Lie groups Definition and 103 Threads

  1. A

    How to Start Learning Lie Groups with Minimal Physics Background?

    Hi all, I wanted to study Lie groups and their connections with differential geometry. But i don't want to get involved with lots of 'deep physics'. I am familiar with a little bit of group theory. can somebody suggest the right introductory material like tutorial papers or books for such a...
  2. marlon

    Exploring Lie Groups and Their Use in Physics

    Here is a nice question I know that exponentiating elements of a Lie-Algebra gives you back an element of the Lie-Group. These Lie-algebra-elements generate the Lie-Group transformations. Like the Galilei-group, these Lie-groups are used in theoretical fysics as the great START, I mean they...
  3. turin

    Structure constants of Lie groups

    Source: Anderson, Principles of Relativity Physics p. 13, prob. 1.4 "Reparametrize the rotation group by taking, as new infinitesimal parameters, ε1 = ε23, ε2 = ε31, and ε3 = ε12 and calculate the structure constants for these parameters." My assumptions: (1) The εij mentioned in...