J. Griffiths"
I'm studying that book right now, but I'm having a hard time understanding...
Can someone explain what a dirac delta function is and how to use it?
I also don't understand the what is the electrostatic boundary...
Please suggests books which could thoroughly introduce me to the field of cosmology/astronomy (i hardly know the difference between the two). I require a full guide -- a 'scientific Bible', if you will.
Hi string group,
I'm a new member. In a few months I'll have completed my final exams and can finally start to write my diploma thesis (german diploma) in theoretical physics and mathematics.
Naturally I'm a novice in the subject, having only very superficial basic knowledge from a...
Alright, I did the whole Hello World! thing, but I got stuck on one part.
I downloaded the Sun.Java thing, but now when I go into the command prompt and to try and compile it... the computer does not recognize the "javac" command.
What's going on? Is there another program?
Hi everyone,
I am going to take a digital electronics course next sesmester. But, I know nothing about Digital Electronics. What books do you recommand for introduction to Digital Electronics? And, any website for this course? Thanks.
Just started studying course of ESC-101 Introduction to ELectronics...but did not do well in first mid semester...any suggestions on how to improve in Electronics
Most Welcome
Dear friends,
I'm a 2nd year physics student and I've taken a subject called "Introduction to the structure of matter". It's a short of introduction to quantum mechanics(blackbody radiation, Schrödinger's equation, statistical mechanics etc,)
I would like to ask you what textbook you...
Anyone out there have Lawden's book, "An Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity and Cosmology"? Expression 39.13 (on p 109) and the sentence that precedes it have me stumped. My understanding of what he's saying is that a symmetric quadratic form can always be diagonalized so that...
Hi all,
I wanted to study Lie groups and their connections with differential geometry. But i don't want to get involved with lots of 'deep physics'.
I am familiar with a little bit of group theory.
can somebody suggest the right introductory material like tutorial papers or books for such a...
Greetings--I have a few questions from An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Peskin and Schroeder.
Note: I'm not sure how to construct the contraction symbol using \LaTeX, so instead I will use the following cumbersome convention: \overbrace{\psi(x)\overline{\psi(y)}}=S_F(x-y), they...
I really don't want to define a homomorphism like
I'm looking for another way to solve that next question:
Show that Q[x]/(x-1) is isomorphic to Q[x]/(x-2).
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
INTRODUCTION TO LOOP QUANTUM GRAVITY, everything you ever wanted to know...
In Loop Quantum Gravity, also referred to as LQG, the attempt is made to introduce the concept of quantum gravity. This is the unification of the General Theory of Relativity and the Quantummechanics. It is a very...
I noticed that some copies of this book are available at Amazon for as low as $13.00, and increbible price. I just ordered a copy for my self. If anyone else is interested, they are here:
Hi people,
I'm Joseph, 17, English studying European Baccalaureate. I was wondering if anyone here could recommend for me a good introductory book on Complex Analysis that requires only an understanding of the complex numbers you would cover in High School Maths. Maybe something...
Hey, I know this is not on the level of the regular posts here, but I just want your opinions, on a good book to be introduced to calculus
In my science classes I have been continually been intrigued by many things (one of which, Maxwell's 4 equations). I ask questions, which results...
Need a good "Introduction to Circuit Analysis book"
I am studying to be an EE and will be taking my first circuits, and computer engineering classes this fall and would would really like to get a head start on the material. The textbook for the circuits course is "Basic Engineering Circuit...
I've been trying to find a good introduction to the Lagrangian form of classical mechanics. Preferably something I can get over the web, since I'm not at Uni this year. I might like something particularly slow :-p
Hello there!
In my last Electromagnetism lecture, the teacher explained that Newton's 3rd law doesn't work when we "sit" on a charged particle and move at the same velocity while another particle is moving at another v velocitiy perpendicular to ours.
How ist it that Newton doesn't work...
Bubble eversions
An Introduction to Geometrodynamics
The existence of gravitational waves is a prediction of the General Theory of Relativity which is Einstein's explanation of the gravitational interaction (1915). The basic idea...
Ruslan Sharipov has a nifty online textbook on this subject. It's written in interactive do-it-yourself style. Give it a glance, and see what you think.
Hi all,
I have been asked to give an informal presentation on the Standard Model to some chemists (note that this is not really my field of expertise ). I was wondering if there are some good (powerpoint) presentations out there that I could use to base mine on. That would save me a lot of...
does someone know where may i find itroductory information about
twistor theory?
im asking because the website of twistor theory with introduction
paper is currently not working.
thanks in advance.
Black Holes have always ben a controversial affair among Theoretical Astrophysicists. Especially, the Thermodynamics of a Black Hole. It was considered that the entropy of a Black Hole is infinitely large until Stephen Hawking proved that Black Holes are not really Black. They infact Radiate and...
"Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - Third Edition," by Richard Liboff
Does anyone here have "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - Third Edition," by Richard Liboff?
I'd like some help with the way he explains Hermite functions. In the problems he says to prove a the relation
exp(2zt -...