Why is it that,
\frac{a+\mathcal{O}(h^2)}{b+\mathcal{O}(h^2)} = \frac{a}{b}+\mathcal{O}(h^2)
as ##h\rightarrow 0##? It seems like the ##\mathcal{O}(h^2)## term should become ##\mathcal{O}(1)##.
Having done a course in QM I still find the first two chapters of Landau Vol. 3 extremely dense. Is there any nice reference that closely parallel's Landau's development, just giving more details/examples? Literally just the first two chapters, but done almost the exact same way + details/examples.
I was reading the volume on mechanics and I think the way they determine the dependence of the action function for a free particle to be on the velocity alone is just beautiful, how they rule out any dependence of the action function on the coordinates based solely on the isotropy of space, and...
If we first consider Helium-4 we can calculate the critical velocity via
\frac{d\epsilon(p)}{dp}=\frac{\epsilon(p)}{p} where \epsilon(p)=\frac{(p-p_0)^2}{2\mu}+\Delta is the dispersion relation for roton excitations in Helium-4.
Putting in the constants \mu=0.164 m_4 is the effective...
One page 24 of his book on classical field theory (4th edition), Landau derives the relativistic equation of motion for a uniformly accelarated particle. How does he get the differential equation that leads him to his result?
On page 7 of Landau and Lifschitz Vol. 1 3rd. Ed, it says
They then Taylor expand in powers of ε, getting (ignoring second order terms and higher)
L(v'^2)=L(v^2)+\frac{\partial L}{\partial v^2}2\bf{v}\cdot\bf{ε}.
I'm wondering what books people would recommend for problems closely paralleling the development of Landau & Lifshitz books?
For mechanics I have two fantastic ones:
Kotkin - A Collection of Problems on Classical Mechanics
Krasnov - Problems & Exercises in the Calculus of Variations...
This is problem 3 from section 9 of Mechanics, Landau Lifgarbagez.
I have been trying to understand the problem but I have no idea how to solve it.
Can someone give me a hand please? any comment or suggestion is very welcome.
Thanks for your time.
Best regards.
For the same Friedmann metric, Landau (Classical theory of fields) finds a value for the Riemann curvature scalar which is given in section 107 :
R = 6/a3( a + d2(a)/dt2)
whereas in MTW , in box 14.5 , equation 6 , its value is :
R = 6(a-1 d2(a)/dt2 + a-2 (1 + (d(a)/dt)2 ) )
I read on Wikipedia (and verified myself) that if the beta function is proportional to the coupling raised to a power greater than 1, then there is a Landau pole, i.e., the coupling blows up at high energy.
Here is what I got, for β=gα, where 1∠α, where g is the coupling and μ is scale...
I'm studying Landau's Electordynamics of continuous media and, although I like how succinct it is, sometimes it is too succinct! I'm having trouble with a particular passage, so I'll just try to summarize the section up until the part I don't understand.
The topic at hand is electrostatic field...
Can one tell me about the Mathematical Equivalent to Landau & Lifgarbagez. or any other set that deal with all Graduate Level Mathematics.
There is a Series by Springer, Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics but they contains too many books. It would be great if they contain Max. 20 books...
Homework Statement
Determine the period of oscillation, as a function of the energy, when a particle of mass ##m## moves in a field for which the potential energy is
$$ U = U_0 \tan^2\alpha x.$$
Homework Equations
The relevant equation is given by the general formula for the period...
London theory, Landau theory... and Lorentz Einstein law
I am trying to learn all I can about superconductivity and discovered an interesting document in Internet. Does the Lorentz Einstein law hold true for the supercurrent :
1) of the London approach?
js = ... ∂θ/∂r - A where θ is the...
Assume that we can expand the Helmholtz potential about T=T_c, M=0 in a standard Taylor series form of functions of the variables,
Why A(T,M) must be even function of M?
Coefficients can be expanded about T=T_c...
In page 28 of Mechanics by Landau and Lifgarbagez, there is the following equation.
\int_0^\alpha \frac{T(E) dE}{\sqrt{\alpha-E}}=\sqrt{2m}\int_0^\alpha \int_0^E \left[ \frac{dx_2}{dU}-\frac{dx_1}{dU}\right] \frac{dU dE}{\sqrt{[(\alpha-E)(E-U)]}}
Then, by changing the order of integration...
On page 13 in Landau-Lifgarbagez Mechanics, the total time time derivative of the Lagrangian of a closed system is given to be,
\frac{d L}{d t} = \sum_i \frac{\partial L}{\partial q_i} \dot{q_i} + \sum_i \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q_i}} \ddot{q_i}
Why does this stop here? I mean, why...
Homework Statement
Attempting a mechanics problem from Landau's mechanics (3rd edition) I get a different answer, as shown below. Error by me, or typo in the textbook? I can't find any errata page for the text, but since it's an older book, perhaps no such page is maintained.
Chapter 1...
I have been given a derivation describing the physics of landau damping, but i don't quite understand it. It starts with the equation for a charged particle in a 1d electric field varying as Eexp[i(kx-wt)] being determined by d2x/dx2=e/m Eexp[i(wt-kx)].
Since we are dealing with a linearized...
Question about Landau: Definition of "Number of states with energy" in an interval
Hey! I am currently reading Landau's Statistical Physics Part 1, and in Paragraph 7 ("Entropy") I am struggling with a definition.
Right before Equation (7.1) he gives the "required number of states with...
According to Wiki:
"If a beta function is positive, the corresponding coupling increases with increasing energy. An example is quantum electrodynamics (QED), where one finds by using perturbation theory that the beta function is positive. In particular, at low energies, α ≈ 1/137, whereas at...
I am not sure it is the right subcategory to post a question on statistical physics. But anyway, I read a couple of times that adding a m^3 to the Landau free energy implies that we may observe a first order transition phase, but I don't see why. Maybe it does imply some discontinuity in...
I don't know what the speed of light c is doing in the Hamiltonian for the Landau quantization. The term doesn't have dimensions of momentum anymore. :confused:
Any ideas?
My name is Camilo, i want answer one question about of special relativity, in Landau volumen II.
the question is in doc attachments!
is my first time, sorry.
i thought that if i try to derive the energy of an electron in a magnetic field, this could be done with the assumptions of the bohr model.
L=n h/(2π)
mv²/r=qvB => mvr=qBr²=>n h/(2π)=qBr²
E=p²/(2m)=q²B²r²/(2m)=n h/(2π)qB/(2m)
so i get the energy for the first level, but all transitions...
For a 2D system of N electrons in the presence of a perpen B field and parallel E field
the resistance comes out quantized proportional to h/e. And I know this result can be obtained by finding the probablity current for the lowest Landua level wavefunction. But isn't the resistance...
Hello all, I know this might be a redundant question. I started my graduate mechanics course tonight and we will be using Landau's book. What does everyone recommend as a good supplemental book to Landau in order to understand the concepts better? One that has I would say more elaborate examples...
Hi everyone,
I'm currently working through volume 1 - mechanics. I'm planning on doing the whole series over the course of the next few years, but there are a few topics I'd like to get to before others. I was just wondering if they are meant to be read one after the other, or if they were...
Homework Statement
Obtain the Cartesian components and total magnitude of the Angular momentum, expressed in cylindrical coords.
Homework Equations
L = 1/2 m (r'2 + r2 wz2 + z'2) - U
AM = del L / del w
where AM and w is respective angular momentum and angular velocity
The Attempt at a...
A question on "the action as a function of the co-ordinates" in Landau 1
Landau Mechanics, volume 1, third edition, page 138-139 (section 43)
I can understand equations (43.1) - (43.3), which talk about treating the ending point of the path as a variable.
Then, they continue to treat the...
Dau--film about Russian physicist Lev Landau 1908-1968
The film-maker is Khrzhanovsky
Here is the Cannes Film Festival page about the Landau film ("Dau")
Landau & Lifschitz, "Classical Theory of Fields"
The above titled book is useful in many regards, but occasionally I find what I think are errors in the text. I have the Third Revised English edition (1971). On p. 231, for example, an unnumbered equation E = J e. I have omitted the...
i am concerned with landau levels and wanted to ask you whether you have a link, where one can see the orbitals- just like the orbitals for the hydrogen atom- for at least a few electron states?
otherwise it would be sufficient if you could give me a hint how to calculate them.
hı ;
Pleaseee help mee.
My thesis subject is graphene ribbon and Landau Energy Bands of Graphite. I am trying to plot graphics in energy levels of tight-binding electrons in graphane in the presence magnetic field but I couldn't plot graphic exactly .Can you give me information how I can draw...
1. The problem statement
Problem: "Consider a classical particle with charge q and mass m in 2 dimensions (xy-plane) moving in the presence of a uniform magnetic field B=B_z.''
There are a number of parts to this problem, but it's the first three that have me confused.
"(a) Describe the...
Alright, here is something that is driving me insane. I feel like I've looked through every stat mech book on the planet and not a one discusses this stuff properly. My difficulty is in the study of phase transitions when one applies Landau's approach of expanding the free energy about the...
Hi I'm reading this great book Foundations of Analysis by Edmund Landau, a really old book that aims to build the foundations of analysis from basic arithmetic.
I'm not that strong on proofing yet but am trying, here is my problem.
Using these 5 axioms for the Natural numbers;
I) \ 1 \in...
Since I'm reading SR/GR now, I thought I'd complement it with a treatment of EM also. I am looking for a treatment of electrodynamics at the level of Landau, i.e. I want the covariant formulation and the Lagrangian formulation of the fields. My background is the level of Griffiths. Landau seems...
In Landau-Lifgarbagez Classical Mech there is a statement - " Mathematically if all the coordinates 'q' and velocities 'qdot' are given at some instant, the accelerations 'q double-dot' at that instant is uniquely defined" on page 1 in Chapter - Equation of Motion. "
However, I always thought...
Name is Lamont, new here. I am currently a graduate physics student.
I have been looking for A Course of Theoretical Physics by Landau and Lifgarbagez. I can find the books individually but I cannot find the whole series together. I found one site, Flipkart.com, that does seem to...
"Landau and Lifshitz"
I was reading some other forum when I found word "spe******ts" - it took me some time to understand what I am seeing.
Perhaps I should post it in brain teasers :smile:
I am trying to learn the integer quantum hall effect and have a pretty straightforward question.
I understand that the normal translation group does not commute with the Landau Hamiltonian. Does this mean that if you have a state in the lowest Landau level (LLL) and apply the translation...
The hamiltonian is H=\frac{1}{2}(\vec{p}+\frac{\vec{A}}{c}). We investigate this problem at a polar coordinate (r,\theta). The radial equation is
in order to find the...
Reading the Landau's "The classical theory of fields" (chapter 2, section 9 ) I have some doubts in explaining the steps in derivig the formula for the variation of the action for the relativistic free particle...
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to work through section 86 of Landau and Lifgarbagez volume 2 (The Classical Theory of Fields).
Basically, I am unable to get equation (86.6) from equations (86.4) and (86.5). I've detailed my working/question in the attached jpg file. I would appreciate any inputs...