Lecture Definition and 169 Threads

A lecture (from the French lecture, meaning reading) is an oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about a particular subject, for example by a university or college teacher. Lectures are used to convey critical information, history, background, theories, and equations. A politician's speech, a minister's sermon, or even a business person’s sales presentation may be similar in form to a lecture. Usually the lecturer will stand at the front of the room and recite information relevant to the lecture's content.
Though lectures are much criticised as a teaching method, universities have not yet found practical alternative teaching methods for the large majority of their courses. Critics point out that lecturing is mainly a one-way method of communication that does not involve significant audience participation but relies upon passive learning. Therefore, lecturing is often contrasted to active learning. Lectures delivered by talented speakers can be highly stimulating; at the very least, lectures have survived in academia as a quick, cheap, and efficient way of introducing large numbers of students to a particular field of study.
Lectures have a significant role outside the classroom, as well. Academic and scientific awards routinely include a lecture as part of the honor, and academic conferences often center on "keynote addresses", i.e., lectures. The public lecture has a long history in the sciences and in social movements. Union halls, for instance, historically have hosted numerous free and public lectures on a wide variety of matters. Similarly, churches, community centers, libraries, museums, and other organizations have hosted lectures in furtherance of their missions or their constituents' interests. Lectures represent a continuation of oral tradition in contrast to textual communication in books and other media. Lectures may be considered a type of grey literature.

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  1. Shackleford

    Where can I find helpful lecture notes for Spin and angular momentum?

    I have a feeling I'll need something to supplement my Gasiorowicz textbook.
  2. 1

    A silly thought i had while sitting through a geology lecture

    We got on the subject of types of rocks, some formed by the carcasses of marine animals on the sea floor. When organisms die, the body is chemically and physically broken down and the composing elememts and compounds are reintroduced into the Earth's natural cycles. Eg all of the organism is...
  3. marcus

    Lecture series on Causal Sets approach to QG

    I heard that Fay Dowker (Imperial College London) is scheduled to give a series of introductory lectures on CS-quantum gravity at Perimeter in October. They've been posting video of talks like this on PIRSA fairly consistently. So I expect Dowker's talks will be online--a short introductory...
  4. M

    Help me understand kinematics lecture on derivation of laws of motion

    I was checking online videos for lectures on kinematics and I watched one made by yale university but there was some part of it that I didn't understand when he talks about calculus derivation of Vf^2=Vi^2 + 2ax here is the video the derivation starts from about 1:08:45 I didn't understand...
  5. J

    Meteorology Differential Equations Problem Help | Boundaries & Constant Epsilon

    Hi, I'm a meteorology major and my professor assumes we know how to do differential equations, and I did at one time, but I have seem to forgotten most of what to do in the past few years. I was just wondering if anyone could help me how to solve this problem...she gave us the answer and the...
  6. H

    Are Unnecessary Details in Lecture Notes Confusing for Students?

    I have attached a lecture note which is meant to provide understanding on the following learning outcomes. appreciate the distinction between the macroscopic and microscopic views of matter understand the main qualitative differences between solids liquids and gases at the microscopic...
  7. D

    Physics I Lecture with no Lab, problem?

    At my college, I've found out, there's more Physics I lectures than Physics I labs. 144 spots for Lecture and only 112 spots for Labs. You guessed it, the labs are all filled up. I'm currently on a waitlist for the Lab. I talked to my advisor and she pretty much said oh well, you can take it...
  8. K

    Perimeter Scholars Lecture Archive

    I'm not necessarily sure if anyone has posted this archive of Perimeter Scholars International Lectures but I suppose that if it has or hasn't they'll serve as a distinctive and quantitative approach to understanding rigorous and advanced physics topics. The link is the following...
  9. G

    Lecture Notes - Introduction to GR

    I would like to know if anyone who had a good introductory GR course would mind sending me the scanned lectures notes if this person has them. I think textbooks have too many words and I prefer to study lecture notes. I am sorry if this was not the correct place for my post.
  10. E

    April 14 Live Webcast of Nobel Laureate in Physics David Gross's Lecture

    Wanted to let Physics Forum members know that next week, on April 14th at 2pm CST, 2004 Nobel Laureate in Physics David Gross will lecture on 'The Future of Physics' at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From cosmology to elementary particle physics and the physics of quantum matter to the...
  11. L

    Can anyone suggest a good book or lecture on string theory

    I am very bored and looking for entertainment such as a book or lecture having to do with string theory. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  12. S

    Discussion on Feynman lecture - E / B Field

    Greetings, In Feynman's lectures - vol. 2 either chap 19, 21 or 23 - I think 23 (I'm at work and don't have the lectures here), Feynman shows in a capacitor that a changing E-Field induces a B-field, then he shows that the B-field induces a new E-Field (he calculates the E-field) and then...
  13. J

    Audio/video lecture note downloads

    Would anyone know any good websites on the net that have audio or video downloads of lecture notes on digital communications, signal processing or wireless propagation ? I recalled that MIT used to have one, but a brief search of their elec eng website revealed nothing. thanks
  14. V

    Computer Science Lecture Notes - CSEE.WVU

  15. S

    How can I improve my lab skills and overcome my struggle in chemistry labs?

    i am pretty confused on this. i am currently acing my chemistry test, with minimal effort. The chemistry class also has a lab component to it. I am lucky, that i have a smart partner that i can copy her answers from because i am COMPLETELY LOST in the labs. Its like i have ZERO idea whatsoever...
  16. P

    A bunch of Classical Mechanics online Resources( lecture notes)

    Tell me you love me. http://www.phys.psu.edu/~lammert/419/notes.html" http://www.physto.se/~ingemar/anmek.pdf" http://www.phy.ohiou.edu/~rollinsr/phys605/" http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/336k/336k.html" http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/dynamics.htm"...
  17. S

    Math Lecture Video Archive - UCCS

    Thanks to RedX for this amazing link to the archive of Math lectures at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS): http://www.uccs.edu/~math/vidarchive.html They are in MOV format and access requires free registration. However, if you click on a course link and it asks for...
  18. A

    Question about moment of inertia of area. lecture note from malaysia uni given.

    please download the lecture note to understand my question. 1. What is the difference between (I) and (I bar) ? is I = I bar?they are the same? 2.in the slide i uploaded, chapter5.8 pg 31, the equation for rectangle, (I bar x prime) = (1/12bh cube) and (Ix) = (1/3bh cube) ,as you can see,their...
  19. R

    Teaching 7th Graders About Black Holes

    I'm giving a lecture on black holes to 7th graders... what are things that I should include? They're presupposed to have had Algebra 1 (Elementary, not Abstract Algebra ;)) and a good background in simple Newtonian physics (calculation of force, energy, weight, etc. along with very basic E&M)...
  20. Lisa!

    Lecture on magnetron and klystron

    Well I'm supposed to give a lecture on magnetron and klystron, but honestly I've not found enough usefulsources by googling. Do you know about any good reference?
  21. Cyrus

    How Did Systems Engineering Shape the Space Shuttle's Design and Operation?

    1.1 The Space Shuttle from a Systems Engineering Perspective http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Aeronautics-and-Astronautics/16-885JFall-2005/CourseHome/index.htm
  22. H

    Math Lecture Notes: Analysis, Number Theory, etc.

    Hi, I am searching Lecture Notes in math. More than MIT's OCW. Do you know some good ones? Analysis, Number Theory, Linear Algebra, Topology, Tensor Calculus, Math for scientists and so forth. In case I make grammatical mistakes or use improper vocabulary, please feel free to correct...
  23. R

    Solving Exercise 8.9 from ECE 3025 Lecture Notes

    Homework Statement http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=eightss5.png Homework Equations I have the lecture notes that is 14pages long that covers this particular chapter and the lecture note provided by my professor does not mention anything with switchs in the lecture note...
  24. I

    Complex Variable Methods Lecture Notes

    Lecture notes, assignments and other useful materials for a unit on complex analysis that I am taking this semester are available from: http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~keady/Teaching/3M2/index.html The lecture notes were originally written in the 80's but they have been updated and are very...
  25. H

    C/C++  Learn OO C++ | Tutorial & Course Notes

    Hi, The sticky on the c++ was great, thanks, but can anyone recommend a tutorial/set of course notes on the more OO side of c++? thanks
  26. Z

    A video lecture and tutorials collection site.

    hi, PHers, I found a site: http://videolectures.net/ which contain a lot of video lectures and tutorials. There are a lot video there. When it is playing a video, the slides will change synchronously.:rolleyes: I'm major in Computer vision and image Processing, hope we can communicate each...
  27. marcus

    Video lecture on Loop Quantum Cosmology

    LQC is the dominant approach to quantum cosmology these days, if you gauge by recent peer-review publication and citations in the professional literature. So anybody who wants to know about quantum cosmology could be well advised to get an introduction to LQC. Parampreet Singh is one of the...
  28. R

    Engineering lecture videos (U Wisconsin)

    Introduction to Plasmas: http://video.engr.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/Download.php?file=neep/525/NEEP525.html
  29. malawi_glenn

    Is Supersymmetry the Future of Particle Physics?

    http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/users/IanAitchison/susy.pdf http://www.cpt.dur.ac.uk/~georg/ss/ss.htm
  30. Z

    Is MIT's Linear Algebra Video Lecture a Must-Watch for Beginners?

    Hi, I found it is a good video lecture in : http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Mathematics/18-06Spring-2005/CourseHome/ so, as a beginner of linear algebra, It is a good stuff for you! All video can be downloaded to your PC. And Professor Strang is so nice speaking!
  31. G

    Lecture notes regarding integers ?

    Hey guys , was wondering if you guys know of any lecture notes regarding integers ? i would like to further my knowledge in this field ... cheers :smile:
  32. Math Is Hard

    How Did Randy Pausch Inspire in His Last Lecture at Carnegie Mellon?

    Some universities present a Last Lecture Series in which top professors are invited to speak as if it is the last lecture they will ever give, imparting words of advice and discussing what has mattered most deeply in their lives. Yesterday, at Carnegie Mellon, the last lecture was far more than...
  33. S

    Penrose Lecture: Find Web Address for Lecture

    Greetings, In one of these threads, somebody commenting on the original thread provided a link to a Penrose lecture. I now cannot find which thread it was in. I'm also not sure - it was either in Genral Relativity or Cosmology threads. Does this ring a bell with anybody. What I'm...
  34. S

    Where Can I Find the Penrose Lecture Link Mentioned in the Forum?

    Greetings, In one of these threads, somebody commenting on the original thread provided a link to a Penrose lecture. I now cannot find which thread it was in. I'm also not sure - it was either in Genral Relativity or Cosmology threads. Does this ring a bell with anybody. What I'm...
  35. Ivan Seeking

    Are Laughing Rats the Key to Understanding Tornadoes?

    Here is the main page: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=FreeScienceLectures&p=r This is a fun one: Laughing Rats
  36. P

    Lecture or Tutorial: Which to Miss?

    If you have a clash and can only attend a lecture of a pure maths subject or a tutorial of a physics subject both equally important subjects to you, which would you miss the lecture or the tutorial? Assume the lecture notes will be on the web but no recording of what is done in the tutorial is...
  37. N

    FREE Materials Science Lecture Notes

    http://sciencehack.com/pages/about This looks promising.
  38. P

    Lecture notes for the following topics.

    Is there any place where i can get lecture notes for these following topics Heat and temperature Change: Specefic heat capacity Heat and Phase Change: Latent Heat Conduction Radiation equilibrium between phases of matter Humidity its because i lost my book and have no way of...
  39. B

    Search for College Physics Handheld Book - Suggestions Needed

    Hi, I'm looking for a book that's relative to College Physics, specifically kinematics, dynamics, Newton's laws etc. Something that is small and I can read in and out of lecture, basically something portable. My textbook is okay but it would be nice if I can read a handheld book about...
  40. T

    Does anyone know any books, websites, lecture notes etc on S-matrix?

    Does anyone know any books, websites, lecture notes etc that discuss on the poles of the S matrix being physically, the bound states?
  41. Q

    Free Classical Physics Lecture Notes

    http://www.pma.caltech.edu/Courses/ph136/yr2006/text.html Ph 136: APPLICATIONS OF CLASSICAL PHYSICS Academic Year 2004-2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructor: Kip Thorne. 154 W. Bridge Annex X4598. Email: <removed by Doc Al>
  42. radou

    Structural analysis lecture notes

    An extremely useful set of lecture notes for anyone who wants to investigate statics of indeterminate structures (i.e. the force and displacement methods). Influence lines are included too. http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/apsc/courses/civ214/Lecture%20notes.html"
  43. A

    Dimensional Analysis & Laminar/Turbulent Flow in Pipes Lecture Notes

    hi can anyone help me out with links to lecture notes on Dimensional analysis and laminar/ turbulent flow in pipes
  44. MathematicalPhysicist

    Studying Effective Learning Strategies: Textbooks vs. Lecture Notes?

    how do you learn? through reading and summarizing from your textbook or by overlooking again at the lecture notes? i use the former, and from the lecture notes i see what i should emphasize more on my reading the textbook.
  45. marcus

    Oriti to give Smolin Lecture #19

    this week's lectures (#15 and 16) are the Hamiltonian quantization and the area/volume operators next week's (#17 and 18) are quantum Hamiltonian dynamics the natural next topic after that is PATH INTEGRAL dynamics which in this context is called spinfoams----in which area Daniele Oriti is an...
  46. L

    Online Lectures: iTunes U Release Status

    accroding what http://www.apple.com/education/solutions/itunes_u/"]http://www.apple.com/education/solutions/itunes_u/[/PLAIN] say, itunes is releasing lecture from different university. My question is that if they have released or not because i can't find any official lecture from itunes. If...
  47. J

    Heard from a particle physics lecture

    I heard from a particle physics lecture that no one (till now) knows what charge is. We know the interactions of things with charges and more or less its connections with other things, e.g. through electrodynamics, but no one can say what charge is. It is the same with time. I think something...
  48. H

    Medical Scientists Bridle at Lecture Plan for Dalai Lama [NY Times]
