Iq Definition and 164 Threads

  1. R

    Programs Can I Pursue a PhD with a Low IQ Score?

    Hi all, Today I got my mensa test scores back , it was 104 ..Im a 3rd year theoretical physicst in one of the top universities in the US , with a first in my first year and 2nd year . I was planning to do a PHD later , but this test has dented my hopes ..I am quite good at maths , maybe the...
  2. N

    IQ scores and learning disabilities.

    Is it not counter productive to use IQ scores to determine whether a student has a learning disability? Many studies have shown that a learning disability can have a significant effect on IQ (which also leads to the discussion whether IQ scores are effective methods of determining intelligence)...
  3. M

    Henri poincare got a 35 on an iq test?

    I read here that henri poincare got a 35 on an iq test. I think that is really interesting, if its true! I've heard that people with mental deficiency score in the 60's, so 35 would be really low! I used to think iq meant something years ago, but I dropped...
  4. P

    IQ Question on teams and matches

    Homework Statement There are 11 teams playing in a round robin way. Winning a match gives one point and loosing a match gives none. There is no draw in the entire series. If the difference between maximum and minimum score is 8 and there are exactly 3 teams whose scores are same. Find out...
  5. rhody

    Carrier IQ Your cell phone's secret big brother

    I have been following this story for awhile, and since no one is reporting it, I thought I would post, because I feel you should be aware of what you may be subjected to when you use your cell phone. Have a look, comments, disbelief, outrage...
  6. M

    How to measure phase difference of 2 signals using IQ demodulator

    for one section of my project, i need to know the phase difference between two signal. they are both 40MHz, but out of phase by a certain angle. i have a AD8333 board from Analog Devices, it is a dual I/Q demodulator consist of double-balanced gilbert cell mixers. The board has 2 RF inputs, a...
  7. E

    Should SAT Scores Be Eliminated from College Admissions?

    IQ & SAT scores are a reliable predicator of potential, complex reasoning ability says experts Efforts to do away with SATs in college admissions process results in longer graduation times, more academic probation, and diminished learning environmental for more mentally capable students.
  8. L

    Is IQ the Key Factor in Pursuing Pure Science?

    It might sound as a lame excuse of an ordinary person who complains his inferiorty to those so-called 'genius', but personally, I think that the most important feature for pursuing pure science career is creativity, rather than IQ, unless one has learning diffculty matters or something. I have...
  9. L

    Math Becoming a mathematician - how important is IQ?

    Hello - I am a 16 year old danish boy. I'm in what is equivalent in denmark to the 10th grade in the US, and i simply love math. It's funny though, since before i attended 10th grade, i dreaded math due to it being so boring - but i think that was due to the simple arithmetics we did in my...
  10. M

    IQ questions: Patterns in shapes and arrows

    Hi Guys, Got these two IQ questions... Anybody know the answers to? Not too sure about the answers to both...
  11. M

    IQ test: What's the next picture in the series?

    Hi Guys, Whats the next picture in the series?
  12. R

    IQ is supposed to be the measurement of your natural intelligence.

    IQ is supposed to be the measurement of your "natural intelligence." IQ is supposed to be the measurement of your "natural intelligence." However, can your IQ vary on how much brain activity you're doing? For instance, during the Summer a person is lazy and not doing any studying or anything...
  13. F

    What is the correlation between IQ and success?

    So there was a thread: about IQ and being successful that I think is an interesting topic and is worthy of discussion so I thought I'd start a new thread here. The reason for doing so is that I was recently reading Malcolm...
  14. F

    IQ Quiz: Can You Answer Bill's Questions?

    Whats your iq question! bill likes 25 but not 24 he likes 400 but not 300 and 144 but not 145 so what he likes; 1)10 2)20 3)1500 4)1600 post your questions as well.
  15. A

    Number sequence IQ question: What is the next term in this sequence?

    This sequence cropped up in an IQ test. I can't for the life of me work out the next term, any ideas? 3, 8, 18, 30, 70, ?,
  16. A

    In wich engineering you use the most physics based on iq and aptitude?

    I want a career in which i use a lot of physics, i was thinking in a career as a phycisit but i am afraid that my IQ,its like 110-120 and in the psychometric test i scored in the percentile 84%, so i don't know if you have to have a like a 140 iq or something, and i also live in a 3rd world...
  17. N

    Average IQ of Physicists: Is it Higher?

    what is the average IQ of physicists? is it much higher than the average IQ of general population?
  18. S

    Chess and IQ, chess and checkers

    on some message board I found this text: "Such games as Go, Gomoku, Chess, Checkers, Othello have a character of schematic games - this means that exist formulated patterns of moves which make possible attainment of the victory in spite of even a lot lower IQ and analytical skills. It is...
  19. Ƒ

    IQ Test Questions: Answers & Clarification

    These are some questions that I found on an online test. 3. 5. 9. 11. For three, I believe that the answer is A, since both of the other shapes have a large, medium, and small version. A again for five, since each of the first two cells in every row total the same as the...
  20. L

    Understanding IQ Demodulation in MRI Signals

    This suddenly came up in a MRI class. I kinda understand IQ modulation (both amplitude and phase are modulated). But how does IQ demodulating a signal help, specially MRI signal. In case you don't know a MRI signal, its just a exponentially decaying sine.
  21. T

    IQ of a Physicist and Other Related Fields

    I had to conduct a survey, and so my topic was Iq's of certain jobs but the most interested I'm in is a physicist. So my question to you if your a physicist is what is your iq? Also, do you think you need a higher than average iq to become a physicist or to study physics? And feel free...
  22. F

    If there is God why there is such a difference between high and low Iq people?

    hello i read the other guy's post "Do you think this guy in Iran would be name a genius if he was in USA or first world?" and two questions came to my mind, "why nearly everybody tries to relate success in science to IQ while there are people that don't have high Iq and they are success in...
  23. A

    Is Math Success Determined by Genetics or Effort?

    Sure they say that if you love what you're doing, you will excel at it. But how well does that apply to math/computer related fields? From my personal observations, I have noticed that math depends more on IQ/genes for success than any other subject. That's a strong correlation, but certainly...
  24. T

    Who is Smarter: Men or Women? Thread Closed.

    who do you think is smarter,men or women?
  25. B

    Medical BDNF Effects on Brain & IQ: Is It Possible?

    Hello, I came across this article about brain-derived neurotrophic factor" and I was wondering if this would have any positive effects on your brain and possibly increase your actual brain structure and therefore your IQ potential...
  26. S

    Physics has Something to do with IQ doesn't it

    Hi guys, I'm not sure this fits into this category but I think it "kinda" does (Physics has Something to do with IQ doesn't i?). I have taken the most accurate IQ test I can find online (I don't remember the name) and it said i have an IQ of 130. I've been trying to increase my IQ by doing a...
  27. baywax

    Raise World's IQ: Canadian Initiative on Micronutrients

    From the New York Times, Dec. 4, 2008 The iodine suppliment program started here in Canada with the Lions, the Rotary Club and other charitable organizations donating the time and resource to the poorer nations of the world.
  28. P

    Test Your IQ: Solve the Task and Help Peter S.

    Hello smart folks! I am developing an IQ test and is currently bringing all the tasks together, for one complete test. There will be no time limit on the test and it will be "culture fair", i.e. un-biased in terms of education, cultural upbringing etcetera. I am going to organize the tasks in...
  29. Ƒ

    What is the Purpose of an IQ Test?

    What exactly is the purpose of IQ?
  30. Jonathan Scott

    British Mensa IQ test upper limit

    Back in 1988, after moving to a new area, I thought I'd take a British Mensa IQ test to find out my IQ and then perhaps be able to get in touch with intelligent people. On both the practice test and the supervised test Mensa said that my Cattell-scale IQ was 161 (equivalent to about 141 on...
  31. K

    Reliability and Validity of Online IQ Tests: What You Need to Know

    Do you know any IQ tests online that has been used in mensa tests? I've taken one previously (119), but it wasn't a very good one.
  32. H

    What is the 15min Speed IQ Test and How Accurate is It?

    Yay! another IQ test! 30 questions in 15min, the test ends by itself. Not the most accurate, but fun nonetheless. Result given right after you are done, and a very lame "multiple" intelligence analysis too - all free. My score: 115. You?
  33. F

    Can You Decode This IQ Test Pattern Challenge?

    The attachment is from an IQ like test. The last third or so of the test was quite hard. I look over the questions after the test, just for curiosity and still can't figure some out. Any ideas on what is going on here?
  34. N

    High IQ turns academics into atheists I know that correlation doesn't necessarily imply causation, but it would be interesting if further study was being done. Does anyone know of any additional research in this area?
  35. L

    Interesting and challenging IQ questions

    Q1: What is the box suggesting? a-126485704 b-673258719 c- 123456789 d- 627456934 e-176h54308 Q2. What is the fourth sequence in the following: 1.BRRRRRBB 2.RBRBRRBR 3. 4.? a- BRRRRRBB b- BRRBRBRR...
  36. L

    Can Image Streaming Really Boost Your IQ? Does this work?
  37. Evo

    Geography IQ Test: Test Your Knowledge of the World

    So close yet so far... At least my flags are almost on top of the correct ones, well except for one that I hit the wrong state. It asked me if I knew this was on earth. :redface: There are tests for all over the world.
  38. B

    IQ 195 Genius Challenges the Many Worlds Interpretation

    Earlier today, I saw a show that had the smartest man in America with an IQ of 195 who is working on a Cognitive - Theoretic Model of the Universe. He attacks the MWI with: What do Many-Worlders think about a statement such as this coming from an intelligent person?
  39. D

    Solve the IQ Test: Find the Missing Number in These Equations

    1) if 11+35=128 , 9-25=76 , 5*50=250 , 40/8=? 2)if 5+6= 29 , 3+4=10 , 10/8=50 , 9-64 = ?? i wait your answer ...
  40. G

    Iq 130+ simple but confusing brain teaser.

    you are a jewelry shop owner. one day a customer comes into buy a $70 ring. He only has a voucher worth $100. you do not have any cash around, so you go next door to the pastry shop and ask the owner to change the $100 voucher for cash. the pastry shop owner gives you the cash. you go back...
  41. J

    Does IQ Increase More at 18 or 25+ Years Old?

    do you think your iq is higher when you're 25 or older compared to when you're in your late teens?
  42. J

    Iq test accuracy when there's more than 1 logical answer to a question?

    How can iq tests be accurate if people can come up with multiple logical answers to a single question?
  43. P

    IQ scores and normal distributions

    Hello I would like to hear your opinions on the normality of scores on an IQ test. The test had 30 questions and apart from the general IQ score separate subtest scores such as mathematics, verbal and spatial IQ were also calculated. Here is a list of results that were obtained from the...
  44. C

    Where Can I Find a Reliable Online IQ Test?

    I am looking for an online iq test that really tests someone and can give a more or less accurate test score afterwards. I have been to the mensa page and took a mini test they had there but that only told me how many i had gotten right and that i had a good chance of getting into mensa if i...
  45. Evo

    How Do You Measure Up on the 4-Variable IQ Test?

    This is a fun test. No, it's not an IQ test. Your brain: 20% interpersonal, 80% visual, 120% verbal, and 180% mathematical! Congratulations on being 400% smart! Actually, on my test, everyone is. The above score breaks down what kind of thinking you most enjoy doing. A score above 100%...
  46. C

    Squashing the IQ Curve - A Less Stressful Reality?

    If it were possible to squash the IQ curve ie. speed and depth of reasoning between the best and worst is not as much as as it is in reality...would this be a powerful way of creating a less stressful reality for all?
  47. E

    Is there a serious IQ exam to be taken on the internet?

    is there a serious IQ exam to be taken on the internet? if possible for free, just feel curious about my IQ
  48. F

    IQ Test Questions: Odd One Out, Amicable Numbers & Teasers

    Just something to keep you all entertained. :D 1. ODD ONE OUT Which is the odd one out and why? CHIS DENC PORL PERL FRAP SPAD 2. AMICABLE NUMBERS These are rare numbers. They are pairs of numbers in which the sum of the factors of one is equal to the other; and vice...