Lie groups Definition and 103 Threads

  1. L

    Differentiation Problem on Lie Groups

    Suppose θ is a differential 1 form defined on a manifold and with values in the Lie algebra of a Lie group,G. On MxG define the 1 form, ad(g)θ ,where θ is extended by letting it be zero on the tangent space to G How do you compute the exterior derivative, dad(g)θ ? BTW: For matrix...
  2. S

    Quantum Gravity: Lie Groups vs. Banach Algebras & Spectral Theory

    Quantum Gravity: "Lie Groups" vs. "Banach Algebras & Spectral Theory" I'm interested in researching quantum gravity & non-commutative geometry. I am planning to take one math course outside of my physics classes this Fall to help, but can't decide between two: "Lie groups" or "Banach algebras &...
  3. B

    Using Lie Groups to Solve & Understand First Order ODE's

    Hey guys, I'm really interested in finding out how to deal with differential equations from the point of view of Lie theory, just sticking to first order, first degree, equations to get the hang of what you're doing. What do I know as regards lie groups? Solving separable equations somehow...
  4. Q

    Understanding Lie Groups: SO(1,1) and Dimensionality

    I am familiar with what SO(2) means for example but am unclear what SO(1,1) refers to. This came up in a classical physics video lecture when lie groups were discussed and the significance of the notation was glossed over. Second question: is the dimensionality of such a group the same as the...
  5. A

    Lie groups & Lie Algebras in Nuclear & Particle Physics

    Hi, I'm a student of Nuclear Engineering (MS level) at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. I completed my Honours and Master Degree with Mathematics. I have chosen to complete a thesis paper on "Application of Lie groups & Lie Algebras in Nuclear & Particle Physics." I need some guideline...
  6. P

    Why Can Every Element of SO⁺(1,3) Be Expressed as an Exponential?

    Hi! I was wondering why it is possible to write any proper orthochronous Lorentz transformation as an exponential of an element of its Lie-Algebra, i.e., \Lambda = \exp(X), where \Lambda \in SO^{+}(1,3) and X is an element of the Lie Algebra. I know that in case for compact...
  7. micromass

    Geometry Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations by Hall

    Author: Brian Hall Title: Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations: An Elementary Introduction Amazon link Level: Grad Table of Contents: General Theory Matrix Lie Groups Definition of a Matrix Lie Group Counterexamples...
  8. K

    Where Does the Coordinate Basis Approach to Lie Groups Break Down?

    Hello! I am currently trying to get things straight about Lie group from two different perspectives. I have encountered Lie groups before in math and QM, but now I´m reading GR where we are talking about coordinate and non-coordinate bases and it seems that we should be able to find commuting...
  9. J

    Gauging non-compact lie groups

    I know that gauging a lie-goup with a kinetic term of the form: \begin{equation} \Tr{F^{\mu \nu} F_{\mu \nu} } \end{equation} Is not allowed for a non-compact lie group because it does not lead to a positive definite Hamiltonian. I was wondering if anyone knew of a general way to gauge...
  10. mnb96

    Question on definition of Lie groups

    Hello, I have a doubt on the definition of Lie groups that I would like to clarify. Let's have the set of functions G=\{ f:R^2 \rightarrow R^2 \; | \; < f(x),f(y)>=<x,y> \: \forall x,y \in R^2 \}, that is the set of all linear functions ℝ2→ℝ2 that preserve the inner product. Let's associate the...
  11. mnb96

    Lie groups actions and curvilinear coordinates question

    Hello, let's suppose I have the following system of curvilinear coordinates in ℝ2: x(u,v) = u y(u,v) = v + e^u where one arbitrary coordinate line C_\lambda(u)=u \mathbf{e_1} + (\lambda+e^u) \mathbf{e_2} represents the orbit of some point in ℝ2 under the action of a Lie group. Now I consider...
  12. G

    How do you tell if lie groups are isomorphic

    How can you tell if two Lie groups are isomorphic to each other? If you have a set of generators, Ti, then you can perform a linear transformation: T'i=aijTj and these new generators T' will have different structure constants than T. Isn't it possible to always find a linear...
  13. S

    Lie Groups and Canonical Coordinates

    Hello. I have a question that has been on my mind for some time. I always see in mathematical physics books that they identify elements of the Lie algebra with group elements "sufficiently close" to the identity. I have never seen a real good proof of this so went on an gave a proof. Let Xi be...
  14. T

    Exploring Lie Groups: Questions and Concepts

    Hi everybody! Ok, so from a few days I've begun a group theory class, and i have to say i love the subject. In particular i happened to like Lie groups, but there are things that are not cristal clear to me, hope you'll help to figure'em out!First of all, Lie groups are continuous group, so...
  15. N

    Lie groups and non-vanishing vector fields

    I'm trying to understand why a Lie group always has a non-vanishing vector field. I know that one can somehow generate one by taking a vector from the Lie algebra and "moving it around" using the group operations as a mapping, but the nature of this map eludes me.
  16. R

    Director product expansion of Lie groups.

    For discrete groups, we can easily find the decomposition of the direct product of irreducible representations with the help of the character table. All we need to do is multiply the characters of the irreducible representations to get the characters of the direct product representation and then...
  17. P

    Fundamental Forces and Lie Groups

    Hi all, Sorry, I'm not quite sure that I've posted this question in the proper place, but I figured field theory matches best with lie groups in this context. Anyway, my question has to do with the relationship between the fundamental forces (electromagnetism, weak, and strong) and their...
  18. Matterwave

    Understanding Lie Groups: A Simple Definition

    Hi, so I didn't see exactly where group theory stuff goes...but since Lie groups are also manifolds, then I guess I can ask this here? If there's a better section, please move it. I just have a simple question regarding the definition of a Lie group. My book defines it as a group which is...
  19. marcus

    What makes Lie Groups a crucial theory in modern dynamics and beyond? Lecture Notes in Lie Groups Vladimir G. Ivancevic, Tijana T. Ivancevic (Submitted on 6 Apr 2011) These lecture notes in Lie Groups are designed for a 1--semester third year or graduate course in mathematics, physics, engineering, chemistry or biology. This...
  20. G

    Searching for Lecture Notes on Lie Groups from Physics Course

    Hello! Is someone aware if there are lecture notes about Lie Groups from a physics course? I would to study an exposition of this subject made by a physicist. Thank you in advance!
  21. A

    Why they call them Lie groups.

    Why do people try against all odds to make SU(2) isometric with SO(3) when it's clear from the definition that it's actually isometric with SO(4). Either way you've got 4 variables and the same constraint between them. It's interesting to see all the dodgy tricks that go into this deception...
  22. M

    Understanding the Product Rule in Lie Groups: How Does it Differ from Calculus?

    Out of curiosity, how does the product rule work in Lie groups? I ended up needing it because I approached a problem incorrectly and then saw that the product rule was unnecessary, but it seems to create a strange scenario. For example: Consider a Lie group G and two smooth curves \gamma_1...
  23. antibrane

    Question on N-dimensional Lie Groups

    I'm currently learning Lie groups/algebras and I am trying to find the infinitesimal generators of the special orthogonal group SO(n). It is the n-dimensions that throws me off. I know that the answer is n(n-1)/2 generators of the form, X_{\rho,\sigma}=-i\left(x_{\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial...
  24. J

    Generating group homomorphisms between Lie groups

    Suppose \mathfrak{g} and \mathfrak{h} are some Lie algebras, and G=\exp(\mathfrak{g}) and H=\exp(\mathfrak{h}) are Lie groups. If \phi:\mathfrak{g}\to\mathfrak{h} is a Lie algebra homomorphism, and if \Phi is defined as follows: \Phi:G\to H,\quad \Phi(\exp(A))=\exp(\phi(A))...
  25. nicksauce

    Introductory book on Lie Groups?

    Hi. I'm looking for an introductory book on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras and their applications in physics. Preferably the kind of book that emphasizes understanding, applications and examples, rather than proofs. Any suggestions? Edit: Please move this to Science Book Discussion.
  26. M

    Classification of semi-simple Lie groups

    A while ago I heard the following two facts about semi-simple Lie groups (though I have a feeling they may have to be restricted to connected semi-simple Lie groups): 1. That semi-simple Lie groups are classified by their weight (and co-weight) and root (and co-root) lattices; 2. That all of...
  27. S

    Lie groups and angular momentum

    As i understand it, the commutation rules for the quantum angular momentum operator in x, y, and z (e.g. Lz = x dy - ydx and all cyclic permutations) are the same as the lie algebras for O3 and SU2. I'm not entirely clear on what the implications of this are. So I can think of Lz as generating...
  28. Z

    Is There a Unique Torsion-Free Affine Connection on a Lie Group?

    Let G be a Lie group. Show that there exists a unique affine connection such that \nabla X=0 for all left invariant vector fields. Show that this connection is torsion free iff the Lie algebra is Abelian.
  29. Q

    Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Exp Maps & Unitary Ops in QM

    Can anyone expand on the relationship between Lie groups, Lie algebras, exponential maps and unitary operators in QM? I've been reading lately about Lie groups and exponential maps, and now I'm trying to tie it all together relating it back to QM. I guess I'm trying to make sense of how Lie...
  30. B

    3 questions about matrix lie groups

    1. The exponential map is a map from the lie algebra to a matrix representation of the group. For abelian groups, the group operation of matrix multiplication for the matrix rep clearly corresponds to the operation of addition in the lie algebra: \sum_a \Lambda_a t_a \rightarrow exp(\sum_a...
  31. J

    Some questions on vector fields on Lie groups

    Homework Statement Let G be a Lie group with unit e. For every g in G let Lg: G -> G, h-> gh be left multiplication. a) Prove that the map G x TeG -> TG, (g,v) -> De Lg (v) is a diffeomorphism, and conclude G has a basis of vector fields. b) Prove for every v in TeG the is a unique...
  32. J

    Why are SOnR and SLnR Lie Groups?

    Homework Statement Prove SOnR and SLnR are Lie groups, and determine their dimensions. SOnR = {nxn real hermitian matrices and determinant > 0} SLnR = {nxn real matrices with determinant 1} The Attempt at a Solution We can see that SLnR is level set at zero of the graph of a smooth...
  33. I

    Lattices in nilpotent Lie groups

    Please, help me with the following questions or recommend some good books. 1) We have a simply-connected nilpotent Lie group G and a lattice H in G. Let L be a Lie algebra of G. There is a one to one correspondence between L and G via exp and log maps. a) Is it true, that to an ideal in...
  34. G

    Manifolds / Lie Groups - confusing notation

    Hi there, I'm reading over my Lie groups notes and in them, in the introductory section on manifolds, I've written that F_{\star} is a commonly used notation for d_{x}F and so the chain rule d_{x}{G \circ F}=d_{F(x)}G \circ d_{x}F can be written (G\circ F)_{\star}=G_{\star}\circ F_{\star} Is...
  35. G

    Manifolds / Lie Groups - confusing notation

    I'm reading over my Lie groups notes and in them, in the introductory section on manifolds, I've written that F_{\star} is a commonly used notation for d_{x}F and so the chain rule d_{x}{G \circ F}=d_{F(x)}G \circ d_{x}F can be written (G\circ F)_{\star}=G_{\star}\circ F_{\star} Is what I've...
  36. M

    Comparing Books on Lie Groups: Representations & Compact Lie Groups

    I'm taking a course on Lie Groups and the Representations. We are using the book: Representations of compact Lie Groups by Bröcker and Dieck, and I find it very unorganized and sometimes sloppy. Can anybody recommend a very clear and rigorous book, where it is not prove by example, "it is easily...
  37. J

    Proving Lie Group \rho Preserves Inner Product/Cross Product

    Let \rho : \mathbb{H} \to \mathbb{H}; q \mapsto u^{-1}q u where u is any unit quaternion. Then \rho is a continuous automorphism of H. I'm asked to show that \rho preserves the inner product and cross product on the subspace \mathbf{i}\mathbb{R} + \mathbf{j}\mathbb{R} +...
  38. B

    Which Lie Groups are Riemann Manifolds?

    What Lie groups are also Riemann manifolds? thanks
  39. W

    Which Book on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras is a Classic?

    I'm looking for a solid book on Lie groups and Lie algebras, there is too many choices out there. What is a classic text, if there is one?
  40. P

    Lie Groups and Representation theory?

    What is the connection between the two if any? What kind of algebra would Lie groups be best labeled under?
  41. W

    What is the Role of Lie Groups in Isometry Actions on Spaces?

    Hi, everyone: I am asked to show that a group G acts by isometries on a space X. I am not clear about the languange, does anyone know what this means?. Do I need to show that the action preserves distance, i.e, that d(x,y)=d(gx,gy)?. Thanks.
  42. A

    Explained: Decomposing Lie Groups in Theoretical Physics

    It's common in theoretical physics papers/books to talk about the decomposition of Lie groups, such as the adjoint rep of E_8 decomposing as \mathbf{248} = (\mathbf{78},\mathbf{1}) + (\mathbf{1},\mathbf{8})+(\mathbf{27},3) + (\overline{\mathbf{27}},\overline{\mathbf{3}}) How is this...
  43. R

    Is U(t)=exp(-iH/th) a Lie Group in Quantum Mechanics?

    Is U(t)=exp(-iH/th) a Lie group? Is it an infinite dimensional Lie group? To what 'family' of Lie groups does it belong? thank you
  44. R

    Discovering the Functions of $\Bbb{R}^{2}\times _{\phi }\Bbb{R}$ in 3D Lie Groups

    Let G be a 3-dimensional simply-connected Lie group. Then, G is either 1.)The unit quaternions(diffeomorphic as a manifold to S$^{3}$) with quaternionic multiplication as the group operation. 2.)The universal cover of PSL$\left( 2,\Bbb{R}\right) $ 3.)The...
  45. A

    Prove Perfect Lie Algebra of R^3 Euclidean Motions Isn't Semisimple

    Does anybody know the answer of the following problem? Show that the Lie group of Euclidean motions of R^3 has a Lie algebra g which is perfect i.e., Dg=g but g is not semisimple. By Dg I mean the commutator [g,g] and a semisimple lie algebra is one has no nonzero solvable ideals. Regards
  46. A

    Finding the Real Lie Algebra of SL(n,H) in GL(n,H)

    Hi all, Anybody knowes how to find, or at least knows the reference that shows, the real lie algebra of sl(n,H)? By sl(n,H), I mean the elements in Gl(n,H) [i.e. the invertible quaternionic n by n matrices] whose real determinant is one. Many Thanks Asi
  47. C

    Exploring Lie Groups in $\mathbb{R}^3$

    \mathbb{R}^3 has an associative multiplication \mu:\mathbb{R}^3\times \mathbb{R}^3 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3 given by \mu((x,y,z),(x',y',z'))=(x+x', y+y', z+z'+xy'-yx') Determine an identity and inverse so that this forms a Lie group. Well, clearly e=(0,0,0) and the inverse element is...
  48. E

    Commutators, Lie groups, and quantum systems

    Hi folks. I've come across a method to determine the controllability of a quantum system that depends on the Lie group generated by the commutator of the skew-Hermetian versions of the field free and interaction (dipole) Hamiltonians. If, for an N dimensional system the dimension of the group...
  49. Q

    Tensors & Differential Geometry - What are lie groups?

    Tensors & Differential Geometry -- What are lie groups? I've heard a lot about "lie groups" on this section of the forum, and was wondering what they are and if someone could explain it in simple terms. Thank you.