I was curious if anybody knew any online resources (texts, lecture notes, anything) pertaining to the subject(s) of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering?
In the links section there was one useful link about Computational Fluid Dynamics, but the link is now dead. (Grrr... :()
Would anybody...
I have a question here that I do not understand completely.
The Growth of virulent bacteria is modeled over a short period of time by a very ambitious mathematical modeller as n=
10^{10} (x sin2x + tan^4 x^7)^3
where x is measured in hours from x=.02 --> x= .1 from 12 noon.
Nice lecture by Steven Weinberg "Where Do We Stand?
This is the 2004 KITP Future of Physics Symposium. I highly reccomend Weinberg's lecture. You may also want to listen to Leonard Susskind, who promises not to mention the Anthropic Principle in his talk, then flogs it mercilessly. As...
Today I attended a lecture by guest speaker Dr. Terry Kammash. He was speaking about the possibilities of space propulsion, and fusion was mentioned. As fusion is one of the subjects that interestes me the most, I was eager to hear about it. However, he seemed to treat fusion as though we are...
Well, this Thursday, on my birthday, "Dr. Gene Ray, Wisest Human" will give a lecture on his Time Cube theory. If you have not heard of it, look here: http://www.timecube.com/ . If anyone can decipher what he is talking about, please share your thoughts with the rest of us and explain it...
I am trying to see if I can catch a lecture I just found out about today by Brian Greene. Does anyone have any good questions that they would want me to ask if I go there.
Hi guys.
Can you help me with these problems in combinations.I don't know if my solutions are correct.
Problem 1
There are 3 classes,each...
I was bored today and thought to kick off the revival of www.quantumninja.com/toe (opening tomorrow again)
that I would create this
It is about 35 minutes of a lecture I wrote with help from some members here including...
There are some great Quantum Mechanics lecture videos made available by the University of California San Diego at the following sites.
Modern Physics
Lecture Update-- Powerpoint
I now have the speech written out... and now the powerpoint finished for my lecture in england. Thanks a lot for all the people that helped me, especially Self...
There is the link to the power point
I think you...
So here's the deal - I am applying for this special program at the university I am going to study at, and the next stage is to prepare a 10 minutes lecture about a scientific / technology / engineering subject. The shmucks in charge of this program printed the letters on May 9th but I only got...
Hi folks,
I'm a huge physics buff - the obsession is either dormant for some time or hits me in waves - however, my life has led me to another path.. I'm in a healthcare profession now, never to see any real mathematics or physics unless I learn it on my own..
I've been reading about...
Here at Penn State University we will be hearing from Stepan Stepanyan of the Jefferson Lab on the subject of "Hunting for Pentaquarks" on Monday, 1/19, at 2:30 PM in 339 Davey Lab. I'm going to take notes and relay the results to all of you out there...
If you have any thoughts on...
i've been trying to find a good set of lecture notes for independent study on the subject. I wen to the one in the thread on differential geometry and tensor calculus at people.hofstra.com, but it went offline while i was viewing it and i have had no luck reaccessing it.
There are some really good lectures on physics at Birmingham University, and I've been to a few.
This years christmas lecture is on Black Holes, Future Space Travel and loads of stuff like that. But, Its been soooo popular all the seats have gone. Does anyone know when this lecture...
Would you like to listen a lesson from Richard Feynman?
OK OK. Click the link to listen a lesson about solar system.
At the destination page click the link at the bottom.( 17.4 MB)
Don't worry about the file size - it's screaming.