Limit Definition and 999 Threads

  1. Q

    What is the Limit of the Partition Function in the Low Temperature Regime?

    Homework Statement Ground state energy is set at 0. E_n=\left(1-\frac{1}{n+1}\right)\in with no degeneracy (\Omega(n)=1); (n=0,1,2...) Write down the partition function and look for its limit when kt \gg \in\\ kt \ll \in Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Partition function for this...
  2. R

    MHB Using Continuity to evaluate limit of a trig function

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone could expand upon and help me with this as I'm struggling "Use continuity to evalute \lim_{{x}\to{\pi}}\cos(x+\sin(x))" I do remember faintly how to do limits of "normal" numbers, but with trig I did not learn at all so I'm confused. This is same as finding the...
  3. Q

    Continous limit of a multivariate normal distribution

    Hello everyone, I am currently considering a set of random variables, \vec{x} = [x_1,x_2,...x_N] which are know to follow a multivariate normal distribution, P(\vec{x}) \propto \mathrm{exp}(-\frac{1}{2}(\vec{x}-\vec{\mu})^\mathrm{T}\Sigma^{-1}(\vec{x}-\vec{\mu})) The covariance matrix Σ and...
  4. lordianed

    Prove that f approaches a limit near a if and only if a = 0

    Homework Statement Let ##f## be defined by ##f(x) = x## if ##x## is rational, and ##f(x) = -x## if ##x## is irrational, prove that ##\lim_{x\to a} f(x)## exists if and only if ##a=0##. Homework Equations Epsilon-delta definition of a limit: ##\lim_{x\to a}f(x) = l## means that for every...
  5. wololo

    Multivariable continuity using limits

    Homework Statement Homework Equations lim(x,y)->(a,b)f(x,y) continuous at (a,b) if lim(x,y)->(a,b)f(x,y)=f(a,b) Squeeze theorem if lim a=lim c and lim a<= lim b <= lim c then lim b= lim c The Attempt at a Solution I proved that all the limits exist but somewhat the functions aren't all...
  6. M

    Time limit between GRE and application packages

    I have a question regarding GRE general as it is new to me. Suppose I have registered for the test on 15th of November and the score will be received by the college I apply on 1st of December. But my application packages (CV, statement of purpose, diploma etc) will only arrive there one month...
  7. S

    Find Value of Limit Involving Trig. Identity w/o L'hopital Rule

    Homework Statement Find the value of: lim x approaches 0 of : (3x - sin 3x) / (x2 sin x) Homework Equations Trigonometry identity Limit properties No L'hopital rule The Attempt at a Solution I tried changing sin 3x to -4sin3x + 3 sin x but then I stuck. Is changing sin 3x correct way to...
  8. thegirl

    Finding the limit of lim w-->wo ((exp(w)-exp(wo))/(w-wo))^-1

    Hi, I know that when you take this limit it is equal to e^-wo, but I was just wondering how you got there when taking the limit? lim w-->wo ((exp(w)-exp(wo))/(w-wo))^-1 = 1/e^wo w and wo are both two points within the same plane.
  9. Buzz Bloom

    Q: Limit on a moon's orbital radius due to sun's gravity

    I recently came across a Wikipedia article about somebody's (?) law regarding limits on a moon's orbital radius because the sun's gravitational influence is greater than the planet's at some distance from the planet. As I recall, the law had two different names associated with it. In addition to...
  10. P

    The Casimir Effect Limit: Exploring Its Relevance

    I was thinking recently about the Casimir Effect and at what distance does the effect become negligible? Is there any relevance on the surface area (or difference in areas) between the plates (I personally held the opposite, that any point can be considered to have equivalent pressure as any...
  11. O

    How can you determine the following limit

    Homework Statement How can you determine the following limit using rationalization? where x = h Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I attempted to multiply by the conjugate and cannot get the problem to work out. When doing this I noticed no terms canceled out and now I am stuck. We...
  12. Mr Davis 97

    Solving Absolute Value Limit: x→2

    Homework Statement Solve: ##\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow 2} \frac{\left | x^2 + 3x + 2 \right |}{x^2 - 4}##. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I am trying to solve the following limit: ##\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow 2} \frac{\left | x^2 + 3x + 2 \right |}{x^2 - 4} =...
  13. F

    Limit with trigonometric and polynomial function.

    Homework Statement For $$\lim _{ x\rightarrow \infty }{ \frac { { x }^{ 2 }+{ e }^{ -{ x }^{ 2 }\sin ^{ 2 }{ x } } }{ \sqrt { { x }^{ 4 }+1 } } } $$, determine whether it exists. If it does, find its value. if it doesn't, explain. Homework Equations Sand witch theorem and arithmetic rule...
  14. J

    What Happens When Evaluating Improper Integrals with Limit?

    Homework Statement Evaluating the following formula: The Attempt at a Solution Since the integral part is unknown, dividing the case into two: converging and diverging If converging: the overall value will always be 0 If diverging: ...?
  15. mr.tea

    Finding a limit without L'Hospital's Rule

    Homework Statement Hi, I have been trying to find the limit of the following expression in order to determine the Big-o(in particular, the order of decaying to zero) \lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \frac {\cos (x) -1 +\frac {x}{2} }{x^4} Is there another "reasonable" way to solve it? Thank you...
  16. N

    How to Solve Limit Problems Involving Trigonometric Functions and Square Roots?

    Homework Statement 1. Lim x→0 Sin(x) * sqrt(1 + 1/x^2) Picture: 2. Limx→0 Sin(x)/sqrt(x^2 + x^3) Picture: EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution What I did with the first was...
  17. L

    Limit on mechanical & electric energy conversion efficiency

    I regret to say that I know little of engineering, but, to make a long story short, I'm nagged by two questions about energy conversion efficiency. There is a thread i made titled "giant railguns recycling their own energy in space" in the science fiction & fantasy forum here that explains my...
  18. L

    Mastering Limits with L'Hopital's Rule and Factoring Tricks | Homework Help

    Homework Statement ##\lim_{\alpha\to\omega}-\frac{\alpha r_0}{\omega(\omega^{2}-\alpha^{2})}\sin(\omega t)+\frac{r_0}{\omega^{2}-\alpha^{2}}\sin(\alpha t)## Homework Equations I feel I will need to use fact ##\frac{d}{d\omega}\sin(\omega t)=t\cos(\omega t)## The Attempt at a Solution [/B]...
  19. Ali Muzamil

    Evaluating a Limit with L'Hospital's Rule

    Homework Statement Evaluate ##\lim_{a \rightarrow b} \frac{a^b-b^a}{a^a-b^b}## The attempt at a solution I applied L'Hospital's rule and to differentiate it, I took the help of logs.
  20. F

    Time Series - Autoregressive process and Probability Limit

    Homework Statement Calculate: PLIM (probability limit) \frac{1}{T} \sum^T_{t=2} u^2_t Y^2_{t-1} Homework Equations Y_t = \rho Y_{t-1} + u_t, t=1,...T, |\rho| <1 which the autoregressive process of order 1 E(u_t) = 0, Var(u_t) = \sigma^2 for t cov(u_j, u_s) = 0 for j \neq s The Attempt...
  21. M

    Limit as X approaches ∞ of (X)(sin(1/X))

    Homework Statement lim (x)(sin(1/x)) x->∞ Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The correct answer is 1, however I do not understand why. I thought that 1/∞ is essentially 0 and sin(0) = 0 so the whole limit would be 0. When I graphed it, the limit did seem to approach 1 though. I...
  22. W

    Determining the limit for function of x and y

    Homework Statement For f(x,y) = (2x - y^2)/(2x^2 + y), what is the limit as (x,y)->(0,0)? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution From this image, it seems that the limit would be non-existent since on one side of the sheet, it goes up and up to infinity whereas from the other side, it...
  23. S

    Calculating Torque Limit on a hollow shaft type component

    I am designing a custom socket for an application at work and I am concerned about the wall thickness in the area marked by the red box (see attached drawing). The socket will be used to torque a nut to 500Nm. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and I can do stress calcs on straight...
  24. R

    Power series where radius of convergence > lower limit

    Homework Statement Let ##\sum^{\infty}_{n=0} a_n(z-a)^n## be a real or complex power series and set ##\alpha = \limsup\limits_{n\rightarrow\infty} |a_n|^{\frac{1}{n}}##. If ##\alpha = \infty## then the convergence radius ##R=0##, else ##R## is given by ##R = \frac{1}{\alpha}##, where...
  25. arpon

    Limit of a Difference of Rational Functions

    Homework Statement $$\lim _{x \rightarrow 1} (\frac{23}{1-x^{23}}-\frac{11}{1-x^{11}})$$Homework Equations i) For functions f and g which are differentiable on an open interval I except possibly at a point c contained in I, if , and exists, and for all x in I with x ≠ c, then...
  26. G

    Tangent of function and its limit position

    Homework Statement Find tangent line of y=xe^{\frac{1}{x}} at point x=\alpha and it's limit position when \alpha \rightarrow +\infty. Homework Equations Tangent of y=f(x) at point M(x_0,f(x_0)): y-y_0=f^{'}(x_0)(x-x_0) The Attempt at a Solution Applying the above equation for tangent of...
  27. L

    Clarification: Breaking up a limit going towards infinity

    Homework Statement Find \lim_{x\to \infty} \sqrt{x^2+1}-x Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution This is mostly for a refresher. I know it's zero because when we multiply the top and bottom by the conjugate to obtain \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2+1}+x} and the denominator increases without bound...
  28. nuuskur

    Limit Calc: Find $\lim\limits_{t\to -1} \frac{\sqrt[3]{t}+1}{\sqrt[5]{t}+1}

    Homework Statement Find the limit \lim\limits_{t\to -1}\frac{\sqrt[3]{t}+1}{\sqrt[5]{t}+1}. Needless to say: No L'Hopital's rule, otherwise this thread would not exist. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Have tried multiplying the fraction such that I get the difference of squares in...
  29. W

    Identifying limit of puck height

    Homework Statement This homework isn't for a course. There is a book on hockey physics with a section discussing puck drop below intended target. When I use the book's formula modified for drag and lift, it seems to show that a 100 mph shot, taken from 30 feet from the net, can not hit the...
  30. N

    What version of the definition of derivative

    If my understanding is correct the definition of a derivative is lim h->0 (f(x+h)-f(x))/h However, I've also seen this used: lim x->c (f(x)-f(x))/(x-c) are these both considered valid definition for the derivative or does the derivative have to tend towards zero? I am a bit confused because I...
  31. T

    What are the Asymptotes of (X-5)/(X^2+X-6)?

    Good afternoon 1. Homework Statement Draw graph of the following equation Homework Equations \frac{X-5}{X^2+X-6} = y The Attempt at a Solution my problem is searching for the vertical asymptote from what I know the way to find the vertical asymptote is by limiting the equation near to ∞...
  32. N

    Solve Limit Problem: SQRT(-2)/(4-x) as x Approaches 4

    Homework Statement [/b] Determine if the limit exists as a number, ∞, -∞ or DNE lim x->4- -(2)/(sqrt(4-x)) The Attempt at a Solution lim x->4-... I honestly don't know how to solve. Because I don't know what to do with the sqrt function. If someone could lead me in the right direction here...
  33. Julio1

    MHB What is the limit of a circumference as the power approaches infinity?

    Show that $\displaystyle\lim_{p\to +\infty}C_p ((0,0); 1)=C_{\infty}((0,0);1).$ Hello, I think that this limit is infinite. At $C_p=\{(x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^2: |x|^p+|y|^p=1, \, p>1\}$, then is reasonably think. But how can show this?
  34. mr.tea

    Calculus limit and sequence Question

    Homework Statement prove: \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} {\frac{n!}{2^n}}=\infty Homework Equations Def. of a limit The Attempt at a Solution I would like to know if my solution is right or not. I think it is right but I would like to get a feedback. Please do not give me the answer, just...
  35. karush

    MHB What is the Limit as x Approaches 0 for the Absolute Value Function?

    $$\lim_{{x}\to{0}}\frac{\left| 2x-1 \right|-\left| 2x+1 \right|}{x}=-4$$ I tried /x but couldn't get the answer
  36. J

    Calculate Limit: $\frac{\sqrt{z}-i+\sqrt{z+1}}{\sqrt{z^2-1}}$

    Homework Statement Calculate the following limit if it exists ## lim_{z\to -1}\frac{\sqrt{z}-i+\sqrt{z+1}}{\sqrt{z^2-1}} ## the branch of root is chosen to that ##\sqrt{-1}=i## Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] By inserting ##z=-1## directly, I get a ##\frac{0}{0}##...
  37. F

    Is there an easier way to find this limit rigorously?

    Homework Statement Show that ##\lim _{ n\rightarrow \infty }{ \left( \frac { \sqrt { n+c } +d }{ \sqrt [ 3 ]{ { n }^{ 2 }+an+b } } \right) } =0,\quad n>-c ## Homework Equations Sandwich theorem The Attempt at a Solution Ok, So I know my method is extremely long, I'm just wandering if 1)...
  38. karush

    MHB What are the values of $a$ and $b$ in this limit?

    $$\lim_{{x}\to{0 }}\frac{\sqrt{ax+b}-2 }{x}=1$$ Find $a$ and $b$ Clueless!
  39. karush

    MHB What is the Limit of a Rational Expression?

    $$\lim_{{x}\to{\infty}}\frac{\sqrt{3x^2 - 1 }}{x-1}=\sqrt{3}$$ I tried dividing everything by ${x}^{2}$ but not
  40. C

    Cuts of a Feynman diagram and the massless limit

    Consider a ##j## point all massive leg one loop polygonal Feynman diagram ##P## representing some scattering process cut on a particular mass channel ##s_i##. Invoking the relevant Feynman rules and proceeding with the integration via dimensional regularisation for example gives me an expression...
  41. F

    Optimized Prove Limit of {x_n} = 0 with Epsilon

    Edit: the red \E is the epsilon sign 1. Homework Statement ##Given\quad { x }_{ n }=\sqrt { n+1 } +\sqrt { n+2 } -2\sqrt { n+3 } \\ Prove\quad that:\quad \lim _{ n\rightarrow \infty }{ { x }_{ n } } =0## Homework Equations ##For\quad any\quad arbitrary\quad \E >0,\quad there\quad...
  42. F

    Using different limit laws give different answer?

    Hi, My instructor gave us a challenge problem to solve in limits: ##\lim _{ x\rightarrow \infty }{ \left[ { x }^{ 2 }\left( 1-\cos { \frac { 5.1 }{ x } } \right) \right] } ## Note that we did not take Hospital's rule yet so we couldn't have used it. Now my first thought was to use the...
  43. D

    Questions on tensors in GR and the Newtonian limit

    Hi. I am self-studying GR and have many questions. Here are a few. If anyone can help me with any of them I would be grateful. 1 - What is the difference between Tu v and Tvu ? 2 - I have read that the order of indices matters in tensors but when transforming tensors from one coordinate...
  44. amrmohammed

    Why Mineral Insulated Heating Cables have power output limit?

    Hello Why does Mineral Insulated heating cables have such limited power output per feet and maximum operating voltages? I thought it has to do with the dielectric strength of the MgO, that is used as an insulation in the coaxial cable, but the dielectric strength for MgO is higher than the...
  45. K

    Finding the Limit: One-sided and Imaginary Numbers

    Hi all! In the midst of making up limit problems to solve generally, I came across a limit in which I'm not sure of the answer. This is not homework, but merely a product of free time. Homework Statement Find the limit. ## lim_{x \to a^+} {\frac{\sqrt(a^2 - x^2)}{a}} , a > 0 ## The attempt...
  46. chimath35

    Limit problem with square root

    I have done this problem before but forgot how to get from one step to the next: let a>0. how is absval(x^1/2-a^1/2) equal to abval(x-a)/(x^1/2-a^1/2)?
  47. physdood

    Proving that multivariable limit exists

    Homework Statement Given f(x,y)=(y+x)/(y-x) use an ε-∂ proof to show that lim(x,y)→(0,1) f(x,y) exists. Homework Equations |(y+x)/(y-x)-1|=|(2x)/(y-x)| The Attempt at a Solution I know that the limit is 1. I can't figure out how to massage the above any further to get it into the form...
  48. Mr Davis 97

    Finding the limit of a rational expression

    To find the horizontal asymptotes of a rational function, we find the limit as x goes to infinity. Given the rational function ##\displaystyle\frac{x + 1}{\sqrt{x^2+1}}##, we can find the limit by multiplying the numerator and the denominator by ##\frac{1}{x}##. This gives us ##\frac{1 +...
  49. P

    Newtonian Limit of GR: Exploring Einstein Equations

    Hi guys, I don´t understand too much the Newtonian limit of General Relativity. My question is: In this limit ga b (x) = ηa b (x) + ha b (x) where O(h2→0). Then, according to GR, it's straightforward to demonstrate that the Einstein equation Gt t = k*Tt t in that limit leads to Poisson equation...
  50. Stephanus

    Understanding the Limits and Derivatives of Sine and Cosine Functions

    Dear PF Forum, In previous threads, I have asked about sine and cosine. The answer given by the members/mentors/advisor are very clear. But lengthy. Perhaps these yes/no questions that I can simply remember and not forget it (again). So here we are 1. if h = 0 then sin(h) = 0 2. if ##\lim_{h...