We can easily comment the result of a root operation just by the information if the degree of the root is odd or even.
But what if the degree of the root (or power) is irrational?
For example;
-64 ^ \frac{1}{2} \, = \, j8 \,\,\,\,\, (imaginary)
-64 ^ \frac{1}{3} \, = \, -4 \,\,\,\,\...
Do we have at present any knowledge whether our natural constants (gravity constant, Planck's constant, ...) are rational or irrational numbers?
My question relates to a specific example, namely the square root of two. If one forms a right isosceles triangle with the hypotenuse equal to 2 (be it metres, centimetres or whatever) then the other two sides must equal the square root of 2. But the square root of 2 is an irrational number. If...
How many rational points can be there on a circle which has an irrational centre?
(rational point is a point which have both x,y as rational numbers)
how to proceed??
answer is: atmost 2
Homework Statement
Let f be a non-zero continuous function. Prove or disprove that there exists a unique, real number, x, such that the integral from 0 to x of f(s) w.r.t. s = pi.
Homework Equations
If any exist, please let me know.
The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
√(3+2√(2)) can be simplified into a fairly simple sum of two number: one is an integer and one is an irrational number . Find them and show you are correct by squaring both sides of the "equation"
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Could you provide a link to a 'number system with an irrational base'?
I only found this link http://www.jstor.org/pss/3029218
The link shows a small part of this number system ... I would to know more about it.
Homework Statement
I can't figure this part out
Homework Equations
In the previous part of this problem, I proved that there is a rational number between a and b.
The Attempt at a Solution
Maybe 1 < √2 < 2 ---> a < √2 a < 2a ---> a < √2 a < 2b ... then somehow morph that into a < q < b...
Homework Statement
As the title says.
Homework Equations
Rational number: a/b for some integers a, b
Even number: 2k for some integer k
Odd number: 2j+1 for some integer j
The Attempt at a Solution
Assume √2 is a rational number. Then it can be expressed a/b for some integers...
This is a question I've had for some time, but didn't think to ask whenever I was around someone who might have been able to answer it.
If energy and matter are made of quanta, then why is quantum physics coming up with so many irrational results instead of integral ones?
Homework Statement
if n>1, prove that \sqrt[n]{n} irrational
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
so suppose it is rational, so i know \sqrt[n]{n} must be integer, say p
then n=p^n and how do i prove this is not true??
i can prove if p>1 then p^n>n for all n>1 by induction...
Homework Statement
The set of irrational numbers between 9 and 10 is countable.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
My belief is that I can prove by contradiction.
first, i must prove by contradiction using diagonalization that the real numbers between 9 and 10 are...
if the diameter of a circle is a finite value, and the circumference of a circle is a finite value, how can the ratio of those two numbers be irrational?
a new team, yee and kondo, just determined the value of pi to 5 trillion digits. (wow)
it takes only 39 digits of pi to make a circle...
sorry, I am using phone, owho i hope you can get it.
suppose its rational. in the form a/b gcd(a,b)=1
and so and so and so and then they concluded that a^2=2 is a contradiction.
but i cannot see what it conradict the assumption. help
Hi, I am from Belgium so i apologize for my English,
I have encountered a problem, i don't understand how to set up the sign analysis of irrational functions, so i decided to find some information on the internet, but the problem is that I am not sure if "sign analysis of irrational functions"...
Homework Statement
Is \sqrt{2} + \sqrt{3} + \sqrt{5} rational?
Homework Equations
If n is an integer and not a square, then \sqrt{n} is irrational
For a rational number a and an irrational number b,
a + b is irrational
a * b is irrational if a is not equal to 0
The Attempt at a Solution...
Homework Statement
Show that the function
= { x/2 if x is rational
{ x if x irrational
is not differentiable at 0
Homework Equations
If f is differentiable at 0 then for every e > 0 there exists some d > 0 such that when |x| < d, |(f(x)-f(0))/x - L | < e...
So if Pi is an irrational number, and therefore has an infinite line of numbers after the decimal point; my intuition tells me it would take an infinite amount of time to determine its exact value.
a) Do calculators and computers somehow know Pi's exact value or is it just an estimate?
This may be an elementary question, but I've been thinking about it a little bit and wondering what other people thought.
First, let me say that I'm talking about a number line not as a set but in the more literal sense, like a partitioned line that might exist as the axis of a graph.
Is there a way ( a theorem ) to find a rational number for a given irrational number such that it is an approximation to it to the required decimal places of accuracy. For example 22/7 is an approximate for pi for 2 decimal places.
Homework Statement
Prove that there is no smallest positive irrational number
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have no idea how to do this, please help walk me through it.
Homework Statement
Hi, I have this function:
f(x ) = 0 (x is irrational) or f(x) = 1/q for rational p/q in lowest terms.
show that this function is not differentiable anywhere
The Attempt at a Solution
This is the answer from the solutions book:
consider [(f(a+h) - f(a ) ) /...
Hey all, I'm new here so I'm a little noobish at the formatting capabilities of PF. Trying my best though! :P
Homework Statement
Let a, b, c, d \in Q, where \sqrt{b} and \sqrt{d} exist and are irrational.
If a + \sqrt{b} = c + \sqrt{d}, prove that a = c and b = d.
I have no idea how to go about this, except that we are supposed to use proof by contradiction to show that the square root of 3 is an irrational number. Any help or tips is appreciated. Thanks.
Hi, I am having an issue with irrational numbers and the term irrational.
Main Entry: 1ir·ra·tio·nal
Pronunciation: \i-?ra-sh(?-)n?l, ?i(r)-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin irrationalis, from in- + rationalis rational
Date: 14th century
: not rational: as a...
Homework Statement
I need to prove that \sqrt{3} is irrational.
The Attempt at a Solution
The prior problem was to show \sqrt{2} is irrational and the solution had to do with a contradiction that each number must be even or something (frankly, I didn't understand it too well). But I...
Is it safe to assume that the absolute value of sin x is greater than zero for all positive integer values of x? I have no real experience in number theory, and I don't know if you can say that there are no irrational numbers in an infinite list of integers.
Once again my professor asked us to ask 6 people the following question and see how they answer it so if you could respond and give an answer, I would really appreciate it. And if possible can you also tell me a little bit about your mathematics background? We are supposed to write up what...
Homework Statement
Prove: For every rational number z, there exists irrational numbers x and y such that x + y = z.
Homework Equations
by definition, a rational number can be represented by ratio of two integers, p/q.
The Attempt at a Solution
Is there a way to do this by...
I was thinking on the square root of 2 being irrational proof... and I got the idea that you could use the same idea for every root higher than two. The cube root, the quartic root, the quintic root, etcetera. (Obviously assuming the roots are natural numbers.)
As a reassurance I'm not crazy...
Homework Statement
Prove that in any interval there exists an irrational z.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
My professor wrote this for me when trying to explain how to prove this:
a \notin Q, \epsilon rational
[r, s]\in a
l([r, s])<\frac{\epsilon}{2}...
Prove that http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/2408/aaa12.png is irrational. A user on another forum suggested the following:
I follow that up to the last sentence. Can anyone clarify for me how to show this proof?
I'm curious to answer (or at least reasonably understand) what the answer to:
might be, where a>0.
It doesn't follow any ordinary pattern, such as an arithmetic or geometric progression. Also, if there is for any reason an easily...
Homework Statement
Prove that for each real number x, (x+sqrt(2)) is irrational or (-x+sqrt(2)) is irrational.
Homework Equations
We have already proven sqrt(2) is irrational
and a rational+an irrational=irrational.
The Attempt at a Solution
Proof by contradiction...
Homework Statement
Prove the set of irrational numbers is uncountable.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
We proved that the set [0,1] is uncountable, but I'm not sure how to do it for the irrational numbers.
Rational and irrational numbers. (semi-urgent)
I need to figure this out by tomorrow =/
Homework Statement
a. If a is rational and b is irrational, is a+b necessarily irrational? What if a and b are both irrational?
b. If a is rational and b is irrational, is ab necessarily irrational...
My maths teacher was talking about irrational numbers and I asked if Planck's constant was one, but he said no. However, I don't understand how this can be as it does not seem to terminate. Can anyone help?
Homework Statement
If (p_n/q_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} is a sequence of rationals in lowest terms converging to the irrational number x > 0, then \lim_{n \to \infty} q_n = +\infty.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I'm quite clueless about this. But heuristically, I...
I'm trying to integrate a product of irrational "polynomials" that have arisen through dimensional regularization. As a warmup, I'm trying to understand how to integrate:
(w-a)^b (w-c)^d,
where b and d are arbitrary numbers, possibly irrational.
Mathematica can solve this...
Well, there is a problem, i have solved/proved it, but i am not sure whether it is correct.
THe problem is this:
Using unique factorization into primes prove that there are no integers a and b such that a^2=30b^2, and thus show that sqrt{30} is irrational.
Proof:using unique factorization...
I've been thinking about pi^e lately, and trying to prove that it is irrational. By rewriting e as 1+1+1/2+1/3!+...+1/n! I got it to pi^2*pi^(1/2)*pi^(1/3!)*...*pi^(1/n!), and proved that each of these terms is irrational. I'm stuck when it comes to showing that multiplied together these numbers...
hi,i read the post of sq root of 2 + sq root of 3.i understand tat i should use contradiction to solve it.yet,i stuck halfway when i tried to solve it.
sq root 2 + sq root 3 = p/q
2 + 2*sq root 6 +3=p^2/q^2
5+2*sq root 6 = p^2/q^2
wat should i do after this?i hav to prove that the addition...
Homework Statement
Given any real x > 0, prove that there is an irrational number between 0 and x.
Homework Equations
I'm not sure if the concepts of supremums or upper bounds can used.
The Attempt at a Solution
Take an irrational number say Pi. We can always choose a number n such...
I want to show that an irrational number (let's say pi) can never have an (infinitely) repeating pattern (such as 0.12347 12347 12347 ...).
Is it possible to 'proof' (or just make it more acceptable, I don't need a 100% rigorous proof) this easily, without using too much complicated math...
Homework Statement
Show that 2^(1/3) + 3^(1/3) is irrational. Hint: show that [x][/0] = 2^(1/3) + 3^(1/3) is algebraic by constructing an explicit polynomial f(x) with integer coefficients such that f([x][/0]) = 0. Then prove that f(x) has no rational roots.
Note:[x][/0] means x subscript...