Landau Definition and 115 Threads

  1. T

    Landau fluid mechanics- mathematical passage

    In the book about fluid-mechanics Landau in the first pages in the isentropic case from dw=\frac{dp}{\rho} deduces \nabla w=\frac{\nabla p}{\rho} but I can't understand... in its derivation dw and dp are material differential (dw=w(x+vdt,t+dt)-w(x,t)) in my view) so writing it...
  2. F

    Landau Notation: Writing Functions in Terms of Other Functions

    I have a rather simple question which requires a direct answer: We have two functions, f(x) and g(x). I know that f(x) << g(x) is the same as f(x) = O(g(x)). But if f(x) >> g(x), how can I write f(x) in terms of g(x) using the one of the four Landau symbols (\Omega, \omega, o, or O)? I...
  3. R

    How Close Are We to Reaching the Landau Pole in QED?

    Has the energy scale (or cutoff) at which the electric charge goes to infinity (the landau pole) been calculated? I sometimes hear that QED has been probed to tiny distance scales, and I was curious how far away we are until we get to distances corresponding to the Landau pole, after which we...
  4. Advent

    Mechanics by Landau: Solving a Lagrangian Problem

    Hi! Just reading the first book by Landau in the theoretical physics course, and I need some guidance about one point (cf. 4, Lagrangian for a free particle.) Notations: L and L' are Lagrangians referred to different inertial frames of reference. e is a element of velocity between L and L'...
  5. R

    Rutherford Scattering in Landau book

    I'm reading Landau and Lifgarbagez's Mechanics book and am having a hard time proving the following: On page 53, they present theta_0 = arccos( ... ). As described on page 48 eqn 18.2 the integral should produce this theta_0. However, I am not quite sure what r_min is? On page 48, they say 'It...
  6. L

    Landau series or Greiner Series - which one's better?

    I am just going to step into undergraduate level physics. I searched for books for all the topics and I found two great series of books namely, Landau-Lifgarbagez series of 10 books and Greiner series of 13 books. As I want to have one of them, please advise which one of them is better...
  7. E

    The classical theory of fields by Landau

    "the classical theory of fields" by Landau I hope this is in the right forum, if not sorry- please move it. I'm reading "the classical theory of fields" by Landau and Lifgarbagez at the moment (if you've not heard of it it covers special relativity/ relativistic em/ general relativity)...
  8. C

    Classical theory of fields by landau and lifshitz

    is this book good for studying e&m and general relativity?
  9. L

    Question about the Landau gauge

    I was looking at a derivation of the Landau levels in a crystal, and I had a question about the Landau gauge. The situation under consideration is a two dimensional system of non-interacting particles, exposed to a uniform magnetic field B directed along the z-axis (perpendicular to the plane of...
  10. H

    Complex Ginzburg Landau Equation

    Hi all. Anyone know things about the complex Ginzburg Landau equation? What is its relation with fluid mechanics? It seems that it is related to the nonlinear schrodinger equation? While the nonlinear Schrodinger equation describe the evolution of wave packets in water of finite depths, what...
  11. R

    Difference Between Landau & Symmetric Gauges for Magnetic Fields

    Could anybody explain to me the difference between a Landau Gauge and Symmetric Gauge? I know the Landau Gauge is given by A = (0,Bx,0) producing a constant magnetic field in the z direction. I am *assuming* (process of elimination!) that A = ½B × r = (-yB/2,xB/2,0) is an example of a...
  12. N

    I'm having major problems with Landau and Lifshitz Mechanics

    i'm having major problems with mecanics because the recomended textbook mechanics by landau and lif****z is far too mathematical. can anyone recommend a book which covers similar material with less general equations etc? I'm willing to lower myself to using engineering books!
  13. G

    Courses Landau Course of Theoretical Physics : Mechanics

    This is the first book in Landau's theoretical physics series and I am wondering how it was, as I was thinking of buying it online. What kind of things must you already be familiar with going into this book? Furthermore, is an understanding of single variable calculus satisfactory for this...
  14. K

    Landau Series: Mechanics, QM & Fields - Experiences?

    I posted this in the Classical Physics subforum, but as few people actually visit that I'll repost it here. I recently ordered "Mechanics", by Landau. It was recommened by my Classical Mechanics professor, and I was wondering whether any of you had experience with it. As a second question...
  15. K

    Landau Series - Reviews and Feedback

    Greetings, I recently ordered "Mechanics", by Landau. It was recommened by my Classical Mechanics professor, and I was wondering whether any of you had experience with it. As a second question, what are the other books in the series like? I'm particulary interested in the volumes on QM en...