Laurent series Definition and 162 Threads

In mathematics, the Laurent series of a complex function f(z) is a representation of that function as a power series which includes terms of negative degree. It may be used to express complex functions in cases where a Taylor series expansion cannot be applied. The Laurent series was named after and first published by Pierre Alphonse Laurent in 1843. Karl Weierstrass may have discovered it first in a paper written in 1841, but it was not published until after his death.The Laurent series for a complex function f(z) about a point c is given by










{\displaystyle f(z)=\sum _{n=-\infty }^{\infty }a_{n}(z-c)^{n},}
where an and c are constants, with an defined by a line integral that generalizes Cauchy's integral formula:













{\displaystyle a_{n}={\frac {1}{2\pi i}}\oint _{\gamma }{\frac {f(z)}{(z-c)^{n+1}}}\,dz.}
The path of integration


{\displaystyle \gamma }
is counterclockwise around a Jordan curve enclosing c and lying in an annulus A in which


{\displaystyle f(z)}
is holomorphic (analytic). The expansion for


{\displaystyle f(z)}
will then be valid anywhere inside the annulus. The annulus is shown in red in the figure on the right, along with an example of a suitable path of integration labeled


{\displaystyle \gamma }
. If we take


{\displaystyle \gamma }
to be a circle






{\displaystyle |z-c|=\varrho }
, where


{\displaystyle r<\varrho <R}
, this just amounts
to computing the complex Fourier coefficients of the restriction of


{\displaystyle f}


{\displaystyle \gamma }
. The fact that these
integrals are unchanged by a deformation of the contour


{\displaystyle \gamma }
is an immediate consequence of Green's theorem.
One may also obtain the Laurent series for a complex function f(z) at


{\displaystyle z=\infty }
. However, this is the same as when


{\displaystyle R\rightarrow \infty }
(see the example below).
In practice, the above integral formula may not offer the most practical method for computing the coefficients



{\displaystyle a_{n}}
for a given function


{\displaystyle f(z)}
; instead, one often pieces together the Laurent series by combining known Taylor expansions. Because the Laurent expansion of a function is unique whenever
it exists, any expression of this form that actually equals the given function


{\displaystyle f(z)}
in some annulus must actually be the Laurent expansion of


{\displaystyle f(z)}

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  1. H

    Finding Laurent Series for f(z)=z^2/(z+1) at z=-1

    Homework Statement Specifically, I'm trying to find the laurent series for f(z)=\frac{z^2}{z+1} around the point z=-1. My real problem is my procedure in general though. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong on a lot of these Laurent Series but for some reason I'm struggling with them. (Even...
  2. N

    Can someone explain the need for Laurent series in complex analysis?

    Hi! There's a few things I'm confused about, and I hope some of you would bother helping me with: 1) Why do I need these laurent series? As I understood from Calculus 1, the taylor series around ##x_0## will always approximate a function ##f(x)## gradually better as the order ##n## increases...
  3. S

    Laurent series around infinity

    Laurent series at infinity point I already calculated it, but my work was too long, I really wish to find a shorter route. Calculate the Laurent series of \frac{1}{(z^{2}+1)^{2}} around z_{0} = 0 First, I used simple fractions and I got: \frac{1}{(z^{2}+1)^{2}}=\frac{-i}{4} \frac{1}{z-i} +...
  4. U

    Laurent Expansion for 1/(z^2-1) in the Annulus 1 < |z-2| < 3

    Homework Statement Find the Laurent expansion for \frac{1}{z^2-1} in the annulus 1 < |z-2| < 3 The Attempt at a Solution I've gotten to the last parts but getting stuck there. First I expanded the denominator and did a partial fraction decomposition and arrived at...
  5. M

    Laurent Series Expansion of Electrostatic Potential

    Homework Statement Consider a series of three charges arranged in a line along the z-axis, charges +Q at z = D and charge -2Q at z = 0. (a) Find the electrostatic potential at a point P in the x, y-plane at a distance r from the center of the quadrupole. (b) Assume r >> D. Find the...
  6. N

    MHB Expanding to power series, and finding the Laurent Series

    Please refer to attached image. Hi, I'm a bit lost here with the first question. Unfortunately the online lecture covering this material isn't available due to their having been made some technical difficulties, and I find our textbook difficult to comprehend! My lecture notes are pretty...
  7. T

    Laurent Series of Rational Functions

    In general I am rather confused by this type of problem. The textbook has a single example and does not show (m)any of its steps so I'm lost. I have a test this coming Thursday and the following is the only question of this type that the prof. has recommended: "23. Use equations (12) and (13)...
  8. T

    Laurent Series Around a Given Point

    "[F]ind the Laurent series for the given function about the indicated point. Also, give the residue of the function at the point. 8. ##\frac{z^{2}}{z^{2} -1}##; ##z_{o} = 1##" (Complex Variables, 2nd edition; Stephen D. Fisher, pg. 150) I'm not very comfortable with Laurent series (or...
  9. BruceW

    Laurent series - where does f(z) need to be holomorphic?

    Hey everyone, I've got a question that might be interesting to those of you that enjoy maths. Note: I only did a physics degree, so I have never really done analysis in the proper way a mathematician has. But I am eager to learn about more rigorous maths. Right, so for a Laurent series about a...
  10. TheFerruccio

    Find the Laurent Series for (z^2-4)/(z-1) with z_0=1 | Homework Solution

    Homework Statement Find the Laurent series for the function that converges at 0 < \left|z-z_0\right| < R Homework Equations \frac{z^2-4}{z-1} z_0 = 1The Attempt at a Solution I think this is going to be a finite sum. I think it could be wrong, though, because it certainly differs with the...
  11. J

    Laurent series around a singular point

    Find the Laurent series of the following function in a neighborhood of the singularly indicated, and use it to classify the singularity. Homework Statement f(z) = \frac{1}{z^2-4} ; z_0=2 Homework Equations Laurent series \sum_{-\infty}^{\infty} a_n (z-c)^n The Attempt at a Solution I...
  12. FeDeX_LaTeX

    Laurent Series Expansion of \frac{1}{e^z - 1}

    Homework Statement Determine the Laurent series expansion of \frac{1}{e^z - 1} The attempt at a solution I've spotted that \frac{1}{e^z - 1} = \frac{1}{2}\left( \coth{\frac{z}{2}} - 1\right) but I don't know what to do next. WolframAlpha gives the series centred at 0 as...
  13. S

    Finding the Laurent series and residue of a function

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  14. O

    Finding a Laurent series / residue problem

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  15. I

    Principal Part of a Laurent Series

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  16. T

    Trigonometric Laurent Series and Complex Integration

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  17. D

    Question about Laurent Series Expansion

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  18. M

    Laurent series for pole to non integer power

    Hey all, I am doing a Schwarz-Christoffel transformation and I am trying to calculate the integral analytically using the residue theorem. My integral is the following: \int^\zeta _{\zeta_0} (z+1)\frac{1}{(z+2.9)^{{b_1}/\pi}{(z-0.5)^{{b_2}/\pi}}}dz This has two poles at -2.9 and 0.5. b_1 and...
  19. C

    Laurent Series Expansion Centered on z=1

    Homework Statement Find a Laurent Series of f(z)=\frac{1}{(2z-1)(z-3)} about the point z=1 in the annular domain \frac{1}{2}<|z-1|<2. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution By partial fraction decomposition...
  20. A

    Find laurent series about z=-2

    Homework Statement Find the laurent series about z=-2 for: f(z) = 1/(z(z+2)3) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Setting t = z+2 yields: f(t) = 1/(t3(t-2)) = 1/t (-1/(2(1-t/2))) = (1/t)3 * (-1/2) * Ʃ(t/2)n which can be put together in a sum, but I can't be...
  21. G

    Laurent Series Expansion of $\frac{1}{z^2-1}$

    Homework Statement Calculate the laurent series expansion about he points specified, classify the singularity and sate the region of convergence for. \frac{1}{z^2 - 1} at (i) z=1 (ii) z=-1 (iii)z=0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution \frac{1}{z^2 - 1} =...
  22. K

    Use geometric series to find the Laurent series

    Use geometric series to find the Laurent series for f (z) = z / (z - 1)(z - 2) in each annulus (a) Ann(1,0,1) (b) Ann(1,1,∞) Ann(a,r,R) a= center, r=smaller radius, R=larger radius Ann(1,0,1)=D(1,1)\{0} My attempt: f(z)= -1/(z-1) + 2/(z-2) geometric series: Σ[n=0 to inf] z^n - 1/2...
  23. J

    Can Degenerate Laurent Series Converge in Non-Standard Regions?

    Suppose we have f(z) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty c_n z^n; \quad U(z) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty c_n z^n; \quad L(z) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty c_{-n} z^{-n} where f(z) converges* in the interior of some annulus with inner radius r and outer radius R > r. Further suppose U(z) has radius of convergence R_0...
  24. D

    MHB Finding the Laurent series for $f(z)$ in an annulus containing $z = 2$

    Find the Laurent series of the form $\sum\limits_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}c_nz^n$ for $f(z) = \dfrac{z^2}{(z - 1)(z - 3)}$ that converges in an annulus containing the point $z = 2$, and state precisely where this Laurent series converges.} By the method of partial fractions, (how does the 1...
  25. G

    Complex Laurent Series for (z+2)/(z-1) on Annulus Region

    Homework Statement Find the Laurent series of \frac{(z+2)}{(z-1)} on C_1: 1 < |z| and C_2: 0 < |z| < 1 Homework Equations I have a formula for computing Laurent series, but it includes an integral that is impossible to solve. For everything that I've read, no one actually...
  26. G

    Finding the Annulus of Convergence for a Laurent Series

    I am trying to understand the idea of annulus of convergence. This is the example I have been looking at but it has me completely stumped. [∞]\sum[/n=1] (z^n!)(1-sin(1/2n))^(n+1)! + [∞]\sum[/n=1] (2n)!/[((n!)^2)(z^3n)] All of the examples I have worked on in the past have been...
  27. H

    A contour integral with Laurent Series?

    Homework Statement 1. Evaluate \int_{c_{2}(0)} f(z)dz = \int_{c_{2}(0)} \frac{z^{m}}{1+z^{3}}dz Where c_{2}(0) is the circle of radius 2 centered at the origin with positive orientation (ccw). I have done the question myself and compared it with the solution. However, I don't think I am...
  28. M

    [Complex analysis] Coefficients of Laurent series

    Homework Statement I have some past exam questions that I am confused with Homework Equations a_{n} = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \oint_\gamma \frac{f(z)}{z-a}\, dz The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure how to approach this, I'm completely lost and just attempted to solve a few: a) it says f(z)...
  29. S

    How do I find the Laurent series expansion of e^z/z*(1-z)?

    Homework Statement expansion of e^z/z*(1-z) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  30. D

    MHB Find Laurent Series for $\frac{1}{z^2(1 - z)}$ in $0 < |z| < 1$ & $|z| > 1$

    Find the Laurent series for $1/z^2(1 - z)$ in the regions $0 < |z| < 1$ $$ \frac{1}{z^2(1 - z)} = \frac{1}{z^2}\frac{1}{1-z} $$ Since $|z| < 1$, the geometric series will converge so $$ \frac{1}{z^2}\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty}z^n = \sum_{n = -2}^{\infty}z^n. $$$|z| > 1$ The geometric series will...
  31. D

    MHB A guide to Calculating the Laurent Series of $\frac{33}{(2z - 1)(z + 5)}$

    I have never done a Laurent series nor have we went over it in class but I guess I am supposed to know it perfectly already. The explanation in the book isn't that great. Find the Laurent series of the form $\sum\limits_{n = -\infty}^{\infty}c_nz^n$ for $f(z) = \dfrac{33}{(2z - 1)(z + 5)}$...
  32. V

    Why z^(-1/2) cannot be expanded in Laurent series with center z=0?

    I wonder why z^(-1/2) cannot be expanded in Laurent series with center z=0. Anyone knows?
  33. H

    Expanding in powers of 1/z (Laurent series)

    The textbook used in one of my courses talks about expanding functions in powers of 1/z aka negative powers of z. The problem is that I cannot recall that any previous course taught me/challenged me on how to expand functions in negative powers. For example, Taylor series only have positive...
  34. C

    What is the Laurent series for \frac{1}{e^z - 1} in the given domain?

    Homework Statement Obtain the first few terms of the Laurent series for the following function in the specified domain: \frac{1}{e^z-1} for 0 < |z| < 2\pi. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've attempted a few approaches, but haven't really gotten anywhere. For...
  35. N

    Finding the Coefficients in the Laurent Series of a Logarithm

    Hello, I am having difficulty matching one term in my Laurent series to that which mathematica tells me is the correct answer. For the function f(z)=log\frac{1+z}{1-z} we know that there exists a k such that Log|1+z|-Log|1-z|+i2\pi k Now, we know that the Taylor series of f is as...
  36. T

    Laurent series of exp(1/z)/(z-1)

    Homework Statement Find the Laurent series of f(z) = exp(1/z)/(z-1) around 0, and find Res{f(z), 0}.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution To find the Laurent series, I wrote exp(1/z) = \sum_{n=0}^∞ z-n/n!, and 1/(z-1) = -\sum_{n=0}^∞ zn. Then, using Cauchy's product, and rearranging...
  37. S

    Confused about Laurent series of analytic functions

    I am a bit confused about laurent series. I know the definitions where the coefficients are expressed as integrals. However, I am confused about how to actually find the laurent series in practice, for analytic functions. The information I can find online is just terrible, some of them do solve...
  38. M

    How to Solve Complex Laurent Series Integrations for a Multi-Variable Function?

    Homework Statement Determine the first three terms of the Laurent expansion in z of f(z)=\int_0^1 dx_1..dx_4 \frac{\delta(1-x_1-x_2-x_3-x_4)}{(x_1 x_2 a + x_3 x_4 b)^{2+z}},\quad a,b>0 2. The attempt at a solution I tried expanding around z = -2. f(z)=\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty a_n...
  39. K

    Laurent Series Expansion coefficient for f(z) = 1/(z-1)^2

    Homework Statement Determine the coefficients c_n of the Laurent series expansion \frac{1}{(z-1)^2} = \sum_{n = -\infty}^{\infty} c_n z^n that is valid for |z| > 1. Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution I found expansions valid for |z|>1 and |z|<1: \sum_{n =...
  40. R

    "Principal Branch Square Root of z in Domain C-{0}

    Homework Statement Does the principal branch square root of z have a Laurent series expansion in the domain C-{0}? The Attempt at a Solution Well I'm not really sure what a principal branch is? I believe that there is a Laurent series expansion for z^(1/2) in C-{0} because originally our...
  41. R

    The square of a formal laurent series

    Let F be a field. Let c \in F. I am trying to show that if c = f^2 where f\in F[[x]], then f\in F. So I am able to get rid of the terms with negative exponent. So now I'm left with a formal power series. Anyone knows how to do this? Thanks!
  42. N

    Laurent Series Complex Analysis question

    1. Homework Statement For f(z) = 1/(1+z^2) a) find the taylor series centred at the origin and the radius of convergence. b)find the laurent series for the annulus centred at the origin with inner radius given by the r.o.c. from part a), and an arbitrarily large outer radius. 2...
  43. G

    Couple of Laurent Series I'm having trouble finding

    Homework Statement I'm stuck on the following problems: I have to find the Laurent series around 1 of f(z)=\frac{z^{3}}{z^{2}-1} and the Laurent Series around 2 and on the annulus 1 < |z| < 2 of f(z)=\frac{z^{2}-2z+5}{(z-2)(z^{2}+1)} Homework Equations I am familiar with the geometric...
  44. G

    Laurent series around different points and on annulus

    I have to find the Laurent series for the following cases: f(z)=\frac{1}{(z-a)(z-b)} for 0 < |a| < |b| around z=0 z=a z=\infty and on the annulus |a| < |z| < |b| I know I can do a partial fraction thingy: f(z)=-\frac{1}{a(b-a)(\frac{z}{a}-1)}+\frac{1}{b(b-a)(\frac{z}{b}-1)} which can be...
  45. W

    Help understanding Laurent series in complex analysis

    The part about Laurent series in my Complex Analysis book is somewhat vague and Wikipedia etc. didn't help me much. I am hoping someone would tell me the exact mathematical definition of a Laurent series (around a given point?) of a given function, perhaps providing an example. Also, how can...
  46. P

    Representing a Function as Laurent Series: Example

    Homework Statement How to represent function \frac{1}{e^x-x-1} in form of Laurent series around point 0 Homework Equations Laurent series f(z)=\sum^{\infty}_{n=-\infty}a_n(z-z_0)^n Here is z_0=0 The Attempt at a Solution Computer gives \frac{2}{x^2}-\frac{2}{3...
  47. P

    Laurent series and partial fractions

    Homework Statement find the laurent series of sin(2z)/(z^3) in [z]>0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am completely confused. I can understand some of the examples given on laurent series, like using partial fractions and then finding geometric series. Do I rewrite...
  48. J

    Mastering Laurent Series Expansion: A Layman's Guide

    Homework Statement In attachment The Attempt at a Solution I break into partial fractions, then get stuck. Please help me in layman terms f(z) = -1/3[3(z+1)] + 4/3[z+4] Now I am stuck.
  49. K

    How to calculate the converge radius of a Laurent series

    A method to get the Laurent series of a complex function is by undetermined coefficient.For example f(z)=cot(z)=cos(z)/sin(z).If we want to get the Laurent series of cot(z),we can expand cos(z) and sin(z) to Taylor series respect,then assume the series of cot(z) is a_{ - 1} z^{ - 1} + a_0 z^0...
  50. Y

    Laurent series in complex functions

    hey there, I just studied the whole taylor and laurent series, and I think I mixed them up here's what I know: - if we have a contor in which our f(z) is analytic completely, we can expand it in taylor series. - if we have singularities, we can expand the functions around the...